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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 28, 2023 6:44:49 GMT
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there’s a buzz in the air that alia can’t quite put a word to. standing in the corner of the mauville racing grounds, she watched the other students speed across the tracks with their pokemon. despite how far away she was from the action, there’s a loud thumping rumbling in her ears, and she’s no longer sure if the sound was coming from the racing or her own heartbeat. it felt like she was wrapped in an intimate ring of energy, fueling her for what’s to come. intrigued by the art of pokemon racing, she had initiated a racing lesson with the expert himself, josh devlin, to personally experience the joy of the sport.

alia wasn’t the only one feeling the adrenaline rush. next to her feet pranced a blue-and-black feline, his eyes glowing. the shinx already had his first round of exhilaration when the two of them entered the lobby, entranced by the variety of the raikou artwork adorning the walls. he had pried himself out of alia’s arms and mewled excitedly as they visited each piece, finding a new role-model in the mighty legendary.

the feline lets out another yowl, pacing impatiently around alia’s feet. the woman laughs, amused by his behavior. “soon, lucian,” she chides, nudging him with her shoe. “he should be here any minute now.”
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Sept 29, 2023 4:51:17 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Gym Trainers and guests zipped around one of the nearby courses at dizzying speeds; several of them weren't Pokémon exactly known for their speed, and yet, even a Meganium and Shiny Gogoat remained competitive with one another coming down the course's home stretch. Out of the nearly one hundred Pokémon roaming the massive facility's grounds, perhaps some of the most eye-catching were the not one, not two, but six Pyroar racing one another, trainers controlling them mid-DOUBLE TEAM with impressive talent.

When it was time for @saturn 's lesson to begin, she would see the Gym Leader arrive, seated on a Shiny Luxray who responded to the subtle shifts in his reins with unerring precision. Sparks flew from the adult feline's paws as he let out a cry to greet Lucian and the young lady. "Good morning... Alia, is it? I think you were the only lady on my short roster today," Josh greeted him before introducing himself. "Gym Leader Devlin or Elite Ranger Devlin, but you can just call me Josh if you want to. And this is Blitz," he gently pat the yellow and black great cat's head.



{WC: 191}
{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Blitz         Luxray**       Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 1, 2023 6:18:47 GMT
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alia perks up as a man seated comfortably on a shiny luxray approaches her. she's never seen this josh devlin before, but she could make an educated guess by the way this stranger carried himself with his pokemon. she straightens her back unconsciously, feeling the need to appear more put-together. "good morning," the woman returns the greeting, offering a polite nod with it. "nice to meet you both! your luxray looks great," she admires the golden and black feline, catching how the sunrays illuminates its pelt, creating a gentle halo. her shinx was equally in awe, the restless pacing that was present just a moment before now gone. the smaller feline mewls as he stares at the older cat, tail flickering hesitantly as he debates approaching blitz. [break][break]
"lucian has been incredibly excited all morning - i think all those raikou paintings in the lobby changed him." alia laughs, blue gaze resting on her shinx fondly. she keeps her eyes on the two felines for a moment before turning back to josh, remembering the purpose of today's visit. "thanks for agreeing to show me the ropes today! i can't wait." the young ranger grins in anticipation, eager to start her lesson.  




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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Oct 2, 2023 5:03:25 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Even though many had never seen the Mauville Gym Leader, his traits were quite distinct among those in Hoenn. Intimidating yet friendly demeanor, born in the saddle, and strong customer service skills made him pleasant for anyone to work with. "Thanks. Being from Johto, Raikou is a very special god to me. He and the Great One, Ho-oh, are among the most revered gods back home. Many pray to them both."

Josh whistled for some of the rest of his fairly exotic, but still beginner friendly, racing Pokémon. Several came bounding toward him: Aslan, a Shiny male Pyroar; Mystic, a Kantonian Ninetales; Pinky, a Shiny Sylveon; Crash, a Boltund; and finally, Janus, an Espeon. Despite their listed average size in the Pokédex being wildly different, all the saddled Pokémon before @saturn were between five and seven feet tall at the shoulder - more than comfortable for a person to sit on. The Gym Leader introduced them all one by one. "They're all good to learn racing fundamentals with."

