i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 5:39:24 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]THE WILDS: ULTRA CRATER




Tagtree Thicket - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

THE ULTRA CRATER IS A LARGE EXPANSE UNDERNEATH A YELLOW SKY. In between thick, almost impassable jungles, craters filled with green fields and alien plants lay. What appears to be metal pipe-like roots grow out the rock of crater walls. Geysers dot this alien landscape, occasionally expelling shrieking steam.[break][break]

The world is frequented by earthquakes, causing odd red monoliths of rock to quake throughout the realm. Oddly, the Ultra Thicket possesses very fertile soil. In the distance, a large mountainous expanse can be seen, though the range does not seem too high.



  • 27 discover dilapidated bunkers underground or in the jungle. these bunkers have been made by megalopolans seeking shelter from the heat, the humidity, and ultra beasts.
  • 28 discover a vast field filled with impossibly large celesteela that dwarf you inside. periodically, some will launch.
  • 29 ride one of the aforementioned large celesteela in prompt 28 to reach the large moon in the sky. here, a large gathering of celesteela can be found, ready to launch again, perhaps to new worlds. due to supernatural means, being on this moon may cause your characters to want to stay and remain in this realm instead of going back home.
  • 31 discover that kartana can speak and repeat random fragments of a english (common) phrase albeit in reverse. the phrase is as follows: "ONCE AGAIN, I HAVE CUT A WORTHLESS OBJECT".
  • 🗺️ utilize paradox pokemon in a pivotal way.
  • 🗺️ 's eidetic memory must be advantageous in some way.
  • 🗺️ will be able to capture a CELESTEELA or KARTANA during this expedition. he may consider capturing an infantile celesteela or more a docile kartana; however, catching one may incur the wrath of more mature ultra beasts in the realm and cause multiple earthquakes, eruptions, or celesteela launches toward your location.


AT THE END OF EACH EXPEDITION THREAD, all characters must ROLL for their final post. The HIGHEST FOUR ROLLS will be counted for what TREASURES are retrieved from the location. These treasures will be returned to each faction for future use...


[attr="class","boxName"]YOUR HAUL


[attr="class","slot material"]

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PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. A more comprehensive list of rules will be published in each event thread. These rules are also subject to change.[break][break][break]

  • Your character can only be in ONE EXPEDITION THREAD at a time.
  • You may participate with all of your characters; however, be aware of your ability to post.
  • If a thread partner has not posted in awhile, please skip them in this event. Momentum is important for engagement.
  • Since these threads may feature combat, please be reasonable with your battling. Discuss with your group if you'd like one move per post, how many Pokemon are allowed to be brought, etc.
  • Try to keep posts short for clarity and speed.
  • Please be trusting and open to communicating with all of your thread partners.
  • Please INCLUDE WHICH PROMPTS you are using in your expedition thread.
  • Please have at least FIVE POSTS PER CHARACTER in your expedition thread.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @absalom
absalom steel
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 4:48:19 GMT
absalom steel Avatar



Upon entering the ultra crater he would look at his two companions. Neither of which he really knew. Which in his opinion meant that he was more at risk of embarrassing himself. Though hopefully he could actually refrain from doing that. But he didn’t really have much hope of accomplishing that.
He would swallow nervously before deciding to bring up a question that had been on his mind. ”So either of you been here before?” he would ask awkwardly, his head turned away from them as he played with the hem of his shirt. Talking to new people especially more than one at a time always made him uncomfortable. And his idea of trying to get over his discomfort with someone was to try and make small talk. Usually Mirage would try and sooth him at this point but he had decided to keep the normal/ghost type tucked away in his pokeball deciding he would walk for now unless he had no choice but to start riding his favored mount.
Rather or not either of them had been here before he would defer to Callum, considering he was the oldest. And the only adult of the trio. [break] ,

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + ooc notes



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Supernova Shredder
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an anxious object
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I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 7:03:02 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
"Mhm, Vanilla and I found it." Callan replied, turning towards . The path they walked retraced the old steps, unfortunately the moon was out of reach last time, a rift having opened up just before they could arrive at the moon.

This time though, perhaps they'll have more luck. Returning back towards the basin, Callan looked towards the overgrown lake, placing four items into the bowls to summon the massive Celesteela from underneath the lake.

Except this time, there was no Celesteela emerging from the ground. That made sense, given that the Celesteela they had found would have already launched towards the moon.

Instead, the lake drained, and below seemed to be an unfathomable darkness. "Let's head downstairs." He commented. As he led the three down a spiral staircase that moved ever darker into an event more vast cavern. "What do you guys see?"

