rookie rush

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
rookie rush
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 5:25:58 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

Paxton hadn't been out in the field in a while. Not- not for the rangers anyway. Donning the part time gear, and uniform he sat at the entrance to Route 102 waiting for his protégé, as it were. Not really. To say protégé was to assume he even had time for one. [break][break]

But he'd gotten this far in the League by covering Ranger shifts. And now he was just back at his routes. They needed someone to care for a rookie who'd be shadowing him on assignment. Not too bad. Hopefully this one had some sense in what to wear out to the woods, unlike another careless rookie he could think over ( ). [break][break]

He sends up a report as he waited. "Officer Concordas to HQ, reporting in at the entrance to Route 102. Will be stepping off in 5 minutes. If Cadet has arrived by then, I'll leave without her." he warned as he stretched his legs for the time being. [break][break]




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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
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Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
rookie rush
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 22:40:11 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

It wasn't a minute later, that the dressed-for-success redhead arrived atop her Toxtricity, Dr. Rhythm, letting all wind blow through her locks and nearly losing her hat at that, as the massive salamander skids to a drift, before stopping. The toxic salamander would get up, and Paxton could see the duo give the world's best handshake. It went like this:[break][break]

High-five, low-five, fist-bump, dance a little jig, hip-to-hip, prayer hands, side-to-side, happy little smile, handshake, slide.[break][break]

After this insanely long handshake, Genny waves to the pink-haired man who sat at the entrance, bouncing in place as she prepared for the training she had been promised from her captain, gone now with the wind.[break][break]

Oh well.[break][break]

This new training, under a Concordas, would surely be similar, right? She wanted to make a good first impression, so she calls out.[break][break]

"Cadet Cromwell, reporting for duty!" She salutes, standing-up straight. Dr. Rhythm falls in suit, doing the same salute, and the duo share an honest laugh. Now THAT was a partner Pokemon. Her first gift in the Slateport Rangers squad!



- Genny arrives atop Dr. Rhythm, doing their handshake. They have been practicing.[break]
- Meeting Paxton, both saluting, these two are made for each other.



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vermillion city, kanto
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
rookie rush
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 0:47:01 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

She makes it on time, thankfully. Paxton doesn't bother to get up as the spectacle unfolded, her with her Toxitricity and their little ritual. He doesn't interrupt, taking a swig of a water bottle he's got hooked on his belt loops. As he and her pokemon pop a salute, that's when he finally deigns it a good time to get up. [break][break]

So he stands, rendering the salute back and then dropping it to dismiss hers. "Officer Concordas." he introduced. "I'll be handling your training for today. Don't get used to it." his tone is level, almost deadpan. Teal eyes flick over her form once before turning to the pokemon to give the same inspection. [break][break]

"We'll be dealing with tracking a herd of Gogoat. They tend to hand in grassy areas, especially near mountains or cliff faces but...due to extenuating circumstances these seem to have moved towards this route. Unfortunately, due to how they came many seem injured from crossing through territory and they're currently rather skittish and aggressive." [break][break]

He gestured before leading the way. "We need to calm them down somehow. As well as analyze to see if any BLIGHT ( ) has cross onto them as well." he added.




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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
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Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
rookie rush
POSTED ON May 31, 2023 7:28:16 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Well... this could go better.[break][break]

Don't get it twisted, Genevieve can see the good in everyone, and anything. But Officer Concordas was almost intimidating. Almost. Even if he was an intimidating introvert, it didn't matter! Everyone deserved a little sunshine in their life, right?[break][break]

As he explains the mission, she hopes to help air any awkwardness between them. Everyone loves compliments, right? "I just wanted to say thank you! I haven't gotten much training, but I'll do my best to help calm the Gogoat!" But his mentioning of blight leads to hazel eyes widening, and a orange-brow to raise inquisitively. "Why would they be blighted though?" The question really isn't for Paxton, it's mostly rhetorical. Why indeed. What reason could have caused that? She doesn't know. But Officer Concordas might![break][break]

In any case, she follows on...[break][break]

Maybe small talk will help?[break][break]

... one glance to Dr. Rhythm, and the salamander gives a thumbs-up, so chill and relaxed that yeah, she should go for it. Grinning now ear-to-ear, she asks him plainly "Have you ever ridden a Gogoat?" It's a sweet, friendly gesture, hopefully to get him more friendly. And in a small way, hoping he can act as her mentor, at least for now.[break][break]

stepping down from her head position hit her out of the blue a while back, and maybe she was hoping she could have been that for Genny.



- Genny thanks Paxton for assisting her in training today! What an honor![break]
- Attempts small talk. Dr. Rhythm seems hopeful!



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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
rookie rush
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2023 21:58:37 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

" you know the Ranger Corps is often stretched thin. That's where I come in. I do training, I refresh my own. Just so I can cover down when necessary." he said with small nod. Though he can't help but frown. The last thing he needed was Rookie Cadets rushing off inexperienced into natural disasters. The thought reminds him of . But she hadn't had any mentorship he was aware of. So he couldn't fault her...completely.

"Are you aware of the BLIGHT in Petalburg Woods?" he asked the cadet as they moved into the woods to begin seeking out the misplaced Gogoat herd. He could already see some signs they'd come around. Not long into moving through, no sign of angry pokemon but instead new trails or broken branches and flattered leaves and grass. Like Deerling trail, only newer, judging by the still green foliage stuck to the ground. "We're unsure if the BLIGHT in the woods was natural or unnatural yet. If natural, it could possibly be a sort of...disease that attacks vegetation. A flare up of something at that scale. And Gogoat are part grass, there's a possibility that exposure to the same BLIGHT could being to poison them as well. Unfortunately, it would also make them sort of...disease carriers."

He follows the trail carefully, eyes ahead even as he speaks. "Much like the CRYSTALBLOOM infections of last Summer, we must prevent anymore radical events in our ecosystem." There's a small pause. He turns back, eyes wide in slight surprise at her sudden question. He stared, before teal eyes dart away pensive. "No...I'm from Kanto."




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Hau'oli City, Alola
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Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
rookie rush
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 0:16:57 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Of course she knew that. That's why she was so excited. After all, it wasn't every day someone like him would train her. Hell, he probably never would again. This was why she'd hold it dear.[break][break]

He asks her as they move through the woods, and Genevieve begins to ponder with Dr. Rhythm behind her, doing similar expressions. His words were easy to follow. She's no dummy, especially on the field, so she has to think of what that means. If the blight is natural, than the blight could maybe be cured. However, if the Gogoat were disease carriers, that would make it a bit awkward.[break][break]

"In the case of the Gogoat being carriers, than either we need to find the natural cause and hopefully make an antibody that could fight the disease to immunize them... or-"[break][break]

Deal with the problem.[break][break]

She didn't like that option, but it was one that she knew was a possibility. Rangers had to make tough decisions.[break][break]

The lighter question could wait, but at least she could smile towards Officer Concordas. He was smart. She... was hoping she could learn much from him. "Would it be a good idea than to capture a Gogoat and study it? That seems to be the best way to define if they are carriers. Might even help find where they come from, right?"[break][break]

She wanted to impress him. Fuck, did she. He must have been a really good pick if he was sent for training on her. Genny would love to keep learning from him.



- Time to impress Officer Concordas! She exemplifies some smarts![break]
- Offers the idea to capture one to study the BLIGHT.



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[newclass=".genny1 .genny1credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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vermillion city, kanto
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
rookie rush
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2023 22:54:35 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

"If they do carry a BLIGHT, and it is as prolific as the CRYSTALBLOOMS, they'll need to be quarantined immediately by any means." he said. Though, that was a big IF. "Yes. If they can be captured and it's not killing the natural environment they're in too quickly." After all, the CRYSTALBLOOMS were pervasive and so strange. There's no guarantee this is the same. [break][break]

"In any case," he said moving on. "In my investigation with Councilwoman , I found the Blight was a little unnatu-" his words are cut off as he heard sudden stomping and the bushes rustling to his side. Before Paxton can give the order, a furious Gogoat pounces out of the shrubbery and goes straight for Paxton. "Shit!" he shouted as the grass type rammed horns forward. Paxton squares his stance, lowering his center of gravity. Gloved hands latch onto the horns and he digs his heels in to the dirt, sliding back a few inches as the Gogoat groaned furiously. [break][break]

Paxton's feet go flat on the ground before he dips down and up, yanking the pokemon's head to the side after a fierce push and pull. He follows through with a defiant shout, half shoving, half tossing the off balance pokemon to the side and stood panting. "Stay put!" he snarled, loud and tired. It's unclear if he's addressing the less angry Gogoat or his rookie.