Pinky approached Lucian and reached toward the Shinx with her feelers, touching and comforting Alia's Pokémon with positive energy if they allowed it. Aslan's regal, golden fur gleamed in the sunlight much like Blitz's did. "I guess you're getting private lessons today! Looks like neither of my other two students showed up. How exciting for you!" It may not have been if Alia didn't want to constantly be the center of attention. "You can learn with any of my Pokémon - even with Blitz if you want, given your Shinx. He's a big boy, and with the right training, will be a great Pokémon to get into the racing circuit with."



{WC: 283}
{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Blitz         Luxray**       Good
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good
Mystic        Ninetales      Good
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Janus         Espeon         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 2, 2023 8:39:06 GMT
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alia was not one to normally enjoy being in the center of attention, but she really can't find fault in getting one-to-one training. she watches as josh summons multiple pokemon with one swift whistle, her jaw slightly gaping from awe as they reveal themselves to her one by one. first, well, over half of them were shiny. she's never seen that many shiny pokemon in her life, let alone all in the same room! second, each one of them were her height, if not a foot or two more. it blew her mind to see any of the eeveelutions at eye-level.
her gaze follows the sylveon as the larger pokemon sends a calming wave of energy at her shinx, and within seconds the feline visibly settles down, excitement ebbing away. alia considers briefly about catching a sylveon herself in the future, taking note of how useful it could be in moments of distress. it would be an incredibly helpful partner as a ranger.
alia was busy debating which one out of the many incredible pokemon standing in front her to partner up with when josh offered his luxray for riding. the young woman perks, surprised by his offer. it would make for an easier transition once her shinx evolves. "oh, you think?" alia beams at josh's approval for her shinx. "that's good to hear. it would be good if i can ride and race with lucian in the future...if you're sure you're okay with it, i'd love to learn with blitz." but if josh preferred riding with blitz today, she would've been fine with any of the other pokemon, too.




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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Oct 3, 2023 5:12:30 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The stunned expression was met with calm from the Master of Faster. "None of them bite, I promise! Well, unless you show blatant disrespect to them," he laughed. Pinky was an incredibly useful Pokémon for Rangers, especially rescue specialists like Josh. Calming marooned victims was important, especially ones hesitant to sit on the backs of saddled apex predators. Even though they were docile as could be, there was still something intimidating about being in the presence of, let alone sitting astride, one of the Gym Leader's many lion Pokémon.

At Alia's request, Josh slid off his Luxray's back, leaving his saddle vacant for the young, inexperience Ranger. Liking the idea of teaching how to ride a feline Pokémon by riding a feline Pokémon himself, he tapped Aslan's saddle, the Shiny Pyroar responding by crouching to let him on. "Now before we go off to Twist Road, I just want to make sure you've got all the riding fundamentals down. How to control speed, direction, and so forth. How to make your Pokémon jump. All that find stuff."



{WC: 182}
{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Blitz         Luxray**       Good
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good
Mystic        Ninetales      Good
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Janus         Espeon         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 4, 2023 7:17:01 GMT
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once josh slides off the luxray, alia makes a hand motion at lucian for him to stay before she steps towards the larger feline. although there was a hint of the usual beginner's nerves lingering in the back of her ribs, she mostly feels calm, a steady energy pulsating from her. with one hand firm on the saddle, alia hooks her foot into the hoop and swings herself over the luxray gently. while she knew the feline was standing at a good height and most likely wasn't bothered by the heavier movement, a part of her wanted to be cautious anyway. she shifts her weight slightly, making herself comfortable before turning her gaze to her instructor again. [break][break]

the older ranger speaks of riding fundamentals, and alia quickly skims her brain for what she knows. controlling speed and direction, how to start and was slightly embarrassing for her to admit she knew barely anything about the basics of riding, but she supposes that was why she was here. [break][break]

"i know how to turn," alia demonstrates as she speaks, pressing slight pressure on blitz's reins to the left and then to the right. "and i'm assuming you pull back to slow down, and how much you pull depends on how much slower you want to go. i can't say i'm confident on how to start, increase speed, or change directions drastically... and i have no clue how to jump." she laughs slightly before leaning forward to pet the golden feline. "sorry buddy, you'll probably have to be kind of patient with me today."




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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Oct 7, 2023 5:28:00 GMT
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Josh did a small double take when Alia didn't recite the basic controls correctly. She wanted to learn how to be a racer, yet she was missing fundamentals? He was a little worried, but this was nothing the Gym Leader couldn't review. "Not quite," he answered. "You actually control speed with pressure from your legs. If you squeeze Blitz's legs, he'll run faster, and if you let up the pressure, he'll slow down. Pulling back on the reins with both hands is only an emergency brake. Most Pokémon don't like it when you pull on their halters really hard." He learned that from experience when he first rode his Manectric. Josh would never forget the day he suffered a big scrape from doing just that, Saber responding by hurling him out of the saddle violently.

"For turning in general, you can also just lean your body in the direction you want to turn. You can combine both method to turn tighter, but mind your Pokémon's turning capability. An Arcanine won't turn very quickly no matter how hard you pull, for example." All tips Josh learned not from reading a book, but from experience riding his own Pokémon. No matter what the subject was, experience was truly the best teacher. "Finally, if you flick the reins with both your hands, your mount will jump."

Josh would give Alia time to take in the information, even practice a little, before evaluating her prowess. "Now, let's head over to Twist Road and see if you have the basics down. Aslan and I will go at your pace, but I want to see you push Blitz to a gallop. You'll need it to clear the jump on the backstretch." With that, the Gym Leader would guide Alia to Sector 1 of his Gym's property, the grassland where the beginner-friendly course was located. "When you're ready, let's ride!"



{WC: 316}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Blitz         Luxray**       Good
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good
Mystic        Ninetales      Good
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Janus         Espeon         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 7, 2023 8:41:49 GMT
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alia nods earnestly as josh goes over the riding instructions with her, reciting them in her head a couple of times for the sake of extra familiarity. his earlier double-take at her mistake didn't go unnoticed by her, however. "ah, man! i'm definitely not as familiar with pokemon riding as i thought i was. thanks for getting me up to speed." alia laughs it off, brushing her mistakes away like they were no big deal. deep down, however, alia was dying. dying of complete, utter embarrassment! she never liked being wrong to begin with, but in front of one of the most respected gym leaders of the region? one of the most well-known racers? this was a completely different level of shame. alia was no stranger at concealing her emotions, however, so she easily masks all of this with a laugh and breezy demeanor. [break][break]

she moves on from her earlier stumble and begins running through the moves that josh has just taught her. a squeeze of the legs, an un-squeeze. a lean to the right, a lean to the left, center. alia looks up at the gym leader once she felt familiar enough with the basic controls, a silent acknowledgment that she was ready for the next step. [break][break]

the younger ranger follows josh to the open grassy terrain to begin their actual lesson, with lucian happily prancing behind to sit near the starting line. the buzz of adrenaline from earlier was back, murmuring quietly in her ears as she took in the course in front of her. taking a deep breath, she clucks her tongue out of habit before gently pressing her legs into blitz's sides, urging the golden feline to start his run. as the luxray slowly trots ahead, her legs tighten, attempting to increase the pressure to reach their desired speed. it took her a while to find the right amount of pressure, with her first few attempts being too minor for the luxray to notice a difference. once alia figures out the proper amount of weight to press against blitz, however, she gets the two of them to the gallop that josh had requested. [break][break]

the wind feels cool and refreshing as it skims her face roughly, blowing her hair madly behind her. she probably should've tied her hair back, but it didn't really matter now. the rush of adrenaline pumping in her head was all that she could focus on as she turns her head to josh, a large grin spreading across her lips. "i think i did it!" she yells excitedly as she continues her firm grip on the large feline. [break][break]

alia parts her lips to speak again, but realizes the  unsustainability of conversing in this manner. instead, she loosens the pressure she kept on blitz until they slowed to a stop, shifting her weight to look at josh. the smile from earlier was still glued to her face. "was that okay? is there anything i can do better?" she asked, hoping to improve her clearly rusty skills. 




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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Oct 8, 2023 6:14:07 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Alia clearly demonstrated knowledge of how to control a Pokémon mount, her unease and lack of confidence confirming the Gym Leader's suspicions. Her experience had been tainted by rust. What impressed Josh most was her adaptation to the feline's gallop. Unlike Rapidash and common Pokémon for the task, the electric-type was a feline predator whose back flexed a lot more. The saddle on Blitz's back helped mitigate it some, but it may have been jarring for one who had only ever been on horse Pokémon before. If Alia were to watch Aslan run, she would see the Pyroar's flexing motion even more pronounced than the Luxray's.

While impressed with the way she handled the Pokémon, there was one thing missing. "You've got the basics down. Almost. You forgot one." Pressing a hidden switch behind Twist Road's starting arch, the bridge above them retracted, just like it would during boost laps in a real Gym Challenge using the course. "You forgot to have him jump."

Once the bridge had retracted completely, Josh was ready to test Alia's ability to handle this last basic control before getting to racing fundamentals. "If you flick your Pokémon's reins with both hands while they're in a gallop, they'll jump. To give it a test, how about trying to build up speed along these first three corners, then going as fast as you feel comfortable with. At the end of the hill, see if you can clear the gap where the bridge was with a jump! If you need to see it first, I can have Aslan demonstrate."



{WC: 267}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Blitz         Luxray**       Good
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good
Mystic        Ninetales      Good
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Janus         Espeon         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 10, 2023 4:51:20 GMT
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alia startles slightly as the bridge retracts, leaving a gap of blue in its place. woah. she expected that this track would be full of tricks and surprises, being both a well-respected gym and racing ground, but it was still eye-opening to witness it herself. [break][break]

"thank you for the offer, but i think i'm okay." alia says, politely turning down josh's offer. now that she partially went through the track with blitz, her muscle memory was slowly coming back to her, embracing her like an old friend. [break][break]

"got it, i'll give it a go!" alia presses her legs into the feline's sides again, ready to take on josh's next trial. the luxray picks up speed at her request, going from a pad to a trot within seconds. with each corner they round, alia applies the weight even more firmly, reaching a steady gallop by the final, and the largest, turn. she keeps her grip steady and presses her back closer to the feline as they near the gap, silently counting down in her head. when blitz was a few pawsteps away from the opening, alia flicks his reins sharply, urging him to make the jump. [break][break]

the golden feline soars into the air, and the sudden change in movement combined with the cat's naturally flexing back swings alia around slightly. she tightens her hold to steady herself as blitz completes his leap, quickly taking note of how she could improve her jump next time on cat pokemon such as the luxray. she slows down again, looking back for josh until he reaches her with his own ride. "i'll have to adjust how i position myself before the jump next time to have a steadier seat," the younger ranger reflects out loud. "if you have any tips, that would be great." 




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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 4:18:07 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The declination was clearly one of confidence, Josh content to watch as Alia built up Blitz's speed from a trot to a powerful gallop that she seemed to be adapting to easily. The leap was perfectly timed, clearing the wide gap with plenty of room to spare. Josh applauded her as Blitz jumped down to the lower section of the course, near where they had started. "You've got a good grasp on the fundamentals. But you came here to learn how to race Pokémon, right?"

The Gym Leader would start with some of the very basics of competition. "One of the most important things to learn is the inside line. If your Pokémon can turn tightly enough, you want to run along the inside of the track, as close to the walls or bounds markers as you can. The inside line is the shortest distance around each curve. A slower Pokémon on the inside will beat out a faster Pokémon on the outside." It was a simple concept, but one of the most important ones. Aggressive lines were especially important during time trials, where every split second mattered to racers chasing the pole position.

