i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2024 7:47:04 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Fear does not cloud his mind. Or perhaps it does, but he doesn't let it take over. But the part that catches her most off-guard is the way he steps right in front of her, as if ready to shield her from whatever harm might come their way.[break][break]

He's stronger than he thinks.[break][break]

Both mentally and physically as he sweeps her right off her feet and begins running. Surprise eeks a squeak from her, eyes wide as a deer caught in the landslide as she looks to Howard.[break][break]

"Why's what here? What is it?"[break][break]

qXSXj1NK (Total: 926)
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || theme

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

[newclass=".adrie-cover"]background:#2B2B2B;border:solid 1px #2B2B2B;width:450px;padding:10px;margin:0 auto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".adrie-img2 img"]shape-outside:circle(50%)!important;float:left;[/newclass]

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2024 8:18:22 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
would be remarkably proud of Howard's running form.

Running from Chien-Pao, fishing up Chi-Yu, and dodging after stealing the last box of cigarettes had given him both speed and stamina. He wasn't good in a fight, but you didn't need to be strong on the battlefield.

You just has to be faster than the slowest person.

"Huff... I've seen that before! On Mt. Pyre!" He speaks between quick breaths as he turns down another cavern corridor. Reiner and Doug follow after them as more cracks in reality pierce through Area Zero. "Distortion... World!"

He had never been there, but he recognized it all the same. The Distortion World, where Giratina held court with antimatter demons and monsters from another plane. Not like Ultra Space, but something more alien.

THUD. THUD. THUD. The rumblings grew louder.


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2024 22:29:12 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]She knows of the Distortion World. The shades of purple make immediate sense when he spells it out for her.[break][break]

"That doesn't explain the noise!!"[break][break]

Reiner runs beside them, fur bristling with sparks of nervous energy. Whereas the Pichu on his head continues to watch the edges of the rift with narrowing gaze.[break][break]

"The Distortion World isn't that scary! I don't remember loud noises like this when I was there!"[break][break]

1X4ixFah (Total: 1022)
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || theme

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

[newclass=".adrie-cover"]background:#2B2B2B;border:solid 1px #2B2B2B;width:450px;padding:10px;margin:0 auto;[/newclass]
[newclass=".adrie-ban"]position:relative;z-index:0;background:url(;-webkit-clip-path:polygon(50% 0%,100% 0,100% 75%,0 100%,0 0);clip-path:polygon(50% 0%,100% 0,100% 75%,0 100%,0 0);width:450px;height:200px;overflow:hidden;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".adrie-img2 img"]shape-outside:circle(50%)!important;float:left;[/newclass]
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 0:19:50 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Dunno...!" Howard grunted as he hauled Eris through the cavernous network. He was beginning to tire from carrying Eris and their bags. If he could stop, he would, but the pangs of fear kept coming. This place was unnatural. It had no right to exist.

The Distortion World was proof of it. Only a place where reality was thinnest could the immaterial bleed through.

"Hup!" Howard jumped over a rock, with Doug taking up the rear. The bear growled as the various 'eyes' of the Distortion World ignored him in favor of what was up ahead.

Howard turned a corner and stopped, dumbfounded. Awestruck.

Thud. A large boulder stepped over the corpse of an unlucky Scream Tail as it continued its march forward. Thud.

"Impossible..." Howard held Eris tight as his knees wobbled and shook. His teeth chattered and shuddered as he stared up at the colossal titan. "I've been looking for you, Regirock!"

Tendrils of the Distortion World recoiled as it got close, familiar with the entity. This golem had managed to escape its grasp, and now the two had met once again.

The titan did not respond. Perhaps it couldn't. Long ago, it had been split into thirds. In Howard's research, Rocket had recovered a shard of it, though it had been incapable of doing much. The mind had failed. The soul was gone. And yet...


...the body still resisted.


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 5:55:32 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]He's shaking. Shaking with so much effort after literally running a marathon with the combined weight of her and their equipment. And so she begins to squirm, finally getting over the initial shock of everything occurring at once and placing herself once more in the situation.[break][break]

What she needs to do now is make sure that they'll both be okay. And that begins with her standing back on her own two feet, to lessen the burden on Howard, to prepare to face a possibly giant threat.[break][break]

Oh, but she isn't quite prepared to face this.[break][break]

Her eyes widen at the sight of the looming giant, unable to comprehend just what it may be until a name is spoken. Regirock. A titan of ancient times, a living mountain moving before her very eyes. Every step it takes produces an earthquake that shakes her very bones. And perhaps, her heart trembles too as she fails to fully comprehend its presence.[break][break]

What is it doing here? Why now? Why is the Distortion World reacting to it?[break][break]


She is so very small. So very easily killed if she simply stands in the wrong spot.[break][break]


Her voice is but a whisper, lost to the roars of the earth.[break][break]


"Where is it going?"[break][break]

RWzSy98e (Total: 1202)
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || theme

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

[newclass=".adrie-cover"]background:#2B2B2B;border:solid 1px #2B2B2B;width:450px;padding:10px;margin:0 auto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".adrie-img2 img"]shape-outside:circle(50%)!important;float:left;[/newclass]

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2024 9:38:01 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"I don't know." His voice is a frenzied whisper. He had never seen the genuine article, only the simulated version of Regirock that existed within the RKS Simulation. Somehow, the real deal seemed far more threatening.

Maybe because RKS ultimately wasn't real. It was a simulation that could not inflict lasting harm. This Regirock that stood before them was real. It would kill them if they didn't move.

It was sworn to defend Hoenn, but that didn't include the life forms that crawled across her corpse like maggots. Those, it could wipe away. Its objective was its own, and they were in its way.


It towered over them. It was terrifying because it made no internal sounds. Regice made a shrill series of beeps whenever Howard fielded it. Despite everything that it went through, Regice was still functional. Regirock was broken somehow. The pattern on its face was completely dull. There was no life.

Regice's Pokeball shook slightly. Regirock continued marching forward, before turning to Eris. There was no blink of recognition on its face. Instead, there was only the scrape of stone as it raised a colossal limb and prepared to strike down.

"Eris! Get out of the way!" Howard screamed as he lunged, Doug roaring behind him as it lunged towards Regirock with a Headlong Rush. Without blinking, the golem bashed Doug aside as if swatting a fly.

An unstoppable force. An immoveable object. Ancient. Primal. Undefeatable.


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Mar 3, 2024 9:13:59 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Remember, Eri.[break][break]

The titan that towers over them is silent for all its worth. Terrifyingly so as its gaze washes over them.[break][break]

We ask for their stories, because we can never presume to know what legends think.[break][break]

There is but a moment for her to react to the large arcing movements. A moment so precious and thoroughly snatched by Reiner as he grabs her and darts away with a Wild Charge. But the giant missing its mark doesn't deter it from achieving its objective, and as long as they remain remotely in its way, they are an obstacle that must be taken care of.[break][break]

Another limb raised spells impending disaster. With Doug slapped away and Howard still splayed upon the ground, there really isn't enough time for him to throw himself out of harm's way -[break][break]


A scream, a prayer. A wish that will be fulfilled with whatever power they possess. The caves are awash with a prismatic ocean: A tempest of elation, wrath, serenity and sorrow manifesting as a Mystical Power that aids the weak and shelters the vulnerable.[break][break]

It denies the colossus, a barrier fizzing with a brilliant pink as it repels the earth-shattering strike. But even the power of gods will falter under significant pressure, the barrier screeching as Regirock continues to push down.[break][break]

4p_7|TV| (Total: 1228)
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || theme

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

[newclass=".adrie-cover"]background:#2B2B2B;border:solid 1px #2B2B2B;width:450px;padding:10px;margin:0 auto;[/newclass]
[newclass=".adrie-ban"]position:relative;z-index:0;background:url(;-webkit-clip-path:polygon(50% 0%,100% 0,100% 75%,0 100%,0 0);clip-path:polygon(50% 0%,100% 0,100% 75%,0 100%,0 0);width:450px;height:200px;overflow:hidden;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".adrie-img2 img"]shape-outside:circle(50%)!important;float:left;[/newclass]
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2024 0:49:34 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Regirock's fist came down.

The only thought that went through Howard's mind was a panicked 'fuck, I'm dead'. When faced with quick combat, there was no time to think of a melodramatic farewell or solve a complex moral quandary. He wondered if this is what felt whenever he got cornered in one of his endless wars.

If so, he pitied him. Being a warrior was hard work.

After a second of waiting for his death, for his body to splatter against stone and line the walls of the cave, Howard opened his eye. he was not dead. Instead, he bore witness to Regirock breaking down a pink barrier.

"Pichu...?" Howard asked, awestruck. Even Eris's Pichu was stronger than Howard's best Pokémon. Obscene.

Then, his mind clicked. He remembered what he promised to and the unspoken vow to . Pink energy.

There was no time to think. He reached for his belt and plucked the familiar cold Pokeball that glimmered with a sheen of ice.

"Let's get to work...!" Howard threw the ball. It gleamed in the air as it did so, a crystalline sphere glimmering with possibility. "...REGICE!"

The cave immediately covered in ice and snow as the golem emerged. For the first time in millennia, two Legendary Giants met in Hoenn. If Regirock had an opinion on this, it could not utter it. It was only a body, lacking in mind and soul. A massive stone doll, chasing after an objective that nobody knew.

"You're supposed to protect this region!" Howard shouted as Regice pushed Regirock back with the help of Pichu's barrier. "We're part of this region, you lout!"


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2024 5:41:09 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION

She knew. Somehow, some part of her had always known. But what else is there to do except fight the threat standing before them? Regirock shatters the barrier like it's nothing, leaving it to Regice to bear the brunt of the attack.[break][break]

The crackling of rocks indicates the windup of the next attack, but Reiner will not miss a single beat. Launching into a run, he rushes past Howard and grabs ahold of him, haphazardly pulling him onto his back as they run away from the next point of impact.[break][break]


All it takes is a word, the Pichu leaping into action and appearing above Regirock in a cloud of pink.[break][break]

"Howard. Trust me and have Regice swing with everything it's got."[break][break]

The idea conveyed begins to sting a series of events, the Pichu squealing as they clap their hands. And with the reverberating sound of such a tiny gesture, an Ally Switch ignites the first spark.[break][break]

Uf1imS7D (Total: 1385)
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || theme

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

[newclass=".adrie-cover"]background:#2B2B2B;border:solid 1px #2B2B2B;width:450px;padding:10px;margin:0 auto;[/newclass]
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,079 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Mar 10, 2024 1:36:03 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
No time to think about the pink cloud and the odd powers of the Pichu. That would have to wait. Reiner had saved him, and Howard and Eris were both even again, safe in the fact that they had saved one another. In another time, he would've felt sheepish to be saved by a kid, but now he was only grateful.

"Got it! I'm trusting you, Eris!" Howard shouted as he snapped his fingers as he pointed at his golem. "Regice! Prepare to strike! Unleash everything you have!"

Meanwhile, the golem stood still as it took the full force of Regirock's swing. What had originally been a death blow had been softened by Pichu's barrier, but it was still a blow capable of cracking a mountain. Howard had seen what Regice had done in the Island Cave, and had told him about his adventures with Regirock.

Hoenn's giants would not be struck down easily, except by one another. Rock cracked ice apart, causing Regice to wheel back with a static-filled shriek. Latently circulating Dynergy fluctuated around the two golems.

⠗⠑⠎⠏⠕⠝⠙ ⠗⠕⠉⠅ Regice's patterns flashed in the cavern. ⠗⠑⠎⠏⠕⠝⠙

The body could heed the message, but there was no mind or soul to respond to it. The pattern on Regirock's face did not even blink in response to Regice's query. As Regirock began to wind up another strike, Howard's anger bubbled over at his golem's pathetic display against its colleague.

"Regice! For fuck's sake, fulfill your obligation!"

Immediately, Regice's energy began to skyrocket as it wound back its arm, preparing to throw a fist backed by a tremendous Superpower. As its power reached its zenith, Regice swung a mighty blow.


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Mar 10, 2024 10:54:37 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Three kinds of energy exist in this world. The energy that bubbles and brews between these two creations is supposedly natural. And yet, it feels all too daunting and poisonous in the air.[break][break]

So what then is the fourth?[break][break]

Whistle, one that rises in pitch. Regice stumbles and hesitates, taking a few too many blows. But having asked for his trust, she'd better deliver on it. With Regirock far too focused on crumbling Regice, a certain little Pichu finds their way into its blind spot. And right when it prepares to counter Regice's attack -[break][break]


[attr="class","adrie-note"] || theme

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

[newclass=".adrie-cover"]background:#2B2B2B;border:solid 1px #2B2B2B;width:450px;padding:10px;margin:0 auto;[/newclass]
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played by


Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,079 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2024 1:14:55 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Ally Switch.

Regirock had had those, once. Not for a very long time, given the death it had caused, the people it had killed and the empty Pokeballs that it had left in its wake. Now, more than ever, it was alone. It didn't have to be, but for this moment, it was alone. A lonely warrior on a march with no discernable end.

The Regice across from it registered it as an ally, but for now, the Legendary Giants were divided.

Ally Switch.

SLAM! Regirock fell to its knees from the weight of the Superpower to its back. Regirock instinctively swung a massive fist backwards, only for the Regice to no longer be there. In its place was a Pichu, small enough to dodge the strikes.

Ally Switch.

Regice slammed into Regirock from the side with another Superpower, knocking it over. It prepared to launch a Hyper Beam that would atomize the golem. It Locked On with pinpoint accuracy. It would not dodge this strike. Before it could fire...

...Ally Switch.

SLAM! Regirock was smashed into the wall.


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2024 4:56:07 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Never a moment of hesitation, never a moment of rest. Each time Regice reaches the pinnacle of its swing, a clap signifies the swap and the Pichu gleefully dodges out of Regirock's path. Each crack is a melody, each shattering thud a harmony of two unlikely partners dancing within this crystalline cave.[break][break]

Somewhere along the path though, perhaps lost amidst the throes of two giants duking it out, the yellow blob becomes something far different. Swirls of pink trace their figure, a singular black tail now split into twin blue. Once pitch black eyes now shine with like the rising sun as the little fae now adorns themselves with a cracked jewel.[break][break]


The ground rumbles with that one last blow that sends Regirock crashing into the wall. Shards of loose crystal and dirt begin to rain down from above like a quiet rain. For a moment, Mesprit stills, cooing as they look to their partner in crime, then the Regi blending in with his surroundings.[break][break]

[attr="class","adrie-note"] || theme

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

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[newclass=".adrie-img2 img"]shape-outside:circle(50%)!important;float:left;[/newclass]

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,079 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2024 8:19:14 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Ally Switch.

Ally Switch.

Ally Switch.

Two Legendary Pokémon could defeat one, especially if two of them were equal. Between the Pichu's support and Regice's raw power, Regirock simply could not keep up with the onslaught. However, rock was tenacious. It was likely that Regice could strike at it for hours without stopping it.

All Regirock needed was one good strike, and Regice would crack like so many Pokémon before it.

"You're doing it! Keep going, Regice!" Howard cheered as the wall crumbled. He didn't seem to think anything was wrong with Pichu using Ally Switch, but Howard was an archaeologist. He didn't study Pichus, and he barely knew what moves his own Pokémon knew.

Training was not his forte.

"Wait..." Howard's jaw dropped as Pichu transformed into a pink sprite. He recognized it immediately. After all, he had just seen it a month ago. Mesprit, Being of Emotion. What was it doing here, as a Pichu? "It's..."

Of course. It made too much sense. After a moment of staring, Regirock was forgotten as Howard's eye began to water. He turned to Eris.

"You've had that Pichu since I first met you. All this time...?"


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played by


she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2024 15:20:40 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]There were many reactions that she'd grown accustomed to seeing when people first realised she had Mesprit. Surprise. Concern. Perhaps, even a hint of disappointment that she'd kept it from them.[break][break]

But this... this was the first time she'd seen anyone tear up. And it catches her off guard, leaves her struggling to find an answer for fear that he might actually break if she speaks the wrong words.[break][break]

Her eye averts from Howard, chooses to rest upon Regirock as if worried that it might try to swing at them should they let their guard down now. Fingers knit together, tangled as she occasionally pulls them apart, much like the flurry of emotions on her face.[break][break]

What should she say here? Should she say anything at all?[break][break]

[attr="class","adrie-note"] || theme

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP