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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jul 11, 2019 0:36:06 GMT
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growing up as a child at verdanturf, kyle knows almost every nook and cranny of the quaint little town. this was where he played silly, old games throughout his childhood, with the forests not being an exemption.

the path to the forest was nothing new to him.

to hear that the hometown got assigned a gym leader was news to kyle. the first thing he does is visit. there is a hint of nostalgia that hits him as he rushes through the woods on his stoutland's back. the sense of adventure is likened to the gym challenge, wherein kyle doesn't know anything much about it besides the location.

he arrives at the clearing, noticing the area that was supposed to be the gym. it wasn't there before during his days as a youth, and it just meant that he was in the right place.

kyle takes off of his stoutland, taking in the scene as to familiarize himself with the battlefield should a match take place here.

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
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Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Thomas Benoit
underground [gym]
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2019 16:15:51 GMT
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The watchers in the forest observed the young man riding on the back of a Stoutland through the path. They took notice to the fact that the young man seemed to be rather familiar with the area, to the point where the otherwise eerie woods didn't seem to unnerve him in the slightest. Still, they kept watch on the prospective challenger, keeping up with his Stoutland through the trees and foliage.

As Kyle dismounted the Stoutland, a familiar face would emerge from the arena grounds, albeit with one eye covered up with an eye patch. A Zoroark would emerge next to him, breaking the illusion that concealed her presence. An Alakazam would join the duo, Teleporting in on his master's side. "Kyle, it's so good to see you again!", Thomas would greet the brown-haired trainer with open, welcoming arms.

"Allow me to get straight to the point, I can offer you either a battle between our Pokemon, or a battle with your inner darkness.", Thomas told him. "As long as you have at least three Pokemon, I can offer you a one on one battle. If you would like to use four or six, I can offer you a two on two battle. And if you wish to use the maximum six, I can even offer you a three on three battle.", he'd explain.

"As for the battle with your inner darkness, Kuma Lisa here can pit you against either one of your deepest fears, or one of your greatest flaws. The object of this challenge is simple: confront this fear, or inner demon of yours, conquer it, and you get my badge the same as you'd get it for earning it through a conventional battle.", he'd elaborate, gesturing towards his Zoroark as he brought her up.

notes: Welcome!

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dog boy
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POSTED ON Jul 11, 2019 20:01:06 GMT
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"'ey, it's the interpol guy," he'd introduce thomas to his stoutland, squishing its face and intensely rubbing its head altogether as he spoke. it gained him no significant reaction from the pokemon though.

returning to the person in front of him, a slight smile breaks the otherwise neutral expression. "likewise. you look different though. new haircut?" he recognizes the eye patch, but doesn't refer to it directly. it's been a few months since they last saw each other, and so he doesn't know the origins of the lost eye.

kyle had expected a battle when he came here. he didn't knew about the gym leader's preference in pokemon, and so he just brought an assortment of dogs. the second choice came as a surprise to him, earning his attention all of a sudden.

"ooh, i like the sound of the second one. means i don't have to think a lot for a battle." using a team of mightyena who do not really have diverse movesets to improvise in a battle tend to tax him, after all.

"so, how does that work? do i need to tell you either of those things and you replicate it? or do your pokemon do it themselves?"

cause if he had to do that verbally, he might as well resort to the battle. he cannot honestly recall any fear he has, nor can he determine his greatest flaw. he has a bunch of them, but they were too minor to even consider seriously.

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played by


Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Thomas Benoit
underground [gym]
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2019 21:18:20 GMT
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Thomas couldn't help but frown a bit upon being referred to as the 'Interpol guy.' It wasn't that he was offended by it, considering how much he loved the job. Rather, it was the fact that he missed working for the International Police. Four years of his life, for better or for worse, dedicated to protecting the world from the most dangerous criminals. While his work was confined to Unova before his transfer to Hoenn, he would never forget just how intoxicating his work really was. But at the end of the day, he was now a Gym Leader for the Hoenn Region, aiding in its protection, and recovery.

The remark about the 'new haircut' made the Gym Leader chuckle a bit, giving him a much needed distraction. "Yep, and the barber botched the job so badly, he took my eye out in the process.", Thomas joked in return. He found it odd that most people refused to comment on the eye patch he had, not that it bothered him. If anything, it was practically a badge of honor to the Gym Leader, the very minor price he had to pay for the safety of his friend.

Thomas would nod to him as he made his choice. When he asked, Thomas grinned. "Actually, my Pokemon can do that job just fine. If you don't mind having your mind probed, Freke here can take a look for something to use. But that's more of a convenience than anything, so if you'd rather not have an Alakazam groping through your head, seeking out your deepest fears, or your darkest aspects, then Kuma Lisa can offer you a less invasive method.", he'd offer to Kyle.

Whatever choice he made, Thomas nodded eagerly to him. "Very good. Now, if you'd please step into the middle of the arena, we can get started.", he'd tell Kyle.

notes: Whether you choose the search, or the illusory Rorschach test, feel free to have the respective Pokemon work their magic, and set up the scene.

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dog boy
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POSTED ON Jul 12, 2019 2:18:22 GMT
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"nah, i think we're good with the more invasive method."

if kyle himself cannot recall any major fear or anything by himself, he ponders if there will be anything traumatic or something more relevant than the alakazam can pull out of his memories. not like it was his problem though.

the stoutland goes back to his ball. kyle is reluctant to place it back to the holster by his belt, turning to thomas for one more question. "i don't need him for this, right?" other than that, there were no more uncertainty for kyle to take the challenge.

he steps into the arena and awaits for further prompts from the gym leader and his pokemon.

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played by


Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
underground [gym]
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2019 17:51:10 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas watched as Kyle recalled his Stoutland. "That's correct. This is a battle of resolving inner turmoil, not of force.", he'd tell Kyle. As Kyle steps into the middle of the arena, Freke greets the familiar man. "Just relax, and this shouldn't be painful.", he'd tell the challenger. Once Freke was confident that he was relaxed, the Alakazam would begin to probe the young man's mind for something. Eventually, he'd find something ideal for the challenge, noting what he saw, and pulling out of Kyle's mind.

Teleporting over to Thomas, the Alakazam, with his master's permissive nod, also performed a scan on Thomas, to glean what Thomas had gotten from the various reports and testimonies in the aftermath of the event. Teleporting over to Kuma Lisa, Freke would relay what he found to the illusionist. With this, Zoroark cast her illusion over the arena, changing the large stone structure into another scene all together. First, the area was seemingly reduced to pitch black darkness. Eventually, something began to take shape.


Emerging from the initial wash of darkness would be an all too familiar setting to the Dog Trainer. It was none other than the Shipyard in Slateport, at midnight. The last ship of the night would be rolling in, only for the doors to open up to a torrent of Rocket Grunts, all storming the shipyard with unrelenting force. Anyone unfortunate enough to be caught by the Grunts would find themselves being viciously attacked, whether by their Pokemon, or by the Grunts themselves, who were wielding batons.

As the chaos broke out on the docks, more Rocket ships would be making their way towards the dock, threatening to bring more of them over.

notes: Let the fun begin! The scene is essentially a mix of what Alakazam gleaned off of Kyle's memories, and the information Thomas gathered on the aftermath of the attack on the docks.

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dog boy
october 24
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Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2019 18:25:34 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
the slateport invasion... he should've guessed it was the case.

he stood amid the chaos, observing the ensuing battle with an eerily calm demeanor. he felt like a spectator of his memories, unsure of what to do. it wasn't until he felt a force from another league cadet that ran past him that pushed him aside that he knew this wasn't just a show he was meant to watch.

hands would instinctively grab for a pokeball by his belt, one belonging to bravo. the distinctive scratches and bite marks were gone, replaced with the a brand new ball's smooth surface. he feels a chill in his spine. the scene was recreated and all he was back to having a shitty team to defend himself once more.

eyes would look for cait alfric, or even light cardwell. backup was nowhere to be found. he was alone.

he knows full well what happens next. electricity is cut off. chaos ensues. silas blackwell appears to kidnap the shipyard master, except this time, there was no shipyard master to kidnap. rocket grunts and league cadets serve as background noise. kyle was left standing alone with the rocket boss.

the fear of certain death gets his heart racing. he couldn't tell whether it was excitement, anger or fear, but the feeling was surreal. his hand grips his chest, crumpling the shirt as he watches silas command his luxray to attack. there was no one for him to rely to to get him to safety. he knows he's useless alone.

he takes a step back as he tried to send out a poochyena. the thought lingers in his head. 'will it really matter?' even if all six of them were out, he doubts they'd be able to overpower the beast in front of him. only a slaughter awaits him and his team. he was about to die.

time stops. the luxray freezes in place as it lunged and was about to wrap its fangs around his neck. kyle tenses despite the relief. a voice echoes in his head.

you could've done something, but you gave up right away. y'know you can do things on your own too, right?

the next moment in, he was at verdanturf.

a hole in the clouds allowed light to pour in within their battlefield amid the rainy town. electric terrain gets the whole town electrified. destruction awaits small, peaceful verdanturf as rockets stormed in.

the scene remains frozen once more.

in front of kyle was silas blackwell for the second time, his calm demeanor taunting him wordlessly. dogs surrounded him protectively. they were as they were at that night. foxtrot was resting in his pokeball. tana, eirika and bravo all shielded him. innes looking guilty for not being able to participate. matthew was ready to pop out of his ball at a moments notice.

these were all weapons he had trained to make sure the feeling of weakness he felt back on slateport wouldn't be felt again. still, he feels inadequate as he found himself cornered by the rocket boss.

are you running away again just because you're not with a friend? lame.

that's what he did. he relied on others to finish the job since he believed he couldn't. he didn't know much about what happened after he left the scene, but it ended well eventually. he was reluctant to fight till the end that time and concluded that running away would have been better if his odds of winning were less than desirable.

he was going to escape the situation as he did before, wishful thinking filling his head that maybe someone more reliable than him will pick up his slack. the voice rings again.

what's gonna happen to your beloved verdanturf if there's no one else?

kyle swallows. he knows the answer.

come on! you know you can do great things on your own too! you're just shy, y'know?

he gives in eventually. the scene unpauses. he takes a step back, his beasts growling as silas intimidated him with pokemon whose brute strength alone clearly surpasses his own. this would be a one-sided match that's predetermined even before it started.

you always hold back! is it to save face just in case you fail? what's wrong with you?!

he faces silas as he awaits the answer for his question. kyle doesn't speak, however, and remains wary of the situation. his legs freezes. part of him questions whether the voice had just put his subconscious decisions into words that he was only realizing now.

let out all of your inhibitions! going easy won't get you anywhere. do things at a hundred percent! you know you're capable of doing great things. owe up to it!

'i-it doesn't suit me, don't you think?'

why not?

'i'm not fit for ambitious things. i'm like, hmm, how do you say it... a side character.'

who cares? this is your life. you're the main character here. touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable! go wild!

'go wild, huh?'

he gives in. a heavy sigh follows afterwards.

kyle clicks his tongue, releasing a lucario from his pokeball. he doesn't have time to argue with his himself. he points towards silas, ordering both his ninetales and his lucario, through copycat, to bombard the opposition with consecutive solar beams, and his manectric pair with their respective electric-type moves.

craters were left from the solar beams that do not hit their target. lightning strikes left scorch marks on the ground as the grass of verdanturf starts to catch ablaze. it was only this so far, and kyle still has so much more up his sleeve.

the scene pauses for the third time.

he is then left with his mightyena beside him. their eyes meet. the dark-type's tail wagged before positioning himself in the grass to sit. the canine turns to him as if he speaks, the same voice echoing in his head for the nth time.

how does it feel?

'good, i guess.'

that could have happened for real, y'know?

'this is an illusion though. anything that happens here either is supposed to give me hell or spoil me with my desires.'

what do you think's the case here?

it was the latter. kyle knows that much. given the feats of strength that silas has displayed to him before, an ideal scenario was the one he chose: run away with the least casualties as possible. there wasn't much to be done alo--

stop that! that train of thought-- stop it! that's exactly why i'm here! to fuck your shit up! listen to your shadow!

i'm supposed to beat my inner demons though...

hah! beat me? you can barely function as an adult as it is! remember that feeling you felt earlier. how relieved were you when you decided to just do you? you need me.

you- you're making a valid point.

atta boy! for now, don't believe in yourself. believe in me that believes in you, or some shit like that.

kyle smiles, and the illusion fades right after. he was still on verdanturf, but on a different area. he feels the distinctive indentations and bite marks on his pokeballs once more, confirming that he was freed from the spell. he looks for thomas, unsure of whether or not he can see the illusions and spectate, and speaks the first thing that is needed to be mentioned.

"i couldn't conquer him."

despite the unfortunate news he delivered, his expression was anything but saddened.

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played by


Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Thomas Benoit
underground [gym]
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2019 18:31:04 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Though Thomas was washed away in the blanket of darkness, at least from what Kyle had perceived, Thomas could still see Kyle, and see what played out. His role was to watch over Kyle in spirit, to make sure that the illusion didn't go too far. Though he himself was unable to be seen, or heard, under the cloak of the Illusion, Kuma Lisa was able to perceive her master, waiting for him to give an order.

Thomas would watch the events of the battle at the docks play out. From what he had gathered on the situation, the master of the shipyard, , was a target of the attack, though was just barely extracted by the League, before Silas could take him, as he had taken . In any case, Thomas would see the one-sided confrontation between Kyle and Silas. How Kyle was saddled with a familiar pack of Poochyena. A far cry from the team Kyle had taken with him to the unfortunate rescue mission.

Before the Luxray finishes him off, time freezes. A child's voice berates the young man about his hesitation. The scene would shift to Verdanturf, with time resuming. This time, his pack of Poochyena had evolved into Mightyena, but once again, Kyle was face to face with Silas Blackwell himself. Throughout the battle, the same voice continues to taunt Kyle about his inability to function with a partner, and to hesitate and flee, rather than fight. After some goading, Kyle finally cut loose, retaliating against Silas with powerful attacks that left craters in the environment. After some more dialogue from the child's voice, the illusion fades away, and Thomas returns to Kyle's sight.

Upon hearing the news, Thomas frowns. "Is that so? Tell me, what happened exactly?", he'd inquire calmly. For now, the Gym Leader would obfuscate ignorance to what played out in the world Kuma Lisa cast them in. He'd let Kyle explain what happened, and if he had anything to say to the voice of the child.

notes: tl;dr

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dog boy
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POSTED ON Jul 18, 2019 19:02:08 GMT
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being asked to explain what happened is synonymous to being forced to report in front of the class. there were only two of them at the place at that moment though, so he supposed it shouldn't bother him much.

"it told me to go wild."

it was a concise explanation of the conclusion of the illusion. while he wonders if thomas did see what was happening in the illusion, he knows there wouldn't be any changes in the verdict unless he retracts his statement.

the only thing that will help him decide what to say next was to ask him directly.

"did you see what was happening in the illusion or not? cause if not, i retract my statement and say that i conquered it."

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played by


Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
underground [gym]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2019 18:21:45 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

"I see.", Thomas replied to Kyle, still playing ignorant to what went on in the illusion.

As Kyle made his next statement, Thomas sighed. "If that were the case, and you tried to change your statement, then I'd call you out on your bullshit, and refuse you the badge.", he'd tell Kyle up front. "One moment, you're telling me that you failed to conquer your inner demon, which told you to go wild. And the next, you're telling me that you did conquer your inner demon. From what you've described, it sounds more like your demons conquered you, Kyle.", Thomas continued.

"You're lucky that I did see everything. Though in all honesty, the only voice I heard was the demon's voice berating you for your tendency to hold yourself back. But perhaps that was the demon that you conquered, your reluctance to truly throw yourself into something, to take charge. That you've constantly allowed yourself to play the side guy. Even if you needed the aid of another one of your demons to do so, you still managed to come to a breakthrough, conquering not the demon that was berating you, but the demon that silently influenced your actions.", he'd tell Kyle.

"Before I give present you this badge, I must warn you, one does not simply rid themselves of their inner demons. Rather, they learn to come to terms with them. While using one demon to conquer another is a viable option, mind that you don't allow this demon to conquer you. Keep that other demon of yours in check, otherwise you're gonna find yourself doing some horrible shit.", he'd caution the challenger solemnly.

"In any case, you've earned the Demon Badge, Kyle!", Thomas told him, offering the man a handshake. If he were to take it, he'd find the badge in his hand by the end of it. If not, Thomas would simply hand it to him. "Now, you wanna grab a bite, or a drink in town? It's on me.", he'd offer.

notes: Many combolations, Elizagirth!

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