Us Knights Must Stick Together [GG]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Mika, Mick
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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mikael rosenberg
Us Knights Must Stick Together [GG]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 1:12:33 GMT
mikael rosenberg Avatar
Dear ,

It’s so weird not being able just to go off and visit you whenever I want.

But at least now we can write letters to each other.

Enough about all that though. How have you been?

Have you been settling in alright? How have you been dealing with everything?

So far I’ve been fine. It’s not easy knowing we’re stuck here but I’m managing.

I’ve started my knightly duties again. I mean it’s not like there much to do in this memory when all we have to look forward to is fighting.

Your Friend,

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Adel or Della
February 21
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Adelaide Whiteley
Us Knights Must Stick Together [GG]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 17:21:44 GMT
Adelaide Whiteley Avatar
Dear ,

I'm so glad to hear from you again.

I agree it's been hard on everyone. Being so cut from outside world and being trapped here.

Honesty without these letters I would have gone mad by now.

Knighthood never something easy but I believe you to do the right and overcome whatever doubt you have have.

What I have been doing up until is training myself and with my new weapon.

It's a bow with the power to turn arrows into misty explosion.

Very nice however I pray that I never have to use it.

Other than that I have been training squires and younger knights.

That is up until currently as something new had come up.

It been taking up a lot more out of my time....

I am well but my luxray is not.

The setting of galar has taken it's troll on her and she had become very old.

It's started back in the fight with strange zapos-like pokemon. She has been getting weaker.

I have known my luxray being temperamental and rushing into danger.

However she means to do the right thing.

My feline was fighter but has now lost her spark.

To see having to retire when everyone else is fight able to fight I know it hurts her.

I am also afraid of losing her too for in distance past when we were in Hoenn.

She was reason I had become a ranger in the first place.

How are your pokemon holding up?  I pray they are in better health!

 I will end this letter on a happy now with the fact a few friends of mine have open up a bakery.

Maybe if I never get the chance or find someway I bring some treats to you.

Best Wishes,

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Mika, Mick
october 30th
mauville city
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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mikael rosenberg
Us Knights Must Stick Together [GG]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 21:39:28 GMT
mikael rosenberg Avatar
Dear ,

I understand what you mean. The people I’m stuck with are great but it’s just not the same. It’s good just being able to communicate with the people I knew before all this mess started. That’s why I was so quick to write you a letter when I got the chance.

I’m fine being a knight I was one for a number of years before I came to Hoenn and became an officer. It’s just weird to be a knight again for different people. Is it weird that I feel guilty that I’ve become a knight for a different place? It’s weird isn’t it? Geez I’m starting to feel like I cheated on my old charge. But I’m sure I’ll get over these weird feelings soon.

That sounds like a good weapon. I’ve got my own weapon. A sword that is empowered with the move freeze-dry. I’m with you about not wanting to have to use it though. I just want all of this fighting to be over.

The fact you’re teaching others has got me curious now. If we ever are able to see each other in person one day I would love to sit in on a lesson.

Yeah I’m afraid I’m facing the same problem with Aurora. You probably remember her, she’s my Espeon. She got poisoned by one of those poison hands and now she’s not doing so well. She’s withered here and I don’t know why being here has affected her so. Selene and the rest of my Pokémon are doing just fine though.

Oh right speaking of Pokémon Polaris, he’s my magneton, has been helping when it comes to power. Because of that me and a few others were able to get a radio tower up. I’m sure that’ll make communicating even easier.

Your friends sound interesting. I’m sure a bakery is great for morale in these dark times. And I couldn’t ask you to do that. I wouldn’t want want to put you out. There’s not really much point anyway.

Oh right you wouldn’t know. It’s never really come up the times we talked. But I can’t taste. Never saw the point of getting it checked out when it never affected my health.

It does mean that I’m not opposed to eating what others won’t eat. I like to go by waste not want not.

Considering I grew up in poverty I couldn’t be to picky about what I ate.

Your Friend,

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Adel or Della
February 21
Ballonlea City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Adelaide Whiteley
Us Knights Must Stick Together [GG]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 23:28:17 GMT
Adelaide Whiteley Avatar
Dear ,

I glad that we was have so much in common even as it's been rather rough these days. We have both lost sense in a someone dear to us however I say we should remain positive. We have so much to learn and grow despite us not being in our real world. I feel this much needed change to make amends. Because in the real world, I should have become a knight. I was trained since the moment I born. I was post to take on were my father left off however I didn't.

I wanted freedom that only the wild could give and my family never seemed to understand. I can understand the guilty however if you left eat away at you. You never truly able to move on from the past. I don't feel like them if anything your keep their memories alive. Such being knight of Galar giving others hope as some can never do we can. Never forget that!

You have espeon! I should have remember forgive for my bunder. I know Princess adores them. I have no doubt if ever find away out of here somehow then everything including our pokemon will return to normal. Oh a freeze-dry sword! That sounds amazing! I wish I could see it up close! Its least one of can use the radio. I feel like if ask my luxray then I might able to to use the radio however I don't want to push her.

Heh! I will say I am firm as I am cruel. May when I get to Circhester I can teach some of the younger knights there and you watch me maybe give a few tips. Oh right! By the times you getting the letter. I should be on my way over Circhester City. The poison has dissolved enough that we are able to travel to other places now. I... I wanted to surprise you with a visit from me. While I will not lie the bakery help with morale. You and these letters have also help as well.

I want to give a little back for your kindness to me. So i'm bring a huge basket of treats with your name on it. Just you wait and see! Even if you can't taste I still want them. I...have may or may not have bake some myself. (There is a huge bunch of scratched out words something these that can't be made whatsoever.)

See you soon,

Notes: This letter seems to arrive with half a week.
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POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 6:54:08 GMT
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