
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 22:10:38 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]inside a triage tent, greyson went to work.
this war wasn't as bloody as the 3-day war years back, but it still had cost them. the lives of men, women, and pokemon — senseless loss.
greyson made his way through the growing crowd, and past the rows of the beds filled with the injured. a number of his comfey were already at work; wrist sized bracelets of flowers glowing a faint green as the FLORAL HEALING seals wounds, and soothes pain. his own arm — his left, luckily — was encased in a sling made entirely out of the healing flora. it'd be days still, at the very minimum, before he could use it again.
his thoughts inevitably go to , then to , and finally . his teeth gnash like a territorial pyroar, before finally, the fire in his belly extinguishes at the thought of .
behind him, falling in-step so close as to be mistaken for military cadence, his rapidash neighs softly. the runes on her cream white fur glow a faint silver, like starlight, and he reaches up to caress her muzzle, and place his forehead onto hers.
"thanks," he says, feeling her HEAL PULSE spreading outwards, warming his spirit, and encompassing the dozens of injured. he suppresses a sigh, and then a sob, as he swallows thickly.
there was still work to be done.





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[newclass=.char-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #d4a53c; [/newclass]
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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON May 4, 2023 6:47:53 GMT
ollie morales Avatar

ollie hadn't been in the three day war. he hadn't been in kanto either, not when the region had been taken over. in more ways than one, this was the ranger captain's first war.

[break][break] but that didn't make it any less devestating.

[break][break] ollie hobbles through the rows of the injured and weak, looking out for any of his friends. one of his arms is in a sling from the battle with that terrifying rocket (.)

[break][break] he's relieved to spot that most of his friends are alright. he spots and talking at the edges of the crowd with a few other league professionals, probably talking about important league things. he sees healing the injured, and nods at her as he passes through.

[break][break] but it's the absence of one of his best friends, , that gnaws at his heart — relief blossoms in his chest when he sees .

[break][break] "oh man, i'm glad to see you."

[break][break] ollie grins as he approaches the former gym leader.

[break][break] "this day was crazy. i'm glad that we're all safe."

[break][break] hesitation bubbles in his chest.

[break][break] they were all safe, weren't they?

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

[attr="class","milkcredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,139 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 5, 2023 2:17:40 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]'s voice pulls him from the emotional stupor.
"." 's best friend. greyson didn't know the man well, outside of the occasional outing. still, his presence brings the ghost of a smile to greyson's lips.
"it's good to see you." his brow furrows as he considers ollie's presence here. "are you injured somewhere?"





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[newclass=.char-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #d4a53c; [/newclass]
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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON May 6, 2023 8:22:33 GMT
ollie morales Avatar

"nothing too bad," he said, with a shake of his head. "at least not more than anyone else."

[break][break] but looking at him, it was easy to see it was a blatant lie. there were cuts and bruises along his face from where had hit him, and then there were bandages around his waist from where he'd suffered against lugia's avatar.

[break][break] "but i gotta say - i was surprised to see shadow lugia here."

[break][break] and fighting it had been no means an easy task.

[break][break] there's a glimmer of concern in his eye as he looked at the other man.

[break][break] "how're you doing? how's anna?"

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

[attr="class","milkcredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,139 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 8, 2023 12:47:35 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]greyson scoffs, recalling his own encounter with the corrupted legend.
"i'm not. where else would it, and its trainer be, if not the most singular place they can spread its ideology?"
he shakes his head, freezing when ollie says the familiar name.
"is she not with you?"




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[newclass=.char-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #d4a53c; [/newclass]
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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON May 8, 2023 12:59:30 GMT
ollie morales Avatar

"i guess you're right."

[break][break] but that was the first time that ollie had faced a legendary pokemon so close and personal, except for what had happened on my.pyre. it was still crazy to him that someone could be chosen for avatarsship, even crazier than the fact that a person so evil would be chosen.

[break][break] his thoughts however halt at 's words.

[break][break] "no, i saw her with you last." he swallows, a feeling of trepedition crawling up his spine. he tries his best to shove it down, far, far down.

[break][break] "I'm sure she's here somewhere."

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

[attr="class","milkcredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,139 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 8, 2023 13:07:03 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]greyson clings to the hope ollie dangles in-front of him, but he could feel his grip slipping.[break][break]
"we.. got into an argument." if you could call her cutting him to the foundation and argument[break][break]
"then she went to go see matias."
his jaw clenches as an image begins to form in his mind. something perverse, and soul-crushing.






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[newclass=.char-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #d4a53c; [/newclass]
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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON May 8, 2023 18:47:22 GMT
ollie morales Avatar

"an argument?"

