Pop Quiz [Postdorm Clash]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Pop Quiz [Postdorm Clash]
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2023 18:52:42 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
The battlefield was full pandemonium at the moment with so many Pokemon out, it was going to be troublesome trying to wrangle everything in. If only he had brought his Zeraora....He let an annoyed "tch" flash from his lips. The armored man pulled out three looking grenade things himself, and that is when the exploding globs of goop rained from above. Thankfully his Pokemon were able to avoid it if only barely. His opponent had the same thought that he did, but instead of having his Pokemon do it, he would himself. So taking aim with the help of his built in HUD in his helmet, he launched the three grenades at his opposition. Attempting to ensnare and as many of their pokemon as possible.

That is when the Scatterbangs went off, and it would startle his pokemon slightly catching them slightly off guard, some worse than others. It caused the Leech Seed to land on his Garchomp, but it mattered little, if his life was being drained slowly, because the Turtwig was close enough now that he could make the turtle pay. So instead of running away do the parasitic attack, instead his Garchomp used Dragon Rush in order to knock it out. Water Sport was annoying to deal with, but it only worked on fire type moves, and so his tactics changed to reflect that.

Amor seeing some of his pokemon panic picked up the fight on his own as well. His wrist seemed to expand as well, and what appeared to be a wrist mounted crossbow would appear there, and it was loaded with a strange looking needle, so he took aim, and fired one at the Togekiss. Another one was fired off at the Masquerain, and the last one was fired at El themselves. There was no need for him to hold back any longer.

"Again, Leech Seed, Rock Slide!" He gave the order to his fresh Pokemon, and his Torterra fired off it's own seeds, though they were aimed at the Masquerain hoping to catch the little thing off guard while it was within the sandstorm. Meanwhile multitudes of rocks would start falling down attempting to ensnare the opposing pokemon, but also aiming to crush the bodies of the peons that he had taken out earlier. It would seem that the deadline he had given them earlier had finally run out, and he was making good on his promise to make them unalive.

"Aqua Jet, once more!" He gave the order to his Empoleon who shot into the sky after the Togekiss to smash it down, and prevent it from healing further.

Amor throws his own goop, lacing the battlefield in goop on all sides!
Amor shoots Poison Barbs at Masquerain, Togekiss, and respectively!
Garchomp is hit by the Leech Seed!
Garchomp uses Dragon Rush on Turtwig!
Empoleon uses Aqua Jet on Togekiss!
Tyrantrum uses Rock Slide on everything including the unconcious guys!
Torterra uses Leech Seed on Masquerain!

MP Total
IC Post x8 - 80
Ally Pokemon Fainted - 50
Poison Barb used x3 - 30
Sticky Goop used x3 - 30
Fainted an Enemy x1 - 10

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
Pop Quiz [Postdorm Clash]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 13:41:24 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Sticky globs rained down on both sides of the battlefield - and safe to say, El's pokemon were not quite as lucky as Amor's own, as a result of the sheer quantity tossed out. Two would strike into Psyche and Akero both, whilst the third splatted onto the ground near Yggy and the Garchomp. Psyche would be sent careening into the ground, where he'd find himself adhered - whereas Akero was able to remain in flight, albeit with her maneuverability hindered.

The third sticky glob would pose trouble for Yggy, however. When she attempted to dodge out of the way of the incoming Dragon Rush, she'd suddenly find her foot caught in the splatter. Which meant that all she could do was brace with Withdraw, which could only do so much to stand up against a raging dragon. The force of the strike was enough to dislodge her and send her flying...

... For El to catch her, stumbling back a couple of paces as they held the turtwig close to their chest. "A-Are you okay?" They asked softly, worry in their voice. Their expression softens as Yggy, though clearly aching from the strike, smiles up to them... But there's the sound of something clicking, a zip - and the turtwig is suddenly acting upon something that El doesn't immediately notice.

She leaps from El's arm's to tank the Poison Dart that Amor had fired at them - drawing out a squawk of pain. But even as she lands, it's only with a stumble that she remains standing through sheer will.

Akero and Psyche both would be struck by the darts as well - but that wasn't the end of the barrage coming from the duo's ways. Psyche was a sitting duck - so it only stood to reason that he'd be struck by the Leech Seed and Rock Slide both, quickly being KO'd in the process of such.

Akero would put up a better fight on the other hand, but it didn't last long, either. He'd manage to avoid the Aqua Jet narrowly - but the rocks from Rock Slide were too many, and he'd end up being sent crashing into the ground much like the Masquerain did.

El, meanwhile, had to think quickly to protect the people under their care. Digging into their bag, their fingers settled upon a familiar stony object - and they wasted no time in pulling out the Mysterious Ore, to slam it into the ground. Blooming from the scattering shards, crystals would form into a shelter of sorts over the rookie ranger and the unconscious League officials both.

Though it shudders from the impact of the falling rocks, though faint cracks form in the crystal, it holds. And as Bibidi returns to El's side, wasting no time in gathering her psychic energy, it's a clear sign that it's time to go.

So as El recalls Akero, Psyche, and Yggy, they also send out one last pokemon. "Sobek - s-scare them!" They call, their voice trembling from the surely-building stress.

The Fuecoco that comes out certainly doesn't seem all that scary at first glance. However, the Roar that Sobek lets loose - a bellow, as if from a beast much larger than himself - is sure to startle. And as if that wasn't enough, two more Scatterbangs would be sent flying into the ranks of Amor's pokemon - further emphasizing Sobek's Roar, in hopes of making the enemy pokemon flinch for long enough for a getaway.

Which, though it does take longer than usual for Bibidi to gather the mental energy to ferry everyone away - mainly for the sheer volume of people who need to be transported - she is able to manage it. It's with but a blink, that one minute El, Sobek, and Bibidi are standing there alongside the unconscious officials...

... And then the next, they're gone, leaving Amor in the wrecked ruins of the outpost.
- Psyche + Akero are stuck by the sticky globs
- Yggy gets stuck when she attempts to dodge Garchomp - uses Withdraw to remain standing after being sent flying into El's arms.
- The darts hit Psyche and Akero, Yggy tanks the one meant for El
- Psyche is hit by the Leech Seed, KO'd by Rock Slide
- Akero dodges the Aqua Jet, KO'd by Rock Slide
- El uses a Mysterious Ore to protect themself + the officials from the Rock Slide.
- El also recalls the two + Yggy, sends out Sobek
- Roar from Sobek + Two more Scatterbangs combo, to startle Amor's pokemon into flinching
- Bibidi returns, and teleports everyone out.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Pop Quiz [Postdorm Clash]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 18:16:08 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
It was chaos, but in the end the other person summoned a crystal dome to shelter themselves, and the peons he had been attempting to crush. It protected them all, and when it finally crumbled underneath the weight of the rocks, there was nothing but rubble left. Amor just sighed inwardly, while he had technically succeeded at one objective, it didn't feel like a proper victory. Perhaps he should have gone all out at the start, and not let the battle be so lopsided from the beginning, he didn't view them as a threat, so he tried to play with his food. It was the same thing he had done countless times before, and now he was realizing that it was becoming an issue.

"Pointless...." He succeeded in reducing this league place to rubble, or well he would. Turning to his Torterra he gave it the order. "Earthquake." It was then that the entire ground shook as he walked off with the rest of his Pokemon, and he sunk this particular league stronghold. It would appear that Amor had more to deal with inwardly than outwardly.

He mainly just reduced it to rubble out of spite of himself, but it was whatever....

Battle over! Thank you Tsuki!

MP Total
IC Post x9 - 90
Ally Pokemon - 50
Poison Barb used x3 - 30
Sticky Goop used x3 - 30
Fainted an enemy x3- 30
Mission ended in a tie - 250
Completed a Mission - 100
Participated in a Mission - 50

Grand Total: 630
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
Pop Quiz [Postdorm Clash]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 19:16:36 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
When the group blipped back into existence - at an outpost near the entrance to Granite Cave - El near immediately slumped to the grass. That had been much too close, if you asked them - if they had been the slightest bit off with this whole plan, things probably could've gone a whole lot worse.

And yet, here they were - alive. Their team was in rough shape, and they certainly wouldn't have been able to win that fight - and yet they were alive. Bibidi and Sobek share a heavy sigh of relief - the alakazam scooping the little fuecoco up into her arms as she does so.

Other League members spill out from the outpost - bewildered at the sight before them. It was going to take a hot minute, to explain just what all had happened, but... El, at the very least, was happy that everyone was going to be okay. There was work to be done to ensure things stay that way, however - and knowing this, they'd push themself up onto their feet.

They follow the flow of people towards the medic's tent - ready to patch up their pokemon, as well as help patch up the people that they had just rescued.
MP Tally:
- Mission Participation (50 MP)
- Mission Complete (100 MP)
- Draw (250 MP)
- x10 Posts (100 MP)
- Own Mon KO'd (50 MP)
- Enemy KO'd (10 MP)
- x3 Scatterbangs (30 MP)
- Sticky Glob (10 MP)
Total: 600 MP
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
Pop Quiz [Postdorm Clash]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 21:11:16 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MP THREAD COMPLETE!



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