Clinic Summer Bash [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
Clinic Summer Bash [M]
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2023 2:58:22 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar
[attr="class","samjermain"]The attack on Dewford Town left many Pokemon without homes. The biggest single group of these was a nest with seven Taillows. A good samaritan picked them up from under their fallen mother. His Dachsbun kept them warm until the rescue team arrived. Something about these birds—maybe just desperation for a ray of sunshine in the milieu—had caught the public’s attention

Today, after many sleepless nights on the part of their caretakers, the fledglings were to be set free. The same thing was true for a lot of Pokemon acquired on the battlefield in Dewford. This, coupled with the nice weather, put the clinic in the mood for a little party. There was a small barbecue set up in the clinic’s front yard. Its metal grills are covered in kebabs—vegan, gluten-free, and lab-grown.

Community members were crowding around the place, eager to get a look at the birds and sample the kebabs. Aubre, never a fan of crowds, sat at the back of the gathering. Her booth offered free vaccines and quick pieces of advice. Though, as was her habit, there was a lot of free treatment being handed out as well.

Her husband would likely complain about that later.

With her line dwindling down for the moment, Aubre rose to circle the party itself. On the way, she stopped to scoop up a glass of lemonade. Shirking her way through with apologies and careful shirking, the redhead made a beeline to her destination. After some time, she came upon the stars of the show—the excitable Taillow flitting from side to side in their enclosure.

She found someone else there. “Good morning. I see you found the guests of honor.” The doctor offered a tight-lipped smile to the attendee. She always looked to be on the wrong side of uncomfortable. “I’m going to be sad to see them go.” The birds chirped happily at Aubre. She’d helped draw them gently from hatching to flight feathers.

A scarred finger pressed against the bars of the flight cage.


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El Sunderland
Clinic Summer Bash [M]
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2023 21:16:28 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
The Taillow were quite the lively bunch, weren't they? El smiled warmly as they watched the birds move about - clearly eager to stretch their wings and fly. And as a Ranger - even if only a rookie - they were here to help make sure that everything went as smoothly as could be, when it came time to release these Taillow. They wanted to make sure this whole summer bash the clinic hosted went well!

They weren't the only one enjoying the sight though. Whenever the Taillow began chirping, Akero would chirp back at them - the Togekiss watching the flying-types as well, and seeming completely enamored with the happiness coming off of the little birds. What sort of conversation were they having, El wondered?

Though Aubre's approach would briefly startle El - lost in thought as they were - they'd soon give her a warm smile, even if a hue of concern crossed their expression at the uncomfortable look that the doctor had. "Morning," They greeted in turn - glancing to the Taillow, who seemed happy to see Aubre. "They're in pretty good spirits - you and the rest of the clinic did a great job raising them."

Though, it seemed the doctor couldn't match those positive vibes - expressing her feelings about their eventual departures. El glanced to her once more, offering a sympathetic smile. "It's hard to not get attached to them - they're pretty cute." They spoke in agreement, their voice gentle. "But, uhm... The surrounding area still has plenty of forageables." Even after all of the fighting, the surrounding wilderness was relatively untouched. "So it's not like they'll all leave completely; I bet you'll hear birdsong from one of them tomorrow morning."

A wild pokemon had no reason to leave, if food, water, and shelter was easily accessible.
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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
Clinic Summer Bash [M]
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 0:32:50 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar
[attr="class","samjermain"]She saw that jump. A scarred hand lifted up in apology. For a moment she debated on what to do-grabbing a stranger’s shoulder wasn’t exactly a good idea. Especially when they were in uniform, instead, she allowed the fingers to curl back up like a sleepy rosebud. El’s smile was returned, albeit awkwardly. “Good morning.” His next words drew a soft smile. “I really cannot take all the credit.” She lifted her eyes to the sky. “Time did a lot of the work for me.” Praise made her uncomfortable—especially when it was due.

At her feet, the Heliolisk rolled his baby blues. His pen flew across his notepad. After a moment, he turned the paper to face the dark-haired ranger. ‘She’s lying. She fed those dang things like 12 times a day.’ Her eyes dropped down to what she could see, her cheeks coloring. Freezing slightly, she gently tapped the lizard’s foot with one tennis shoe. “Well, that’s not—I was just doing my job.” It wasn’t like she could help fight. Spy and counterintelligence work? She could barely tell kids about Santa Claus without looking like a strangled frog.

The ranger’s comment drew green eyes toward the cage. The birds inside chirped excitedly at her appearance. Which Aubre believed was more due to food than any true sense of gratitude. “Yeah.” She chuckled. “It’s hard to imagine these are the pink blobs you guys dropped off.” The poor things were covered in soot and the after-effects of the Interdream mist. Their eyes hadn’t opened yet.

And, now, they were practically beating the cage apart in anticipation. Their big onyx eyes stare at the sky’s expanse with equal parts wonder and trepidation. “Oh—I—I know it’s safe. It’s better for them too.” But, still, the world outside the nest was dangerous. Look at her back. “I’ll miss having them around though. They really were lovely house guests.”

Alastor’s pen flew again. ‘Noisy.’

At the talk of birdsong, the redhead took a step closer to the cage. “I hope the song is a happy one.” With how much time her husband spent at home these days, she suspected it would be something classical. The little guys drew near. Two of them laid their heads against the bars for a scratch—a request she, of course, obliged.

“Are you hungry or anything?” She turned to where the tents were set up. A little cotton candy machine and a popcorn cart bubbled around. “I kind of feel bad just, well, leaving you here.” It certainly did not make her feel hospitable.

The lizard’s snout wrinkled. This time, he turned the memo pad to his trainer. ‘Worrywart.’


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
Clinic Summer Bash [M]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 7:13:45 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El blinked curiously at Alastor's writing - eyes lighting up at this alternative method of communication. Perhaps they should do the same, for their own pokemon? (Though, they had a distinct feeling that Behemoth would snap the pencil or pen, by virtue of being all gung-ho all the time.)

In any case, there came Aubre's modesty - which was met with a warm smile. "And you did a great job at, well, your job!" El responded, nodding gently. Baby pokemon could be a bit fragile - especially without their mother to help look after them. With how lively and healthy the Taillow flock looked to be - especially their excitement at Aubre - they were proof in-of-itself of how well she did. Even if the birds were interested in food more than the doctor, it was still a sign that they trusted her to take good care of them and provide for them.

With how excited the Taillow were getting though, Akero seemed to be on cloud nine - whistling eagerly and fluttering her wings. El made a gentle laugh at both this - reaching over to scritch the Togekiss - as well as Aubre's and Alastor's comments about having the Taillow around. "Yeah, they love to chitchat, don't they?" They responded to the Heliolisk. "Can't blame them though - they're still just lil happy guys."

The birdsong was sure to be beautiful.

The question of food, though, was met with a surprised blink from El before they waved a hand in a lax gesture. "Oh, it's fine," They reassured her with an insisting hue. "I - uh... - already had some." A lie, if the pause they made to think and the slight strain in their tone was of any indication.

But, it seemed that one of El's pokemon - an Alakazam - was having none of this. With a soft sigh, Bibibi would disappear from her place at El's side with a Teleport. And though it took a couple minutes, she'd soon reappear - a couple of plates with hotdogs upon them (likely from the barbecue,) one of which she passed to El.

It was the rookie ranger's turn to flush now, as they sheepishly accepted the plate. "Oh, uhm - t-thank you, Bibidi." More often than not, she was there to help make up for their usual unwillingness to trouble others.

Bibidi simply smiled gently to El - fond amusement in her expression. Before the Alakazam settled down to eat her own hotdog though, she'd glance to Aubre - reaching out telepathically with inquiry, gesturing towards the food. Did the doctor want some, too?
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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
Clinic Summer Bash [M]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2023 4:24:34 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar
[attr="class","samjermain"]Deciding to let the two yammer on about whatever boring stuff humans did, Alastor stuffed his memo pad in the little satchel at its side. If El looked, he’d find a few extra pencils, another notebook, a few pencil sharpeners, and what looked to be a miniature book of word searches.

The redhead’s blush only intensified. The freckles scattered across her cheek faded into a sea of pink. “Thank you. I—I really do try. “ That inner voice circled around for another strike—strangling out any sense of accomplishment.” I’d hope you could pass for competent. You only spent seven years in school and got halfway through a residency. “Leon—my husband—thinks I work a little too hard.” she did not exactly think he was wrong. But the alternative was letting innocent creatures die. A tinge of sadness snuck in. “But we don’t see eye-to-eye on much anymore.”

Any lingering sorrow vanished at the chirping. It was difficult to be depressed in the aura of a Togekiss (even for her). “I have to wonder what they talk about.” She felt her lips perk up. “Not all Pokemon are as—” Trained was not the right word. He was family, not a pet. “--effective at human communication as Alastor.” Which, as the training of her team showed, was not a capability limited to this one weird lizard. “I do not need a translator to know they’re ready to stretch their wings.” A mixture of guilt, sadness, and reluctance popped up.

Reluctance to let them face the hungry things outside the sanctuary. Sadness to see them take wing and vanish to pinpoints in the distance—a reminder of her own daughter’s future departure. And, of course, guilt for continuing to feel all of these things. Even after this, young person went through the trouble of reassuring her.

“Did you? I didn’t see you come by.” The doctor murmured. Two words that seemed somehow worse than anything she’d said so far. Why would you ask them that? Do you want them to think you’re the food police? Why would you know if they didn’t? Suddenly, an Alakazam popped into being between them—the sudden appearance sent the Taillow flying off in a flurry of feathers.

The invitation received a shake of her head. “No, thank you. For the offer, I mean.” She made a gesture that the two of them should continue. Aubre was too nervous to eat. Some part of her worried some predatory thng would end this endeavor in a flurry of bloody feathers. “But I already ate.” Fortunately that wasn’t a lie. Even if it’d just been a protein bar this morning.
Alastor, meanwhile, waved at the psychic type. If she turned to face him, the electric type would mime a request of his own. He’d take one of those dogs.

[newclass=.samjer] font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain] margin: 0 auto; width:350px;background-color:#272727;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;line-height:14px;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertag] text-align:right;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom: -15px; padding-top: 15px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjermain b] color: #AED588; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain i] color: #69A534; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer u] text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: #E0F3FC; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; font-weight: bold; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 10px Poppins!important; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjerpoke] width:440px;height:60px;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat; border-top: 6px solid #AED588;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:15px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px; background-color: #272727;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertop] width:440px;height:50px;background-color: #69A534;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:5px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px;[/newclass]
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
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El Sunderland
Clinic Summer Bash [M]
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2023 22:21:02 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El couldn't help but smile a bit brighter at the blush on Aubre's cheeks - happy to see the positive effect it seemed to have on her, if the nod they gave in response was of any indication.

But, the mention of Leon was met with a bit of a curious blink - and then a sympathetic half-smile, at the sadness that talking about him seemed to bring up. "At the very least, I'm sure that you - uhm - will be able to rest for at least a little bit, once the Taillow are safely released, right?" They questioned, adding "I imagine working at a clinic is busy - especially when you have so many hungry mouths to look after. My mom works at a Pokecenter, and it wasn't unusual for her to have to stay overtime sometimes."

Which, of course, left Dad to do most of the parenting. For better and for worse.

But, that wasn't on El's mind. Instead, as Aubre commented on pokemon communication, El's eyes seemed to light up a bit. "Yeah! I'm sure a lot of pokemon would have plenty to talk about, if we're able to figure out ways to, uhm. To bridge that language barrier." They spoke, gesturing a bit animatedly. "Bibidi - my Alakazam here - helps a ton, being a Psychic-type. Even if she, uhm, doesn't use words in the same way we do, we still are able to understand eachother more or less perfectly when she has something to 'say' to me."

Glancing to Alastor and giving him a bright smile though, El added "Teaching my pokemon to write and draw to talk is a great idea, though. I'd love to be able to see what's on everyones' minds, without needing Bibidi to be the middle-'mon the whole time." She worked enough as she did, being their service pokemon and all.

But seeing the sadness that made itself known at the mention of the Taillow, well, that sympathy returned. El offered her another gentle smile. "Hey, it's okay." They spoke. "Seeing 'em go'll be sad - you guys took care of them, after all. But you, uhm, gave them a chance they otherwise would've never had, right? And we're here to help make sure they get a proper send-off."

As the Taillow seemed to startle from Bibidi's reappearance, the Alakazam blinked - seeming a bit sheepish at the disturbance she made. She reached out to each of the little birds mentally, to soothe them - to apologize for spooking them.

And though Aubre wasn't interested in food, Alastor was - and Bibidi was happy to share. Using Telekinesis, she'd take her share of the hotdogs off the plate and let them hover in place. Then, she'd pass the plate with the remaining hotdog to the Heliolisk, so that he had somewhere to put the hotdog down while he ate.
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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
Clinic Summer Bash [M]
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2023 1:25:17 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar
[attr="class","samjermain"]The redhead smiled softly at El. “I hope it will be less broken, certainly.” Why shouldn’t it be broken? With a thing like you in the way? Those nightmares are your own fault. Still, even a return to a typical inconsistency would be welcome. With such small birds, she had suffered a very broken cycle. More than once, she had found herself nodding off over their box. “At least I have dealt with that kind of schedule before.”

While a calm, relatively trouble-free child now, Michaela had been quite the fussy baby.

“It can be hectic.” Green eyes flicked to the squat clinic with its carefully tailored landscape and cheery sign. She had spent a lot of nights curled up beside a touch-and-go patient or dozing off over clinical notes. But the idea of just leaving always seemed more repulsive. It wasn’t like she would just miss an email. Someone—some creature—she cared about could die if she was negligent. “But the extra hours are worth it.” And, when Michaela grew up, Aubre hoped she agreed.

At the talk of psychic Pokemon, the doctor smiled. With a smile, she dug a little notepad out of her bag. She always carried one on her—just in case she and Al needed to have a private conversation. After flipping a few pages, the doctor turned it to face El. On it was very neat, clipped writing. “Telepathy has its benefits, certainly. Especially for Pokemon without the—” What was the right way to say this? It wasn’t really a mental thing. “--anatomy for writing.” Her Farigiraf fell into that category.

“If you need any help, let me know.” It could be hard to convince Pokemon of the need. A lot of them grew too frustrated to get things done. And, after doing this so many times, “There are a lot of good resources out there, but it can be hard to weed through the chaff.” Not that she’d actually trained most of hers. Mama and Papa had been responsible for most of that.

The redhead took a deep breath. “You’re right.” She sighed. This is a party. Stop being a raincloud, Aubre. In the cage, the Taillow were the picture of joyous curiosity. “I need to put on a happy face. For them.” Sometimes Aubre worried she hadn’t That she should have done more, been more, chose differently. “This is a happy occasion.” In the distance, one of the volunteers announced cake.

As the hot dog was pushed toward him, the Heliolisk offered a single nod. He flashed the Alakazam a thumbs-up. "Lisk." But it didn’t seem like he’d need the plate. Instead, he tried to swallow the hot dog whole.

[newclass=.samjer] font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain] margin: 0 auto; width:350px;background-color:#272727;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;line-height:14px;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertag] text-align:right;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom: -15px; padding-top: 15px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjermain b] color: #AED588; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain i] color: #69A534; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer u] text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: #E0F3FC; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; font-weight: bold; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 10px Poppins!important; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjerpoke] width:440px;height:60px;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat; border-top: 6px solid #AED588;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:15px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px; background-color: #272727;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertop] width:440px;height:50px;background-color: #69A534;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:5px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px;[/newclass]
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
Clinic Summer Bash [M]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 4:26:38 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
The offer for aid is met with a bright smile from El, who nods. "Yeah! I'll keep you in mind if I, uhm, have a hard time teaching my pokemon." Although, they imagined some of their pokemon would pick it up easier than others. For instance - though Behemoth wasn't stupid, El had a feeling he'd end up snapping whatever pen or pencil they gave him in half at least a good few times before he got the hang of even holding one. "I think it'll be a fun way to, uhm, bond with some of my newer pokemon, too."

As Aubre insisted to herself that this was a happy time though, El would offer a sympathetic smile. "I mean... It's okay to be sad. Like I said, you guys took care of them and watched them grow." They spoke, adding "But it'll be okay. It's not like they'll all disappear completely - I'm sure you'll see at least a few of them linger around, and maybe even start families of their own when they get big enough."

But in the meantime, they were content to enjoy some food alongside the others. Even if El couldn't help a somewhat surprised blink at Alastor essentially eating the entire hot dog he was given in one bite - was that how Heliolisks usually ate, they wondered?

With the announcement of the cake though, El wondered how much time had passed since they got here. "When were you, uhm, planning to set them free, again?" They asked - wondering if the time was fast approaching by now. They wanted to make sure they'd be fully ready - even if they had come more-or-less prepared as it was.
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Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
Clinic Summer Bash [M]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2023 1:32:57 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar

Though El’s smile is bright, Aubre cannot help but fixate on the clouds behind the sunny expression. The way the other hesitates to finish the sentence. [break][break] Way to assume they can’t do it themselves. Why not just build yourself a throne, Aubre? Just because you have a degree doesn’t make everyone else stupid. At the talk of bonding, she bobbed her head—eager for something positive. “It can be! You just have to be sure to explain why you’re doing it. To them, we’re the stupid ones.” Right now, her Dragonite was proving a hard study. Though he seemed to like reading, he preferred letting his body speak for him.

A melancholy smile reasserts its dominance. To keep these Taillow from the skies—even with the danger—was just cruel. “I think it’s just the mother in me.” She laughed. The sound was tainted with tears. Her brain tried to picture her little angel in the bird’s place. But it just made her laugh harder. The beaks did not lend themselves to the toddler’s normally haughty expression. “It’ll be my daughter I’m letting go of one day.” And, there was only one thing to do. It was time to let these guys go. “But, you’re right. They’ll be fine.” Until someone caught them. Or something ate them. Or they flew into an active warzone. Or an angry, possessive nutjob set them on fire.

Huh. So that’s what this was about. It always came back to that, didn’t it?

Across the lawn, someone began to talk—reminding people of why they were there. The senior doctor cast about for the junior, casting her a stern glance.

With a mess of nods, the doctor turned to hurry to her spot. “Thank you, El. Eat lots of cake for me!” Scarred hands lifted in a fond wave as she almost tripped over the step to the aviary. A few of the spectators turned to her. Let’s not brain ourselves on the way to the microphone. Arceus. When she turned back, Alastor was stuffing his face with the remnants of his lunch.

One of the birds soared up toward the top of its cage, staring longingly at the sun as it hung from the bars.


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
Clinic Summer Bash [M]
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2023 21:53:52 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El’s expression was sympathetic, as Aubre mentioned being a mother – and the lament about having to let go. They weren’t a parent, unless you counted something like their turtwig Yggdrasil, so they didn’t exactly have a reference point to go off of. Yet, at the same time, that lament of having to let go of something you love…

They’d be repeating themself to say that everything will be okay, or that they were here to make sure of it. But it didn’t change the fact that they wanted to make sure these birds would be okay out there. Perhaps if the Taillow were cooperative enough, they could be tagged before they were released? That’d make tracking them and how they’re doing a bit easier!

But the conversation would end up drifting off, up until it was time for Aubre to leave for some sort of speech. ”I can save some for you!” El offered with a bright smile, waving back. It’d be a shame, if she had to miss out on the good stuff! And indeed, they’d get up with every intention to partake in some of the other goodies and festivities that this bash offered. But as they did, they’d hear the light flutter of wings, the click of tiny talons wrapping around a bar.

They glanced back to the Taillow as it stared out, desiring that great blue beyond. A strong sense of sympathy – empathy, even – crossed El’s face as they approached the cage once more. ”It’s okay, lil guys.” They spoke softly. ”I know how you feel - it feels like you’ve been waiting your whole lives for this chance…” Which, they had been. ”… But just a little longer, and you’ll get to see that great big world out there, okay? And it might feel a little scary sometimes... But it’ll be great.”

They’d let their Togekiss keep the Taillow company and entertained while Bibidi and they headed to the rest of the party proper. It wouldn’t be long now, before these little birds could start the next step of their big journey in life.

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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
Clinic Summer Bash [M]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2023 21:58:25 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar

The rest of the part passed without incident. Hundreds of people cycled past the cage. A few offered empathy while others clung fitfully to the bars. These little birds represented various things: hope, resilience, and freedom. A few even tossed crumbs at the Taillow's feet as a farewell.
Then, the time came to release them. With her head held high, the redhead walked over to the cage's door. A deep breath pushed back the threatening tears as she pulled the portal open. A gentle tap on the doorframe drew the birds' attention. For a few seconds, they seemed to debate about the freedom offered to them. One went so far as to pull on the doctor's shoes. Then, the boldest hopped pass the threshold. It turned to meet Aubre's eyes. Almost as if it was asking permission.[break][break]

The doctor nodded. "It's all right." The bird hopped closer to her. But its eyes were staring at the blue sky above. "Go." As the first Taillow took to the skies, the others were quick to follow. Soon, only a few feathers on the bottom of the cage showed they'd been there at all.


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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,908 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
Clinic Summer Bash [M]
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2023 6:38:31 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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