[break][break] he blinks, brow furrowing.

[break][break] "it can't be that bad," he says with a laugh, face clearing up after a moment. "she loves you."

[break][break] had never said as much, but it was something that ollie could just instinctively feel. the reverent way that she'd talked about him back in the ultra deep sea, how she'd affectionately told them the story of their first date. how lucky she was to have him.

[break][break] "matias, huh?" he whirls his head around, trying to look for that familiar tussle of red hair. but it mingled in with the rest of the crowd, and he could no longer see their elite four standing side-by-side their councilwoman. "we just gotta find him then. c'mon."

[break][break] ollie hobbles along, careful to keep his arm sling out of the reach of some children who race by.

[break][break] "what was your argument about?"

[break][break] some casual conversation.


[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

[attr="class","milkcredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,139 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 3:52:35 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]reminding him of her love only causes the wound his soul felt to widen and fester. his lips twitch into the visage of a snarl, for but an instant, before he hisses out an exhale.
"matias. he kissed her against her will." the latter portion of 's words bring doubt to hang over greyson like stormclouds, but her anger had been genuine only moments before the shift.
he still didn't know what to believe.
"said she was going to go talk to him." he keeps the battle between himself and a secret, though the thought of her alone with the man nearly has his one good arm reaching for the hilt of his blade. "no one you've talked to has seen her?"





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[newclass=.char-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #d4a53c; [/newclass]
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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,370 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON May 11, 2023 15:56:39 GMT
ollie morales Avatar

"he kissed her?"

[break][break] immediately, whatever ollie is thinking about blanks out. all he feels is disbelief and confusion.

[break][break] "there's no way. he's with eva - well, was - but still, he would never - "

[break][break] then he remembers what had said to him back in kanto, when he was consoling her.

[break][break] 'he said there's someone else.'

[break][break] 'he said he didn't even want to try.'

[break][break] he stops his search for , this time his gaze is focused on .

[break][break] "are you... sure? are you sure it was against her will?"

[break][break] his throat was dry.

[break][break] "he cheated on eva, you know."

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

[attr="class","milkcredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 15, 2023 2:13:48 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]"she said it was against her will," he replies, a measure of heat in his voice. when ollie mentions the fact that matias cheated, that anger rises further.

"with who?" greyson's jaw tightens, not wanting to ask his next question, but needing too. "what are you saying, ollie?"




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[newclass=.char-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #d4a53c; [/newclass]
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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON May 16, 2023 7:26:28 GMT
ollie morales Avatar

" i'm — " he looked down at , his face a storm of frustration and uncertainity.

[break][break] "i'm not," he said, a bit hotly. his fingers closed around the underside of his cast, brushing against his elbow. "i'm not saying anything."

[break][break] he didn't want to believe it. he knew anna better than that, but if the mist had taught him anything... it could do crazy things to a person.

[break][break] "i just — if it was against her will, why'd she go after him then? wouldn't she want to run away from him?"

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

[attr="class","milkcredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,139 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 16, 2023 15:44:17 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]he shakes his head, refusing to believe the subtle implication of his words. [Break][break]
"i don't know." he says, a deep inhale keeping his fraying nerves under control. any further, and his anger would explode like a flash fire.
"she sees the good in others." so too did he once.




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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 4:36:56 GMT
ollie morales Avatar

was a good man. a good boyfriend. he makes good on 's words, and that's something that ollie is endlessly grateful for.

[break][break] his best friend is good too, and she deserves someone equally as much.

[break][break] "you're right," he says with a sigh. "she does."

[break][break] relief pools in his chest as he thinks of greyson's words, trying to find the good in things. he's grateful for the other man to drag him away from the darkness of his thoughts, of the inevitable awfulness that he'd nearly tried to imply.

[break][break] "i'm just... shocked. i never thought — i didn't think matias would do something like that." he means cheat. "i thought he was a good guy. he promised to protect eva, promised to love her."

[break][break] he swallows thick, before leading them through the crowd again, shaking his head.

[break][break] "c'mon. let's go find anna. i'm sure she's here somewhere."


[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

[attr="class","milkcredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,139 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 0:02:52 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]at one time he might've agreed with . but, his battle with the avatar in the other realm, dissuaded any faith he might've had. perhaps this was who he always was — a greedy, repugnant pervert.
he shakes his head, likely going unnoticed to ollie's back.
"she's not here. i've checked." twice. "i even have my delphox blanketing the area with her psyche, ready to alert me to when she shows up."
the fact he's received nothing tells him all he needs to know. his anger flares once more, teeth grinding uncomfortably against one another.
"this is matias's fault — i know it."




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