Fighting for Table Leaves [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Grigori Sokolov
Fighting for Table Leaves [M]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2023 0:53:21 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
"Alright, you fucking bastards," a voice boomed from within the break room, "I'm gonna be nice JUST this once time!"

That got Grigori's attention rather fast. 'Nice' and 'Team Rocket break room' did not go hand in hand. Much like oil and water, it was pointless to try and mix them. There was a reason he did not frequent the place: most of the time, things went sour and people got pissed off at each other.

That and he didn't want his lunch stolen. 

So, he contined on down the hall. Wonder what that guy is--

"I've got this bundle of Johtonian tea leaves, called the 'Ten Year Gyokuro'--"

The grunt stopped in his tracks. Did that man stutter? Or was this another ploy to get a few extra bucks from scamming the new recruits that didn't know the difference between mint and mary jane?

Either way, he turned around and crept towards the break room. The voice continued on, "And I can't find a fucking buyer! And this shit reeks, so whoever wants it more can have it or some shit. I don't care, I want it GONE!"

His eyes widened. So this guy did have the real deal! Sought after for its pungent smell, it was a true delicacy in Johto. Grigori had tried to get some in Hoenn before, but the price had been too much.

And this stranger wanted to hand it away? No way he could pass up on it. He burst into the room. Thankfully, a couple other grunts mulled around, entirely uninterested in whatever the tower of a man had to say. "Sir, I couldn't help but overhear your desire to part with some 'Ten Year Gyokuro'. If no one else wants it, I'll--"

Never could be simple, could it?

(Kick the Bucket List Mission)
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Kouji Matsubara
Fighting for Table Leaves [M]
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2023 7:04:52 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
Ten Year Gyokuro.
For free???
Kouji couldn’t believe his ears, as he blended together his lunch for the day, the offer of a lifetime was being presented to the room, enough to shock him down to his very core, still him, freeze him onto the spot.
That was the biggest find, Kouji had always wanted them, and just as he spoke up another voice seemed to speak up at the same time.
”Holy crap, I’lll take them off your hands Bu- His eyes narrowed as they fixed onto Grigori, it’s not the first time he’d seen him, but grunts ran into each other all the time around here.
Instead, Kouji flashed a smirk before he opened his mouth.
”Sorry old man, someone as uncultured as yourself ain’t gon be able to pull those tea leaves off properly, leave it to someone with Kantonian roots, aight?” Might as well start the mud throwing match earlier.



Tea Time Break - Bucket List Mission



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Grigori Sokolov
Fighting for Table Leaves [M]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2023 4:05:33 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
As luck would have it, Grigori locked eyes with the only other singular person interested in the haul presented. Names and faces changed on the regular, but the types to be interested in a thing like this at a place like this were few and far between. In a way, a kindred soul felt comforting. 

But only for a moment. Then the man flung an insult.

"You are not wrong, sir," he stepped closer to both of the relevant people, "I would not make a good tea with it. However, where you are wrong is that I would use it for something like tea."

Tea? All the claim of nationality did was confirm his mind hadn't quite grown to its full potential. Grigori wouldn't make a good tea with it because he didn't make tea. Anyone with even an ounce of knowledge in the brewing process could do an adequate job. Uncultured was settling for tea with tea leaves.

His plan? Simple. "While a tea made from 'Ten Year Gyokuro' sounds pleasant, you set your sights low. I believe I could turn these leaves into an exquisite cake, given the opportunity."

He had tasted it once, many years back. A master in the field had concocted the confectionary delight, and he had gotten only a few bites. Yet those had been the singular best bites of cake the grunt had ever had. Ever. And even the chance to attempt a recreation was too good to pass up. Perhaps even worthy of a Bucket List.

Or maybe some other pastry. The sky is the limit. You'll learn that when you get older, kid."

Two could play the 'age' game, though.

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Kouji Matsubara
Fighting for Table Leaves [M]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2023 15:49:05 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
It was strange, because he didn’t feel like that but he really was just nineteen at this moment, yet he felt twenty years older.
This conversation would only add extra years to how he felt.
”Cake? Pastry? You gonna wear a dress too while you do that? Might as well switch out that suit for a skirt at this rate; because anyone that’d use Gyokuro to make cake instead of refined, proper, tea…Can’t call themselves a man.”
Kouji knew the moment he had said that, any limits in this conversation were on, anything could be attacked, and yet he went for the option that lead to mutually assured destruction regardless.
”Ten Year Gyokuro used for tea will change your opinion on tea forever, you’ll stay awake at night dreaming of drinking it again. Do you even have the skills to make a cake that good?”



Tea Time Break - Bucket List Mission



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Grigori Sokolov
Fighting for Table Leaves [M]
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2023 3:02:28 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
... That was this kid's idea of an insult? If Grigori had been younger, he would've punched the snot right out of him and started a fight right then in there. Instead, he rolled his eyes. "Please do not project your own insecurities onto others, for future reference. And do not be silly; for baking you'd wear an apron to protect your clothes, no matter what they may be."

This kid reminded him a lot of himself when he was younger. So naive, so full of pent-up anger and an itch to act on it. With any luck, he'll come out of this conversation all the wiser. Or maybe learn to not be so harsh to others. Both options were perfectly acceptable. People took time to grow and change.

Grigori knew first hand.

As for Kouji's second argument, he shrugged. "
There is a real possibility I make a mistake. After all, it's not something I've ever done. But isn't that exciting? Fun? To roll up your sleeves and try to do something in earnest? As I see it, you're settling for 'good' when you could be aiming for 'great'."

Mental note: try out 'Ten Year Gyokuro' tea sometime.

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Kouji Matsubara
Fighting for Table Leaves [M]
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2023 20:22:39 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
Kouji stopped, stared at Grigori for a moment, and then began to speak.
”Tch, that’s perfect old man who likes to dress as a chick speak, I ain’t projecting shit, just tryna protect these tea leaves from the hands of people who can’t properly appreciate them.”
The man’s speech had some merit to it however, Kouji almost felt himself getting strung along, nodding along before he stopped. ”Yeah, you’re right. I’m just settling for good, when I can be going for great.”
He paused for a singular moment before he smirked once more.
”But, you’ve had a long life, a lotta experiences, how about letting the new generation try their hand at making their mistakes, I’ll share some of my tea with ya too. How’s that sound?” He said as he extended his hand for a shake, a subtle smile danced across his lips as he kept eye contact with Grigori.



Tea Time Break - Bucket List Mission



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Grigori Sokolov
Fighting for Table Leaves [M]
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2023 4:09:35 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
If Grigori had been born yesterday, this would've been quite a convincing argument. Mistakes were a perfect thing to make from time to time. Learning the hard way wasn't necessarily bad. What's the harm here?

Grigori eyed the open hand, reached for it, then gently pushed the hand down. "Unfortunately, I will have to decline. While I appreciate your willingness to make mistakes, it's the responsibility of the older folk to help out the younger ones when necessary."

Trying to use his own argument against him. Certainly not unexpected, but disappointing all the same. There was a world of difference between 'making a decent cake instead of a phenomenal one' and 'letting someone squander such a wonderful opportunity on tea'. The two didn't even come close to one another, even if the tea was good.

It couldn't be better than a cake.

"To use the 'Ten Year Gyokuro' for tea would be too great a mistake," Grigori said. "However, if you let me try my hand at it, I'm sure I can make an exquisite cake. We can share it as well. Down the middle. A cake would surely last longer than a pot of tea."

At this point, it came down to pure desire that clashed against one another. He doubted the kid would agree to his idea, as he didn't agree with the other either. They'd probably need a third party to step in and weigh on the ultimate decision. "Or perhaps we let the one giving away the leaves decide. Would that be more fair?"

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Kouji Matsubara
Fighting for Table Leaves [M]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 13:59:27 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
Tea wasn’t exactly the most difficult thing to make, but one would be burned for thinking it would be simple.
Arguments were much the same, they could always spiral to a point where neither would budge, and they got to that solution now. Kouji knew it, he could end up with a bad tasting brew, or a bad tasting workplace relationship. He’d die for Rocket, so it was better to avoid that entirely, but at the same time…
It was Ten Year Gyokuro.
”Let’s leave it to the original owner.” Kouji turned to the man who had been standing off in the corner with a box in his hands, staring at the two idiots arguing over it before sighing. There was no real choice to be made here was there? He looked at the two of them before he turned away.
”You can have it.” He said, but it wasn’t directed at either of them, but the starry eyed young rookie that had silently stared at it, but had never engaged in the argument, a dream torn away, a lifetime goal shattered.
The Ten Year Gyokuro went to someone else entirely.
”The f-”



Tea Time Break - Bucket List Mission



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Grigori Sokolov
Fighting for Table Leaves [M]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 2:02:00 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Well. This was certainly anti-climatic. To Grigori’s dismay, the tea leaves were not handed to him, nor this other person, but a third, unrelated party. What the hell did this guy do to win such a wondrous gift?

A crisp, ten poke-dollar was all it took, and the precious cargo exchanged hands. Into some other young adult, surrounded by a few friends, “Alright bros, let’s go smoke the SHIT out of this!

The small group cheered and quickly exited the break room, chants of ‘Smoke it up!’ and ‘Let’s fucking go!’ left in their wake. Just like that, his hopes were crushed into fine dust. Scattered into the wind. Was one’s heart supposed to feel this heavy?

A near once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make something with his own two hands, with such a rare item… gone.

Well… gotta go. Have fun talking about whatever stupid shit you two were on about,” The original owner said before departing himself. That left the two of them alone in the room, not another civilized soul in sight.

Grigori sighed, “Perhaps we should’ve compromised. I apologize for my half of the blame. Looks like neither of us get what we want in the end.

Perhaps not all was wasted. An idea sprang up in his head, a potential happy end to this sudden soul-crushing experience. “Say, maybe we just… have some regular tea and cake? Should be some left in the fridge over there.

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Kouji Matsubara
Fighting for Table Leaves [M]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 11:20:48 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
Kouji looked wistfully at the departing group and their words.
He squeezed his fists together tightly, anger spread through his veins like wildfire, he’d make sure to give them a few very tough rounds in the training room later. As that intensity built up without an outlet, he quickly turned to Grigori but before he could let that vitirol explode outwards.
”Yeah…” He took in a deep breath, a long deep one that reached the bottom of his lungs before he nodded slowly. ”Maybe we’ll get another chance in the future, then we’ll share.” He said as he looked over his shoulder and then thought about it.
”I’ve got some fresh tea leaves in my bag, we’ll sit and chat or something like that.” He said with a shrug as he turned to grab it, some tea would take the edge off infinitely better.
”Oh, my name’s Kouji Matsubara by the way, what’s yours?”



Tea Time Break - Bucket List Mission



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Grigori Sokolov
Fighting for Table Leaves [M]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 17:12:49 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
You can call me Grigori, Mr. Kouji,” Grigori said.

Slim odds they’d ever get the chance at that again. A near once-in-a-lifetime opportunity experience flushed down the drain. He couldn’t take his mind off of it. That was something he had wanted to do for ages now. If he were the type to keep a bucket list, that’d be one of the first three things written on it.

While Kouji retrieved his tea, Grigori approached the fridge. At least there was still some cake to be eaten here. He had baked it last night and covered it in chocolate frosting and sprinkles and all other sorts of sweet confectionaries.

He could practically taste it from across the room, and the excitement only built up as he got closer. “I hope you have a sweet tooth, Mr. Kouji, because I do not hold back when it comes to–

The door swung open. Inside were the usual suspects: labeled Tupperware, bottled drinks, fruits. However, absent was one respectably sized cake packed to the brim with colorful, sugary delights.

And despite the health benefits of not being able to take a single bite from it, his heart skipped a beat. The plate was still in the fridge, though, and atop it sat a note. “How’d you know it was my birthday, big guy? Thanks from the past!

The grunt’s legs buckled underneath him. He didn’t remember when his mouth opened, but the start of a scream came out nonetheless. “nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO–

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spiral and shiv's baby
Fighting for Table Leaves [M]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 19:52:43 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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