A Rose In Time (Social/Closed)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
A Rose In Time (Social/Closed)
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2023 19:24:11 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

It was a question that they had asked, very few had ever asked that of him.

"Why are you seeking them out?"

"What are you hoping for, if - or when - they notice you?"

Maybe fewer people knew about his ambitions than he had thought? He wasn't exactly secretive with what he wanted, or desired. He had told @elisa that he wanted Regidrago to her face, but he hadn't mentioned Dialga....In fact now that he thought about it, no one really knew that he had been searching for Dialga since he heard that roar back during the Groudon incident. So there he was in the dining hall at a table situated just for two people, and his current partner in crime was sitting across from him.

"Tell me something Makoto, if you had the power to bend the universe to your whim, what would you do? Would you try to fix a broken world, or a broken life? Would you try to undo something no matter the consequences?" Or would they do nothing at all? Would they even accept that kind of power?

Amor had thought about it ever since that day. He had a clear cut goal when it came to gaining the strength of the God of Time, he knew exactly what he would do with it, how he would use it, and what he would undo with Dialga's power. There was no doubt in his mind, he would prevent the tragedies of his life, he would break the world for her if that is what it took.

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
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Makoto Kurumi
A Rose In Time (Social/Closed)
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2023 4:40:03 GMT
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Makoto, admittedly, wasn't the fondest of the submarine. Was it hidden? Yes. Was it defensible? Yes. But it also felt as though there was an almost ever-present pressure about the place. And this deep down, if something went wrong, well...

... They didn't want to think too hard about what could happen, if something in the submarine were to fail. It tended to set them a little too on-edge.

But, it was where Seraphim wanted to have dinner - and could speak plainly - so they went along with it. It wasn't like they were going to be here forever, after all.

Although, while they expected a somewhat deeper talk than discussing the weather - given that they had a few questions of their own... It still came as a bit of a surprise to them, when Seraphim posed what felt like a rather philosophical question. It had them visibly thoughtful, as they chewed on their food.

"That... feels like a lot of power, for one person to have." Makoto finally murmured. The ability to essentially be a god, that was a lot to put on one human's shoulders... "I'm not sure if I'd be fully comfortable with having so much, but... I don't think it's something I'd do nothing with, either." It'd be a waste, after all - and they knew better than to waste. "There's a lot in the world as it is that someone could probably fix with the power of a god. A lot in the universe, even."

What would their life be like, if their mother never died? If they were able to grow up peacefully with those they loved most dearly, back in Johto? What would it be like, if Rocket had never been a threat - if the beasts that those of Johto believed in lived and breathed still? If Kanto had never been subject to their whims?

... A dangerous thought, perhaps, for someone who is in Rocket to humor. But then again, it isn't like they enjoyed being here - but again again, work was work, right?

After a moment of additional mulling, they'd glance over to Seraphim. "... What about you?" They asked.
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
A Rose In Time (Social/Closed)
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2023 22:12:47 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

What about him? It was a question he knew thoroughly how to answer, he had fantasized about that power for so long it was a wonder he could still find women attractive. Amor knew exactly how he would use it, exactly where he would go, and what he would change.

"I would be selfish...." Came the robotic voice from beneath the helm as their food was served, and the piece of his helm that covered his mouth retracted to reveal just his lips, but the voice never stopped being modulated. "I have no qualms with admitting that, and I'm not under any heroic delusions....I simply want to take back what was stolen from me." There was a hint of bitterness in his tone even through the voice changer.

Every day for the fast nineteen years his goal hadn't changed once....If given the chance he would take back his life, and right all the wrongs that had been done to him. His Mother, Father, and her would all be brought back, they would all be saved, and if he had to break the world in order to accomplish that then he would. That was a price he was more than willing to pay, and he took a bite out of the burger that he had ordered. It kept his mouth busy so that he didn't rant.

"Chances are if I succeeded....The world would cease to be, or it would irrevocably change." That was the simple truth, the nature of bending time to ones will wasn't something that was just documented, and left laying around.

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
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5'11" / 180.3cm height
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Makoto Kurumi
A Rose In Time (Social/Closed)
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2023 1:58:26 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Makoto blinked a bit, at Seraphim's response - at the bitterness that seeped through the normally neutral and robotic tone that he usually spoke with. Unlike themself, he was very direct about his desire to reclaim what he felt was rightfully his and it sounded as though he'd do it, even if it was at another person's expense.

In a way, did that not make them alike? A couple of thieves, getting what they wanted by whatever means they could? Though, that was a bit of a silly thought when one considered the fact that he was someone who could afford to have such an elaborate-looking robotic suit. He was likely the furthest from them that one could be - in many ways, in fact.

But at the second remark, Makoto would hum. "I imagine no matter how someone uses that sort of power, the world would be changed." They responded, glancing down to their plate and taking a bite of their meal. Great power comes with great responsibility and all; they felt as though it'd be impossible to hold the power of a god and not cause ripples in the world as a whole.

Though, that did lead into another question as well - one that had been hanging in Makoto's head for some time. "Is that... Why you personally joined Rocket, Seraphim?" They asked, after swallowing their food. "Because you've been seeking the power to reclaim what was lost?"
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
A Rose In Time (Social/Closed)
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2023 22:54:51 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

With his mouth exposed he took a quick bite of his food. It wasn't bad, but when you've dined at the finest restaurants that the world had to offer, food lost its luster if it wasn't prepared a certain way. Makoto would see a smile cross the mans features at their question, and he would tap the side of his exposed cheek.

"No....Even with all their resources, Rocket would never be able to help me gain that power. I joined Rocket to point out the hypocrisy of the League." he explained to them, and took a drink of his lemonade. "You would think the League would do a better job of trying to maintain an image that made them look like decent people....However against all odds they have exceeded my expectations in doing the opposite." It was frustrating, and he just sighed as he rested a hand in his cheek.

"I thought I'd find a worthwhile challenge with them, but I have been let down....It's boring when you've already won...." He lamented that fact. "Do you know what makes a villain good? Their hero....It's a give, and take Makoto, you can only be as great as your opposition....But if your opposition does the exact same things you do....If they use the same tactics, or worse then the question becomes, who is actually good?" Another sigh as he rested his cheek in his palm. "It's boring when everyone is the same with just a few shades of variance...." Though that is when someone smart enough could take advantage of the Leagues idiocy.

"So I thought I'd just use Rocket as a tool to poke holes in the Leagues facade....Either they will shape up, or crumble. Both outcomes are acceptable to me." He explained easily as he finished off his lemonade.

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
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Makoto Kurumi
A Rose In Time (Social/Closed)
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2023 22:50:15 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
So Seraphim joined Rocket, to spite League for its hypocrisy. Makoto fell quiet as they considered the explanation that the suited man gave - because all things considered... Rocket was to blame for a number of things going awry, from what they understood, wasn't it? Was League really to blame for as many heinous or harmful actions, here in Hoenn?

But at the same time, they were an outsider. A foreigner, who didn't have as much of the big picture quite as someone like Seraphim might. It wasn't like they had much to go off of, beyond what others around them tell them, right? And they probably shouldn't be caring in the first place, as a Rocket member... Right...?

And even beyond that... The way Seraphim put it, almost made it sound like he thought this all a game, some dramatic story to orchestrate, but with all the wrong actors on the hero's side - he didn't care about who won or lost, as long as it wasn't boring. But, they couldn't help but wonder...

"... If League did crumble, though... That'd lead to Hoenn being taken over completely like Kanto was, right?" They questioned, taking a sip of their own drink. "That seems like it'd be a bit of a mess to have to work through." That'd be... A lot of civilians hurt, in the crossfire, if what they'd heard of Kanto was of any indication.

But, refusing to linger on that line of thinking... They'd instead move to a different subject on their mind. "I've been... Wondering about the things I want from Rocket, myself, honestly." They spoke, tracing a finger along the pattern on the table. "I joined Rocket looking for, well, some stability - a roof over my head and the ability to provide for myself and my pokemon. Which, it's provided in spades, though..."

For a few moments, they are quiet - considering - before they speak up once more. "... After a talk I had with , I've been wondering about whether... Whether or not there isn't more I could want here. Whether I shouldn't take more advantage of the opportunities that this situation might offer me." They are content enough to know that they didn't have to worry about being on the street. To know that they could see something at the shop, and know that they could probably afford it for themself.

But given the work that being a member of Rocket could be... Perhaps they could want more? They aren't sure what they'd even want in the first place, though...
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
A Rose In Time (Social/Closed)
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2023 2:10:48 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

"If you ask me things are already a mess with the League in charge, but that is just my opinion...." He shrugged at them a little. "At least if Rocket takes over you know what you are getting, but with the League it's a coin toss....Just because they are not as bad as us at a glance, doesn't mean they aren't capable of just as many atrocities." Amor explained to Makoto. "You can always trust a liar to lie, it's the 'honest' ones you should worry about...." He gave them a piece of advice that he had heard once. Perhaps it would serve them well into the future.

Then he listened to Makoto explain their reasoning for joining Rocket, and it was one that he was familiar with. Stability, food, and a roof. All things that the criminal outfit provided. Rocket was doing a better job of helping the homeless than the League in his opinion.

"If you wanted all that, you could have just gotten a normal job. There was no need to join what is tantamount to a multiregional mafia...." There was a hint of amusement on his lips as he spoke. "However what you do from this point on, is really up to you. Your ambition determines just how far you will go in a place like this. Though if you don't have a particular goal yet...." He picked up one of the pieces of fruit, and ate it swiftly. "You could always continue to help me if you want? It has come to my attention....That you have helped me several times now, and you've yet to disappear." Somehow Makoto was immune to his curse.

"That in of itself is quite the feat in my book, I could use someone with some staying power in my experiments, and the like. You're dependable, competent, and strong enough to help me...." He explained to them with a smile on his revealed lips.

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
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Makoto Kurumi
A Rose In Time (Social/Closed)
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2023 2:46:43 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
The advice offered was considered, before they'd nod back - seeming to agree, at least to a certain degree. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. But all that being said... Would the things they've heard of Kanto really be better than what they had now with League? Would the guarantee for something bad really be better than a coinflip that could go either way?

It's hard to say. And really, maybe it was something a bit beyond them - it wasn't like it was their job to consider these sorts of moral quandries, right?

As Amor commented on their choice of job though, their expression twisted a little - a hue of discomfort. He was right - this certainly wouldn't be the first choice of a normal person looking to provide for themself - but... "It's... a long story," They admitted softly - leaving it at that, for the time being. But they had their reasons for settling for Rocket, rather than throwing their hat in with League.

But in any case, there was still the question of what they wanted to do within Rocket - what they wanted from it. And the answer Amor offered was one that Makoto couldn't help but find intrigue in. To continue to help Amor with his experiments - seeing as they had yet to disappear, even after the many times they aided him. "I... I don't know how much I can help, besides being a grunt to toss at things." They admitted, even as his praise made their cheeks flush - their words giving off a sense of self-consciousness. "I'm not quite as... Scientifically-inclined, as you are."

They barely got past middleschool, before they ended up running away from home. And surely, there were better people in Rocket if he needed someone who could fight, or someone who could scout, or someone who could hide... Could they really provide Amor with what he was looking for in them?
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
A Rose In Time (Social/Closed)
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 8:50:42 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He just chuckled at them, and shrugged easily.

"Very few people are as scientifically inclined as I am, but that doesn't mean you are incapable of learning...." He explained to them as he relaxed in the chair easily. "Everyone can still gather data, observe things, and report back. So you are not truly helpless in the science department as you may think." Truly seventy percent of all science was just collecting data, and then turning that data in to someone who understood what it all meant. In that regard everyone could help out with research of any kind as long as they were careful, and possessed common sense.

"It's nothing I'm going to force you to do if you really don't want to. However in a while I may call you to come to this address should you decide you want, just go there..." He explained sliding a business card across the table for Makoto to catch. It was just a black card with golden embossing on it. The letters, and numbers showed an address located in Slateport. It was one of the few buildings that he had bought for himself that was currently serving no purpose, outside of just being empty. While he would conduct a bunch of research on the submarine itself, Amor didn't like having everything located in one place. Should one area become compromised that meant he lost it all.

So he made sure to have backups of everything that he did in the case of that scenario.

"Of course it goes without saying should you not answer the call, or show up, I'll take that as a refusal." But he wouldn't hold it against them. After all depending on what happened the research he embarked on could prove to be dangerous.

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
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5'11" / 180.3cm height
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Makoto Kurumi
A Rose In Time (Social/Closed)
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 6:51:26 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Makoto is quiet at Seraphim's reassurance; but they give it all honest thought. To be Seraphim's assistant in these experiments and studies... To gather information for him - likely to do with that of Legendary pokemon, if they had to hazard a guess... It all certainly sounded a lot more ethical than what most Rockets normally did, right? They weren't being asked to steal, to kill, to torment or terrorize. And to learn more about the more secret parts of the world...

... Thinking of it now, it sounded pretty fascinating, didn't it? Even if there was the potential of danger - much like the trek into one of the Wilds rifts, or into a space-time distortion - they had been able to handle the troubles that came their way thus far pretty handily, right? Perhaps...

Glancing to the business card, Makoto would examine it - the gold-on-black design, the address... With it being somewhere in Slateport, heading there from Sootopolis would be a bit of a trek; but they could certainly make their way there. Ryuu and Nobu were both fast in their own respects; and they had a Ralts, that they could teach some tricks, once they got the time for it.

"If.... you think that I can be of help... I don't think I'd mind coming over." They decided. "At least... To talk it out more?" They were interested - and it was likely plain to see for Amor. But it was something that would definitely require some figuring out, as far as the specifics of being Amor's assistant went. Though, all in all...

... This prospect, and all that it meant, was a bit of a siren's song - one that they felt ready to follow.
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A Rose In Time (Social/Closed)
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 21:16:34 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!



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