Runaway Raichu! (Social Thread)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Runaway Raichu! (Social Thread)
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 20:57:17 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Such was what made Alolan Raichu so strong on the waves. Water and Flying-types, the two types that could easily traverse the sea, were no good. He didn't blame Zachary's psychic Pokémon for their actions; an Alolan Raichu, in its environment, was one tough Pokémon to crack. "Restricting its movement is a good idea," Josh suggested. "If we can do that, Snacker in his Mega Evolved form should be fast enough to catch it, even if an Aqua Jet is needed. In open water, though, it's... frighteningly fast." Suicune, his Walking Wake, could keep up, but he had to keep the paradox under wraps for a while.

"If your Pokémon can create a trap for it, I should be able to use Snacker's speed to lure it inside." Zachary's skills with wild Pokémon were on display again; he seemed to be able to get the entire school of water-types to obey him without a fuss. "If you've got that part down, let me know when it's ready. Snacker and I got 'im this time."

{PC: 8}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Ecco            Palafin           KO
Buzz            Floatzel          Good
Dimitri         Feraligatr        Good
Snacker         M-Sharpedo        Good
Megalo          Milotic           Good
Staccato        Primarina         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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zachary stellar
Runaway Raichu! (Social Thread)
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 23:09:43 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Zachary felt confident as a plan was coming together. Xatu was off to gather the vines or whatever foliage could be gathered, and the nearby water pokemon who wanted to help, were now gathering the seaweed. If they all worked together, they could corner that road-rage rodent. As they began their search, Zachary felt a nudge at his leg, and a meow from it. He looked down to see his Spriggatito, Morgana try to get his attention. The little green cat sat down and meowed, with pleading eyes. Zachary could only presume it wanted to help too. However, there was little the cat could do right now. It was still young and still had much growing to do. [break][break] Feeling bad for it, Zachary knelt down and began to pet Spriggatito behind the ears, making it purr. "I'm sorry, Morgana. There isn't much else you can do right now. It's fine though. Just relax and stay near Dizzy, Calipso and Cetus for now. It's okay. I'm glad you're here all the same," Zachary said, trying to be encouraging to his new cat. [break][break] THe grass cat Morgana sighed, giving a 'disappointed' look with its eyes. [break][break] Before long, Xatu returned, a series of vines trailing behind it from its clenched talons. One by one, water pokemon began to pull up, including a DHELMGIST that just lurched out a lot of seaweed. "Thank you. This should be more than enough," Zachary offered, helping remove the seaweed from the now-tangled-up Pokemon who lugged it there. [break][break] After a bit of time, Zachary and the others worked to fashion a workable net, tying parts and weaving others to make it passable. After which, using Psychic Dizzy covered the net with a small layer of sand to act as a trap, only seaweed showing through it. The trap was set more or less. [break][break] Now the hard part was luring the creature in. [break][break]Josh's comment was indeed a welcomed addition. "Well, hopefully if you can lure the thing into land. Beyond that, I doubt he could move as fast up on land. I mean, while Cetus can levitate in the air while out of water-- it moves far slower than without proper water, ya know?" he expressed, and looked out to the water. There was no sign of the Alola Raichu anywhere on the horizon. "The real problem is getting it's attention. I mean that road-rage rodent can be anywhere on the coast? How are we gonna even get its attention to even come close back here? " he asked. [break][break] After a moment, Dizzy's expression snapped up with attention-- having an idea! If he was an electric type, a lightbulb would of gone off above his head! The Delphox let out a series of barks, trying to tell Josh and Zachary he had an idea. "Dizzy, what is it? Something on your mind, buddy?" he asked. [break][break] At that moment, Dizzy took out his stick, and the flame sprouted out from its tip. Dizzy began to draw a wide-arching circle of fire in the air, aimed upward. Slowly, the flames went from orange to a hue of rainbow colors-- the signature flame of Mystical Fire. [break][break] Dizzy continued to swirl the stick, making the ring grow bigger and bigger above their heads. As it got a few meters wide, reaching overhead most of them-- Dizzy stopped, letting the fire levitate in the air. The fox took a deep breath, and soon released a howl, breathing out fire through the ring! [break][break] The flame became a massive blaze up into the air! The fire in all its hues of colors and glow-- began to take a shape up in the air, psychic power crafting a picture. The flames became like fireworks-- forming a blazing caricature Dizzy's face, followed by a picture of a silly-looking Raichu, seeming as if to of fallen off its own tail. [break][break] The mocking drawing burned in the air for a good long while, probably visible for miles around up in the air. [break][break] Zachary paused as he saw Dizzy's ingenuity, almost stunned by the remarkable display. Happy looked on and cheered, loving the colors. Xatu, Calypso, and even Morgana were impressed, seeing the beautiful blaze. [break][break] If that didn't get Raichu's attention, nothing would. [break][break] "Heh... Subtle," Zachary replied sarcastically and soon turned to Dizzy. The fox met his gaze, curious by his words. Soon though, Zachary jumped up to his Delphox and wrapped an arm around him. "You sly fox! That was great Dizzy! Good job! That's certainly gonna light a fire under its tail!" Zachary cheered and gave a rough ruffle of the Delphox's head and ears. Dizzy gave both appreciative and embarrassed grunts at the fun but rough caress he got from his trainer. [break][break] It would only be a matter of time now before the Alola Raichu answered the not-so-subtle non-verbal challenge that burned in the air.[break][break]



Social Thread.[break]

The Wild Pokemon and Zachary's all work together to make a trap.[break]

Spriggatito wants to help but is too young and limited to help now. [break]

The trap is set but need a way to lure Raichu in[break]

Dizzy then uses Mystical Fire to create a blazing picture in the sky to provoke Raichu to come towards them. Raichu will likely see it for miles. [break]



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,944 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
Runaway Raichu! (Social Thread)
POSTED ON May 6, 2024 7:30:13 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
At last, the trap had been set. Now it was time for Josh to play his part in the catch. "Zachary, I'm going back out there. I suspect I don't have too much longer before Snacker reverts, either. And I'm gonna need all the speed I can get for our plan to work." The Gym Leader gave the younger trainer a thumbs-up before sitting atop his shark again and bouncing across the waves like a jetski on full throttle.

Growing a little antsy after getting out to sea, Josh felt he had time to have a little fun. He pushed downward on his ride's steering fin, the Pokémon submerging along with Josh. They wouldn't stay underwater for long; with a giant AQUA JET, the Mega Sharpedo breached the surface in a breathtaking leap. "Yeeeeeee-haaaaaaaaa!!" he cried as the pressurized water jet from his tail sent both of them skyward, able to clear a three-story building if they tried. If the Raichu was nearby, he could have seen it, and it would have been able to see them, too.

{PC: 9}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Ecco            Palafin           KO
Buzz            Floatzel          Good
Dimitri         Feraligatr        Good
Snacker         M-Sharpedo        Good
Megalo          Milotic           Good
Staccato        Primarina         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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zachary stellar
Runaway Raichu! (Social Thread)
POSTED ON May 6, 2024 21:13:43 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Dizzy's smart thinking made the perfect bait to bring in the vain and egocentric Raichu to them. Of course, Josh was not willing to sit around and wait. So the impulsive GYm Leader took off on his Mega Sharpedo to prepare to face Raichu. Zachary looked glumly as he swam away, overly eager to clash with him. "Someone's eager," Zachary commented to Dizzy, causing the Fox to give a similar reaction and bark in agreement. [break][break] About 10 minutes passed-- and it was a waiting game for a bit. Josh was probably swimming around, while the others waited on the beach. Prophet was perched on the top of the nearby cliff acting like a 'lookout' with its large, unblinking eyes over the horizon. Meanwhile Calypso waited patiently, while Morganna the Sprigatito attempted to catch her swishing tail. Zachary kept an active eye out but didn't see anything. Dizzy's fire signal soon faded-- the picture and flame vanishing from view. [break][break] There was a moment of doubt-- till Xatu suddenly jumped alert. As if it was about to go to sleep-- its eyes snapped open and it started letting out loud caws, waving its big wings. Zachary looked up at him and then quinted for the distance. [break][break] It was subtle, but a small dot and swell could be seen on the horizon. It was similar to what they saw before! [break][break] To Xatu's sharp eyes-- with Miracle Eye the bird saw it-- the Raichu incoming riding on its psychic-generated wave as it floated in its airspace. [break][break] "It's here! " Zachary shouted to his Pokemon and to Josh. Zachary turned to the other water Pokemon who were waiting with them. "Okay guys! I need you to get out of here. Find somewhere safe around the island till things die down, okay?" he tried to say to them. Catching his meaning, majority began to swim away to find safer waters... [break][break] Out on the ocean, the Raichu got closer and closer-- a seemingly Nasty Plot already forming on its mischievous face. It had seen Dizzy's fiery challenge, and was now electrified! [break][break] It was too far off shore to do anything on Zachary's end, but Josh was more and able to take action if he wanted. "Josh! It's coming! Remember the plan! GET IT TO THE SHORE!" Zachary shouted as loud as he could to him. His other Pokemon stood ready, anticipating when to face the Raichu and into their trap! [break][break]



Social Thread.[break]

The Wild Pokemon and Zachary's all work together to make a trap.[break]

After some waiting-- Raichu is spotted off the west horizon and speeding their way on a wave. [break]

Raichu is all riled up from Dizzy's challenge and has Nasty Plot ready. [break]

Zachary shoutes to Josh to lure it to the shore! [break]



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,944 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
Runaway Raichu! (Social Thread)
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 0:04:52 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The time that Zachary's team spent looking out for the Raichu didn't go to waste, either; the Mega Evolved shark's added water pressure served as a conduit for a gradual SPEED BOOST. It may well have made the dark-type and rider the fastest duo on the water, provided they had the room to harness their extreme speed. The two screamed across the waves, grabbing the Raichu's attention.

The wild, too, was quite the speed demon, mentally shaping the waves around it to likewise propel itself to maddening speeds. "Faster, Snacker!" Josh cried. Pumping his water pressure up to dangerous levels, they gave everything they had to stay ahead of the pursuing Raichu. Snacker let out several progressively louder cries as his rear sphincter began to ache from expelling water at such destructive pressures.

The shark would swim erratically in an effort to avoid any of the psychic-type's electric attacks. Rather than attack the Raichu directly, Josh stayed the course, directing his Sharpedo back and forth until they were near Dizzy's trap. With a mighty swerve that yanked Josh from his seat and caused him to roll all the way across the beach, the swimming Pokémon zipped away from the snare at the last moment!

{PC: 10}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Ecco            Palafin           KO
Buzz            Floatzel          Good
Dimitri         Feraligatr        Good
Snacker         M-Sharpedo        Fair
Megalo          Milotic           Good
Staccato        Primarina         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Runaway Raichu! (Social Thread)
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 0:33:48 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



