April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
Sword & Punch
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2024 15:53:56 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","gunstest2"] [attr="class","text"]
It was a bit early for the next training, but Thea was already tidying the Dojo up. Putting up the training equipments like punching bags, and setting some obstacles for warm ups and exercises. Her father was still getting ready, and some of the students that were particularly early were also helping Thea on it, while others just took their moment to talk or do the traditional rituals and greetings before sitting on the edges of the Dojo.[break][break]
Some Pokémon were also there, and between them, Thea's were Gominha the Wigglytuff, Zeus the Primeape, and Belle the Minccino, with the latter two helping Thea to set things up, while Gominha greedily requested for pettings from other students.[break][break]
But as soon as a new face appeared, Thea noticed and released a grunt after finally finishing to hang another punching bag, turning to face the young man that had appeared, adjusting her karategi and approaching him. "Good afternoon!" She bowed. "Are you looking for my father? Or are you a new student?" Thea asked, raising her head.[break][break]
[attr="class","ooc"] [break] NOTES
Let me know if this is good[googlefont=Poppins] [newclass=.gunstest2]--accent:#D4AF37;[/newclass] [newclass=.gunstest2]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass] [newclass=".gunstest2 b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass] [newclass=".gunstest2 i"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass] [newclass=".gunstest2 u"]text-underline-offset:3px;text-decoration-color:var(--accent);[/newclass] [newclass=".gunstest2 a"]color:var(--accent);font:12px Roboto;[/newclass] [newclass=".gunstest2 h1"]font:bold 15px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass] [newclass=".gunstest2 h2"]font:bold 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass] [newclass=".gunstest2 .text b"]font:bold 12px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;line-height:15px;[/newclass] [newclass=".gunstest2 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass] [newclass=".gunstest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass] [newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass] [newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]