"Second, pacing is important," he continued, Aslan tilting his head toward Alia, as well. "You can probably feel your Pokémon's heartbeat when you're riding on them. You want to keep it high but not too high; it's a great indicator of how much energy your Pokémon is using. This also plays into one other thing. In Pokémon races, moves like Quick Attack and Extreme Speed are completely legal to use, and they can make a big difference. Do you think you could handle Blitz's Quick Attack?"



{WC: 287}
{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Blitz         Luxray**       Good
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good
Mystic        Ninetales      Good
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Janus         Espeon         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 14, 2023 23:01:56 GMT
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as a long-time runner, the concept of an inside line was not unfamiliar to alia. although it wasn’t often that she employed the technique, she’s used it to her advantage before at the few track meets she participated in as a teenager. alia could only imagine how much more important the concept was for pokemon racing, where much greater speeds could be achieved than on the human foot. [break][break]

she finds herself nodding again at josh’s next comments, thinking back to the way the luxray’s heartbeat pulsated against her thighs as they blazed forward. it was one thing to regulate one's speed according to your own energy levels, but adjusting to another’s stamina was going to be a different story, especially when the another in question was a nonverbal animal. and adding pokemon moves onto that? alia is going to have a lot to learn today. [break][break]

“i should be able to,” she affirms, much more comfortable with the feline’s body mechanics than a mere thirty minutes ago. “and i’m guessing these moves are best used when you’re trying to move in the track or when you’re already within the inside line?”




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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,978 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2023 8:59:59 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The inside line was also much more important in Pokémon racing than in track and field, where runners had a set lane they stayed in and the racers were staggered along the starting blocks to ensure the distance covered was the same. In a Pokémon race, pathing through turns was important, as the courses were not simple ovals. They were road courses, many peppered with wicked turns designed to push Pokémon and racers to their limits. The very fastest Pokémon required equally strong endurance from riders, some species such as Arcanine capable of running faster than many commercially-available cars could reach with their engines running full throttle.

"They're best used on straight stretches, jumps, and lighter turns," Josh answered. "Not only do turns come at you faster just by way of going faster, but higher speed also means greater momentum. It takes a lot more energy from a Pokémon to shift that momentum, meaning they can't take turns as well. Plus, you have to think about your own strength. If you can't hold on through that momentum, it's not going to do you any good."

After the long-winded explanation, the Gym Leader guided Alia to the long straight stretch before the jump. "See if you can keep up with Aslan and I. We're going to run toward the gap and jump over it, only this time using Double Team. Blitz should be able to keep up with him if he uses Quick Attack. We'll take off when you're ready. If the speed ever gets too uncomfortable, don't be afraid to stop, as it can be very physically demanding on you." With that, the lion would line up with Alia and Blitz when they were ready.



{WC: 290}
{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Blitz         Luxray**       Good
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good
Mystic        Ninetales      Good
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Janus         Espeon         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 6:44:58 GMT
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alia decides that maybe she was going to refrain from guessing the racing terms and stick with asking questions instead. getting it wrong once was one thing, but getting it wrong two, three times in a row? her ego and pride wasn't strong enough for that. [break][break]

she nods as josh speaks, a physical acknowledgment that she was listening and processing his words. alia guides the luxray from the grassy terrain they were on to the main path, waiting momentarily for the elite ranger to line up with her. once they aligned, alia presses herself into blitz and the pair sprints forward. [break][break]

they pick up the speed rapidly, alia aware of how they now have less time to get to the required pace before making the leap. her gaze unwavering, she counts down under her breath before she calls out over the wind, "okay, blitz, now! quick attack!". [break][break]

hands firm on the reins, pelt tickling her forearms and torso pressed to the saddle, the sudden jolt is intimate to her body as the feline lunges forward. her biceps flex as she somehow tightens her grip even more as she attempts to steady herself amidst the drastic movement. she only succeeds partly, though, as she partially flies forward and out of her seat. she just barely grounds herself when the luxray completes his leap, slowing to a stop with the release of the ranger's legs. [break][break]

"whew!" alia exhales, breath blowing her bangs from her forehead. "i see why pokemon racers are always drenched in sweat after a race now. that was more tiring than i expected." she admits, wiping her hands against her pants. [break][break]



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