"Here it comes... Everyone get ready!" Zachary shouted to his team. Happy got ready up front, ready to do what it had to do. Dizzy was nearby, using Calm Mind to prepare. Xatu watched from above, but still out of the way. Calypso and Spriggatito were nearby, out of the way as Cetus watched it unfold from safety. [break][break] Zachary watched as Josh rode the Mega SHarpedo-- and keeping up with Raichu's speed. The raichu looked almost giddy with challenge as it rushed to catch up and cut off the SHarpedo. It continued to use Psychic to manipulate the waves-- soon jumping overhead of the Sharpedo and its rider! As Josh was thrown off by the Shark's wild movements, rolling onto the beach-- Raichu's wave soon came, crashing down upon the beach towards them all! [break][break] "Now! Happy, Reflector!" Zachary shouted. At his call, Raichu was airborne and Happy raised his arms. A near-invisible barrier appeared, this time reaching far wider around them. While it didn't stop Raichu's big-air jump, it stopped the waves from hitting them all! It also boxed in anyone from heading back into the water, making a 'wall'. [break][break] Raichu soon flew onto the sandy beach-- still levitating via its tail as it zipped along the beach, kicking up sand as it moved inward, spying the others. Happy soon turned, prompted to stop the Raichu. "Now, use Dazzling Gleam! " Zachary shouted, causing Happy to release a powerful glow of dazzling light. The move was more blinding than effective, flashing the Raichu with its brilliance. [break][break] "Dizzy! DO IT!!" Zachary cried, signaling them to spring the trap. [break][break] The Raichu continued to fly -- reaching the edge of the cliff, and to everyone's surprise, began to fly up the wall-- a vertical climb via its speed and momentum! It was like a skateboarder as well as a surfer! As the rodent began its descend, intending to ride into them--, Dizzy took action! [break][break] Dizzy's eyes glowed, using Psychic as he controlled the ground below as the rodent doubled back. The sand seemed to heave upward-- looking like a wave of its own, but soon as Raichu intended to ride over it-- the sand dispersed, revealing the green net of vines and seaweed! [break][break] "RAII!!" Raichu cried as it flew right into the net, tumbling as the net crumbled with him, tangling him inside it as Dizzy controlled it to fold it shut! The net and the contained Raichu crashed into the sand with a tumble. [break][break] Zachary got closer as Dizzy's psychokinesis ended, seeing Raichu tangled and trapped in the net! [break][break] A smile came to him! "WE GOT HIM! YES!!" Zachary cheered, causing his other Pokemon to get optimistic. Zachary smiled as he got closer, seeing the now grumpy Raichu with its arms crossed, trapped under the net. "Not so cocky now, are you?" Zachary said, making Dizzy also bark in a scolding gesture. [break][break] It would of ended there... but...[break][break] The Raichu then suddenly had a wicked gleam and smirk on its face! Sparks discharged from his cheeks as it began to growl. Having a bad feeling, Zachary took a step back, unsure what it was doing. "Raaaaaiiiiiiii---CHUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" [break][break] THe electric/psychic hybrid suddenly released a very strong DISCHARGE move, sending lightning bolts scattering everywhere-- and tearing the net apart! The electric attack fried its bonds and it became undone, becoming charred and dried bits of leaves and foliage. [break][break] Raichu stood there, all the more cocky as if to say 'did you really think that would stop me?!'. Zachary lowered his arms from the flash and saw Raichu look even more fierce. "Um... maybe we go with plan B..." he said. [break][break] Dizzy gave an angry bark-- voicing "THERE IS NO PLAN B!!" in fox-talk. [break][break] Raring to go, the Raichu hopped into the air, flipped and once again was on its enlarged tail, hovering in the air. He wasn't even bothered if it was 3 against 1-- the rodent was that overconfident. [break][break]



Social Thread.[break]

Josh's efforts lure Raichu into the sandbar and beach-- where Happy uses Reflect to protect them from the tidal wave. [break]

Dizzy uses CALM MIND & PSYCHIC and springs the trap with the net. [break]

Raichu suddenly grins under the net-- and uses DISCHARGE to break free. Raichu is now eager to fight and still as fast as ever! [break]




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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Runaway Raichu! (Social Thread)
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 1:25:49 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
While Zachary was busy taunting the captured Raichu, Josh was reaching for a Poké Ball to capture the weakened Pokémon with. Snacker's reversion startled Josh, delaying him in sliding off the shark's back. "Don't just stand there, Zachary! Catch--"

Too late.

The angry Raichu loosed a powerful and wide DISCHARGE that completely fried Snacker and sapped Josh's strength almost completely. He was only able to remain conscious after the concussive electric blast due to working with and saddling so many electric Pokémon. Conscious, but immobile. He couldn't even crawl toward his Pokémon.

So much for catching the ultrafast Alolan Raichu for himself. It was all Zachary's... if he could. All Josh had the strength to do was be ready to dial out to emergency services in case the wild overwhelmed his partner, too.

Some Champion Josh was, huh?