27: discover dilapidated bunkers underground or in the jungle. these bunkers have been made by megalopolans seeking shelter from the heat, the humidity, and ultra beasts.

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January 3
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 7:36:57 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
"Less discovering, more falling into a wormhole." Proxii corrected Callan, with Vanilla standing beside the older male as she smirked, but held her nod in as to not upset Callan too much. They seemed to have some sort of affinity for ending up in such vastly wild places in Ultra Space. "We'll need the four items to solve the riddle from last time. This should be easy since we know the answer!" She smiled at Callan and watched as he raced to go about filling them all up. Oddly enough, the moon wouldn't come up as a result of this, leading the teen to blink in confusion.

Instead, the lake around them would begin to drain. Water began to gush out as it revealed a moist, waterlogged entrance leading somewhere underground. Whatever was in there was certainly not touched or seen in centuries, if even that. So as the trio looked on in disbelief, Vanilla pursed her lips in thought. "You know, even after riding a Celesteela to the moon, this is probably the dumbest idea we could do. But it's not like there's any options..."

Callan, Amsalom and her would journey to the stairs and underneath the lake. Of course, it was dark as hell, and Proxii would click on a flashlight function on his phone body to provide some amount of light. "I can't see anything, it's too dark in here." The Rotom complained. Vanilla would squint her eyes, turning Proxii's light to shine on a dark, wide open field with tons of Celesteela inside. They were probably the amount height as the one Callan and her had seen before. Give it take. The ground began to shake as one of them would slowly begin to take off, opening a larger vent in the ceiling farther away to fully escape this dark prison.

"Is this some kind of launch bay or something? Or some place where they kept these things?"

28. discover a vast field filled with impossibly large Celesteela that dwarf you inside. Periodically, some will launch.


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Supernova Shredder
march 21
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an anxious object
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6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 10:31:57 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
"I'd argue falling face first into a hole counts as a discovery." Callan smiles, as they head downwards into what seems to be an underground city of Celesteela, all seemingly deactivated.

"If there's any trouble, I can get us out of here." Callan says, "It's why I'm here with you both."

The structure would reveal itself. The mound that they had previously been a part of was a part of a whole underground system. Each one would be able to launch towards the moon. "Seems like it, or more accurately, a base of operations of sorts." Callan had carried several of the items with them as they walked across the surface. Most of the Celesteela seemed inactive, but one of them did move and respond, upon seeing the four items.

It smiles as it turns towards the group, absorbing the items into its body. As with the last time, Callan takes a cup of water and has Galahad, his IRON VALIANT, TERASTALIZE the cup of water and offer it towards the Celesteela, turning it from pure water into a liquid of questionable nature. At any rate, it worked, granting the three of them entrance into its bamboo arm.

"Let's hope this time we can get the damn ship to fly to the moon."

🗺️ utilize paradox pokemon in a pivotal way.

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february 3rd
malie city
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5’2” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @absalom
absalom steel
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 13:40:52 GMT
absalom steel Avatar



So both of them had already been here. He was the odd man out then. Though Vanilla’s explanation was a bit perplexing. Considering he was into science and logic it was hard for him to wrap his mind around just falling through a wormhole. Weren’t wormholes usually in space. Seriously what was going on here?
”Seems like you guys already have all the answers,” his tone giving nothing away. He was just feeling more awkward like he was the new kid who was surrounded by other kids who had been friends with one another since kindergarten. And he would be imposing on them being the new kid and everything. It was a weird feeling to have since he had only ever been homeschooled or taken classes online.
Yeah he supposed they would need someone to help them out in case things went wrong. When the stairs appeared he would fallow them down. He would squint himself from to make things out. Luckily they would reach their destination and he would look at the Celesteela as they walked past his mind going over the fact they could take this two the moon. Seriously all this seemed like they had stepped into some fantasy world.
As they moved through they would react to the four objects and finally they came to a stop in front of one Celesteela and he would turn to watch the older male. ”Well there’s only one way to find out,” he pointed out as he made his way into its bamboo arms.[break] ,

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + yeah I haven’t figured out how to utilize his eidetic memory yet



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January 3
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 22:11:33 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
"Sort of..." Vanilla explained to Absalom, rubbing the back of her neck. "Callan and I got stuck here a while ago, and we solved this riddle before. It's what the people here used to offer to the Celesteelas to ride them to the moon." The younger girl explained to the other boy, adjusting her oversized glasses some while Proxii continued to travel forward as Callan led the way towards an awaiting Celesteela that smiled happily at them. He quickly remade the final elixir of life offering as it extended an arm towards them again.

