wings and gull [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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mahogany town
yumi's errand girl
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5'3" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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wings and gull [m]
POSTED ON Jan 3, 2024 6:04:53 GMT
nabi park Avatar




Nabi loved the scent of the ocean. It reminded her of freedom. But she did not like thieves, and that was her calling the kettle black.[break][break]

She was enjoying a grilled snack on a snack when a wingull swooped down and ripped the delicacy out of her hand. It flew out of her reach and joined its friends in the air, all of them equipped with food in their beaks. Nabi noticed quickly that she was not the only one victim to the loose wingulls.[break][break]

"Hell no!" she exclaimed, finger pointed at the one who stole her snack. Her eyes followed it in the air, feet instinctively moving. "Ack!" Alas, she hadn't accounted for the things in front of her while she was chasing after the wingull. "You're in my way," she said, as if it was clearly this pink-haired guy's fault for knocking into her.


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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ever blackwell
wings and gull [m]
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2024 2:22:17 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



Having the day off, he had decided to use the day to walk around Lilycove. It had been his grandparents' idea, and he was supposed to be using the day to relax and get away from anything work-related. The camera hanging from his neck spoke volumes on the fact that this wasn't the case, though.
Even if he was taking a bit of a coffee break until he got back to work, he was sure the pictures he took would look good in a new collection he was working on. It was nice having a second job when he didn't have ranger duties to tend to. It gave him something to do and kept him from wasting his time doing nothing. That's what he told himself, anyway.
He had just raised his thermos to his lips when someone ran into him. Only quick reflexes kept him upright and from dropping his thermos filled with coffee. If the other person had just apologized, all would be good. But he was totally not in the mood to deal with someone who blamed him for something that was totally their fault.
"Newsflash, idiot, you're the one that ran into me," he snapped, pinning her with an impassive glare. Seriously, who did this woman think she was?[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + notes



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december 21st
mahogany town
yumi's errand girl
5'3" height
5'3" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
244 posts
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wings and gull [m]
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2024 23:23:33 GMT
nabi park Avatar




His remark was equally unkind, however, correct. Nabi did not care whether she was in the right or wrong though. "If you haven't noticed," she spoke back to him with the same annoying tone, "there are a bunch of hooligan wingulls causing a mess here." She gestured around with her arms. Others had become victim to the wingulls' hungry desires.[break][break]

"This is a crisis! They have to be stopped! How can you just stand there and--" Something hit the top of her head and caused her to halt her words. It wasn't just somemthing though, and it hadn't just hit her head. It made a plopping sound, and it was evident to Nabi the moment it touched her head to what it was.[break][break]

Numerous flying wingull in the sky could only mean one thing.[break][break]

Nabi let out a terrible scream. She screamed again. "Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!" she cried, afraid to touch the mess atop her head but also not wanting to leave it there. "Eeewww!" She grabbed for the first thing nearby to wipe the mess off her head, and of course, it couldn't be her own clothes. Instead, she grabbed for a fistful of the fellow pink-headed man's shirt and dipped her head forward to wipe at it.[break][break]

Fortunately for Nabi, what she thought was excrements was really just a splash of custard that had squeezed out of a donut a wingull had in their beak.


[attr="class","meulkcodes"]MEULK CODES

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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
318 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
wings and gull [m]
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2024 15:46:56 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



He had to bite back another sharp retort, and he took a deep breath to calm himself. Usually, he wasn't this temperamental. In fact, he was usually fairly levelheaded. However, there was just something about her that rubbed him the wrong way. For some reason, having only just met her, she really knew how to get under his skin.
"I have actually," he told her, having to resist the urge to roll his eyes. So he was still annoyed. Not much he could do about it now. He just had to roll with it and make sure his grandparents didn't end up hearing how rude he had been.
Seriously, what was he supposed to do? Hop on Rook and fly up there to try and get people's stuff back? Actually, that wasn't such a bad idea. These were the thoughts going through his mind as she started speaking. Thoughts that were interrupted when she suddenly grabbed hold of his shirt.
Instinctively, he tried to pull back. He had missed what had happened while wrapped up in his thoughts. To him, she had just gone crazy. Or had decided to hurt him for some reason.
He tried his best not to wince as the material rubbed against his scars. Realizing that she was trying to use his shirt to wipe the top of her head, he suddenly realized what had happened. Except it wasn't Wingull excrement that had landed on her. It was...
"It's just custard from one of those doughnuts," he managed to ground out. Taking another deep breath to calm himself, he spoke once more. "Look, if you would stop trying to use my shirt as a wipe, I can go get you some napkins."
Seriously, napkins would be better than his shirt anyway. Seriously, that custard was bound to stain his shirt. And the last thing he needed was to have to throw a shirt out because he couldn't get a stain out.[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + notes



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december 21st
mahogany town
yumi's errand girl
5'3" height
5'3" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
244 posts
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wings and gull [m]
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2024 0:05:32 GMT
nabi park Avatar




The young woman was so flustered at the thought of her head being sullied by wingull poop that she hadn't heard what the fellow pink-haired man said at first. Or well, she did, but she didn't let his words sink in until after having wiped a considerable amount of the custard onto him. "Huh?" She pulled back and examined the yellow filling that now stained his shirt. "Oh. Hm." She reached for the top of her head with a finger and scrapped at a dollop of the delicacy. "You're right... huh, that's not as bad as it could have been." She was still upset, but of all the things it could have been, custard wasn't so bad.[break][break]

She licked at her finger and was reminded of her own food that had been nabbed by the wingull. It was a painful reminder that she was still hungry as well. "Forget the napkins," she replied. Much of the custard had ended up on him anyways, and she felt napkins would do little to clean the rest of it out of her pink strands. "You could be more useful and help me get back my grilled squid. Where is that little pest?"[break][break]

Nabi scanned the skies for the wingull with her food, assuming it had not eaten it already. "There!" She nudged 's chest with the back of her hand. "Get me my food back, and then we can call it even!"[break][break]

She was absolutely pretending it was his fault that he had bumped into her in the first place and that he owed her something now, despite having been the one to ruin his shirt.


[attr="class","meulkcodes"]MEULK CODES

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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
318 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
wings and gull [m]
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2024 19:32:53 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



The fact that she had used his shirt as a napkin irritated him. Seriously, was she a toddler? Thankfully, his irritation was hidden by his impassive expression. He didn't really want to keep arguing about the whole shirt thing, even if the material had rubbed against his scars, irritating them. Though he supposed he was partially to blame for that since he had tried to pull away from her.
"Obviously," he retorted when she said to forget about the napkins. No point in napkins now. He had been hoping to prevent the whole mess in the first place, hoping to pull away before she could get any of the custard on his shirt. He just knew it wouldn't come out either, so that was a ruined shirt.
He was half tempted to just take his shirt off. The scars kept him from doing that. The last thing he wanted was to have his scars on display, even if they now felt like they were burning from where the shirt had rubbed against them.
Fiddling with his shirt to try and make it better, he half listened to what she had to say. "If it'll get you to leave me alone, I'll get your stuff back," he said, giving up on getting his shirt in a more comfortable position.
With narrowed eyes, he watched the Wingull, trying to figure out just how to help her out. Well, he did have one idea...
It was the kind of idea that got him lectured by his grandparents, the lecture about how he should pay more attention to his own well-being. He didn't have any better ideas though, so...
His gaze flickered briefly to her before he let out a sigh. 'Well, here goes nothing,' he thought as he took out a Pokéball.
Pushing the button, a Corviknight appeared in a ball of light. "We need to get this woman's grilled squid back," he said as he swung himself onto Rook's back while avoiding Nabi's gaze.
If it wasn't obvious what he planned to do, it was made obvious when he had Rook fly up until they were level with the Wingull. "Come on, give that stuff back," he said before flying directly at the Wingull, one hand outstretched to make a grab for the grilled squid.[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + notes



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mahogany town
yumi's errand girl
5'3" height
5'3" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
244 posts
nabi park DOLLARS
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nabi park
wings and gull [m]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2024 22:02:19 GMT
nabi park Avatar




Nabi procured a pokeball from her waistline just as the corviknight came onto the scene. The steel-black bird was an intimidating size compared to the feeble wingull, and immediately, its presence let the others know they were in for trouble. The flock of wingull squawked loudly, completely out of unison.[break][break]

From her pokeball, Nabi called forth her beautifly, Prince. The elegant bug stretched his wings and eyed the chaos of the situation. Wingull every which way, each one pocketing its own food source at its beak.[break][break]

"Ok, let's try some good ol' fashion teamwork," Nabi said to both her pokemon and , though she wasn't sure if he could hear her from up above. "Prince, use a WHIRLWIND to offset those birds!"[break][break]

The beautifly listened with obedience and flapped its tiny wings to produce a maddening WHIRLWIND. All around, wingull were thrown off guard from their flight trajectory. Little did Nabi realize that perhaps using a WHIRLWIND while and his corviknight were in the air wasn't the smartest idea...


[attr="class","meulkcodes"]MEULK CODES

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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
318 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
wings and gull [m]
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2024 20:01:48 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



Facing off against the Wingull was harder than it looked. They were more nimble than they appeared. Then the pink-haired woman made things even harder by having her Beautifly use Whirlwind. This immediately caused Ever to grip onto Rook tightly to avoid being thrown off the saddle. Sure, he might be reckless at times, but that didn't mean he wanted to hit the water from this height.
Gritting his teeth, he regained control of Rook and flew at the Wingull, hoping to get the woman's food while the birds were still caught up in the Whirlwind. "Use 'Taunt' on that one," he told the steel bird, pointing to the Wingull in question.
Rook did as asked, causing the affected Wingull to abandon its flock and come at them in a fit of anger. With the Wingull they needed away from the others, he could act. Narrowing his eyes, he pushed through the Whirlwind towards the isolated Wingull, sharply veering to the right and snatching at the food with his left hand.
He was successful in his attempt but was rewarded with a cut on the back of his hand as he managed to get a hold of the woman's grilled squid before he started to make his way back to land.[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + notes



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yumi's errand girl
5'3" height
5'3" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 2, 2024 5:37:03 GMT
nabi park Avatar




Thankfully, the WHIRLWIND had not been a complete detriment to 's flight trajectory. From below, Nabi watched his figure strategically sweep in for the grilled squid, even going as far as to exclaim with a cheer when he succeeded in nabbing it back from the wingull.[break][break]

As he returned, the rest of the wild wingull, shaken from Prince's WHIRLWIND, teetered off group by group, until not a single one was left in sight.[break][break]

Nabi skipped to meet with on his descent. "How is it? It's not covered in wingull slime, is it?" she said, eyes peeling for the treat. Relief melted away her fear when she saw it still in one piece, minus the bite she had already taken earlier.[break][break]

Her stomach made an excessive sound, agitated and impatient. With flushed cheeks, Nabi held out her hand. "Ok, I'll take that now. Thank you for your services," the pinkette said swiftly. Only then did her eyes catch sight of the blood at his hand.[break][break]

She blinked twice, quiet, looking like a selfish fool with her waiting hand. With a sigh, she tore at the bottom part of her shirt (it had been new, too...) and offered it to him. "...Here, I'll tie it for you," she said lowly, waiting for him to give permission before stepping closer.


[attr="class","meulkcodes"]MEULK CODES

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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
318 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
wings and gull [m]
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2024 0:22:31 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



Upon returning to land, he was met by the pink-haired woman before he could even dismount. Showing her the grilled squid, he watched as she inspected it. It apparently passed her inspection, considering the relieved expression that crossed her face.
Deciding not to comment on her growling stomach, he held the treat out to her and simply inclined his head when she expressed gratitude. Now all she had to do was take her treat, and they could go their separate ways. He had done his good deed for the day.
The whole plan was to go their separate ways once he had returned her food to her. However, she brought up his injured hand, reminding him of the fact that he was hurt. He had forgotten about it and was ready to tell her that he had experienced worse, but before he could, she was already acting, ripping off the end of the shirt she was wearing. And it seemed new, too.
"Very well, I've had worse, but I suppose even minor injuries are at risk of getting infected," he said, holding his hand out towards her.[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + notes



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december 21st
mahogany town
yumi's errand girl
5'3" height
5'3" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
244 posts
nabi park DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @nabi
nabi park
wings and gull [m]
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2024 23:11:24 GMT
nabi park Avatar




Nabi's brow furrowed together at his words. Where was her token of appreciation? She dabbed at his hand with the cloth before making a tight knot to hold in the blood. A little too tight, probably, and most likely on purpose.[break][break]

"There," she said simply before finally taking her grilled squid back. She bit heartily into the snack and immediately noticed a drop in the food's quality. It was too cold now. All that flying around up in the air had cooled it down tremendously. Still, Nabi had paid for it. She chewed at it with resentment though.[break][break]

"You went through a lot of trouble to get this back for me," she then said through her chewing. He hadn't thanked her for caring for his wound, but in all fairness, he had already helped her, and she hadn't been the most friendly with him from the beginning. If anyone was to thank the other, it really should have been her thanking him.[break][break]

She held out her half-eaten squid to the young man. "As thanks," she offered him. "You can have the rest of my snack."[break][break]


[attr="class","meulkcodes"]MEULK CODES

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gremlin creature

the shadow mod
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
googoo gaga
spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
600 foot tall baby height
600 foot tall baby height
sleeping in mod reqs
3,500 posts
part of
spiral and shiv's baby
wings and gull [m]
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2024 5:06:35 GMT
spiral and shiv's baby Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing