Sky High (Gym)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
Sky High (Gym)
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2023 2:53:13 GMT
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‘You have the stamina of a fucking Mudsdale!’

The Salamence had to stop for a few moments to reorient his flight trajectory because holy hellballs on a stick this was getting harder and harder to do the longer they were out here. It was, for lack of a better term, fucking crazy.

Composing himself for a few more moments, the Salamence then charged forward again, all claws on his front and hind quarters glowing as he literally came in screaming, a ball of rolling Dragon Claws looking to rip, shred, and destroy.

If not destroy, then probably bang up the Dragonite more than a little, considering the Salamence was now a spinning, whirling ball of draconic energy looking to destroy.

Salamence is out on the field!

Salamence pauses to recover, a sure sign he’s tiring down Salamence then rushes in with a Dragon Claw coming from all four quarters (front AND hind)!

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Sky High (Gym)
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2023 21:48:12 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
At the other dragons remark Draco just let out an annoyed "tch" sound similar to his trainer when such things came to light. Draco was stronger than all of his trainers other pokemon, even the ones that could Mega Evolve. The reason for that? Because he fought them everyday at their best. Battered, and bruised he continued on to the end. Even the Z-Move of hadn't been enough to put him down, despite how much it had hurt, and caught him off guard. Draco was durable if nothing else. The attacks hurt, but that didn't mean he was just going to roll over because of a little pain. Ogun, Vilu, Orira, were all tough opponents, but Draco always managed to come out on top. So when the Dragon Claw came at him, he didn't bother dodging it.

His opponent was tiring out, and that was enough for him to want to finish this battle with a little style if nothing else. So when the claws dug into his scales he let out a roar of defiance.

"You are but a fly compared to me....Let me show you the difference between us, fly." Draco roared like some makeshift anime villain, and he would grip hard on to the Salamence not letting him go. Keeping him close, he would begin to fly straight up at Extreme Speeds going far faster than he should, and then he changed trajectory, and began to nose dive. Gathering more, and more speed the entire time as he headed for a wall. With the Salamence in front of him, it was obvious he was going to use this momentum to crash it into a wall, and attempt to end this fight.

Draco hurt, he felt pain, but pain was proof he could still fight after all he had been through, his trainer had a dream still, and he would fulfill it.

Draco takes the Dragon Claw, and in the process attempts to stop the whirling ball of deaht with his bare claws.
Draco attempts to grapple Salamence, and then fly straight up using Extreme Speed, and then straight down, using that speed to crash Salamence into the wall.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
Sky High (Gym)
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2023 19:39:28 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

‘You’re as stubborn as a cockroach!’

Another defiant roar came from the Salamence, and boy was Alexei tempted to bust out the—the secret weapon his Salamence knew, however he wasn’t sure how the Dragonite would take it because, well, this was a mano a mano battle!

The two draconic blurs then flew straight up—and he recognized what an Extreme Speed looked like, and just like a man the Salamence took the brunt force of the attack—however on the way down he whipped his tail and brought down a surprise hurtling Rock Slide in mid-air, attempting to slam into the Dragonite while the other was so preoccupied with trying to take him down through the force of the attack as they came hurtling back towards the ground—

In a resounding, powerful crashing noise. As the dust kicked up, he had to shield his eyes as he squinted through the dust cloud—

There was no way the Salamence was going to give up, oh no, he was a mcfucking fighter for Arceus’s sake! Battered, bruised, he got up—on wobbly legs and let out a defiant roar—a sign he wasn’t going to lose.

Salamence is out on the field!

Salamence takes the Extreme Speed attack, however on the way down he also summoned a Rock Slide to catch the Dragonite off-guard with the avalanche of boulders following them down!

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Sky High (Gym)
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2023 17:24:26 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
They had to think quickly to avoid this, Draco was tiring just like his counterpart, and it was the Rock Slide that was going to take them both out. On reflex Amor gave the order!

"Roost!" A dull blue glow surrounded Draco as he roosted to recover, and it had the added effect of removing his Flying Type temporarily making him less vulnerable to the rock type attack that was now crashing into him relentlessly. With his injuries being mended, and new ones appearing during the Rock Slide Draco flared his wings hard as he looked down, if he hadn't done that, this battle would have surely been over at that exact moment.

It wasn't a tactic Amor particularly liked using, but Alexei was strong enough that he was going to have to pull out all the stops to defeat him, and as the last boulder broke across his back, Draco roared back just as defiantly. The last time they had faced an opponent this tough was probably when he used that Z-Move. If Draco had been any weaker he would have just been KO'd instantly that was just how terrifying it was.

"Here I thought I was the only Dragon Master in this region. Allow me to give you my heartfelt apologies for being that arrogant." Amor spoke directly to Alexei, it was rare for him to praise another trainer that used the same typing as him, but this man had earned it. A normal Salamence would have been done in long ago, but Alexei obviously raised his pokemon well, and cared for them with utmost love. Amor would not sully that, and so that was his way of acknowledging another if only a little. That didn't mean he could just lose however, because Amor was a Dragon Master, and thus he had to prove himself against such a powerful foe.

For the first time Draco didn't retort, and he just locked eyes with the Salamence who was just as stubborn as him, and it was with that, that the final lap of this battle would start.

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
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Alexei Ivanov
Sky High (Gym)
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2023 19:31:00 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“You know… in another universe, I may as well have been one,” he admitted to the other man.

Most of his best fighters were actually the half-draconids, however Gabriel was a very special Salamence—because he was the first Pokémon he’d caught himself when he arrived in Hoenn all those years ago.

Who knew a couple of oddballs would fight up from nothing and find themselves standing here, today?

“And I will admit, your Dragonite is in another class entirely. Maybe my own Dragonite can take a leaf out of his book,” he continued with this smile as the wobbly-legged Salamence roared one more time, one last time—before flying forward and flaring his wings as wide as possible—

Let’s face it, looks like Gabriel the Salamence may have earned a worthy rival in this particular Dragonite, wouldn’t you say?

“This is going to be the attack that decides this entire match! Gabriel—give it everything you’ve got!”

Which didn’t need saying twice, because what other way to take down a Dragonite than to hit it with its own weakness?!

The ‘whirling ball of death’ then began spinning, the draconic energy whirling all around as the Dragon Claw of a whirling Salamence came crashing down like a bowling ball, throwing everything he could into this attack aimed at the Dragonite!

Salamence is out on the field!

no way in hell is he going to lose! Here comes the last(?!) attack; a spinning, whirling Dragon Claw wrecking ball of snarling pride and glory!

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Sky High (Gym)
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2023 20:57:28 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
The Dragon Claw came, and Draco didn't flinch, or even budge instead he reached out with his own claws, and grabbed the Salamence in a hand lock. He wasn't going to let go, the attack hurt, but now that he had the Salamence in his grip there was no escaping him. That was when it started the clouds above darkened as more meteors appeared hurtling straight for them. It would appear to the unobserved eye that Draco was trying to make this a tie, but he wasn't one to give in so easily.

"Don't let him go! Now rise!" Amor gave the order as Draco gripped the Salamence firmly, and then took off towards the Draco Meteor with Extreme Speed it was a move that they had devised in order to deal with some more difficult opponents that weren't outright immune to them. So they sped towards the meteors, and Draco moved so that the Salamence was out front of him, using him as a makeshift shield to protect himself from the oncoming attack.

One meteor smashed into them, then a second, and then finally the largest of the bunch was flying towards them, and with all of his strength he met it head on, with his opponent! A roar that shook the stadium resounded as he smashed his opponent into the meteor in an attempt to finally KO him. This battle had been long, drawn out, and it had actually tested the limits of Draco's strength, and endurance, but hopefully this would be the final nail in the coffin.

There was smoke billowing in the air around both dragons, so Amor couldn't see clearly what was happening, if they had finally won, or if they had lost.

"Come on...." Because he didn't know if they could pull off another miracle.

Ven gave me permission to write this!
We already discussed this in DM's so need for me respew it here!

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
Sky High (Gym)
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2023 20:12:30 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

It was at this moment—he knew that the entire match was over.

What with the way the Dragonite charged forward to meet its manifest destiny—hilariously this was one loss the Salamence was perfectly willing to take (even if Alexei didn’t realize it) as the two tangled in mid-air one more time.

One last time.

He had to squint upward and caught sight of the big-ass Draco Meteor that came screaming down from the sky, and watched as the tenacious Dragonite brought down literal fury on the Salamence, who was still whirling, kicking and screaming all manner of profanities at his new ‘rival’ before an explosion of meteoric proportions shook the entire arena as the two draconids came hurtling down—

And there was an orange blur wobbling, however the sky-blue one with red wings had met his match.

“You know,” he began as he crossed the field, stopping to pat the unconscious Salamence as he recalled the draconid before picking his way across the rubble-strewn arena, “…if you busted out a Mega-evo capable ‘mon I’d have done the same!”

Once he’d managed to cross the overturned bits and pieces of smashed rocks that were haphazardly scattered across the arena, he finally reached the other man.

“I can’t help but ask… do you know another guy? Blonde, spiky-haired? Owns a Charizard?” he quipped, because unless he was remembering this wrong, may have mentioned this gym to the other man…

“Either way, all I can say is. I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of whoever gets your Dragonite angry!” he chuckled as he had already palmed something in his other hand. Gesturing for the other man to hold out his hand, he would then drop the small, cold metal badge in his hand—


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October 13
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Sky High (Gym)
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2023 3:56:30 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]GYM BATTLE COMPLETE!