"Here we go again." Proxii said aloud, waiting for Vanilla to follow the two back up into their Rocket chamber. Vanilla seemed the most affected, nervously stepping foot into the chamber with Callan and Absalom as she frowned. As the Celesteela was beginning to take off, the girl would clutch Callan's hand for dear life and face away from the view of the blast as the Celesteela would take off.

The entire tube vibrated as the group was taken up out of the dark underground and into the airspace. Proxii swung around to watch the view, the little Rotomphone chirping happily. "Wow, look at this view! No wonder those flying types really love the air! This place is amazing! Hey Vanilla, are you-" He turned around to find his trainer currently out cold, slumped over Callan's side as she was doing her best not to let the sudden heights get to her.



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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
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an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 15:57:10 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
"We explored the caverns last expedition, with Nikolaj." Callan added to Vanilla's commentary. "It's understandable that it's confusing for you, Absalom, but the core is that we're trying to find out what the significance behind the cavern is."

It didn't take long. Callan waits for Absalom and Vanilla to get in first, before he enters. The bamboo shoot was not a pleasant ride, as they rocket into the sky. Callan has to hold himself steady.

He feels a tight hand clutch against him, as he notices Vanilla terrified, he holds her hand tight for reassurance, though it seemed it doesn't work quite as well as expected as she falls unconscious as her Rotom speaks. The sky darkens, from a brilliant blue into an ethereal, vast black as it propelled into space.

The air gives way to absolute silence, as the turbulence disappears from the Celesteela. Everything is quiet, save for Callan's heartbeat, and the sound of heavy breathing.

The quiet does not last long. After a minute, the Celesteela begins to shake as they approach the moon. Its vast, grey surface inhabited seemingly by gigantic, grey towers. "What in the love of Arceus." Callan remarks.

The Celesteela had no intention of slowing down for impact. In fact, it seemed to be on collision course against the surface of the moon.

"Hold on!" He says, as he braces Vanilla's unconscious head against his shoulder to make sure the impact didn't injure her.

The imapct does not smash against the moon. Instead, all gravity seems to come to a smooth halt within a matter of milliseconds, as the Celesteela flips 180 degrees and lands with the barest of force.

It slowly releases its arm onto the ground, allowing the group access to the rest of the 'Moon.' They are in a vast, interconnected surface of the moon, wormholes dot towers above their heads. Callan gently shakes Vanilla awake. "You okay?" He then turns towards Absalom.

"Are you alright, Absalom?" He asks, before slowly getting up to take a look outside.

"Arceus." He comments. He would be surprised, had he not been through similar locations in the rifts prior. A ray of light echoes underneath them, pointing them seemingly towards a single tower.

"Let's follow, for now." Callan replied, as he watched the floating Ultra Beasts overhead, seemingly docile, content in this strange Moon.

As they journeyed forwards following the white light underneath them, they arrive at a massive set of doors. Overhead, a KARTANA floats down towards them, Callan instinctively reaches for his Pokemon, waiting to see what it says.

"TCEJBO SSELHTROW A TUC EVAH I, NIAGA ECNO." It says. Callan's brow furrows. "What?"


Callan pauses, turning towards the other two. "Do you two know what it's saying?"

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february 3rd
malie city
senior ranger
5’2” height
5’2” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
258 posts
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TAG WITH @absalom
absalom steel
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 16:43:15 GMT
absalom steel Avatar



Hearing what Callan said he nodded but didn’t speak. It would be best if he saved energy that had been used for talking to deal with how his body would take the lift off. He supposed that he should just be thankful the two of them had already been here. So they weren’t just going in blind. It was always good knowing what lay ahead of you. Though he still felt bad that he hadn’t been able to contribute anything.
As he expected liftoff wasn’t pleasant nor was the fly to the moon. He had noticed that Vanilla had fainted but figured Callan had everything covered. For now he would focus on not going into a coughing fit. To try to help he decided to keep his mouth shut and just breathe through his nose. He heard the older male and braced himself for impact.
Thankfully no impact came and they were put down lightly. When they were let go he slumped against the ground breathing heavily. ”Y-Yes, just give me a minute,” he said his breathing starting to even out. But he noticed his chest still felt a bit tight. Seemed like something to deal with later when they had gotten out of this place and gone their separate ways.
”Are you okay?” he asked the older male once he had gotten his breathing back under control, since he had asked about him and Vanilla. He noticed there was a bit of a strain to his voice and he hoped neither would comment on it. Instead he made it clear he was ready to move on when they were.
Once Callan started walking he was quick to follow. He took in everything around him with a curious gaze. Only turning away from the sights when a Kartana floated down towards them. His own hand twitched as if he had considered tossing out one of his own Pokémon but other than that he didn’t react. At least until it spoke.
Before it had finished speaking he had already taken out a notebook and a pen from his bag so by the time it spoke the same phrase again he was able to write down what it sounded like it had said. He looked down at the letters for a few seconds before looking away so he could think. After a few minutes he had it.
”Its talking in reverse,” he said sounding strangely excited about the fact. Realizing how excited he sounded his face heated up in embarrassment. ”Right, right. It’s saying ‘Once again, I have cut a worthless object’,” the teen told them showing his notebook to them.[break] ,

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + Absalom writes down what Kartana says and uses his eidetic memory to figure out what he said



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January 3
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 0:42:26 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
It was probably a good thing that Vanilla not be fully aware of her situation right now, as the teen probably would have died from embarrassment. So she hung limply in Callan's arms, the Celesteela careening towards the moon without stopping. "H-Hey, do you think that our ride is gunna...you know, not crash land on the moon?" He readied himself by pushing against Vanilla's side and bracing for an impact that would never come. At some last minute, the Celesteela would have slowed down fully as the gravity around the people changed. They were let out after coming to a halt as above them, the vast endlessness of space rested, with wormholes dotted above them. Ultra Beasts floated around, complicit in just effortlessly flying about.

Callan shook Vanilla awake as she slowly came to. "Bwah-Wha are we?" she said, snapping back into consciousness as her brain was taking a bit to fully reconnect. Absalom and Proxii had survived the trip as well, with Vanilla standing back upright as she exhaled, shaking her pink head around to shake off the dust from her mind. "Sorry, I don't do heights well." she said to Callan and then followed behind the two. "So this is the moon? I figured it would have been more...barren."

Their journey came to an end as the three of them came to follow a ray of light and then come to a set of closed doors. From above, a strange Ultra Beast had come down to hover in front of them. Proxii took a quick scan as Vanilla appeared surprised when it would speak! "Wait, an Ultra Beast that can talk? Or at least better than most Pokémon. But what's it saying?" she asked the two, tapping her foot against the ground while she tried to deduce the mystery by herself. It wasn't until their blue haired friend had cracked the code.

"Reverse?" Proxii hovered over to take a peak at the notebook, then looked back at the Kartana. "Huh, I guess it was. But what does it mean by that?" Vanilla took a step to investigate the door, a puzzled expression on her face. "Do you think that it's trying to cut the door down?"



Kartana, the Drawn Sword Pokémon. It seems not to attack enemies on its own, but its sharp body is a dangerous weapon in itself. This Ultra Beast's body, which is as thin as paper, is like a sharpened sword.

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Callan Young
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 13:25:24 GMT
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Once he figured both Vanilla and Absalom were alright, the Elite Four gives a brief smile. "Great, we just have to figure out how to get back again."

Callan watches as Absalom seemingly recognizes the speech pattern of the Kartana. He briefly walks over, looking at the boy write something out. As Absalom speaks, Callan's eyes turn incredulous, "You could recognize that from just the Kartana talking?"

"NIAGA! NIAGA! NIAGA TUC!" The tiny paper Pokemon seemed to be getting more agitated as it spoke. It folds its orgami hands together into a paper blade, and that was when Callan knew they were going to have to fight. "Watch out!" He yells, instinctively tossing out a pokeball from his belt.


Bowie jumps out and immediately forms a barrier, hexagons spill into a sphere, protecting the three of them from the Kartana's SACRED SWORD."Send out your Pokemon you two, we're taking out this Kartana!"

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absalom steel
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 14:21:29 GMT
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Hearing the older male’s response he shook his head. ”Once I wrote it out like it sounded to me all it took was one look to figure it out. I have an eidetic memory, so once I can see it I’ll remember it,” he explained to the two. It wasn’t something he talked about often but he wanted to be truthful that it was his eidetic memory that had helped them.
His attention went back to the Kartana as it started to speak again. Since it didn’t seem to be saying anything new he slid the notebook back in his backpack. Taking in how agitated the Pokémon was becoming he realized the elite four member was right. They weren’t going to be getting out of this without a fight.
Before he could toss send out one of his companions the Kartana made its move making him tense. Luckily with some quick thinking from the elite four the Pokémon he had send out was able to use protect them with one of its moves. His eyes narrowed slightly and his hand came to rest on the pokeball containing Mirage.
Instead of verbally responding to the older male he send out his partner the ghostly Pokémon appearing in a flash of light. The Hisuian Zoroark looked at the Pokémon before looking back at Axel waiting for some kind of command. ”Use bitter malice,” he ordered his gaze fixed on the Kartana.
Since Callum had protected them he would start off the attack. Since there wasn’t much point in putting it off. He kept an eye on his partner as he nodded before following his command to attack the Kartana.[break] ,

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Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 4:51:10 GMT
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"Heh, good thinking!" Vanilla said to the blue haired boy, offering a thumbs up as she would turn her attention shortly back to the Kartana that hopped along while it was trying to get their attention again. This time it was something else that he was probably saying backwards. "Hm, do you think that you could translate again for us?" she asked Absalom before the Pokémon would fold its arms into a sharpened blade. Callan spoke up first, getting himself ready for it to attack. "Eep!"

The attack was blocked by the man, who would call his Toxtricity in the nick of time! It cast a shielding move, protecting them from the sword slash and catching it. But the Kartana would continue on. Callan for for them to attack, which Vanilla was more than happy to help with. "Proxii, Electro Ball it!" The Rotom popped out of his Rotomdex case, quickly arcing its wings together as a crackling ball of electricity was sent directly at the Katana in combination with the Zoark's attack. She hoped that it would be enough to pushed him off of attacking, although Vanilla was a bit too focused on the coloring of Abasalom's pal.

"H-Hey, how come your Zoroark is all white?" she asked once they had a breather, her "newness" showing.


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Supernova Shredder
march 21
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Callan Young
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 12:33:05 GMT
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It doesn't take long for to pitch in with a Hisuian Zoroark. Shadows expel outwards from the ghostly beast as it forms a wicked surge of spikes to assault the Kartana, freezing it in place.

Near simultaneously, Vanilla's Rotom springs into action, spinning ball lightning at the Kartana to deliver a strong enough blowout for an opportunity. Callan takes out a beast ball and tosses it towards the Kartana, having been struck and weakened, the Pokemon aseemingly makes no resistance, shaking once before deciding to follow through with accepting its new role. It flies back into Callan's hand. "Strange, it seemed to almost want to be captured." Callan mentioned, turning towards the other two.

"Great work guys." Callan spoke out, sending out the Ultra Beast. The tiny orgiami Pokemon was barely a foot tall, and floated in front of the group as Callan healed it with medicine from his pack. He turns towards Vanilla, "It's a Hisuian variant, these ones are a little less friendly in the wild." Callan turns towards his new partner. "Can you show us the way out?"

"Yaw! Yaw sihT!" It exclaims, as it floats towards the door it had previously guarded, leading the group into a set of elevators. "Oh, Earth, by the way. We're heading back to the Hoenn region." Callan pauses, "U820, if that makes any difference."

Now that they had discovered the manner as to how to head towards the Moon, they could safely continue their expeditions here next time. For now, they needed to establish a way to return. That in itself seems to be a bit more of a quandary at the moment, but he didn't say that out loud to the others. He had a feeling they could trust the Kartana, at the very least.


🗺️ CALLAN YOUNG will be able to capture a CELESTEELA or KARTANA during this expedition. he may consider capturing an infantile celesteela or more a docile kartana; however, catching one may incur the wrath of more mature ultra beasts in the realm and cause multiple earthquakes, eruptions, or celesteela launches toward your location.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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absalom steel
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 13:55:23 GMT
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Vanilla used her Rotom to send an electric attack and between the two of them they were weaken it enough for Callan to use a strange pokeball to catch it. Having never dealt with ultra beast before he caught it. Hearing Vanilla’s question he turned towards her but it was Callan who answered. He decided to add on to the older male’s response.
”It’s also a normal/ghost type. Being the only dual type with those typings,” he explained before continuing after following after the elite four member. ”I found him as a Zorua when me and my sister came to Hoenn three years ago. He was being ganged up on by some other Pokémon and while my sister dealt with the other Pokémon I healed his injuries and he’s been with me ever since,” he explained turning his attention back to the elevator ride.
Soon enough the doors opened and he would follow the Kartana out of the elevator. As he followed after it he took the chance to look around but made sure to keep an eye on the Kartana as well. So when it stopped he was able to stop as well. He looked at the portal remembering having passed a few others.
He figured this place was so kind of in between place where they could use it to go from one realm to another. Or whatever you wanted to call it. ”Guess this is the right portal,” he said looking it over. Considering how turbulent there right here had been he hoped their arrival back to over wouldn’t be as turbulent. Since he had never used a portal before he wasn’t exactly sure what to expect.[break] ,

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing