Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2023 17:13:56 GMT
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I’m sure the sight must be beautiful, Maoja considered. How couldn’t it have been? The September breeze nipped at her forearms, which created gentle pinpricks all along her skin. Warm sunlight tried to drive away the worst of the chill, but the sea made the task daunting.

That was the one gripe she had with her usual hiking route: the smell. It wasn’t bad, but she wished the smell of flowers on the verge of hibernation. Dew that clung to each blade of grass. Trees that caught the wind with their massive, overgrown branches. Taste the fresh air.

Instead, she was treated to the waves that crashed against the beach and the salty air. It invaded every crevice in her body and caused her lips to shrivel up like raisins. Gross. She reapplied her on-hand chapstick, a wise investment all those years back. Mm, Iapapa.

But today seemed to be special. Something in the air, maybe? Pokémon moved with an energy and enthusiasm quite different from usual. As if pulled from a stupor. Perhaps not quite what she desired, but it was there at all and that was a plus! Maybe some of them would approach her and pester her for berries or seeds or what not. That’d be pretty cute.

All Maoja needed now was some proper human company and a fizzy drink! Oh, but maybe not the fizzy drink. She had already had one today, and after the first she could feel the sugar in her blood like a dozen ping-pong balls in a gas tank. Also, her odds of ever getting a date would crater into the ground.

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2023 6:58:55 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
@maoja would find the monotonous sound of water against sand interrupted by a loud, distinct, and terrifying drone. Were she to turn her head in the direction of the sound, she would witness a sight that might leave her in disbelief. A green-and-black Beedrill of great proportions was bumbling a moderate distance from her, not far from Rustboro's northern gate. The Shiny bug-type bumbled and buzzed about, its presence scaring away many skittish wild Pokémon.

If that wasn't terrifying enough, the titanic wasp took a turn toward her. Though its stingers were not pointed directly at her, it may still have been heart-stopping. It was a species known for sudden and extreme aggression, as well as some potent venom that made one's bloodstream feel like it was on fire. There was a reason new trainers were advised to not attempt capturing them and simply leave them alone.

The bizarre sight didn't end there; were those halters behind its mandibles, halters one would see on a horse Pokémon? If Maoja were to muster the courage to follow the reins attached to the halters, she would see a green-haired, lithe-looking female astride the insect, looking like she was saying something to her, though her words were likely inaudible due to the loud buzzing coming from the bug's wings.


{WC: 218}
{PC: 1}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Queen Zing      Beedrill**        Good
Treble          Kommo-o           Good
Sandy           Flygon            Good
Serena          Persian           Good
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Letheia         A!Ninetales       Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 16:37:45 GMT
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There was something in the air alright. The muffled sound of waves faded into the new background. Replaced with a quiet whine, which slowly grew in intensity. Any nearby Pokémon scurried to the safety of the brush in fear of the unknown as whatever it was grew closer.

What the heck was up with the racket? Maoja turned towards the approaching newcomer with a face that suggested she wasn’t amused by the sudden disturbance. This was her quiet time, darn it! Her chance to unwind! Hadn’t she dealt with enough at her job?!

Deep breaths, Maoja, she reminded herself. In… out. In… out. No need to get upset! Everyone else was just as welcome to enjoy the trails as much as her. Even if it scared off all the probably cute Pokémon she would’ve fed a berry or two from her pocket. With any luck, they’d just go around her and be on their merry way!

But it didn’t. Instead, it stopped a few meters away. That constant drone of flip-flaps made it impossible to even think. It looked… vaguely green? Hard to tell. And it had a couple of things that jutted out from it. No matter how hard she squinted, or how close she pressed her sunglasses to her face, she couldn’t make out specifics.

...Hey, your… uh, Escavalier? It's making some really weird sounds!” She yelled out. “Might want to get that checked out by a doctor or something!

Wait a second. Did a trainer accompany this Pokémon? Or was it wild? Please let the trainer be nearby.

She held her hands in a comfortable yet visible position. As long as the creature knew she meant no harm and had no way to do harm, maybe it'd leave her alone? “Whoever is there, can you turn your bug down? I can’t hear anything!

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2023 4:14:52 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Queen Zing's wings had calmed down enough just to hear Maoja's last comment, her shout loud enough to get the message. Gently pulling back on the Beedrill's reins, the rider coaxed her unusual mount into landing near her, the green bee's blue-tinted wings came to a stop. The unusually large Pokémon was close enough that Maoja could clearly see the saddle the Beedrill was wearing, and most importantly, the girl riding the bug-type.

Shalin popped her earplugs out and answered, "Sorry! I didn't hear anything else you said," she apologized, the wasp stretching her wings and waving the flat of one of her foreleg stings toward the traveler, much like a human would wave a hand to greet someone. "As much fun as flying on her is, Queen Zing here gets a little loud when she's airborne!" More than a little loud; a Beedrill of her size had to vibrate her wings deafeningly loud to fly on its own, let alone with even a lithe human on her back.


{WC: 170}
{PC: 2}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Queen Zing      Beedrill**        Good
Treble          Kommo-o           Good
Sandy           Flygon            Good
Serena          Persian           Good
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Letheia         A!Ninetales       Good
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gremlin creature

the shadow mod
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wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
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spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
600 foot tall baby height
600 foot tall baby height
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spiral and shiv's baby
Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2023 14:45:08 GMT
spiral and shiv's baby Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD BASTIODON APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SOUNDPROOF
[attr="class","wildtabox"]HEAVY SLAM
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]ANCIENT POWER
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]TAKE DOWN
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD RALTS APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SYNCHRONIZE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]DREAM EATER
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]LUCKY CHANT
[attr="class","wildtabox"]HEAL PULSE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]LIFE DEW
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2023 20:14:40 GMT
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Holy smokes, how close would this thing–



Maoja jumped back a few feet, away from the massive insect. She never got along with the bugs that had wings, and she certainly wouldn’t today. Unfortunately, she backed up right into a solid object. With her balance all out of whack, it was natural for her to fall over.

Right on top off, and off of, another Pokémon. Ugh. What was this one? It and where did her sunglasses go? “That's wonderful, stranger, but do you see my–

She nearly headbutted the creature right next to her. A face as flat as a table, and as gray as one too. Its massive maw and sunken eyes were the only details she got before she once again recoiled back. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA–

This time, she chucked a Poke ball at the thing that spooked her. Almost unceremoniously, the creature disappeared into the ball with a flash of light. Why hadn’t it run off? Couldn’t it hear that infernal Pokémon from a mile away?


One more time, Maoja backpedaled away from yet another newcomer in a hurry. She didn’t need to be right next to the thing, on the dirt and grass, to know what it was. Why was there a Ralts here? Ok, something had to be up for something like a Ralts to not notice the racket.

Jimmeny crickets! Stranger, I think we got a couple of deaf Pokémon on our hands! What should we do?” She turned in the general direction of Shalin, still not exactly sure where she was. I think I heard her from the direction of the Beedrill, and that thing was mighty big. And I think I saw a saddle, or something. Hopefully she doesn’t crush my glasses.

-1 Poke ball, catch attempt on the Bastiodon

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2023 3:27:39 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The psychic-type's presence spooked Queen Zing, Shalin not expecting the wasp to take off again. She slid out of the saddle and landed on her rump, her ears ringing from being so close to her partner's buzzing wings with no ear protection. She covered her ears as quickly as she could, but the damage had already been done. When it was apparent the Ralts wasn't fighting back, only attempting to cleanse itself with LIFE DEW after being thrust to the ground with the Beedrill's POISON JAB, the Ranger took her right hand off her ear long enough to recall her partner. She tossed a clump of Pecha Berries toward the wild to purge the poison from its body before hurling an empty Poké Ball toward it.

Even when removing her hands from her ears, they were still ringing with the loud buzzing noise. "I'm sorry, I can't hear a word you're saying," Shalin shouted, unaware of her own voice's volume.

Ralts catch please!


{WC: 160}
{PC: 3}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Queen Zing      Beedrill**        Good
Treble          Kommo-o           Good
Sandy           Flygon            Good
Serena          Persian           Good
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Letheia         A!Ninetales       Good
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2023 5:53:38 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD TURTONATOR APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SHELL ARMOR
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]SHELL SMASH
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD GRAVELER APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SAND VEIL
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]SMACK DOWN
[attr="class","wildtabox"]DEFENSE CURL
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]ROCK BLAST
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 3:13:44 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Maoja saw the giant insect close the distance in front of her, a giant blob that attacked the much smaller one. It must’ve gone on the aggressive and assaulted that poor Ralts! Even worse, the racket it caused hurt even worse than before. Somehow. She covered her ears with enough force to crush a soda can.

And only when the racket stopped and the Ralts disappeared into a Poke ball did she release the pressure on her ears. Only replaced with the girl who also might’ve gone deaf. The way she yelled said so, rather. “My GLASSES! DO YOU SEE MY GLASSES?

Man, where could they have gone? Her hands shot out to her sides. Nope, not right next to her. She switched her position to be on her hands and knees, then slowly crept forward. “If you see them, please let me know. Otherwise, I’ll have to buy a new pair, and they take forever to get shipped in!

Another half-truth. The paperwork took forever. Arceus above, if the people at the DMV thought she was slow, they should’ve met the people she had to contend with for that process. Took twice as long, somehow. Bless their hearts, though, if they didn’t do their damnedest to make the process as painless as possible.

Wait. Maoja struck something hard. A black shape– yes! Faster than Shalin could get to them, she pulled them close. “Never mind, found them! Thanks anyway!

Now that all that hullabaloo is done with,” she pulled herself back onto her feet and held out a hand with her classic, warm smile, “My name is Maoja! That was… quite the greeting on your end! Don’t think I can top that.

She pretended to not hear the sounds of chaos and destruction that occurred somewhere off in the distance. It sounded like that Graveler and Turtonator that always gave each other grief. Maoja only knew because she frequented this path– the two always wrestled somewhere in the forest. Nearly crushed her one time! Terrifying business.



CRASH! CRACKLE CRACKLE CRACKLE. If you ignore them long enough, they’ll go away! It worked last time! I think.

Pass on both Pokémon.

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,927 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 3:51:39 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
By the time Shalin's hearing returned to her, all she understood was Maoja's greeting. "Sorry if I scared you, Maoja," the Ranger apologized. "Queen Zing here has a tendency to do that, even though she's the biggest sweetheart you can imagine. Name's Shalin, Captain-elect and the wildest Pokémon rider in Hoenn!" Way to be obvious about it; who else in Hoenn would be willing to ride on the back of a Beedrill? There were so many problems with using the giant bug-type as a mount. Even if it were to be tame enough, their wings were so loud that sitting so close to them would drown out all other noise. There was also the vibration constantly coursing through a rider.

The Graveler and Turtonator cries were distant enough that Shalin simply ignored them. "You're awful far from town, Maoja," the patrolling Ranger asked; even Captains still had patrol hour requirements to meet! "Where you headed, if I may ask?"



{WC: 160}
{PC: 4}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Queen Zing      Beedrill**        Good
Treble          Kommo-o           Good
Sandy           Flygon            Good
Serena          Persian           Good
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Letheia         A!Ninetales       Good
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gremlin creature

the shadow mod
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wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
googoo gaga
spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
600 foot tall baby height
600 foot tall baby height
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spiral and shiv's baby
Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 5:19:48 GMT
spiral and shiv's baby Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD SUDOWOODO APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ROCK HEAD
[attr="class","wildtabox"]FEINT ATTACK
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]DOUBLE EDGE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]HEAD SMASH
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD ALCREMIE APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] AROMA VEIL
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]SWEET KISS
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]SWEET SCENT
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2023 17:18:22 GMT
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Well, Shalin, I’m not going anywhere in particular. Just on a walk,” Maoja motioned what should’ve been the general path. Used by all sorts of people and vehicles and rideable Pokémon, it also had a much smaller place to the side. Where they stood on the side of. “Good way to clear my mind and enjoy nature.

The girl took a deep breath. Yep, that was nature alright! Also a bit poison-y from the Beedrill’s attack, maybe? And all the damp air from the nearby body of water. But there still remained a hint of that earthy, grass smell, and she was all for it.

But… which way to go again? All that excitement jumbled her sense of direction. However, it was a left or a right. One way would take her to Rustboro, and the other would take her to… whatever was North. Fallabor, maybe? Pretty far away though. She gave a quick glance both ways.

And the way on the right looked like Rustboro! “I usually go out around here-ish, little further, then follow the path back. Done it dozens of times! Perfectly safe.

And you’re more than welcome to join me! But maybe not your Beedrill. Little loud. Can’t hear all the wonderful nature sounds,” Maoja explained. Like the Alcremie’s goopy walk off to the side. The living-dollop of cream cheered happily as it roamed about. Its sickeningly sweet aroma reached across the path, but distance made it bearable.

But… there was a tree in their path. About a half-dozen meters ahead. Was that always there? Landscapers sure knew how to work fast! “So, any cool riding stories? Since it sounds like you’re pretty wild!

Pass on Both Pokemon

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2023 8:15:29 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
"You could say the same for me," Shalin asked, her red armband and badge glinting in the sunlight. "They got me stuck on patrol all the way up to Meteor Falls." Why did Captains have patrol hour requirements again? They were so busy with administrative work that their time even take tickets was limited. How could they be expected to fit in patrol hours, too?

With the remark about Queen Zing being too loud, Shalin chuckled. "That... is one of the issues with flying on a Beedrill - the noise. It's so fun, though!" Fun for her, maybe; to others, the constant vibration would be a little uncomfortable at best, and at worst, faint-inducing dizziness. Regardless, she would withdraw her noisy Pokémon for two that were still quite unusual: an Alolan Ninetsles and a Persian, both also outfitted in riding gear.

"Maybe I can tell you some on the way, if you're going all the way up to Meteor Falls," she smiled, ready to recount her tale of how she met Letheia. "If you have a Pokémon of your own that can handle it, the trail north of here can get pretty rough on foot."



{WC: 196}
{PC: 5}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Queen Zing      Beedrill**        Good
Treble          Kommo-o           Good
Sandy           Flygon            Good
Serena          Persian           Good
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Letheia         A!Ninetales       Good
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gremlin creature

the shadow mod
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
googoo gaga
spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
600 foot tall baby height
600 foot tall baby height
sleeping in mod reqs
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spiral and shiv's baby
Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2023 18:42:09 GMT
spiral and shiv's baby Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD HAXORUS APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] RIVALRY
[attr="class","wildtabox"]BREAKING SWIPE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]DRAGON RAGE
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD MIME-JR APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] TECHNICIAN
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]ROLE PLAY
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]BATON PASS
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Relax and Enjoy the Ride! [Duo Spawns]
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2023 19:41:07 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Meteor Falls? Maoja considered the idea, hand on her chin. She wanted to go a bit further, but that was quite the ways off the beaten path. Okay, not THAT far, but the point remained. But she would have company from someone who knew the lay of the land. Heck, she was a Captain-Elect!

Whatever that meant. One of them Rangers?

Well, I do like a good story…” Maoja shrugged. “Aw heck, why not? Not often I get some company on these trails. A lot of people jog this path, headphones in and oblivious to the world.

At the mention of Pokémon equipped for the journey (and after Shalin released more Pokémon), Maoja pulled out a Poke Ball. “And I got just the buddy here for the job. Got myself a Ride a couple of years back, specifically for situations like this!

A flash of light revealed a quadrupedal creature. Green with black chest sacs on its chest and right before its tail, and a head that mimicked a proper motorcycle. A Cyclizar! “Her name is Ride! Thought it up myself. Makes sure I don’t get lost when I need to travel far.

That, and she wasn’t legally allowed to operate machinery anymore. At least they gave her a mode of transportation after they told her that.

However, that familiar mass screeched out loud and stiffened. It sunk close to the ground and hissed off to the side. Not another wild Pokémon causing problems! Again! … Come to think of it, this happens a lot, doesn’t–

First came the pink and black creature from the undergrowth, its own panicked cries followed by a vicious call. Followed close behind was brown, tall figure with something on the side of its head. Not that Maoja needed the visual information to immediately identify the Pokémon in question. “Haxorus! Shalin, watch out!

Maoja herself backed up swiftly, right behind her Cyclizar. Tonight must be a Full Moon sort of night, with all this activity.

Maybe she could at least save the little one? If the Captain-Elect could handle the wild dragon, then it shouldn’t have mattered that Maoja took out another Poke Ball and tossed it in the general direction of the Mime Jr. It missed by a solid two meters.

-1 Poke Ball, Catch attempt on Mime Jr.

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