
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,863 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2023 5:55:16 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Red drips, and its hot and sticky and gross. But Mint's knuckles are white from how hard he was holding his fists closed. No matter how far he bares his fangs, or how hard he hits, Temp doesn't relent. Face swollen, he doesn't stop. And it infuriates him. [break][break]

"That's none of your fucking business." he snarls, pulling up Temp closer, eyes wide and pupils dilated. "If I wasn't proud of my work, I wouldn't be here." And his words are loaded with all sorts of sentiment, deep and dark. [break][break]

Rocket had offered him work- a purpose. And Mint had doggedly chased it after meeting . Trying to improve, trying to bring something useful, trying to find use for his lack of skills and talents lest the organization tossed him to the cold.

"You ask stupid questions- you pretend like you care- but you don't." His voice is low, cold and sharp like a blade. "You think you're better than me and try to psychoanalyze me like you know what's good for me." The hurt comes through, more than indignations. More than anger. [break][break]

"If you actually cared, you'd know I don't need any of the bullshit you're spewing under this guise of caring about me." After all, very few really, truly cared what happened to him. He could count them on a hand, if any. If he really thought about it- would be fine. So would . They had each other. They'd mourn him sure, but not for too long. They'd be fine. [break][break]

He slams Tempest's head back down to jolt him. "I'm so sick of you patronizing me." his voice beings to rise in pitch, anger surging once more as he felt frustration prickle at his eyes.

tagged ▸ ooc | brat things [break][break]




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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,053 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2023 6:07:28 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

is still angry. The pain comes in flashes, but he's felt worse. While more rough than what he and get up to when home alone, it's a familiar sting. An ache in the back of his skull from the hit, which makes his vision blur slightly. Threaten to black out.[break][break]

Mint screams and Temp huffs out a wet laugh.[break][break]

When he smiles, there is blood between his teeth.[break][break]

"I don't even know what that means, Mint." Admitted, quiet. His mouth tastes like iron.[break][break]

"You don't get to decide if I care about you or not. I do, and no matter how much shit you put me through I won't stop." He clears his throat. Can feel the blood seeping down the back of it.[break][break]

"But if you think that I think I'm better than you? Then you don't know me at all. And you never did."




🔗 notes


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played by


peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,863 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 1:22:09 GMT
mint frost Avatar




"If you ever cared for me, you would've given me the respect I earned from the start." Mint argues tempted to just strangle Temp and get this over with. But when he'd killed before he had felt cold. A hatred so insidious and dark it'd only felt like ice in his veins. And the smell? He didn't remember if it was from him or the man had told him to murder. But it'd been disgusting. [break][break]

Hurt and frustration accumulate in the corners of his eyes and he feels his throat tightening. "You just want to feel better about yourself by taking care of someone, but I'm not a child!" he snapped. [break][break]

"No, I didn't know you Tempest. And you clearly never knew me." Because at the end of the day Mint doesn't really know or care to know Tempest anymore. That's not what this was about. That's not why he was angry. But he's running out of ways to explain it. And the frustrating part? [break][break]

"You'll never get it. You'll stay the same, and be rewarded for mediocrity." He slams Temp's head once more into the mats, not flinching when he feels a spatter of blood hit his cheeks. "And Rocket will never respect you." He says it with conviction. Like he understands what it means to be tied to that fate. His initial anger again overlaps with his insecurity. [break][break]

"We are not friends. I'll never respect you." He's crying as he says this. Tears slowly running down his face. "Only your rank. The bare fucking minimum." His brain is buzzing uncontrollably. His heartbeat in his ears. He feels so disgusted. was right. He couldn't keep letting this happen. He couldn't keep allowing himself to break down like this. And would be upset with him for being so violent against people that should practically be his kin. They protected Rocket after all, right? [break][break]

Even now, he's not doing his duty like he should. He gets off after wiping his face, inhaling deeply as he tried to self soothe. Maybe he needed more training. If he was allowing himself to get this worked up, there's something he needed to fix. But trying to bite Temp's head off, especially when he refused to fight back, wasn't helping. He feels bitterness pool in the pit of his stomach. Unsatisfied. Falling for a well laid trap and realizing it.[break][break]

"Tell your spouse I look forward to seeing him. I'm sure he'll be eager to find me." What did it matter anyway? He'd figure it out. He'd get over whatever sick punishment they tried to dole out. He shoves Tempest aside with his foot and moves to grab his things, wiping bloody hands on his shirt.

tagged ▸ ooc | hes so insecure before untangled :(  [break][break]




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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,053 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 7:00:30 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Blood flies from his lips. When slams his head against the mat, even with the brace, he can feel blood seep from a cut fresh on the back of his head.[break][break]

His breathing is wet and grainy as it pulls from his throat. Tempest knew, vaguely, that he would need to head to the med bay after this. It was hard to really focus on, his head throbbing.[break][break]

"Of course, sir." Ragged and quiet, Tempest stares blankly at the ceiling as Mint cries. The tears dry on Temp's cheeks as Mint collects his things.[break][break]

But otherwise, he stays silent.[break][break]

And would never come barking at Mint's door demanding answers unless Mint told him himself..[break][break]

Because Tempest would never tell anyone this even happened.[break][break]

Instead, Tempest tries to come up with a lie for the medical team to keep this buried where it belonged.




🔗 notes


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,863 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2023 0:59:35 GMT
mint frost Avatar




He feels that one last pulse of irritation. He can't tell if Temp is being ironic or not, but considering he hadn't respected him enough to even fight back, he doubted its sincerity. [break][break]

Perhaps he always would. [break][break]

He grabs his things, ignoring the bloodied Executive. He doesn't feel any better about the whole affair. Only tired. Sleepy. But the catharsis that comes with this kind of fight isn't there. And without it, bitterness settles in its place. [break][break]

He picks up his things, wipes the blood on a towel, and leaves without looking back. In his mind, he rehearses what he might ask , uncomfortable with the last outburst. Maybe its time they had another chat.

tagged ▸ ooc | this is disastrous for all himbo-twink relations worldwide [break][break]




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wing attack
wing attack
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spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
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600 foot tall baby height
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spiral and shiv's baby
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2023 14:20:57 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!



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