The Chains That Bind [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
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Art is risk
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A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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Aurelie Lefevre
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 15:57:04 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The chains we forge ourselves are the hardest to break.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Her cellmate was scratching and rattling at the bars of their cell again, her eyes fixed wide open yet vacant and trickling with more of those jewel-like tears that Aurelie herself had wept. Even from here, Aurelie could see how white her knuckles were—as white as her mass of tangled, unkempt hair—on the bars. The tension and wildness in the woman's movements made Aurelie hurry over to her side again.

"No, no, shh, shh, don't, it won't help," she murmured, focusing her attention on her cellmate. A distant part of her was grateful for the distraction, for something, anything that took her mind off her own wounds and anguish.

As before, she put her arms around her cellmate, who had frozen rigid, and whispered soft, soothing words. "Shh, shh, we'll get out of here, I promise. But it won't be by tearing at these bars right now.

"Or bashing your head against them like a maddened Bagon smashing its head into rocks. You don't have the head for it."
Aurelie ventured a tremulous smile, brushing stray strands of hair off her cellmate's brow. Was there a flicker of interest in those empty eyes at the mention of the Dragon-type? Or was it just a trick of the light, always treacherous in this dimly lit prison?

She sat like that beside her cellmate for what seemed like hours, until the mochi was served. Gently, she picked up one and held it to the woman's mouth, nudging her bottom lip until it opened slightly. "You need to eat. Keep up your strength. Just one bite...yes, there. Okay."

Satisfied by the minimal movements of her cellmate's mouth, Aurelie ate her own. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched their captors shuffle away. For a moment, she too was seized by the impulse to bang on the bars and scream obscenities at the Megalopolans and Fezandipiti.

But as before, the unmoving presence of her cellmate beside her stopped her. It won't help, it won't do anything, she'd said to her, and it was true. With a harsh force of will, Aurelie turned back to Freya and stroked her hair again.

I'll help you, even if it's not much, even if it barely helps you hold onto the last shreds of your sanity. Because it's the only thing right now letting me hold onto mine.


| Mission: Canon Connections

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 22:56:27 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

she doesn't search for her in the dream. she doesn't search for anyone in the dream. those who happen upon her are far and few between and only two have managed to get close. the loneliness gnaws at her in ways it hasn't before.

it was this realization that had done her in: she'd come to rely on others, just as she'd always wanted to, and then she was faced with the impossibility that after all her work, she was simply right back where she started. touch. words. companionable silence. any of it seemed unbearable. all of it seemed so wasteful

she has failed and the reminder of her failure is with her every time she wakes up and that fog drains away, every time she remembers that she is a prisoner in her own body. how many times must she endure this same cruelty?

awake, she is happy, but she is wan. her cellmate fusses over her because she is unresponsive; she struggles to endure the hardship when she knows her perfect future is just out of arms reach. work hard enough and they will prevail. the part of her that is smothered, the part of her that screams into that voidless dream, is still there

it festers. it makes her callous. wordless. hopeless. 

look at what's promised to you. look what will be yours. remember, remember, remember.

she raises her head, arms still folded around her tucked knees, and says, "you're my cellmate, aren't you?"
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
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5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON May 8, 2024 21:19:13 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The chains we forge ourselves are the hardest to break.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Suddenly, the mists of silence and impassivity that lay between Aurelie and her cellmate parted, as the latter unexpectedly showed subtle signs of life. She stirred, raised her head, and even turned it slightly to look in Aurelie's general direction. When she asked her question, the redhead gasped aloud, startled by the unaccustomed sound of Freya's voice.

What kind of question is that? was Aurelie's first thought, tinged with indignation that her cellmate hadn't recognized her. Why else would I be locked in this dreary cell alone with her, if I weren't stuck here?

As her breath came hot and muggy within the confines of her mask, though, she realized that maybe it wasn't so clear who she was, after all. All the prisoners looked identically ghoulish in their sinister masks and uniforms. Aurelie hadn't recognized , after all, and she knew him intimately well compared to Freya.

"Yes," she replied aloud, clearing her throat when she heard how thick and hoarse her voice sounded. "I'm your cellmate. Are you... How are..."

She stopped, because asking Are you okay? and How are you? felt so inadequate and foolish in a place like this. No one here was okay; everyone here was suffering. Finally, Aurelie asked instead, "How are you holding up? Do you...need anything...?"

Even that felt ridiculous. "Aside from freedom, of course," she sighed, her lips twisting behind her mask into a humorless smile. "And some painkillers, considering how much they're running us into the ground here. And..."

There was a familiar commotion outside as their Megalopolan and Pokemon wardens left the chamber, signaling it was bedtime. Aurelie snorted scornfully. "And I guess an actual good night's sleep too, right? We all need that. But..."

She nodded at the cot. "We probably should sleep. Or at least try to." Rising to her feet, she held out a hand to Freya. "Come on."


| Mission: Canon Connections

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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the ascendant
November 03
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON May 8, 2024 22:44:11 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

red tresses, almost black now with all the dirt and grime, curl over her cellmate's shoulder. she remembers flickers of it when it was brighter, all the way to the weathered, limpid strands now. how long have they been here? how much longer must they wait until she can see king again?

her happy ending is coming. she swears she can taste it (and it tastes sweet, like rice and sugar and soft lavender dye). 

"we'll see our vision come to fruition soon," she promises. aurelie couldn't give her that. she can only gently guide her to the end. she does not know why it's so hard to remember the things she must do. her hands sometimes stop their working. her foot does not recall how to take its next step.

her eyes - she hadn't realized she'd closed them - crack back open and a sliver of fright snakes over gold. 

"to sleep? no, no, i don't like to sleep." it's a routine protest, though in the past it's been wordless. an internal scratching at the walls, buzzing in her brain, a clangorous chorus of screeching to stave off the inevitable. she must not remember. 

remembering hurts. 

her body betrays her, as it always does. it takes aurelie's hand and it follows her to the bed and when they curl together in a lover's embrace, no amount of internal wailing can stop her heavy lids from falling. 

dreams exist outside of time. it's never enough/always too much when she's here. she's here in her body and she is hugging herself as though she can cling to it forever. where it can be hers and hers alone and no one can take her away again because gods fuck she can't take it anymore she can't take any of this anymore please the lines are already so blurry and anymore and she might break she might break she might 


they're not real, the slashed marks across her arms, but the dream still makes her bleed. it gives her that satisfaction, at least. she is still holding herself, tucked in a bed of overgrown grass, the rest of the arboretum empty. except then, quite suddenly, and like it had happened with elisabeth and penny, it's not.

her cellmate is here too. 

she does not lift her head. she wraps herself tighter and she says, "please, i can't help you here. you already do too much out there for me."
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
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5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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Aurelie Lefevre
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON May 10, 2024 20:46:31 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The chains we forge ourselves are the hardest to break.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]This time, when Aurelie dreamed, she thankfully didn't appear in the middle of Ultra Megalopolis fully nude, as she had the first time. It hadn't happened every night, but when it did, the redhead always felt uncomfortably defenseless and mildly embarrassed. This time, she materialized in her favorite sweater and jeans from college, both of which had sadly frayed into shreds long before moving to Hoenn.

Surprisingly, this time, she also appeared alongside her cellmate. They found themselves inside an empty arboretum, overgrown and wild now but still beautiful. Not that different from Freya, in a way, she thought, as the woman hugged herself and spoke again.

"I can leave you alone here, if that's what you want," Aurelie replied, crossing her arms. "But I don't need your help. Not in here, anyway. Out there, well..."

She shrugged, one corner of her mouth curving in a wry half-smile. "Out there, in the prison, we all need all the help we can get. I help you out there because it helps me. Otherwise, what else can I do in that tiny little cell other than go insane? Well, even more insane than I already am.

"And...I don't want that,"
she went on, her voice dropping into a low, meditative murmur. "If I'm going to die in this prison, I want to at least die as myself."

Only in Hoenn did it always feel natural to talk so casually about dying.

It was strange how clear her mind felt in this dream, how sharp and lightning-quick her thoughts were. Weren't dreams supposed to be vague, illogical things? Of course, this was no ordinary dream, but even in real life, even in perfect health, Aurelie doubted that ideas and conclusions came to her so swiftly and lucidly.

Was she somehow saner in this dream than she was in normal life? Now, that was a strange thought. What even was sanity, anyway?

"Actually, there is a way you can help me," she ventured aloud, looking at Freya. "There's a mystery I think you can help me solve. Now that our ward has visited the Chamber of Desires a couple times and looked the mask..."

Even now, Aurelie shuddered at the memory of the last vision she'd seen in the Wellspring Mask. The corpses, the flies, the flowing blood. Whoever's desire that was, it certainly wasn't one of hers.

"What do you see when you look into it? Is it the same every time?"


| Mission: Canon Connections

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON May 16, 2024 18:46:11 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

but that's the great and terrible thing, isn't it? she doesn't want aurelie to leave. she doesn't want anyone to leave her. her pride is an ugly, ever-lasting thing and as she cows, weaker and weaker, it festers, folding in on itself and growing. it puppeteers her fingertips, lengthening claws meant to strike inward. 

it takes a lot of effort now not to turn them outward at the woman who has shown her nothing but kindness and compassion since their capture. 

"If I'm going to die in this prison, I want to at least die as myself."

freya does not have the luxury. if she dies in her cell, she will die as a shadow, strangled by visions and ideals forced upon her by another god meant to make her insignificant. she grimaces but lifts her gaze. her eyes are red-rimmed and sunken, but no tears grace her cheeks. 

she's unable to cry here, for some reason.

"you want to talk about the mask," she says flatly. she grits her teeth. "i would withstand a hundred days of mockery, a thousand days of polishing stones until my hands fall off, and an eternity of scavenging in that pit if it meant i wouldn't have to look into that fucking mask again."

she shudders and then, suddenly, she dare look hopeful. "tell me it's not real. when we wake, tell me it's not real. i want - i want to be myself. i can't stand it. i don't see other dreams. i only want the future it promises and here, here, i know it's all a lie, but gods, please - 

"please, i can't lose myself again."
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
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5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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Aurelie Lefevre
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 1:36:01 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The chains we forge ourselves are the hardest to break.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Aurelie caught her breath, stunned by the viperous vehemence of her cellmate's response. But then, maybe she shouldn't have been. When you were suddenly imprisoned and then unexpectedly shown a vision of your deepest desires...

Well, look at her. Aurelie's first vision still haunted her and filled her with a longing that she had to actively suppress, for fear that her obsession would swallow her mind whole and leave her with nothing but a husk barely clinging to sanity. Never mind that her vision would never come to pass, not as long as she couldn't forgive her family for sabotaging, injuring, cheating, and deserting her.

Even with all that, she still wanted it so badly she could taste it, could lose herself in it. So, maybe the edge—or more than edge—of madness in Freya's face and voice made more sense than she thought at first. Maybe she was haunted by things Aurelie couldn't even imagine.

Still, the redhead's voice emerged unwontedly harshly when she responded. "How can I possibly tell you that? How can I possibly make that promise to you? I don't know any more than you do about that mask. That fucking mask." The last few words, an echo of Freya's own, came out in a low growl.

Her expression, as she bent toward Freya, was gentler than her tone. She smiled sadly toward the pale-haired woman, her eye shining softly with sympathy. "I can tell it hurts you, so I won't ask you what you saw in the mask. But I'll tell you what I saw."

Sucking in her breath thoughtfully, Aurelie explained, "The mask doesn't always show me the same thing every time. The first time, I saw me and my family, happy. Whole. Restored. But after that..." She shook her head.

"The second time, I saw blood and corpses. Some I recognized, many I didn't. The next time, the mask showed me campaigning for a position on the Hoenn council and writing children's books. And I can tell you, I'm neither a serial killer nor a wannabe politician."

Aurelie shuddered. She didn't know where she was going with this or if there was even anywhere to go, considering the mask was a magical, powerful relic she couldn't begin to understand. It was a mystery all around. Except...

"I don't think it's real. The things we see," she concluded. "Because I saw too many things that couldn't possibly be real for me. But that's just my guess. It's not like I have some helpful Megalopolan friend spilling their secrets to me."


| Mission: Canon Connections

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 5:09:11 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

her gentle caretaker, with soft hands and softer murmurs - the last thing she anticipates are the bared fangs, the twist of frustration. she shrinks in on herself, cowing in the face of her exasperated exclamations, thinking how could she? how could you? how can you ask so much when you can give so little?

how can you carry on, darling?

she talks because talking must help and it doesn't really matter if freya listens. it's not about her. but still, her eyes sharpen. her jaw tightens. a trickle of understanding stills the tumultuous sea of thoughts and the sudden placid water makes her shake with apprehension. 

"you - you're seeing other futures. that means...that means others can see ours."

they see me.

they see me with king.

she slides her fingers up through her hairline, curving, burrowing, and she says, "it's not real! it's a promise with mist! it's what we want. it's all we want. and it's all we can think about. so we are made soft and pliant, and don't you understand? if we get out, it's over. they know. everyone knows now."

she laughs. she laughs and she rips her hands down the front of her face. 

"there are other phantoms here, just like us. ask them! think of them and they'll come. this dreamscape is just as much a prison as the world out there."
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
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5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 16:34:39 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The chains we forge ourselves are the hardest to break.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Aurelie stared uncomprehendingly at the suddenly impassioned, agitated figure of her cellmate, shaking with laughter or rage, or both. Yes, just as she'd caught glimpses of other prisoners' desires, they could probably see her desires too. But how could they know those desires belonged to her?

And what would it matter if they knew?

Perhaps it mattered more to Freya, because she was known and important. She was on the council, she was responsible for League members' lives, and she likely had enemies and rivals beyond counting. She might have reason to fear her innermost desires being known, while Aurelie doubted her own desires were all that juicy to anyone.

When her cellmate began laughing and her slender hands rose toward her face, Aurelie reacted almost without thinking. Her own hands swiftly snaked out to catch Freya's wrists and hold them in a steely grip before she could rake her nails over her face. So soft her skin was, like silk against the red-haired smith's callused fingertips.

"Stop it! Don't!" she cried out fiercely. "You do this to yourself enough in waking. Don't make it worse in here too.

"You're right. You're right,"
she went on. "The mask is like a poison. Just like the mochi. But for our minds, right? We can't forget it, and we'd do anything to make it real. It's like a drug. The first taste is always free, right?"

Taking a deep breath, Aurelie let her grip slacken a little, though not enough to let Freya's wrists go. "Does that work in here?" she asked curiously, cocking her head to one side. "Trying to manifest something in here just by thinking of it, I mean.

"Because if so... Well, it's just a dream in here, right? Maybe you should think about things that make you happy. And try to make them real in here."
She smiled faintly. "Like in the interdream mist, but better.

"Arceus knows we both deserve at least a fleeting moment of happiness before we wake back up to...all that out there."
Aurelie's eye flickered toward Freya's face, searching it for reactions. "What do you think? Shall we try it? For science, if nothing else."


| Mission: Canon Connections

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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the ascendant
November 03
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON May 26, 2024 0:40:36 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

hands catch and compassion knifes through the mania, cutting the threads that hold aloft the rest of her strength. she stares down at her wrists, at the hand holding hers, and there is a burning sensation around her eyes. no tears fall. they can't fall. not here, but they leak in the real world, streaking across her dirty, slumbering body.

"we're made to suffer. we crawl and we climb, but always, always we fall," she whispers, mumbles, words run over by aurelie's calm hypotheses. how much of it, she wonders, is for her own sanity. 

find someone else. 

no, don't leave me.

"there is so little that could make me happy," she says. to manifest king would be a bastardization. to bring delta even worse. and eva? she's out there, somewhere, wandering the dreamscape and she cannot stand to have her witness this. 

still, aurelie searches her face and she looks to the side, shame hot on her face. she thinks of the last meal they'd truly shared together and then the scent is under her nose - 

mac 'n cheese with brisket, a bowl of mixed greens with champagne vinaigrette, and a seven-layer chocolate cake for dessert. she blinks and they're in an apartment - no, not there. anywhere but there. another blink. they're in a cottage; from inside, she can hear the breeze, smell the salt on the sea, but outside the windows is that same dreary, dreamlike cityscape. 

she stands, gives aurelie's hand a small squeeze of thanks, and goes to the silverware drawer. 

"out there," she says softly, "in the real world, do you work for rocket?"
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
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5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 18:31:31 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The chains we forge ourselves are the hardest to break.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Aurelie caught her breath in surprise and wonder when the world around them suddenly shifted and changed in an instant. Not completely, not all the way, of course. One woman's memory, no matter how strong, wasn't enough to overcome the dreams of the Megalopolans longing for their city.

Still, the charming cottage that coalesced around them felt far more welcoming and homelike than the glittering streets of an alien city. And the food-loving Kalosian's eye widened in delight at the appetizing repast spread before them. After days of nothing but mochi, she was in actual danger of drooling now, especially at the sight of the chocolate cake.

"I can't believe that actually worked," Aurelie breathed, laughing softly. "This is perfect! Let's eat."

She started to reach for the large bowl of mac and cheese in the middle of the table, smiling when the dreamy-eyed Freya squeezed her hand and then headed toward the kitchen. Then, amidst the rattling of silverware and cutlery, a question emerged that made the smile drain from Aurelie's face and stunned her as thoroughly as if she'd been zapped by lightning.

"What?" she asked incredulously, when she found her voice again after a moment of pure, heart-pounding shock. "How can you ask me that? Why would you think that I'm part of Rocket?"

She'd frozen in place when Freya asked, only one hand tugging at the large bowl of mac and cheese. It threatened to tip over on its side, unbalanced. With an effort, the redhead forced herself to move and breathe normally again and grabbed the bowl before it spilled its cheesy abundance all over the table.

What gave it away? Aurelie thought frantically. How did I reveal myself? Surely, I didn't say anything. I've had too much practice pretending and evading with . And there hasn't been much opportunity to talk about allegiances in here...

It was enough to make Aurelie wonder if she'd let something slip in her sleep, or something like that. Or in one of the many times she'd curled up groaning in pain after a long day of polishing and punishments. How else would Freya know?

"And why are you simply asking me like this?" she burst out, unable to help herself. "Why aren't you stabbing me with one of those knives? You're a councilwoman. Shouldn't you be stringing up by my guts if you even suspect it's true?"


| Mission: Canon Connections

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

[newclass=.aurelie img]height:100px;width:100px;padding:15px;border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:100px;[/newclass]
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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON May 30, 2024 2:17:39 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

if she had a modicum of her wits about her, she would have noticed the smile drain from her cellmate's face. she would have caught on to the stammering, to the anxiety festering under the mask she's still wearing for her councilwoman. but she doesn't. she thumbs the spoons in the drawer and thinks about the last time she was here in this cottage. 

, with lips blue from the freezing water rayquaza had tossed her in during a scuffle with groudon's chosen. with her small mouth and bright eyes and freya, warming to an eventual forgiveness.

i have not been home in some time.

she finally turns, eyeing aurelie, and shrugs her shoulders as she glides into her seat. the mac 'n cheese steams pleasantly. her stomach growls painfully. 

"well, for one, we're in a dream. i don't think stabbing you would work. and two, i wouldn't want to stab you." she blinks. "you say it like being part of rocket makes you - " 

she sighs. "it doesn't matter. i shouldn't have asked. but i just, i wanted to say that when we get a chance to get out, if we get a chance, it won't be about sides. i don't care. you helped me. and, i don't know you very well, but i think you might be a good person. most selfless people are."

she pushes the brisket closer to aurelie with one brow raised. "and if you're not, then all the better. it means i can actually thank you if we get out of here."
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 20:47:38 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The chains we forge ourselves are the hardest to break.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]At Freya's serene, unaccusatory explanation of her unexpected question, Aurelie let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. I will never understand the League as long as I live, she reflected ruefully, picking up a spoon the other woman had brought and ladling mac and cheese into a waiting bowl. But then, it's not like I understand the Rocket any better.

Both organizations held their share of both mercy and cruelty, it seemed. Later, perhaps, the redhead would ponder the mysteries of that dichotomy and the intricacies of the human heart, manifesting in these startling instances of grace and acceptance. For now, though, she was just glad not to get stabbed.

Sliding the bowl of mac and cheese toward Freya, she accepted the plate of brisket. It was a small point of pride that her hands didn't tremble. Considering how her cellmate's sudden question had paralyzed her like a thunderbolt striking out of a clear sky, it felt like a heroic accomplishment.

But she had calmed a little, especially when Freya didn't leap to accusations or even pursue the question further. Perhaps she suspected Aurelie, but perhaps she was also just curious. Maybe it was something she asked everyone, for all Aurelie knew.

"Well, I think stabbing someone in a dream actually makes more sense," she replied, her tone lighter and more flippant. "Especially in this prison we're in. It perfectly conveys your feelings but doesn't do any lasting damage...

"And frankly, even if you'd stabbed me, I'd still take your side against the Megalopolans. So, you know, it'd be the perfect crime."
She chuckled softly, eyeing the brisket. "But I'm glad you're not about to stab anything more than...I suppose this is beef?"

It looked like the sort of cut of beef she'd use in pot au feu, at least, but smoked, which was new to her, at least for meat preparation. Aurelie pursed her lips and then reached for the vegetables.

"Anyway, Rocket is all criminals and terrorists, right?" How Freya chose to answer this would tell Aurelie a lot about what she thought of Rocket in general. Besides, it wasn't as if it were entirely untrue. "Seems like a good stabbing target."

The redhead paused for a moment, wondering if she should say anything one way or the other about her allegiances. Freya had already moved on, though. Aurelie's eye widened at the councilwoman's unexpected clarity and eloquence. It was as if being here, in this illusory cottage filled with peace and camaraderie and good food, had uncluttered Freya's mind and centered her in the here and now.

In contrast, Aurelie found herself momentarily at a loss. "I... No, I promise, you don't owe me anything. I'm helping you for my own sake as much as yours. It keeps me sane. It keeps me going. Otherwise, what else is there to do but to nurse my wounds and go mad in that tiny little cell?"

She smiled sadly, even wistfully, pulling her gaze away from the luminous loveliness of her now-lucid cellmate gazing so earnestly at her. Freya seemed so sincere. So genuine. So painfully and regrettably different from Aurelie herself.

"I'm not a good person," she said honestly. "I'm not selfless. Never have been. But...thank you. And thank you for letting me share your home, even if it's only for a little while."


| Mission: Canon Connections

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2024 17:20:10 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

freya can't tell if aurelie is a glutton for punishment or if there is some measure of guilt there, wanting to feel pain. but that seems like a foul thing to do - here, in the dreams, are where most find respite from the pain. she'd be a monster to take that away from someone. 

she considers her while she takes a helping. the smell is tantalizing, mouthwater, and painfully reminds her of home. it's hard to consider putting it in her mouth, knowing that none of it is real. they'll still be starving when they're roused. they'll still be trapped. 

the cheese is hot and gooey on her tongue. more tears well on the body in the cot. 

"they are," she says finally, "but they're still human. some of them are there because the league failed them. some of them are there because they're born into it. life is complicated. i don't hold circumstance against anyone.

"people deserve second chances. that's why i direct the amnesty program."

the edges of the dream begin to warble. it won't be long before they're snatched from this brief peace. she won't remember the companionship, not really, but when this is all over she'll know her face. she'll find her. 

and she'll thank her, selfish or not. 
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,213 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
The Chains That Bind [M]
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 20:39:28 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The chains we forge ourselves are the hardest to break.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Neither masochism nor guilt had been the inspiration for Aurelie's thoughts of stabbing but instead perhaps a touch of sadism. Or at least a love of fighting. There was just something so satisfying about landing a strike with a knife or sword.

And in dreams, you could have the best of both worlds: the feeling of victory and success without the permanent damage. But if that wasn't something Freya was interested in—well, it was just another sign that she was a better person than Aurelie was. Not that that was any surprise.

Probably in the real world, when she's normal and well, she's exactly the kind of person that she only thinks I am right now, the redhead reflected sardonically.

Freya's perspective on Rocket, naturally, only reinforced that thought. "Despite being on the council, I'm...impressed you're so understanding and tolerant of Rocket's members. More so than me," she added with wry honesty. "Thank you for sharing your point of view."

She sounds like the right person to run the amnesty program, Aurelie thought wistfully. I...I hope she's treating well. Oh, what am I saying? With his friendliness, Freya is probably like an older sister to him by now too.

The thought warmed her heart, helped by the radiant lucidity currently—even if only fleetingly—shining in Freya's face. It was almost painful, seeing how serene, centered, and happy her cellmate looked right now and knowing it wouldn't last. Knowing she'd return to catatonic misery as soon as she woke up.

Swallowing a final bite of juicy, smoky brisket, Aurelie took a deep, shaky breath and made a decision. "Freya, I should tell you. I'm..."

But even as she hesitated for a split second, the dream disintegrated around them. Blackness flooded back in, followed by wakefulness. And as the dream receded, so did the impulse to tell her the truth.

If we ever get out of here, I hope she forgets all of this. I hope she forgets me was Aurelie's first thought upon waking. I hope she won't have any memory of anything that happened or anything we said or shared with each other.

But I know I won't forget her. I'll remember. And I know I probably won't ever be able to hurt her, no matter what happens. No matter what she does to me.

Such were the chains of the heart, binding one to care and then to protect those they cared for. And to break them... Aurelie knew she didn't have the strength. Easier to break a heart, than to break the chains that shackled it.


| Mission: Canon Connections

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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