{PC: 11}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Ecco            Palafin           KO
Buzz            Floatzel          Good
Dimitri         Feraligatr        Good
Snacker         Sharpedo          KO
Megalo          Milotic           Good
Staccato        Primarina         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Runaway Raichu! (Social Thread)
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 2:59:26 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The discharge had reached wide-- Dizzy had little damage but only cause he had Clear Mind going. It went overhead for Happy and Prophet was far away-- as was the other pokemon. Josh and his Sharpedo however took a direct hit! They were soon on the ground hurt. [break][break] THAT was the last straw! Bad enough it was recklessly hurting pokemon, now humans too?! This little guy had to be stopped! Dizzy growled, fully agreeing to that comment. "That's it Raichu! Time to put the breaks on you!" he shouted. [break][break] Acting like a tough guy, Raichu just barked in a boastful tone. [break][break] "Dizzy-- use Flamethrower! Happy, use Light Screen!" he shouted. [break][break] Following his trainer's lead, Dizzy jumped up front and inhaled sharply. With a howl, he sent a flamethrower out, attempting to catch the rodent in his blaze. [break][break] Happy had erected a barrier of Lightscreen-- a sheen of rainbow light to give some protection, but it wasn't going to stop Raichu long enough! [break][break] As the flame started to come, Raichu glowed-- and suddenly became a blur. [break][break] It had used AGILITY again! This time, it was using speed to easily levitate around the place. Now at blinding speeds, it dashed all over the place, popping up one place, vanishing and appearing in the next. [break][break] Zachary, Dizzy and the others looked around, trying to catch sight of the zippy rodent. "Darn it! It's going too fast!" Zachary cried out. [break][break] Happy's head was moving around to try and find it but it kept going away-- till suddenly Raichu was behind the Mime Jr with a mischievous look in his eye. [break][break] Zachary caught sight of it right in the corner of his eye above Happy. "Happy! Look out!" he cried. [break][break] However-- it was too late as Raichu gave a flip. A ball of electricity shined as it used ELECTRO BALL on the Mime Jr. [break][break] The flash of electricity and shock , even with Light Screen, delivered a powerful shock that sent Mime Jr flying backwards! The poor mime tumbled in the sand, stunned by the violent electric attack. [break][break] "Hey! Pick on someone your own size you big jerk!" Zachary shouted, not sure if it understood or not what it was doing was just mean! "Dizzy-- use Psychic!" [break][break] Dizzy's eyes glowed once more, intending now to use Psychic on Raichu himself, to restrict and throw the Electric mouse away. However... Raichu was also using Psychic the entire time-- and actively pushed back. IT became a game of 'tug of war' between the two psychic types, as sparks of energy crackled between them. [break][break] However-- then something came from behind! An orb of darkness-- a Shadow Ball! Raichu saw it--coming from the Xatu on the cliffside. Zachary's Xatu had joined the fight! [break][break] Sadly, it was not successful, as Raichu used his Agility and swept into high gear! In a flash-- Raichu was gone, zipped out using its great speed and caused the Shadow Ball to fly forward and erupt! The blast sent sand and shadow flying, hitting Dizzy with the recoil! [break][break] Zachary coughed as the sand flew, and everything on the beach was in chaos as Raichu zipped through the beach. It passed by the Delphox, Zachary, and even his other Pokemon recklessly-- before it took a sharp turn and flew through the air! [break][break] It hopped over Happy's Reflect wall-- and the moment it hit the water,--- it sped away at a break-neck speed! [break][break] It all happened in the span of 30 seconds, and Zachary looked absolutely dumbfounded. His best laid plans fell to pieces in the face of one hyperactive electric pokemon. He was stunned, as he looked around. "Is... Is everyone okay?" Zachary gasped, and coughed-- seeing how badly everyone was hurt. Luckily his pokemon were more stunned than injured, especially Happy who took a big hit. Zachary helped his Mime Jr back up, his head buried in the sand. [break][break] As Zachary soon got to Josh-- something was not right. [break][break] "Wait... is someone here missing?" he asked. Zachary looked around to take a headcount. Dizzy was there, of course, along with Happy who sat next to him. Prophet was up on the cliff... Cetus was resting on the shallow waters of the beach recovering. Calypso was there, knocked down by Raichu's escape, so was Josh--[break][break] "Um... Josh!" Zachary shouted, now his eyes wide with worry as he saw who was missing! "Have you seen my Sprigatito?!" he shouted. [break][break]
[break][break] Raichu was now in high speed, having properly given the slip to the humans and their pokemon. He beamed with impish pride as he boasted to himself. However-- then then heard something. [break][break] Mrrreeow...[break][break] Raichu heard the sound and looked around, but didn't see anything. Shaking it off, he continued to speed away from the island. [break][break] "Mree---mrrrow!" [break][break] Hearing it again, Raichu looked around as it rushed forward, unaware of the source of the cry. He then looked down-- and saw it. [break][break] Of all things, someone had clung on to his surfing-tail when he charged through the beach! Clinging just to the rim of his tail was none other than Morgana-- the Sprigatito kitten! The little cat slowly tried to claw his way up the tail while its hind legs hung from the back-- holding on as tight as it could. The cat had a disapproving look on its face as it got closer to getting on. [break][break] Raichu showed a vein along his forehead at the sight that the cat had jumped on! He barked back at him-- saying in a Raichu manner 'I DON'T TAKE CAT HITCHHIKERS!!' Now angry, the Raichu began to jump on his tail-- making it rock like a see-saw! [break][break] Morgana was tossed up and down, hanging on just by his little cat claws. Resilliant and stubborn, the grass cat continued to climb up. This little cat wasn't about to be picked on by an overgrown rat! As Morganna finally clawed up, Raichu tried to kick the cat off, but Morganna dug its claws into its tail to hold on. [break][break] "Mrreeeee--" Morganna growled, and suddenly glowed. "MRRREOOOOW!!!" [break][break] Morgana suddenly erupted from its mane a series of leaves-- shooting Leafage out at Raichu! [break][break] The swarm of a leaf attack, flew all around Raichu, getting on him as well as blinding his own vision as he now was flying blind. [break][break]
[break][break] Back on shore, Zachary was still worried as he couldn't find Sprigatito and losing the Raichu-- but soon as he was tending to Josh and the others-- they saw something odd. The spot where Raichu was flying-- was replaced by a big mass of green leaves that swarmed around something. It moved in jagged patterns, all over the water as if it was out of control. "What the MUCK is that...?!" he gasped, and soon seeing the leaves, knew it could only be one thing! "MORGANA?! How did he get out there?!" Zachary cried. [break][break] It was now clear to them that Morgana had hitched a ride onto Raichu, and thanks to the cat-- Raichu was flying out of control, blinded by the Leafage attack. [break][break] Josh could see the results too where he was.



Social Thread.[break]

A vicious battle takes place to catch Raichu, but Raichu outsmart them and uses Agility to evade their united attacks. [break]

Raichu escapes -- but soon realizes Sprigatito grabbed on. As Raichu tries to get Morgana off-- he uses LEAFAGE to blind him. [break]

The group witnesses as Raichu is out of control-- slowly zig-zagging back to shore, blinded by the grass pokemon attack [break]




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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,944 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
Runaway Raichu! (Social Thread)
POSTED ON May 8, 2024 0:50:15 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh had one last defensive measure up his sleeve; while the Raichu was distracted with Zachary's Pokémon, he called for his Milotic, Megalo, who rained LIFE DEW upon Josh at his command. While he was still not in fighting condition, what with the human body conducting electricity, he no longer felt like he might be going to an emergency room.

He was conscious enough to be a bit jealous that Zachary was going to capture this speedy Raichu. Even he had some trouble following the motions of the psychic-type's AGILITY. It would be such a thrill riding the oversized rodent, whether via saddle strapped to its back or by sitting or standing on its surfboard tail.

It would be the perfect Pokémon to add to Mauville Gym... but alas. He lacked the strength to catch it. All he could do was watch the chaos unfold, Morgana distracting the electric-type with enough LEAFAGE to blind it. Now was Zachary's chance. This was his moment to shine while Megalo continued to administer convalescent care.

