The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Admin Fox
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howard slayte
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2023 19:43:20 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Sorry about the mess. I've been pretty busy moving stuff over to my office in Sootopolis."

Calling it a 'mess' was an understatement. Howard's apartment was essentially a closet, stuffed to the brim with artifacts, leaving minimal room for the bare functionality required for sustaining life. The living room was filled with shelves of exotic scrolls, statues, and jewelry. A carving of a Thievel stealing from a Ninetales was lodged in the corner, as well.

"It's been messy since... ever. Doesn't help that my apartment is small."

He at least had the decency to be ashamed. He struggled to meet Makoto's eyes as they picked through the maze of valuables.

More recent was a massive stack of papers that sat on Howard's table. Hundreds of scans of the Regice Ruins, including translations, sketches, and other things were present. Besides that, however, was the real purpose of Makoto's visit. In the corner was the legendary...

"Ta-daaaaa~! I told you I had it!" He beamed at them, all semblance of shame forgotten.

...crystal skeleton.

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
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Makoto Kurumi
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2023 6:48:36 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
As a thief, Makoto was no stranger to having to tiptoe and weave their way through situations to avoid knocking over the wrong object, or tripping some sort of laser. The last place they expected to have to put these skills to the test, however, was Howard's apartment. Filled to the brim with artifacts as it was, they felt like they had to be exceedingly careful to avoid knocking into something and potentially damaging it.

As he apologizes though, Makoto offers a sympathetic smile. "It's alright, I... Perhaps I could help you, with moving things over?" They offer, their gaze briefly casting over the relics kept here. They had the free time to do so - and that was something friends did for one another, right?

On their shoulder, a Galarian Yamask is perched - Koseki being quite curious about the different artifacts here herself. She uses their vantage point on Makoto's shoulder to see as much as she can of the apartment, making soft coos and whistles to nonintrusively express her feelings about each one.

But for Makoto themself, a carving depicting a Thievul and Ninetales draws their curiosity - though they put a pin in the thought of asking about it for now. There was another thing here that they had agreed to visit for, that they were curious about.

Namely, a crystal skeleton. As Howard proudly presents it, they offer a gentle smile in his direction - before glancing to said skeleton with clear interest. Seeing it in person was much more impressive than just in the photo - and they step closer to get a better look at it. "I'm surprised it's still intact, even after all of this time... It feels like crystal would be a relatively fragile material, especially with how thin this is in places..." They comment.

Koseki, too, seems plenty intrigued - the little ghost whistling as she floats and bobs in circles around the skeleton.
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
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howard slayte
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 6:03:15 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"I-I couldn't ask you to do that." Howard said in the tone of a man who was absolutely, without hesitation, considering the offer. The only reason Howard didn't leverage Makoto is that they were technically both lower ranked than Howard and equally ranked within Nebula. If Amor learned that Howard was bossing around Makoto, even if it was accidental and because of Makoto's generosity...

A tombstone appeared in Howard's mind. He shuddered.


"I'll just get these two guys I know to do it." Howard immediately thought of and . Shred was technically a Beast now, but Howard paid his salary. The Beast would have to deal with it. "Trust me, they deserve it."

As Makoto looked at the skeleton, a shimmering screen appeared in their vision. Everything in the apartment was protected by an elaborate defense system of Light Screens and Reflect. A Carbink floated out from behind the skeleton, before disappearing behind it. A pink Mawile poked its head out instead, before chattering at the Yamask.

"It's fragile, but I know a few tricks for moving fragile objects around. Proper moves and a good eye, that's what you need." Howard laughed as he passed by Makoto. "Which means you're doing better than me. You've got two good eyes!"

He took the translations and papers from the table and stacked them in a neat pile.

"Can I get you something? Coffee? Tea?"

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
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Makoto Kurumi
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 17:02:55 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Makoto smiled softly at Howard's response - "It's fine; I have a number of pokemon who could lend a hand." They tried to insist - even as he expressed intent to ask a different duo to help him with it. They hadn't even really been thinking about how Howard was an Admin; they just wanted to lend a hand to a friend.

(It felt surreal, being able to think of another human being as a friend.)

But in observing the skeleton, Makoto took note of both a number of defensive screens, and noticed a couple of pokemon as well! The Carbink and Mawile were both met with a gentle smile - though it seemed the Mawile was much more willing to socialize than the little carbuncle. "Hello there," They fondly greeted the steel-fairy-type.

Koseki would make a soft whistle of greeting to the Mawile as well, but it was clear she was a little more shy about the meeting - being quick to return to Makoto's side, perching on their shoulder. The Mawile seemed nice, but Koseki needed a second to warm up first.

Makoto glanced to Howard as he spoke and cracked a joke - though they weren't sure whether they wanted to chuckle at it or not, when it seemed a little bit self-deprecating. "I think it... speaks a lot to you, that you've done this much with just the one." They spoke, wanting to be at least a little encouraging.

The question of hospitality was a good one though - and after a moment's thought and watching him sort papers, they'd ask "What kind of tea do you have..?"
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
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The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 2:04:23 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
He stared at them for a moment. "Thanks. I... thank you."

He felt embarrassed. His missing eye twitched. Blasted nerves. He looked away from Makoto and walked to the kitchen and pantry.

"Let me see... I've got some imports from Galar, since the embargo was lifted." Howard had stocked up on teas in case someone like Underboss Quinn or one of his old archaeology buddies swung by. Coffee was a crunch time drink, Howard had realized. Few drank it for the pleasure.

"I've got some luxury blends from Cherrygrove and Ecruteak... Huh. I meant to regift that to my old professor." Howard stared at the pantry for a second, before shrugging. "Can't miss what he can't have!"

While Makoto lounged around in Howard's main room, the archaeologist turned towards them with the two boxes of luxury tea. The Ecruteak box was carved to include floral designs, akin to what was wore by Johto's Kimono Girls.

"Which of these are you feeling?" He asked them.

The Mawile yapped again from behind a shelf of scrolls, and the Carbink floated around. Clearly, it was some sort of record keeper, ensuring that Howard didn't burn millions of PD in expensive and priceless artifacts.

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
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Makoto Kurumi
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 6:37:59 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
For a moment, Makoto wonders if they said something wrong in trying to encourage Howard; but as he thanks them, they try to settle the concerns - giving a smile and nod in response.

The different types of teas Howard had on offer made for a good distraction from that worry, at least. Though they are completely clueless about teas from Galar... Something in their expression noticably flickers at the mention of Johtonian teas, particularly that of Ecruteak.

"Ah... Let's... go with the Ecruteak tea." Their emotions are complex and hard to read in the moment - but not necessarily negative. Their gaze focuses upon the box, the carvings that decorate it...

... It felt like they were being delivered home.

Koseki, meawhile, glances to the Mawile and Carbink; and though it takes a second for her to gather some social batterypower, she soon floats away from Makoto's shoulder to join them in wandering about. She looks at the different scrolls that the Mawile seems to tend to - visibly curious and awed at all the records here, if the whistle she made was of any indication.

Whatever it was that the Mawile did here, she surely had it in the bag.
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 9:21:55 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"You got it." Howard said, unaware of Makoto's past and their connection to Ecruteak. He could've started digging through personnel files, but he made it a point to only do so when scoping out new talents. Hell, he wasn't even sure if they had a filled out file. "It's funny. I got these teas from someone who claimed to be a fan. I tried some. Didn't seem poisonous."

Hopefully it wasn't a slow acting toxin. Given Howard was still kicking, it was likely sent by a complete nutcase. Hopefully it wasn't that guy.

"I visited Ecruteak once, y'know." Howard said as he prepared a kettle. "Rich culture. I wanted to see the two legendary towers from all the stories. Magnificent place."

Truth be told, Howard wasn't sure what the Mawile did, beyond raid Howard's pantry. If anything, it was a security detail. Howard's Carbink did most of the heavy lifting.

"I'd live there, if it wasn't for the housing prices. Utterly dreadful, I'll tell you." Howard broguht the kettle and an immaculate tea set that he got as a gift from . He made a point to use it whenever he got the chance. "Have you ever been to Ecruteak, Makoto?"

He sat down on a recliner and put the tea set on the crowded table. After glancing at Makoto, Howard began reading from the stack of papers he had translated.

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Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
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5'11" / 180.3cm height
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Makoto Kurumi
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2023 3:13:12 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
The way that Howard explained how he got his hands on the tea was... A little concerning, honestly. But given that he was here and alive now, it was probably all okay. "I suppose that's better than getting attention from someone out for your guts." They mused out loud, adding "It... Seems like an awfully expensive gift to just give, though." They weren't sure if the tea, or the elaborately carved box, was the more expensive component.

But as Howard talks about Ecruteak, they can't help but think to the sounds of chiming bells, the crunch of leaves during an autumnal walk through the streets, their hand squeezed in another's...

... "I... Was born there," They spoke - their tone soft and almost distant. "Grew up there, for a good part of my childhood. It's a beautiful place." Even though they had no reason to go back there, the memories they did have of it were still fond. And they did, sometimes, wonder what it'd be like if they did.

... Would this tea smell like home, too? The thought of it had emotions welling up in their chest.
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 0:05:11 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Rocket is full of people with money to burn. Most people are there for something beyond the paycheck. Amor is loaded. So is Underboss Fiorelli. I think Admin Cross runs a pharmaceutical company?" Howard frowned as he realized how many people in Rocket were loaded. It made for a stark contrast for those who joined for financial reasons.

"Amor'll probably buy you a house if you ask. Some people were born to throw cash around."

That was the truth of it. Howard never had money in his bank account, but that was hardly his fault. There just happened to be this antique Johtoian kimono up for auction the other day... Alas.

"Yet you're here in Team Rocket, instead of there." Howard sipped from his cup as he looked up at them from his papers. "So your life took a different path. It's never easy to look back. Try the tea. If it's expensive, it'll be passable."

Clink. Howard set his cup down as he pondered the implications. Makoto was from Johto, Amor was from Kalos, and Howard and Temp were from Hoenn. What a melting pot, Amor's team was.

"Will you ever go back?"

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
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Makoto Kurumi
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 8:53:38 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Makoto couldn't help but consider the same - how a number of Rocket higherups seemed so affluent, compared to themself. Compared to Howard, even, even if he was rising through the ranks himself.

But the notion of buying them a house, of all things, would get an owlish - almost alarmed - blink from Makoto. "I- I'm not sure if I'm interested in asking..!" They spoke honestly - caught off guard by the idea of it all. "I'm happy with the apartment I have," It was far better than being on the streets, "And I'm not sure if I'd... If I'd want to impose myself on him like that, even if it ended up being a drop in the bucket for him..."

Houses felt like a luxury beyond them right now, honestly - and to be home alone in a bigger building, what would they do with that space...?

When the subject shifted to Ecruteak and their own origins though... They seemed to withdraw a little, holding the tea cup closer to themself as if to conserve that warmth. They almost wanted to bask in just the scent of it for a little longer... But as Howard prompted them to try it, they'd take a sip.

And indeed, it even tasted like home. Like a little boy who didn't yet know that things like 'boy' or 'he' or 'him' weren't the right words for him, making a face when tasting his mother's tea, only to pout when she chuckled at that expression.

They weren't wholly aware of the tears in their eyes, lost in their own thoughts as they were. Of that slight tremor in their voice as they responded to Howard's question with "I... I-I'm not sure..."

"... I don't know i-if there's much left f-for me to go back to..."

It was then that they noticed a wet spot on their hand, their own hazy vision. Blinking, (which only sent a couple more small tears down their cheeks,) they were quick to raise a hand to wipe them away. "S-sorry," They apologized, quick to try and regain composure and appearances. "I'm n-not sure what got me there..."

... But even with those previous words, there was still a small, quiet, and hidden part of them - a part that still longed for the things they had been denied.
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
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The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2023 9:35:58 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"No, I'm sure it's fine. The blasted man gives me a stipend. If you told him that it was investing in real estate, I'm sure he'd buy in. He's an understanding guy. A bit too openhanded with money, but it's better to be generous than stingy."

Howard closed his eye and nodded sagely, unaware that Makoto had begun to tear up. The missing eye made him occasionally blind to the struggles of others. Amor was generous, and Howard respected the man dearly. He suspected, however, that the man's openhandedness would bite him one day.

Generosity was something that Rocket preyed upon, along with the vulnerability of its members. Such emotions were best discarded, before they were weaponized against you. Necrozma's Avatar had succeeded in that, wherein Howard simply could not. He doubted that Makoto, or any member of Nebula, could sever those sentimentalities.

"I'll ask him for... Makoto?" He finally noticed, roused from introspection. "Oh no! Please don't cry..."

As quickly as the panic arrived, it vanished as Howard glanced away from them towards his tea. He put both it and the stack of papers down. His finger tapped on the recliner thoughtfully as he looked for his voice. When he spoke, there was no enthusiasm. It was quiet. The voice that showed them the crystal skeleton was a memory.

Makoto said that they didn't know what had happened to them. Howard knew. The past was rearing its head. Traumas had been trodden.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. Tears are simply emotions enduring, after all." He looked up. "Memories are emotions enduring. What...?"

Happened? Howard envisioned many things from their words. Death. Destruction. Abandonment. Johto had been ravaged by war, and its people as well. Ecruteak was not free from that. Yet many stories were separate from great tragedies such as that. He did not know Makoto well, beyond their mutual work. Their story was a mystery to Howard.

And Howard was a purveyor of stories.

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
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Makoto Kurumi
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2023 12:50:17 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Makoto was quiet - and though it wasn't for all that long, in the moment it felt like an eternity. In the moment, they almost couldn't help but prioritize their own appearances over immediately answering Howard's question; taking in a shuddering deep breath and wiping their face dry, trying to ignore that their eyes were surely a bit red and puffy.

When Koseki approached to check in on them - making soft, concerned-sounding coos, they couldn't help but crack a smile to the little Yamask. Reaching a hand up, they'd hold her comfortingly close.

Howard was... Howard was perhaps one of the more normal-seeming members of Rocket, and - the rest of Team Nebula included - amongst the closest things they had to friends. But at the same time, he was Rocket. Should they really be talking more about the situation they came from?

It was a strange feeling, the contradiction of their initial instinct being to distrust Rocket, despite being part of Rocket. Despite craving those bonds and acknowledgement that came with it.

But the final decision came with the distant realization that really, there probably wasn't much that anyone could do to weaponize their past. It was no secret that they had come to Rocket seeking stability, or that they were a thief. And there was very little else in the past that could truly be held against them, they felt.

"I'm... I was part of one of the more notable families that lived in Ecruteak." Not the most affluent, but certainly not middle-class. "But most of my 'family', they... They were very traditional, and more-or-less rejected me, because I was a bastard child." They never knew their father - be it who he was, or what had happened with him.

"My mother, she loved me very much - and when it was the two of us, it was fine, but..." They trailed off, hesitating as their chest once more twists with emotion. Taking in another deep breath, forcing those emotions down now that they could actually catch them, they'd continue "She... Died when I was younger. Leaving me in the care of my 'family', but... All they cared about was me being unseen and unheard."

More than a few family members wanted to play their own form of politics over who got what from their mother's belongings, rather than care about the child left behind. That thought had them needing another second to collect themself - sucking in another deep breath.

"... Not long after, I... Got fed up with it all, had enough of feeling like the odd one out, of like I wasn't allowed to be sad. So, I left." Though not without swiping a number of said belongings, out of sentimentality.
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Admin Fox
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The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2024 22:13:29 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Grief is love enduring, after all."

Howard's voice didn't change, but his words did. Amor Rose had been the first to realize that Howard put on a front for the average Rocket. He hated this organization. He hated Walsh, the Underbosses, the Head Scientists, the Admins, and the Beasts. He hated Necrozma's Avatar. He hated the cruelty that this organization enforced on others.

Rocket believed in a world of supremacy, where their strength was enforced on all. Yet Howard was weak, so he simply pretended to fit in. He joked, he laughed, he mocked. Nobody saw him, because being seen was a threat. Being noticed by Walsh was an execution, and Howard's promotion had gotten his head placed on the chopping block.

If his true feelings were revealed, Howard's life would end. An Admin could not say the things that Howard thought.

This mask, he took off for Makoto.

"You suffered." Howard said quietly, eye fixated on them. "For this, I am sorry. Nobody can give you back what you lost. The past is frozen, and it cannot be modified. Only your perception of it."

"But Makoto Kurumi, it's fine to put that behind you. I hope that you'll find a day where you can look on Ecruteak with a smile, without the derision of others or the circumstances of your birth weighing you down. If that's not enough, remember this."

"Makoto, you are among friends. People who care about you. Amor, Temp, me. We are colleagues, but we're also family."

Was it really possible to find something like that within Rocket, an organization of monsters and those scorned by society? Could Rocket make people like Makoto feel whole? Howard didn't know. He hated this organization with his soul. Yet Makoto... they were a gentle soul.

They were one of the few Rockets Howard did not despise.

"So please, don't cry."

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Ecruteak City
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Makoto Kurumi
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2024 3:08:20 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Grief is love enduring... Even after this long, there was love. Love that Makoto could never forget, or let go of. Love that they found themself hungry for, after having been starved of it for so long. But could you blame them for it? They were loved for long enough to remember the taste of it. Then, had to spend a number of years without it.

One would think it'd have hardened them, but... In a way, they almost felt it made them softer. More vulnerable, for as much as they put up the appearances of it being otherwise.

As Howard spoke though, they listened - quiet, somber, contemplative. There wasn't anything they could do to change what had happened back then - they simply had to live with their losses, and the hurt that they had to put up with. And with this, they'd nod along - understanding and agreeing.

But... The idea, of someday going back to Ecruteak, without those bad feelings associated with it... Something about it felt nice. They'd like it, the opportunity to possibly visit their mother's grave. To walk the streets during a crisp autumn, admiring the leaves as they change color... To hear the distant bells, during ceremonies and the like. To stop by the two towers, and pay their respects.

To go home.

But, Howard continued; and as he emphasized upon their friendship, including with that of and , about being family... Makoto's breath audibly hitched, eyes growing wet once more. They certainly didn't want to cry once more - if only for his sake, but... To feel like they have a place to belong, for Howard to confirm that so readily, touched them deeply.

So, even if it's with a teary look, Makoto smiles to Howard - warmly, genuinely, appreciatively, and nodded. "Th... Thank you," They speak softly, the barest tremble in their voice. "I... I think I've just been alone, for a little too long." They admitted.
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
The Crystal Skeleton Appears! [M]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2024 7:47:14 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"What is Team Rocket but a gigantic family, if Admin is to be believed?" Howard said with minimal emotion. He hadn't forgotten his run-in with The Cursed, and working with him felt like playing football with a grenade. Yet the man was loyal, Howard could see that. "You will never be alone again."

He made a silence omission for them. Team Rocket was a family, but they were a family forged by a mutual rejection of the world itself. It was comprised of scorned lovers, inhuman monsters, murderers, thieves, and liars. The stain of Team Rocket never fully washed out. They would always be looked at as people who opposed the Pokémon League.

So they struck together.

Makoto was an enemy of the League, and could tell them a lot about Admin Slayte, Beast Quinn, and Head Scientist Rose. Yet, in Howard's eyes, they were still lonely. Everyone in Rocket was. The world itself had rejected them.

So he told a truth mixed with a lie.

"There'll be a day where you march back to Ecruteak with your head held high. It's far too lovely a place for you to live without." He stood up and looked at Makoto. "I can arrange a flight for you, if you want. I know a Johtoian customs officer that'll let you through easily."

He shrugged again, his reflection distorting in the crystal skeleton. Thousands of Howards shrugged across the thousand facets of the treasure.

"Take it in your own time, when you're ready to face the past again. There's only one absolute truth, but you can perceive it in a dozen different ways. That is why we differentiate between fact and truth."

The Key Stone in his missing eye gleamed slightly.

"And, when you are ready, I'd like for you to tell me about life in Ecruteak, before all the fighting."

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