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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
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Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
rookie rush
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2023 4:24:29 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

There's a dialogue. He's a lot less standoffish when it came to the job! It's something that Genny finds herself glowing up. If contained without hurting the natural environment... then perhaps, they can get these Gogoat cured. The only way to figure out what was wrong was by that![break][break]

So, with a nod, as they move on, he mentions of her heroes, and she brightens up. He's spoken to Penny? She perks up, a feat for a four foot eleven tiny girl. But as soon as they get the chance...[break][break]

The stomping Gogoat comes out, and charges at her commanding officer, and Genny's hazel eyes flare up, and her hand goes to her Pokeballs. Dr. Rhythm was chilling, relaxed and hissing, but this required a more definitive touch. With a spin, as she tossed the ball into the air, even as he said stay put, she knew that she could have her cake and eat it too.[break][break]

A tiny little Fennekin appears on her head, landing quietly with a mew, and Genny decides to end this- or attempt to, in the easiest way she could.[break][break]

"Tranquilize with Hypnosis, Akane!"[break][break]

The thing was, poison on what was a poisoning agent likely in their systems would do little to take them down. Genny figures, making them sleepy, or knocking them out through moves would allow them to capture, take, and study. This was painless. She just hoped it would hit the mark.[break][break]

And Akane did just that, firing off her rainbow swirls in an attempt to knock the Gogoat out.



- She's HER. She's ready for this random Gogoat menace.[break]
- Tosses out Akane to Hypnosis the Gogoat. So they can capture and study them!



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[newclass=".genny1 .genny1credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
rookie rush
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2023 12:27:52 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

The Gogoat struggled on its side bleating angrily as Paxton stood his ground between himself and the rookie, lips pulled back into a snarl. Joules beeps loudly coming next to their trainer in distress but Paxton is still in a defensive stance, ready to grapple the grass type again. [break][break]

But the struggling stops as it is HYPNOTIZED into a quiet slumber. He huffs, catching his breath and turning Genny with a nod. "Good work. Cover me." He ordered as he stepped towards the slumbering animal. A gentle brush against the leaves of its pelt and quick analysis of the pelt gives him little relief. He presses a pokeball to it. "We'll take it back to check samples at HQ before re-releasing it." He said. [break][break]

"Let's just hope we don't get surprised again." He gives the ranger a once over. "You good?"




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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
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Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
rookie rush
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2023 21:56:04 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Being just a cadet, she feels proud the moment the Gogoat hits the ground. To the point where, she places both hands on her hips, and almost seems smug for a moment. Quick thinking really did get that Gogoat to calm down, and it's one of her best features.[break][break]

Hands on her hips, the moment Paxton gives that praise, she's smiling, heated cheeks on her face. To his order of cover him...[break][break]

She felt so useful! This was the part of the profession she adored.[break][break]

When Paxton balls the Gogoat for testing and asks how she is, she shoots a thumbs-up, almost too giddily. "I'm peachy, Cap'n!" Her bubbles and sunshine demeanor truly is one of her best qualities. But she quickly backpedals. "I mean... Officer. Sorry, old habits." She rubs the back of her neck, Akane pawing to her face, patting it as she stuck out a tongue and winked.[break][break]

Now for the next question. It was a big one.[break][break]

"Can... we work together again, you think?"[break][break]

She felt like she had potential. And Officer Concordas can help bring it out. She was really hopeful.



- Pre-GG Galar Genny is happy that she was so useful! She mistakenly calls Paxton 'Cap'n', before retracting it for Officer. Old habits.[break]
- Absolutely wants to work with Paxton again. If he'll have her.



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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,653 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
rookie rush
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2023 23:06:04 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

"I'm retired." Paxton quips, ignoring the slip up and snorting instead. "Just call me Paxton out here. You can drop title for training." he said with a shrug. He pockets the Gogoat and sets to dusting himself off while checking from where it charged before turning to the cadet again. [break][break]

"Sure. We can swap info and I can bring you along if I have to cover any ranger missions." he said not seeing anymore signs of Skiddo or Gogoat. "Or you can try to schedule with me. I'll come out if I have the time." he added, checking himself for a stray business card for her. [break][break]

"Maybe next time it won't go so quickly."




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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
815 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
rookie rush
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2023 6:44:40 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

It's that reliability that Genevieve admired so much. She looked upon Paxton like a student would their mentor, knowing their naivety, knowing their flaws, and knowing all that and still ready to learn. She was smart, she knew that much. So when Paxton agreed to swap info if he covered more missions, she jumps up so excitedly.[break][break]

"YES! You won't be sorry, Off-... Paxton!" Her grin was ear-to-ear, teeth showing fully, as the wind blew her orange-red hair around, the length pushing into her face, as her hazel eyes turn to look towards where the wind blew from.[break][break]

The business card in hand... Genny reaches up to grab the card, and holds it with both hands, before moving to grab his hand to shake it.[break][break]

"I'll be the hardest worker you'll ever find. That's a promise."[break][break]

A promise, that she would fail to keep at first... but one day, she would defy even her own expectations.



- The last of happy giddy Genny... I tear up. She's so excited to have a good mentor.[break]
- Takes the business card and Paxton's hand for a moment to inform him she'll be the hardest worker ever. She's so diligent.



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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,631 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
rookie rush
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2023 5:26:58 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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