{PC: 12}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Ecco            Palafin           KO
Buzz            Floatzel          Good
Dimitri         Feraligatr        Good
Snacker         Sharpedo          KO
Megalo          Milotic           Good
Staccato        Primarina         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Runaway Raichu! (Social Thread)
POSTED ON May 8, 2024 4:26:39 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The shouts and cries of Raichu and Sprigatito could be heard back on the beach as Raichu was now zipping around like a maniac! It sounded like a full of fight, camouflaged by the mass of leaves that showed where they were moving around in. Dizzy and the other Pokemon looked in stupefied surprise as the mass of leaves proceeded closer, presuming that Sprigatito was putting up a fight. Zachary watched as it got closer-- heading to the southern edge of the beach and about to speed right for... [break][break] "Oh no... don't crash, don't crash, Don't--!" [break][break] The mass of swirling leaves sped into the beach-- and met with the cliffside. WHAMM!! A big dustcloud formed from the impact, making Zachary flinch at the cry of the pokemon and the sound of the crash. "That can't be good! Come on, hurry!" he urged, having his Pokemon quickly follow him. [break][break] Further down the beach, Raichu and Sprigatito were in a mess. Morgana was on his back, swirls in his eyes from the dizzying ride and crash. Raichu too was disoriented, now off his tail and finally on his two feet on the sand. The rodent wobbled, trying to regain his balance from the crash. [break][break] "We got you this time!!" Zachary shouted, catching the rodent's attention. Raichu shook his head and turned around-- find himself surrounded by Dizzy, Zachary, Happy and Prophet. All of them glared at Raichu, not happy with what he had done up till this point. Still, the Raichu sparked from his cheeks, prepared to fight. [break][break] Zachary turned to his Mime Jr! "Happy! Metronome!" At the command, Happy began to move in a dance-like theme, trying to conjure a random power! Lucky for him-- something did manifest, that soon caused the ground to move! A mass of brown began to gather to Happy's hands-- becoming a big Mud Bomb! Either by luck or the power of the mime's pure randomness-- Happy threw the ball as it flew upward-- and then burst. [break][break] Raichu panicked as the blob eclipsed him and soon washed over him-- covering the electric mouse in mud! [break][break] Acting on it-- Dizzy soon used Mystical Fire causing the mud to suddenly dry up once it covered. [break][break] As mud and flame swirled-- it soon stopped, revealing the Raichu now half-buried in mud, its head sticking out as it tried to move. [break][break] "Hah! Got you now! " Zachary said, seeing the Raichu now down for the count. He soon got out his Pokeball, and tossed it at him. [break][break] THe ball hit Raichu square in the head-- before he was sucked inside. It wobbled violently, Raichu still having some energy-- but then, it stopped the ball secured. [break][break]



Social Thread.[break]

A vicious battle takes place to catch Raichu, but Raichu outsmart them and uses Agility to evade their united attacks. [break]

Raichu escapes -- but soon realizes Sprigatito grabbed on. As Raichu tries to get Morgana off-- he uses LEAFAGE to blind him. [break]

The group witnesses as Raichu is out of control-- slowly zig-zagging back to shore, blinded by the grass pokemon attack [break]




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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,944 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
Runaway Raichu! (Social Thread)
POSTED ON May 10, 2024 2:59:45 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh's strength slowly returned to him - not enough to stand on his own, but enough to get Dimitri out of his Poké Ball. The Feraligatr, sensing Josh's weakness, dropped on all fours and let Josh aboard. He still looked exhausted, his water-type trying to keep the ride as smooth as possible. It wouldn't be good for sand to get stuck in those wounds!

"Great work," Josh said as Dimitri stopped near Zachary, the young Champion giving his blue-haired friend a thumbs up. "When he's trained for it, you should let me ride him." How good of an idea would that be, though? That Raichu could thrash if it really wanted. "Anyway, my Pokémon and I aren't doing so hot. Let's... back to Mauville before anything else happens."

{PC: 13}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Ecco            Palafin           KO
Buzz            Floatzel          Good
Dimitri         Feraligatr        Good
Snacker         Sharpedo          KO
Megalo          Milotic           Good
Staccato        Primarina         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Runaway Raichu! (Social Thread)
POSTED ON May 10, 2024 12:28:58 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



"Josh, you okay?" Zachary asked as he got to him, but was happy to see that he had some healing done on him and now was on another pokemon. [break][break] He along with his own Milotic were now better, Aqua Ring having helped as she floated towards them. Realizing one more thing-- Zachary rushed to the ground where Sprigatito laid. He didn't seem hurt, but dizzy and dazed from the crash. [break][break] Zachary soon picked up Sprigatito and held it. "Morgana, you okay buddy?" Zachary asked with concern. Slowly the swirls in his eyes faded as the Sprigatito woke up, looking at Zachary. It let out a soft meow, indicating it was okay. [break][break] A smile showed on his face, realizing how amazing his new Sprigatito was. "Morgana, that was very, very brave of you. Thank you. Zachary said, showing his gratitude. "You sure your not a dani-lion?" he teased. [break][break] The Sprigatito gave a narrowed glance at Zachary, clearly not amused by the silly pun. Still, Zachary embraced his Sprigatito, hugging him and scratching his head. The look of embarrassment turned into a sweet purr, the cat's eyes closing with content. [break][break] He turned to Josh . "I agree, but there is something we need to do first," Zachary said, holding his new Raichu's pokeball. [break][break]
[break][break] Zachary soon snapped open the Pokeball and out came Raichu. Having been confined in the Pokeball, his energetic nature took a pause as he 'woke up', and looked around, blinking. He was soon greeted to a mass of the water pokemon, who now were making a loud racket at the sight of him. [break][break] Raichu gasped and jumped back, startled by their angry looks and shouts. He looked, soon seeing Zachary and his pokemon with him. "Raichu, do you see what you been doing? Your reckless racing may of been fun to you, but you hurt a bunch of Pokemon around. That's not okay. You really need to apologize to them. No matter what your trying to do, nothing is gained if you have to hurt people to do it." Zachary explained, followed by nods and agreements by his other Pokemon, including his now healed up Milotic. [break][break] Raichu looked between them and the others. A sheepish look of guilt crossed his face and soon he gave a sad sounding "Rai" and bowed his head at the other Pokemon. [break][break] While still a touch grouchy, some of them accepted the apology and began to swim away back to the ocean. Some still gave a voiced opitin but still left. [break][break] As it was all over, Zachary looked to Raichu. "I think I get what you were trying to do, Raichu, " Zachary said as he approached his new Pokemon standing there. No longer on his tail floating, it 'grounded' the pokemon's attention. "You wanted people to notice you. You're an amazing surfer and are very strong. You wanted people to notice you right? " Zachary asked. Raichu looked up at him, curious by his words. Slowly, Raichu nodded, agreeing more or less to what Zachary said. [break][break] "Well, causing tidal waves and zapping water pokemon isn't the way to do it. If you REALLY want, why not come with us? I mean... I'm a trainer and I am gonna compete in the Hoenn league. I you come with us, you got plenty of chances to battle, race and if you do a good job, you'll probably get some of that fame you want so much, " Zachary explained with an enthused tone. [break][break] Raichu's expression lit up with excitement. For a moment-- he began to think what could be gained with a good trainer, as his brain went into that 'thought-bubble' cloud.[break][break]
[break][break] Raichu soon was surrounded by a arena of cheering, adoring fans, lit up with neon lights as he stood with Zachary on a pedistal. Raichu was waving to his adoring fans, floating on his tail and his head adorn with a brilliant 'championship' crown.
THe smile on his face was big as it showed his excitement and joy to be admired.
[break][break] Raichu looked up in his dreamy state, clearly fantasizing something the others couldn't see. Zachary remembered how is mother said how he often would dream in the clouds and it was clear when Zachary lost sense of his reality. "And here I thought I had an overactive imagination..." Zachary commented. Dizzy, soon gave a bark and an embarrassed look-- realizing that Zachary did in fact have a similar imagination. [break][break] Zachary broke Raichu's train of thought as he approached, grasping the mouse's attention. "So... what do you say? You wanna come with me and go on adventures with us? Despite the headache you gave me, you're an amazing Raichu and I'd love to have you with us." Zachary asked. [break][break] Raichu didn't wait as he soon gave a loud and roudy 'RAI!!'. It jumped, flipped in the air and landed on his tail, showing how he was raring to go with them! "Well, that's a refreshing change of attitude. Thank you, Raichu." Zachary said, surprised by how eager he was now. Raichu then floated towards Zachary, and gave the trainer a mouse's interpretation of a 'thumbs up'. [break][break] Morgana and Dizzy both had concerned looks, especially the grass cat after the trouble he had gone through. [break][break]



Social Thread.[break]

Raichu has been subdued. Everyone is recovering and Raich is addressed to the people he unwittingly hurt. Zachary then askes him to join him-- to which he enthusiastically agrees formally. [break]

Raichu escapes -- but soon realizes Sprigatito grabbed on. As Raichu tries to get Morgana off-- he uses LEAFAGE to blind him. [break]

The group witnesses as Raichu is out of control-- slowly zig-zagging back to shore, blinded by the grass pokemon attack [break]






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600 foot tall baby height
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spiral and shiv's baby
Runaway Raichu! (Social Thread)
POSTED ON May 12, 2024 23:35:40 GMT
spiral and shiv's baby Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!



The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing