[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 1:17:40 GMT
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Other than the wind absolutely howling, the weather was perfect. There were very few clouds in the sky, and it was quite warm for an April afternoon. Ixion's blue mane trailed well beyond her back in the wind, the Rapidash enjoying the wind in her face. The Gym Leader and Champion himself floated astride Valoo, his Drampa, as he handed the placid dragon's reins to a child that was visiting the Gym.

The guest rider pulled back, causing the Drampa to gently ascend. The view was breathtaking to the young one, comparing the experience to flying in an airplane. "It's actually closer to being the pilot," the Gym Leader answered with a smile. "Think of his reins like the joystick." The starstruck boy experimented with them, soaring up and diving down like a children's roller coaster would. At his command, Valoo entered what was a shallow dive by Josh's standards, though the maximum the trainer had permitted for a child. When it looked like they would collide, the normal-type pulled back up, the boy hooting and hollering like it was his birthday. Though Josh himself barely felt the swooping motion, it had to be almost crushing to a smaller, lighter body.

The two landed near the Main Sector's entrance, Josh helping the slightly woozy kid get down from the dragon's back. "When you're ten, I'll be able to teach you how to fly on your own Pokémon. I'm sure we'll see each other again!" he smiled as the energetic boy jogged back toward his father, the two lovingly embracing. While it was always heartwarming sharing the gift of flight with kids, he had an appointment coming up soon. was supposed to be on site in a few minutes, and there was no sign of him...

{PC: 1}

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present somewhere on the Racing Grounds, other than his Raging Bolt, Walking Wake, Gouging Fire, and Raikou.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2024 0:47:16 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Mauville City. Zachary had traveled far and with the care and guidance of to learn more about Pokemon, and of course-- his dream of being a Pokemon Gym Leader. Who better to learn than from an actual Gym Leader. When he met him, he had no clue and then over their adventure, learned who he was and how capable he was.  [break][break]  Mauville City was indeed far more-- developed than Zachary thought for most cities. There were multiple levels to the city, like three of them topped one upon another. Trying to find his way was a challenge and Zachary got lost a couple of times. Dizzy was tired, dragging his tail around the different levels till they finally found it on the far north end-- on the upper ring and back where they were in open sky. The Mauville Gym, and home to Josh himself. It was quite and impressive building and opened up further beyond the confines of the city having a wide open area of tracks and fields and water to traverse. [break][break]  Figured he'd be at home here since he loved to ride pokemon of all kinds. [break][break]  Zachary and Dizzy approached the building entrance and entered without issue. It was NOT what Zachary expected, as he saw a bunch of kids visiting, and some riding pokemon, even a Drampa of all things. It was a very 'fun' atmosphere, which made Zachary smile and Dizzy look on with an impressed coo. It only motivated Zachary to be a Gym Leader, similar to Josh. [break][break]  As they spotted Josh, Zachary sheepishly waved to him with a smile on his face to catch his attention. "Sorry we're late. Mauville City kind of had me turned around." Zachary greeted Josh as they entered. "Wow... your gym is really impressive. This isn't quite what I expected. It's a lot more fun than I thought." Zachary explained, sharing how impressed he was. [break][break] Josh had recommended Zachary consider a future as a Ranger, which did sound fun too. Still, being a Gym Leader was also a passion of his he wanted to follow. He felt it was a safe place for battles and growing as trainers-- but it wasn't just that. It was a place to learn and to have fun too! It was more than just fighting. [break][break] "I really do hope to be a Gym Leader someday... but I guess I need to really shape up as a trainer first. I still have so much to learn too." Zachary said modestly, prompting Dizzy to give his partner a kind pat on the back, the fox showing his support. [break][break] Now that he was there, he didn't know what he really wanted. Was he there to earn a badge? Was he there to learn what it was like to be a Gym Leader? He had so many questions and thoughts in his head, it was easy for him to get lost in thought as he looked at the impressive ceiling and pokemon all over the place flying around or hanging from the banisters. [break][break] Dizzy, seeing his human partner lost in his daydreams, got out his stick and gently started to poke him, to snap him out of it. [break][break]








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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 2:03:35 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Once the family was gone, Josh was going to slide off Valoo's back when he heard Zachary calling out for him. He turned the Drampa to face the blue-haired trainer and waved back, hovering closer to his friend. "Oh, hey, Zachary!" he waved, Tiamat's shadow zooming past the two as the Dragonite flew high above the Gym grounds. The purr of a Pyroar might rattle Zachary if he let Rani touch him, Nuka the Litleo cutely eyeing the trainer.

"You said you're interested in becoming a Gym Leader?" Josh asked. "I know you said this once, but it sounds like you've given some serious thought to it." He slid down from Valoo's back and whistled for his Pyroar pride, Aslan their Shiny king leading the charge. All of them wore saddles bearing the Ranger insignia upon them. "You're not the first person I've trained to be a Gym Leader. 's castle, on the east side of Mauville, is a Minor League Gym. She learned everything she knew from me, and she's a great Leader."

The Gym Leader gently stroked Aslan's mane before taking a seat astride the golden lion. "Is that what you're here for, or are you here to challenge me?"

{PC: 2}

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present somewhere on the Racing Grounds, other than his Raging Bolt, Walking Wake, Gouging Fire, and Raikou.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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zachary stellar
[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 16:01:22 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



That blew Zachary's mind at the reference of . He shook his head in disbelief. "Wait? Elise? You know her-- and she is a GYM LEADER TOO?!" Zachary said, exclaiming his surprise. SHe had never mentioned that before. Dizzy looked to Zachary, too surprised, but also surprised by the level of excitement Zachary had. [break][break] As he listened and saw as all the pokemon began to gather-- including the rather friendly Pyroar around him. Zachary jumped a bit, but seeing the friendly cats, Zachary gingerly reached to pet the big cats around their mane. Especially the kittens of them. [break][break] Josh wasn't blunt about the direct challenge, and while Zachary was interested, he was still processing all this information. "Wait-wait! Slow down. What do you mean by MINOR League?" Zachary asked, confused by that. "I presumed there was only one league. Our League. How do you mean by being a gym leader of the Minor League?" [break][break] It was something Zachary didn't know about and would of wanted to know more, perhaps smarter for him to consider , till he was more experienced or such. He did know he was a new trainer, and didn't even have a single badge for himself. [break][break] Sure enough, Josh didn't beat around the bush and ask if he was here learn how to be a Gym Leader, or to challenge him for a badge? Zachary's face went blank and pail at the sudden question. "Um... well, I-- I mean," Zachary stammered, clearly earning a look of embarrassment from his Delphox. "Sure, I mean to learn more. I want to be a Gym Leader and I also wanna battle to earn your badge-- but I figure it be wrong ya know? I mean we met, we become friends and here me asking for a battle for a gym badge would be a conflict of interests. I--" [break][break] Bonk! Zachary felt the gentle 'smack' of a stick upside his head-- looking to see Dizzy snap Zachary out of his nervous rambling. The fox glared at him, just trying to offer some 'tough encouragement'. [break][break]








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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 20:34:42 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"She is," Josh confirmed, and would describe the castle on the east side of town in greater detail. Securing the grant for the building had to be a mess, what with how high land values were and how many people and businesses would have had to be moved from their homes. As Zachary pet Nala, the lioness purred, perhaps feeling like a strong massage to whatever skin was in contact with her.

The Minor League program, which used to be run by the late , was now run entirely by . "It's a program that Kyle ran, meant to scout for Gym Leader candidates. They get to open their own Gyms and take challengers, though with a much smaller budget. Several current Gym Leaders, including myself, graduated from the program. When I was in the Minor League, the Racing Grounds were located on Route 111, and only had three courses instead of twenty-four." The property was nostalgic for him, enough so that he never arranged for the fencing to be taken down. By now, the grass was overgrown, having not been mowed in a year and a half. The only building that remained on his grounds was the Operations Center, and only the basement of it where his Secret Base once was.

"You'll still get challengers," Josh continued, "but not at the rate a Major League Leader does. Their Badges even count for the Gym Challenge, but you can only use one Minor League Badge to qualify. It lets you get your feet wet without having to deal with the... political baggage that comes with being in the Major League."

Glossing over Zachary mentioning he wanted to engage in a Pokémon battle for the Quick Badge, Josh tried to calm him, the thrumming echo of Pyroar purrs the pride's effort to get the blue-haired man to relax. Nala even crouched next to Zachary. "It's not a conflict of interest at all! Elise herself challenged me not long ago, and she's works here part-time. There's two ways you can earn my Badge. In a battle of strength, or in a battle of speed--"

Before he could finish, he saw Dizzy whack Zachary with the wand-stick. A little confidence would help a long way in being a good Gym Leader candidate, he thought.

{PC: 3}

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present somewhere on the Racing Grounds, other than his Raging Bolt, Walking Wake, Gouging Fire, and Raikou.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 4:02:34 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



"Ow! Dizzy!" Zachary scolded, making the fox give a leer to tell the trainer to not be so nervous. [break][break] The information about the minor league excited Zachary. There was a training program of sorts for it? That gave him far more hope to join in, and if it worked out, he could aspire to be a real gym leader among the higher league. It sounded perfect for him. Even Dizzy could read his trainer's excitement. "Wow! That sounds perfect! It be great for me to gain experience like that too. I mean, I still bet you need proper experience and be allowed for it," Zachary questioned, but still felt very good about this. [break][break] Zachary definitely wanted to become a Gym Leader for the Minor Leagues, but felt he still needed to work on earning at least his first badge. To garner the experience required to BE a proper gym leader. No matter his intention, he needed to learn more. [break][break] "Well honestly, I like the idea of both-- battling you and the idea of a race is fun. Do all gyms have such unusual challenges?" Zachary asked as he calmly put his hands in his jacket pocket. "I honestly don't know what to start? One hand, I do wanna battle you, but the race seems relevant to the point you want to test me for the badge? What would you recommend?" Zachary offered. He would be willing to let Josh pick one or the other-- or both! [break][break]








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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 21:25:03 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh's smile grew with Zachary's contagious excitement. "There's a series of exams you'll need to take in order to qualify for the Minor League program. You'll also need to pitch your Gym idea to Commissioner Dahlia," he explained the criteria the program used. "I do want to warn you that it is a lot of work. You'll want to hire some help, or you'll get overwhelmed. I've got close to 40 employees here now. Even on a Minor League Gym Leader's budget, you'll be able to hire a few people." It helped that Mauville was a rich city. With so much tax revenue coming in, budget wasn't too much of a concern for the racer. Depending on where Zachary set up his Gym at, he might have a bit more of a challenge.

Unusual challenges were something Josh wished the League didn't discourage by requiring a number of Badges be won by battle rather than one-off challenges. He understood why, but he still didn't agree with it. Ultimately, as long as the lesson taught was being imparted, the nature of the challenge didn't matter. "Not all of them do, but I would say most. 's Gym in Fortree has three different challenges you need to know how to ride a flying Pokémon to compete in. 's and Rosmontis' Gyms are about navigating labyrinths. And 's lets you experience a dream and fight through it. They really are fun and engaging. If you want higher challenger volume, offer something unique, and people that aren't even interested in the Gym Challenge will come. Trust me!"

That reminded him, he still needed to go to Fortree Gym to take on the place's third challenge... when he and the Birdfather weren't feuding over the "betrayal" in Lilycove.

"Sure, we can arrange for both!" Josh offered, what with how enthusiastic the blue-haird trainer was. "I just want to warn you that if you make today's challenge official and you lose, you won't be able to re-challenge for 45 days." He was then offered to suggest the type of challenge his friend would register for. "Tell you what. Let's brawl first. That will help me figure out what you need to improve on. Do you want to make this challenge official or not? If so, I've got some paperwork you'll need to fill out."

{PC: 4}

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present somewhere on the Racing Grounds, other than his Raging Bolt, Walking Wake, Gouging Fire, and Raikou.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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zachary stellar
[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON May 1, 2024 17:23:43 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



All the news about the other gyms and their leaders was very informative to Zachary. He didn't know all of them but it was fun to see that was also running her own. It was hard to imagine due to her being so busy with her royal duties and family responsibilities. Especially now... [break][break] It was fun to learn what kind of challenges were there-- and not just about battling. It was far more in depth with that. If Zachary wanted to form his own gym, he was going to have to give serious thought how he would do it all. [break][break] It was then that he was given the options: To battle and race. However, only one could count to a badge. If he failed one challenge for a badge, he'd have to wait over a month to challenge him again for it. Zachary finally paused the maelstrom of thoughts in his head, took a deep breath and began to think. His hand was pursed upon his chin as he thought, giving careful consideration to what he wanted to do. All the while, Dizzy cocked his head to his trainer, wondering what he wanted to do. [break][break] After some time, Zachary stopped and looked to Josh with more determination than he had before. "I do want to battle you-- but I will do so as an unofficial challenge," Zachary said. "I want you to really assess me for my potential as a Gym Leader at the moment. It is something I really care about and would appreciate your guidance with it. This way you can gauge my potential, especially for the minor league at least. "Zachary explained, honestly wanting to learn more how he himself could become a Gym Leader. Dizzy looked pleased, glad that Zachary was giving it serious thought. [break][break] "After that, we can do the nontraditional challenge you want for the badge. While I do want to be a Gym Leader too, I also want to still rank up in the league, and earning badges is the only way to earn proper experience. So, that's it. Even so, I hope to continue growing in the league even as a Gym Leader. " Zachary explained, hoping to get his point across. Despite anything, getting the badges and challenging the best trainers, the Elite Four and so on-- was every trainer's goal to prove their skills. Zachary was no exception. [break][break]








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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,939 posts
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Josh Devlin
[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 3:53:13 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh smiled upon hearing Zachary's choice. He would be able to put on competition for a Badge within his element. Though battle was the more common of the two challenges now, he thoroughly enjoyed letting loose with his fastest Pokémon. "Now I can't say anything official, as appointing new Gym Leaders is well above my pay grade," the Master of Faster explained. "I can certainly give you feedback, but I can't say whether or not the League will accept you. I'm not privy to the process, but I imagine the Elite Four are the ones responsible for screening new Gym Leader candidates. You not only need to be skilled at battle yourself, but you need to be good at recognizing others' weaknesses and engineering improvement plans for the trainers who come to you and fail to earn a Badge."

Badge count was important. While not the only factor or even the primary factor, it was important for Gym Leaders to possess enough evidence of their merits to be respected in their positions. "I wouldn't say badge hunting is the only way to improve as a trainer, or even the be-all and end-all of trainer prowess. But it is a regionally and even internationally-accredited standard for the overall strength of a trainer," Josh continued. "You have the right attitude, though. Ultimately, a Gym Leader is an educator. Of not only trainers less talented than them, but ones more talented, as well. It is also important that Gym Leaders can educate themselves. Listen to their own advice. You recognize that even a as a Gym Leader -- no, a Champion -- the learning process never ends. That's a good start."

Enough introspection; they had a battle to start. "Name your team size and your format for the match. I'll whistle for a team that I think would be a nice, even match." With over a hundred Pokémon to pick from, he was prepared for just about anything!

{PC: 5}

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present somewhere on the Racing Grounds, other than his Raging Bolt, Walking Wake, Gouging Fire, and Raikou.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 13:37:29 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



"Wait-- the ELITE FOUR THEMSELVES evaluate? Oh wow... but that's okay! Haha... no pressure," Zachary said with amazement, surprise, and a touch of nervousness to learn that the four region champions would do evaluations too. Despite what he said, he had some reason for pressure. [break][break] Dizzy the Delphox sighed, realizing Zachary got all flustered at the mention of the Elite Four. The Delphox only shrugged, knowing his trainer was rather excitable at times. Especially with bugs... [break][break] Shaking off the details of the Elite Four, Zachary listened at the details of what it took to be a Gym Leader. How to evaluate other trainers, identify their strengths and weaknesses for their own education and benefit-- and also one's self as well. A lot of self reflection and learning was needed even for any gym leader. More so, badges were the mark of accomplishment and goals for a trainer, acting to show one's skill. While a simple trophy to earn them required great skill and knowledge, and it was up to the Gym Leader to evaluate that. Everyone kept growing. In reflection Zachary soon reached into his pocket, and took out the deck of Tarot Cards he always carried. The mysterious logo on the back and the symbols they meant-- it helped him grow too. He too, had to grow and he knew his limits. Though his desire to be a gym leader was strong, he wanted to continue his growth too. [break][break] But now the hammer was brought down as it was time to battle! A gulp came from Zachary, but any nervousness faded when Dizzy gave an excited bark and drew his stick out for a fight. The Fox gave Zachary a confident glance, showing he was ready to go. Zachary smiled and gave his Delphox a pet. "Alright, let's get started!" Zachary said, having wanted to battle Josh for some time now! [break][break] Giving a moment to think, Zachary decided on what he wanted to do. "How about a 3-on-3 single battle. First to knock-out the 3 remaining ones wins? " he asked. [break][break] Zachary had to wonder what the arena that Josh had would look like. He seen enough arenas in person and in videos, so he wondered if Josh's pokemon arena was any different? He seemed like someone who did things differently after all. [break][break]



Requestiong 3 on 3, single battle.[break]





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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 21:18:29 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Of course they're our evaluators," Josh added. "They're our direct superiors in the League. We answer to them. They're not easy to impress, either. was largely responsible for shaping me into the person I am now. He was once a Gym Leader, too. Most of the people that get promoted into the Elite Four were at one point Gym Leaders." That, or they had their positions for a very long time. Melody and Greyson used to be Gym Leaders. It was the way Josh felt it should have been, too: promote from within rather than hiring people from outside. They knew the ins and outs of how the League worked.

The gauntlet had been thrown; it was now just a question of which Pokémon he would use. He had so many to pick from. "Singles works for me, three per side!" He wanted to use at least one bug-type to test Zachary with; after all, if he was working on his fear of insects with Shalin, he shouldn't have such a strong reaction to one.

Whistling for three of his Pokémon, they began to bound and zip across the property, toward the grounds they would be sparring on. The first one that arrived was Nala, a female Pyroar that was about as tall as Josh himself. The second was a Shiny Sylveon that wasn't too much smaller, stretching and wrapping her feelers around Josh out of love for him. Heralding the third was a piercing buzz, a red-eyed insect zipping toward the Gym Leader and challenger. A Beedrill that was even larger than Shalin's, almost to the limit of their species' size, he didn't look as affectionate as his friends, but seemed well-behaved enough.

"Just gotta get their saddles off them, then they'll be ready to go."

{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
King Zing     Beedrill       Good
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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zachary stellar
[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 1:18:21 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



It was quite amazing how interconnected each roll in the league was. A gym Leader could become an Elite Four member. The sky seemed to be the limit of how far a person could go. He wanted to be a gym leader, loving the idea to help trainers grow as much as challenging them. Now he wondered if his dreams were more modest. Still, he felt an odd sense of confidence in knowing how the League's big shots really do support their Gym Leaders so much. Zachary couldn't contain the small smile on his face, feeling more assured. And now, he was excited to battle Josh to show what he could do. [break][break] They soon reached the battle arena, and Josh began to show his own pokemon. He soon lured out his female Pyroar that Zachary had once petted a few moments ago. He wasn't sure how he was going to battle that one as easily. The other one was a blue-colored Sylpheon. A rare Eevee evolution much like the Leafeon he had, but the different color was indeed rare. Zachary saw as it used its ribbon-like appendages to hug Josh, which was very, very sweet! [break][break]However, the final pokemon was not to Zachary's liking as a vicious buzz filled the air! He soon looked up and was in shock to see a GINORMOUS Beedrill of all things fly right next to Josh. It seemed stalwart and stoic in hits behavior but Josh had no problem going near it. [break][break] Zachary grew rigid at the sight of the giant Beedrill. Dizzy knew of Zachary's phobia and let out a breath. Using his stick, Dizzy poked Zachary, trying to get the boy to snap out of it. [break][break] Zachary shook his head, shaking the sensation of the Beedrill near him out of his head. In the end, HIS pokemon would be dealing with it-- but still, Zachary didn't like the idea of a Beedrill or other violent bugs that attacked. He rubbed his arm, as he fought to get over it. [break][break] Josh would clearly tell Zachary was uneased about something, but Zachary was trying his best to not let his fear rule him. Not now. Not when he wanted to show his worth to be a Gym Leader. If he fought other trainers as a Gym Leader, he was going to fight all kinds of Pokemon. Including bug types. [break][break] With a sharp breath, Zachary stood at the end of the arena. The arena was a massive grassy field, like one would imagine a football field, surrounding by a large track and a waterway, and further surrounded by bleachers. It was hard to imagine all this was indoors. It was a very wide grassy field, offering little cover but plenty of fighting room for his pokemon. [break][break] Given the choice of Pokemon his opponent, Josh now was going to choose, Zachary had a good idea of who he wanted. His best Pokemon he had on hand at the moment-- was Dizzy the Delphox, Happy, his Mime Jr, and Prophet the Xatu. All of them had advantages and disadvantages. His others were good too, but he needed to train them more. If he was going to show his best, he would use the pokemon he got earliest and grew the strongest. Zachary took out a Pokeball, marked with a Zero ensignia on it. [break][break] "I'm ready, " Zachary said as he took hold of his Pokeball for the first one. He drew his arm back. "I choose--" [break][break] Crak-pooooorr! [break][break] Unexpectedly, light shot out from his jacket pocket-- as one of his other pokeballs opened all on its own! Zachary looked stunned as the pokemon emerged from its light-- revealing to be a floating, yellow critter with spiky ears, narrow face, its claws tucked in as it seemed to slumber. "Aaaaaaaa.... braaaa...." Abra , named Tarot, purred as it sat there on its own volition without being called. [break][break] A stupefied look crossed Zachary's face as he held his pokeball mid-throw. Dizzy too look stupfied to see the disobedient Abra make a sudden appearance. [break][break] "T-TAROT!!" Zachary shouted, now angry that his Pokemon-- the most difficult one he met, decided to pop out without warning. [break][break] This was just humiliating as Zachary came here intending to prove his worth to his friend, show he could be a great Gym Leader-- and the most difficult Pokemon decided to hop right up to the front line without orders. "Tarot, I mean it. Now is NOT the time! Get back over here!" he shouted to the 'seemingly' sleeping pokemon. [break][break] The Abra just levitated there, seemingly uncaring or ignorant to his trainer's demand. [break][break] Zachary face-palmed himself, running his fingers through his hair to get over the shock. He looked to Josh on the opposing side of the battle. "I... don't suppose you'd let me take that move back?" Zachary asked sheepishly, his embarrassment clear by the red on his face. [break][break]



3 on 3, single battle starting.[break]

Zachary attempts to bring in his first Pokemon....[break]

Zachary sele-- OOPS! A Wild Abra has appeared!.[break]

Tarot the Abra takes the first spot in the battle.[break]

Prompt to Josh: "There are no take-backs in my gym." ROFL. ROFL similar moment



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,939 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON May 6, 2024 4:59:46 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh noticed how tense his challenger had become at the sight of King Zing. In years past, that would have been warranted; this Beedrill had nearly taken 's life, having induced its own RAGE into the Gym Leader seated upon it. After a year of rehab at the League, the Pokémon was much more placid. It lacked the candy-like affection of Shalin's, but was still friendly enough. His buzzing sounded just as grating and as mean. For a bit, he wondered if he should give Shalin a run on his wings as a way to strengthen them further. "No need to be afraid of him, Zachary," Josh tried to console him. "You learned from that in the hands of trainers, bugs are nothing to be scared of. Now show me the progress you've made." All it seemed to take was a poke of Dizzy's stick to give him that courage.

Seeing the Abra, Josh didn't question the decision at all. The psychic-type looked like it didn't get along with him too well. He could relate to that; he was handling several ornery Pokémon himself. Granted, they were "legendary" paradox Pokémon that had their own rules they had to be treated by, but even so, he had been through Zachary's same plight. "What is there to take back?" Josh asked. "Abra is a fine choice, Beedrill are poison-type as well as bug-type. One well-placed psychic attack will put King Zing in a real bind... if it can hit him!" he smirked.

When Josh was done educating Zachary on the type chart, King Zing's wings drowned all out other noise, buzzing vehemently enough that Tarot and Zachary may have been able to feel the disturbed air. The wasp raised his foreleg stings skyward, FOCUSING his ENERGY and getting excited for battle. He poked his long and sharp stinger out of his rear for a second before retracting it.

{PC: 7}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
King Zing     Beedrill       Good
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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zachary stellar
[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 1:59:21 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Zachary's confidence dropped at Josh's either ignorance or assistance to continue. Abra was great-- at running away! While its evolutions were powerful and why Zachary wanted him so badly starting out, Abra was not strong enough. The only move that Abra knew at that stage was Teleport! As a combatant for a gym, he wasn't the ideal choice and Josh should have known that! Either way, he didn't wait! [break][break] The battle began as the Beedril was the first up. MORE GOOD NEWS!! Zachary couldn't contain his repulse as he stepped back, afraid of the Beedrill. THings just were getting bad to worse now with the Focus Energy going off! [break][break] Zachary turned to his Abra in the middle of the arena, just still as ever. "Tarot please, I'm begging you! Just move! Jump! Dodge-- anything!!" Zachary cried. [break][break] The Abra just hovered there, its head lightly bobbing as it seemed to nap right there, even with the loud buzzing of the incoming enemy! [break][break] Zachary slouched forward, disappointed. "I'm doomed..." he groaned.[break][break]
[break][break] Dizzy was behind Zachary with an equally reflective look of pity on his trainer. Wordlessly, the fox reached a paw to Zachary's shoulder and patted him as if to say 'there there'...[break][break] If Josh knew it, he was playing ignorant! Abra was a sitting duck! Further, he wasn't obeying ANY of Zachary's orders. [break][break] The Beedrill was going to attack without any resistance! [break][break]



Zachary cannot switch out pokemon .[break]

Zachary orders Tarot to be on guard -- but fails as Abra is napping[break]

Dizzy consoles Zachary by patting him on the shoulder. .[break]





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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,939 posts
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Josh Devlin
[S][C/Zachary] Friendly Skirmish
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 21:42:14 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh frowned in disappointment. Had Shalin done nothing to assuage Zachary's fear of insects? If her Beedrill, sweet as they honey her kind produced, didn't make the challenger less uncomfortable around venomous insects, no other Beedrill could.

His words would not reach Zachary over the deafening buzzing. If his words wouldn't, then his actions would. Extending the toxic barb out of his rear, King Zing zipped toward Tarot, loosing an amplified, rapid-fire barrage of PIN MISSILES in a wide area around the Abra.

{PC: 8}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
King Zing     Beedrill       Good
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
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