Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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oscar clayton
Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2023 23:53:57 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar probably should not have gone back into the Interdream Mist. Earlier during this very campaign he nearly got sucked into a living nightmare with , barely escaping with his wits in tact. Yet a researcher's work was never finished, even if Oscar considered himself more of an inventor. There was more Interdream Data to obtain, so when he located another mist cloud he could not resist diving in to have a look...if only to help his friend reach her goals.

Oscar had been riding his Xurkitree, who was pulling more than its share of the weight during the war. Once they landed, Oscar would slide off Xurkitree's bulbous head and pat one of its tentacles. "You've been a trooper Navitas, take a break for a bit." Oscar withdrew Navitas into its Beast Ball, and hooked the ball back onto his belt as he took a look around.

Last time he was in the mist, Oscar spotted a bizarre pokemon that seemed to be a robotic volcarona. Perhaps if he looked around he could find that pokemon once more. Oscar set off on his search, unaware that his target was already silently observing him from high above.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2023 20:46:38 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Amor had not been near the mist so far during his battles it had luckily avoided him at least up to this point. He remembered what it had done during the Star Soiree event, and the memories it had brought to life around him, and he wasn't eager to have a repeat of that scenario again. Though it was an entirely different Scenario that he found himself in instead. A Dragonite was at his side, his armor was torn to pieces, and in front of him was a Pokemon that looked like a Mega Salamence. How long had they been battling this thing?

"Ice Punch." He gave the command, his Dragonite's fist glowing with a frosty power as it charged the strange Pokemon, and the sound of their battle began in earnest as ice was met with dragon clashing violently. The area around them was changing every several minutes due to the effect of the dream mist, and right now they were in a garden that was being torn to shreds. The sound of their battle would be able to be heard by anyone nearby, but Amor figured he was alone, for the moment. He was growing increasingly annoyed with this strange dimension, but if he could capture this dragon then it would be worth it.

"Draco, we won't be able to hold back against this thing....Whatever it is." There was only one thing that mattered, and that was acquiring more power. Slowly his stable of uniquely powerful pokemon was growing. It had started with Zeraora, then there was the Mechanical Doll, if he could get this thing it would only give him more, and more. Not to mention all the Ultra Beasts that dwelled within these realms.

Increasing his strength was a necessity so that he could up against the League, and their Avatars.

Amor is fighting a Roaring Moon!
Draco the Dragonite is out!

MP Total
IC Post x1 - 10

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2023 17:58:46 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar was wandering rather aimlessly, unsure where he was supposed to be going. After all his goal was rather nebulous, 'track down and examine a pokemon that may or may not exist'. Real solid objectives here. You cannot blame him for making the effort though, unknown bug pokemon were Oscar's secret obsession. A new form for Volcarona was too juicy to pass up, even if it likely was just an illusion.

Oscar froze as he took a fateful step forward and abruptly ended up within some sort of ruined garden. Oscar slowly gave his new environment a confused look over, oblivious to the clash occurring not so far away. When he did notice the battle, he only became more confused. Was that a mega-salamence? Was that !?

Oscar ran forward, "Amor! Amor what are you doing here?" Oscar stopped in his tracks as Amor's dragonite unleashed an Ice Punch upon the mega salamence--which seemed to only piss it off. Oscar frowned deeply, taking a few steps back from the brawl. "Um--do you need help or something?"
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2023 22:20:49 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
A new voice appeared, and the garden began to shift, a building appeared on fire the embers shifting into the wind like leaves in the wind. The howls of Lycanroc could be heard in the distance, and no longer caring if his association were discovered he shed his broken helm. Draco was fighting with all his might against this rampaging Salamence. At least Amor thought it was a Salamence, but the intensity of the battle had his mind working overtime, and the Interdream was taking advantage of his lapses in control. A childs crying could be heard in the background, like noise from a movie.

"I don't exactly know how I got here to be honest....I was with , and when I left to go back to fight I wound up in this hellscape." He stated through gritted teeth. The two dragons only picked up intensity as they clawed at one another, but Draco was the prime specimen of his species, and another Ice Punch was delivered to the Salamence. Amor wondered in part if his conversation about his mother with Eris had caused his thoughts to linger in the past, and that is when the mist decided to attach itself to his mind, and try to bring his past back.

"Help would be nice....I think this Salamence is a new species, one I've not seen before that is for sure. It's even more aggressive than a normal one." Though that is to say, which version was the normal one? With the advent of this new creature a whole new possibility of evolution could be studied. Though first he would have to get through the Interdream making his memories a reality again.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2023 16:45:19 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar was nonreactive as the environment shifted. The ruined garden had escalated into a ruined building--or more accurately a building that was in the process of being ruined. Oscar blinked rapidly, more confused than alarmed. How much was this was real? Maybe the strange salamence was real and Amor was fake--or vice versa. Or perhaps just the dragonite was real? Oscar scratched his head, unable to decide.

Perhaps for a moment Amor might think that Oscar would not intervene, but he should know better than to doubt Oscar Clayton. Illusion or not, Oscar would never let those he cares about down! He had released the most vile of all pokemon, Robbie Rotten the yellow Naganadel, and the cunning carnivorous convict would introduce itself to Amor by coming out of nowhere to stab the bizarre salamence with his syringe stinger (Leech Life).

Oscar ran up to Armor's side, unafraid as the salamence raged and thrashed Robbie away. The ultrabeast would quickly fly back to take its place beside Dragonite, ready and willing to throw down with this monstrous foe. Oscar took off his mask before looking to Armor and giving him a thumb's up, "Don't slow down on my account. This fucker can't take both of us!"

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2023 8:54:24 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Of course Oscar helped him, he never doubted him for a second, and as they both did their best to wrangle this frenzied dragon, Amor could hear the howls coming closer again. It was an endless loop. The Leech Life seemed to annoy the ancient dragon as much as the Ice Punch did, and it roared charging both pokemon with purple energy surrounding it. It was a Dragon Rush.

"Tch....They're coming again. Draco keep that thing busy!" He ordered his Dragonite, who reluctantly agreed as it attempted to smash into the prehistoric Salamence with another Ice Punch. Amor drew his sword, Oscar would see that, Amor's armor had been sundered by claws, and fangs of some sort, but they were to small to belong to that dragon, and Amor would turn his back to the strange Salamence to face the oncoming threat.

It was then that a pack of Lycanroc would appear out of seemingly nothing, they were headed right for the man with silver hair, the first one leaped up at him, and he stabbed it through the chest with his sword. Though it snapped his sword in half. Whether it was real, or not Fear gripped Amor's heart, and to him it was real. The first Lycanroc dropped dead, but another clawed at him across his chest, ripping more of his armor off, but smashed his elbow into the bridge of it's nose, and barely managed to duck before the third one tried to take his head off.

"I can't access the rest of my Pokemon..." He explained to Oscar, doing his best to protect his friend. "Draco was already out, but my pokeballs are locked for some reason...." Amor didn't understand why, he was moving to frantically to think about it much.

Then out the front door of the burning mansion he appeared with a mechanical looking insect. This was new....The previous loops hadn't had that thing in them? It looked like a Volcarona, but robotic.

It was the man who haunted Amor's nightmares, the assassin with no tongue. He couldn't speak, but that didn't stop him from being a formidable foe.

Amor's nightmares are becoming real!
Amor explains he has no access to his team for some reason!
Amor is currently fighting two Lycanroc!
Oscar is unaffected by the team lock!
The tongueless assassin appears with an Iron Moth

MP Total
IC Post x3 - 30
Feelings of Paranoia amplifying his fear - 10

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 18:48:58 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
The mysterious dragon fought on, leaping upon Amor's dragonite with unmatched ferocity. Robbie Rotten had backed away to let the dragonite tank most of the blow, it was a lot bulkier than he was so it seemed like a fair tradeoff. It was not going to simply cheer from the sidelines though. While the dragonite kept the foe locked in place, Robbie would aim its stinger at the dragon's face. Robbie whistled, grabbing the dragon's attention so that Robbie could send a torrent of acidic slime right into its ugly mug (Gunk Shot).

Oscar had his own problems, gawking as Amor dared to turn his back on their vicious rival. Suddenly Amor would be beset by an unseen force, the poor man flailing wildly as he was attacked. Oscar gasped, attempting not to freak out as Amor thrashed against the air. "What's happening? what are you doing?" As concerned as he was for his friend, Oscar's gaze would be stolen by a glowing figure nearby.

It was the volcarona from before! The one Oscar had been looking for! It was floating alone, staring at the duo with lifeless eyes. Unable to understand any other explanation, Oscar would point accusingly at the mysterious machine. "Are you doing this? Leave Amor alone, he's a lot more fragile than he looks!"

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 19:06:33 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Oscar would watch in real time as a large claw wound opened up in Amor's side, as he bashed the Lycanroc in the face, causing it to yelp in pain. Blood dribbled from his lips as he picked up his shattered sword, and shoved it into the second Lycanroc's face. At Oscar's question of what he was doing, Amor looked just as perplexed as his friend did.

"Fighting off these dogs...." He snarled as he took a few shaky steps back. The Tongueless assassin was within reach, if he could kill him, he could end this loop. However he was in no shape to move that much with his injuries. This still wasn't as bad as Palkia trying to atomize him. "Oscar you have to stop that man...." Amor pointed to the burning mansion, and to the Tongueless Assassin that was there for him, but was an Iron Moth in reality. Everything was blurring together horribly thanks to the Interdream zone. "Otherwise the loop won't end." How much of it was real? How much of it was just in his head?

Amor didn't really know, but it all felt real. The cries of his younger self.

"If we can defeat him....The tongueless bastard...." Before he could finish that the last remaining Lycanroc launched itself at him, and he rolled underneath it before hopping up again.

Hearing himself described as more fragile than he looked, he couldn't help but let out a wry smile. It was probably true, he was just another broken vase in a sea of broken vases. Amor was sure that he looked crazy to Oscar right now, but he trusted his friend to not judge him, whatever was going on, he knew they'd defeat it together if nothing else.

"I'll keep this mutt busy while you do that...." He groaned as another wound rip open on his arm, and it looked like something had bitten down on his arm. A grimace of pain on his face, as he bashed his phantom opponent.

Meanwhile the Iron Moth with it's listless eyes looked over at Oscar, as if he was an inferior species, which to this creature he was. It wasted no time in acting, and fired off a powerful Fiery Dance in the direction of the white haired man.

Meanwhile the Roaring Moon was getting even angrier, and that anger in conjunction with the Dream Mist caused a bright sun to appear in the sky, and it was then that something strange happened. A strange aura encompassed the dragon as it became empowered from the sun's rays, and unleashed a powerful Dragon Rush attempting to crash into both Draco, and Robbie at the same time. Eating the Gunk Shot on the way to them, and hoping to pulverise them both at once.

Draco not one to sit idle, used those few moments to Roost, and heal itself up in preparation for the hit. Putting himself in front of the Ultra Beast, and tanking the empowered hit albeit painfully, and slowing it down just enough so that it could get another hit. Thanks to it's restored stamina, and Multiscale ability, Draco wasn't out for the count yet.

Amor is fighting the last Phantom Lycanroc!
Two real wounds did open up on Amor's body!
Amor points to the Iron Moth and says the loop ends with him!
Draco healed up, and tanked the Dragon Rush so Robbie can counter attack!
Iron Moth used Fiery Dance on Oscar!

MP Total
IC Post x4 - 40
Feelings of Paranoia amplifying Amor's fear - 10

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 19:43:43 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Dogs? Tongueless bastard? LOOPS!? The interdream mist had fucked up Amor pretty badly, if he could not escape his visions then he was in grave danger! Oscar looked between Amor and the Volcarona, unsure what to do. Amor seemed to think that the robotic moth was the source of his trouble, so if Oscar could dispose of it perhaps Amor would awaken from his living dream.

He did not have much time to act, yet Oscar would seem to be stuck staring at the volcarona. There was something--about its gaze--that really pissed him off. Like, it had decided that Oscar was unimportant. Was that in his head? Oscar's eyes twitched his mouth forming into a grimace as the Volcarona sent a Fiery Dance his way. "Fuckin' pompous piece of--" Oscar rolled to the side, immediately getting to his feet and sprinting toward the volcarona as its fiery dance exploded where Oscar once stood.

Robbie was in a pickle of his own, as the dragon seemed more intent than ever to give both him and the dragonite an agonizing death. Yet the dragonite refused to buckle under pressure, holding the dragon back even as it seemed to reach an even higher level of power than before. Robbie shook his head and let out a bestial cackle. This dragonite was one tough son of a bitch.

Right, they end this now then. Robbie aimed his head toward the dragon, opening his mouth as wide as possible. A storm formed within his jaws, which would fire off moments later as a raging blast of dragon energy (Dragon Pulse). If this did not at least stagger the bastard, Robbie would be out of ideas.

As Oscar ran toward the cyber-bug, it would continuously fire off attacks to cease his approach. Oscar was hyped on adrenaline though, and would bob and weave toward the volcarona. Closing the distance, Oscar would perform a final dive in the creature's direction. The machine saw it as a pointless maneuver, and simply floated off to the side to avoid--whatever Oscar intended to do. The problem was, what Oscar intended was impossible to predict.

His waist had turned mid-dive, and from his hand Oscar would throw a pokeball toward where the Volcarona was dodging. Predicting correctly which way it would go (completely by chance by the way), the volcarona would have no time to react before impacting with the ball. Oscar slid to a stop, quickly craning his head to see what would happen. Usually pokemon needed to be damaged first before being caught, yet against all odds the ball would click on its first try. Oscar gasped before rolling over to see if Amor would be freed from his vision.


+50mp (10 per post)
+10 (Incorporate paranoia)
+10 (Assisted Amor)
+100 (Complete Mission)
+50 (Participation)
+200 (Rocket Victory)
420 Total
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Up Shit Creek [Postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 20:02:17 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
The moment the Dragon Pulse was unleashed, both of Draco's fists lit up with twin Ice Punches, and he turned so that the Salamence would take the brunt of the Dragon Pulse effectively using it as a shield for himself, and while it was being blast from the back, like a pro boxer, Draco would repeatedly pound into the stomach of the Prehistoric dragon. One after the other, despite all his weariness, all the injuries he had sustained, the state that his trainer was in. Draco simply would not fall! He was the peak of all Dragonite in his mind, and he was here to prove that to this creature. Between their combined attacks, the Roaring Moon would finally fall.

The combat from before Oscar had shown up, and now with the double teaming it was far too damaged to continue on at the moment, and so it fell. A powerful roar bellowed from the Dragonite that shook the dream mist from around it, as it simply thumbed it's nose at another failed competitor.

Amor meanwhile watched as Oscar leapt from the fireballs that the Tongueless man was launching at him, his vision was getting blurry from the blood loss, and the fighting he had done in all the previous loops. So he grit his teeth as the Lycanroc squared up to him once more, and right as it leapt, Amor wondered if this was finally the end of the line for himself. That is when the mist dispersed as Oscar captured the Iron Moth. The Burning Mansion, the ruined garden, everything vanished from his vision all at once, and he just collapsed on his back. Staring up at the sea.

"Fuck this place...." It was a rare moment that Amor actually used a cuss word, but he sincerely meant it. Draco meanwhile was dragging the knocked out Prehistoric Dragon over to Amor like it was a fresh kill, and he dropped it at his trainers feet, and he just smiled as the dragon helped him to his feet. His armor was in tatters, and shreds. "Thanks, buddy...." He expressed as he dropped a Pokeball on the newest dragon he was going to add to his collection.

Amor was tired, very tired. He wanted to sleep, but there was still a war raging on.

"Thanks Oscar....You really saved my skin there...." He chuckled a little with a bright smile on his lips. Despite the blood seeping from his body he was his normal picturesque self, and he stood up straight. "You're the best man...." It was the most honest he could be with his friend.

Amor is bloody but saved!
Amor catches Roaring Moon!
Amor thanks Oscar, and says he's the best!

MP Total
IC Post x5 - 50
Feelings of paranoia amplifying Amor's fear - 10
Dragonite assisted Naganandel - 10
Rocket Wins - 200
Mission Complete - 100
Participation - 50

Grand Total: 420

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POSTED ON May 1, 2023 22:38:55 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MP THREAD COMPLETE!



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