i to the maybe go [ m ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 8:35:28 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
todays fit for the shoot is as follows.

for the jacket: a double-breasted slim-fit suit in virgin wool. this is a dark blue business suit, tasteful and elegant yet stylish and forward. the sharp features of the suit make it so you look professional while also staying stylish, the stuffy design of that same hum-drum blazer unstandardized with fewer buttons and a sleeker appearance. one of the major benefits of this specific suit is its dust-resistant fabric.

for the shirt: a slim-fit button up in printed stretch cotton. this white shirt betrays the standard of business wear by displaying a pattern of small squares across the entirety of its surface. even with this, it still comes across as professional. in this shoot there is a mix of casual and professional, so the top few buttons are often unbuttoned and collar occasionally ruffled. even despite the mild abuse, the shirt doesn’t easily lose its ironed out appearance nor the original shape of its collar, making it stylish and functional.

for the pants: regular-fit trousers in wool serge. the dark blue matches the business suit perfectly and the pleat of the pants doesn’t hit against your legs awkwardly. these lightweight pants find a way to feel comfortable yet contort to your proportions nicely. they also feel nice to lounge around in, so even if you’re in them for hours on hours, you won’t feel trapped in a pair of pants that keeps sticking to your leg; or is too hot, causing perspiration and ruining your nice shirt.

for the shoes: suede double-monk strap and cap toe. dark blue, like the jacket and pants, honestly they're a little too bottom heavy. they’re comfortable to wear and when walking in them they do feel solid, but at times when you put your foot forward to walk, you might have to catch yourself. the cap toes also sometimes get caught on surfaces like carpet making you trip a little. despite these grievances, when you get used to them they absolutely feel like something you’d want to wear again and you may even make an effort to make it a certainty that they end up back on your feet once more.

for the accessories: a watch, a belt, and a document case.

the watch: a black link-bracelet with a tonal dial. this fully black multi-eye watch is accentuated with gold for the hands and the hash marks. the beauty is in it’s simplicity as and elegance, not too boastful but still bold in its accentuation. the black-plated steel link bracelet keeps your wrist cool and fits nicely on either wrist, never clamping on too tightly in any orientation its placed in.

the belt: a kalosian-leather belt with plaque monogram buckle. for this shoot we placed a faux mega key stone into the plaque area as well as the companies logo. the belt is not much on its own so there isn’t much to really comment on it, what really makes it special is the plaque but it’s also kind of tacky to place a mega stone on a belt. if i have free reign, and we were not to look business casual slash professional, it could look good if it was more on the hip than towards the crotch.

the bag: a zipped document case in kolosian leather with embossed (hugo boss) logo. it’s a spacious black case with multiple compartments for storing documents or other needed items such as pokeballs and other baubles; theres even a waterproof bag and specified location for an umbrella. it’s kind of boring but its practical and nice to look at, and the natural weight is light so even if it filled up, you won’t have to worry about the bag itself adding to that total weight.

the photoshoot was to be a display of this particular brands versatility. there was already a shoot made with another colleague in Sinnoh at Snowpoint, and another in Orre across multiple cities, so snow and sand was covered. ash was and is a lesser explored natural effect, but when there are multiple cities in Hoenn that are affected by it, it isn’t such a farfetched medium.

in any case, while displaying the fashion forwardness of this particular company, a certain natural element that was being advertised against had decided to come into play; a sootstorm to be exact. it wasn’t exactly uncalled for, but usually these things would be forecasted before they happened, today was different.

one moment there was the normal amount of ash falling from the skies, Sevastian posing for the cameras with his umbrella to the ground, and the next, a violent torrent of ash began pouring from above; completely clouding the hubris of humanity that is lavaridge.

as the crew struggled to hurry and pack up their gear, careful not to damage any of the expensive equipment set out, Sevastian aided citizens and previous onlookers of the public shoot towards the nearest source of cover.

releasing two pokemon, a Mightyena and a Mabosstiff, the man instructed them to continue escorting lost citizens into town while he made an effort- despite the current cinematographer’s warnings not to- to head further up the road so people could have someone to direct them through the smog.
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played by

Laika Boss

Lottie, Sakura Sweets
February 12th
Cherrygrove City, Johto
Food Vlogger
5' 1" / 154 cm height
5' 1" / 154 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @charlotte
Charlotte Sakuragi
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 17:46:03 GMT
Charlotte Sakuragi Avatar

Charlotte could see back behind her there was some to-do with cameras and a small crowd, but she was focused instead on drinking in the beauty of the volcanic landscape around her. Phone in hand and myriad pictures snapped, the suddenness of the rumbling earth threw Charlotte off balance.
Nearly falling, and only just avoiding cracking her phone's screen, she manages to steady herself on a nearby rock as Mount Chimney in the distance spews ash and soot into the air. "That can't be good," she mutters to herself, her brew furrowing as she watches the oncoming storm.
At her feet a Paldean Wooper gives an uncertain huff and then turns, slapping the ground with his tail in an fruitless Mud Slap to avert the oncoming ash. "Nice try, Mousse," Charlotte whispers earnestly as she dips to pick up the Pokemon and scurry further down the trail.
One hand wrapped around her Pokemon and the other keeping her hat firmly in place, Charlotte has only just reached Sevastian when a wave of soot slams into them. Losing her hat, she reaches out to grab the man's forearm and call above the storm, "Let's go!" as she tries to drag him back towards the base of the trail.



Mission: Sandstorm Spirit[break]



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[newclass=".lottie1 .credit a"]font-size:14px;[/newclass]
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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
33 posts
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 6:21:41 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
with his umbrella unfurled, Sevastian had been making his way through the ash, eyes squinted as to scrupulously look into the distance. it was only when he noticed a silhouette coming closer that he picked up the pace toward them.

it’s near immediate that she takes his arm, and in that same moment does he angle the umbrella down in a swift motion, first behind her head and then over it, his free hand catching her hat in the same moment the umbrella settled over her.

before he could offer it back, she had already spoken and begun dragging him back towards the trail.

he can only chuckle as he was led forward.

Who’s leading who here?” Sevastian joked passively- tensing his arm, when needed, to allow her to use it as a support to make it up the incline.

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played by

Laika Boss

Lottie, Sakura Sweets
February 12th
Cherrygrove City, Johto
Food Vlogger
5' 1" / 154 cm height
5' 1" / 154 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
10 posts
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TAG WITH @charlotte
Charlotte Sakuragi
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 13:28:49 GMT
Charlotte Sakuragi Avatar

"Blind leading the blind," Charlotte assures Sevastian - because if he could see through this storm he was either a wizard or a Pokemon.
"Thank you," she babbles as she notices he's caught her hat. "Does this happen often?" She can't remember reading about eruptions and ground shaking being listed as attractions for the area from what she had read online. She definitely should have taken her chances going the Ever Grande Draciary and playing with some baby dragons instead of being covered head to toe in soot.
Her hand clutches Sevastian's arm tighter, deeply grateful that he has an umbrella to shield them from the worst of the storm. She's pretty sure her clothes are ruined, but at least it's just clothing and not like, herself.
"What are you doing out here?"



Mission: Sandstorm Spirit[break]



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[newclass=".lottie1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".lottie1 .credit a"]font-size:14px;[/newclass]
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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
33 posts
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 7:00:28 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
a chuckle follows at the notion, Sevastian more assured of himself now more than ever thanks to her open doubts.

It doesn’t happen too often.” he assures. “But when it does there are usually markers that lead back to safety.

as he squints to look around for said markers, the assurance he had built up slowly began to diminish, his head calmly turning left, then right as he looked to the ground for the highlighted poles. but he could spot none.

... I was going to help lead people that got lost in the storm back to town but… it looks like I strayed a little too far off course to meet you.

cues of his worries are hidden: its a subtle bite at the inside of his lip and a scratch at his thumbnail with an index. but, he keeps his composure, eying the ground for signs of where he had previously stepped and sure to go uphill rather than down.

though… he could just as easily be leading them up to Mt. Chimney and not Lavaridge.

Are you a tourist?” he asks to break the tension. “You asked if this happens often so I assume you wouldn’t know the proper precautions for handling it.

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played by

Laika Boss

Lottie, Sakura Sweets
February 12th
Cherrygrove City, Johto
Food Vlogger
5' 1" / 154 cm height
5' 1" / 154 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
10 posts
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TAG WITH @charlotte
Charlotte Sakuragi
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 1:52:57 GMT
Charlotte Sakuragi Avatar

Charlotte's brow furrows minutely as she asks, "What do you mean?" She in turn looks around the area as Sevastian does, trying to find what he's looking for but having no idea what that is. Nonetheless, she follows along the poorly marked trail.
Looking up, she flashes an embarrassed smile as she admits, "Oh, yes. I suppose it's pretty obvious. We're from Kitakami." She gives her Wooper a little squeeze for emphasis.
"I hope we're going in the right way," she suddenly squeaks as she trips over the loose dirt of the trail. Her voice rises as she speaks, words rushing together to betray her concern about the situation.
Adding to their predicament, another wave of ash obscures their vision; pulling at their clothes, she only just barely keeps her hat again.



Mission: Sandstorm Spirit



[newclass=".lottie1"]--accent:#FFC0CB;font:12px Roboto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".lottie1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".lottie1 .credit a"]font-size:14px;[/newclass]
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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
33 posts
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 4:56:53 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
Oh, Kitakami?” briefly looking down to the woman as forward showed no markers of where they were headed, he gives a smile as warm as the atmosphere. “I’ve always wanted to visit~ Is it as homely as it’s presented?

holding eye contact with the woman for a few seconds, his brows furrow slightly. her voice coming through, speaking of hope that they are moving in the right direction, gave him a strange sense of deja-vu.

the face… the voice… they seem familiar, but from where? it’s hard to place.

his attention is quickly pulled from her as ash and soot once more filled the air, strong winds accompanying. quickly his hands move to catch her, the arm once holding the umbrella swapping hands as he places his supporting arm behind her shoulders and the umbrella before them; protecting, at the very least, their eyes from the ensuring storm.

You okay?” said over the rushing winds as he helps her back to her feet.

The trail isn’t as forgiving on the ankles, as it usually is, during a sootstorm.” he says with a chuckle.

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played by

Laika Boss

Lottie, Sakura Sweets
February 12th
Cherrygrove City, Johto
Food Vlogger
5' 1" / 154 cm height
5' 1" / 154 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
10 posts
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TAG WITH @charlotte
Charlotte Sakuragi
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 1:37:26 GMT
Charlotte Sakuragi Avatar

"It's pretty quiet,"
Charlotte answers, her grip tightening on Sevastian as she stumbles again on the uneven trail. "I like it though!"
She gives a quick little nod at the following question, her eyes briefly pressing shut and a look of misery overcoming her features before she pushes it away. "I'm alright," she chirps just a touch too high. "This is more excitement than I was expecting when I got out of bed this morning."
"I hope we're near the bottom. Do you think we're near the bottom?"
Perhaps in answer to her prayers, all of the sudden it seems the soot clears enough to see that just a bit below the trail levels off to the trailhead where a gathering of people stand. "Oh, look look look," Charlotte exclaims, one arm tightening around her Paldea Wooper at the sight.
"We're here!"



Mission: Sandstorm Spirit



[newclass=".lottie1"]--accent:#FFC0CB;font:12px Roboto;[/newclass]
[newclass=".lottie1 .body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".lottie1 b"]color:var(--accent);font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".lottie1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".lottie1 .credit a"]font-size:14px;[/newclass]
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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
33 posts
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2024 2:12:43 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
in the approach, the storm lessens, Sevastian twisting his umbrella a few times then setting it into the document case he carried.

he gave her the proper time to alleviate herself of him before he moved to dusting off the suit, but with the outfit being made for such occasions, little maintenance was needed for it to look almost identical to how it did sans storm.

a smile followed as he examined the cuff of his jacket, a little impressed by the validity of the product’s claims.

and just as he does, a camera snaps the picturesque view- possibly catching the worse for wear Charlotte in the shot.

the smile fades and he moves to join his crew, slowing only to give a passing comment to the woman he had assisted.

I wish we could have met under less intense circumstances, but it was a nice little chat we had nonetheless.

after offering his hand for a gentle handshake, he turns to take his leave; whether she had reciprocated the gesture or not.

Take care.

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played by

Laika Boss

Lottie, Sakura Sweets
February 12th
Cherrygrove City, Johto
Food Vlogger
5' 1" / 154 cm height
5' 1" / 154 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
10 posts
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TAG WITH @charlotte
Charlotte Sakuragi
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 19:57:38 GMT
Charlotte Sakuragi Avatar

Relief colours Charlotte as they rejoin the group - the danger of breaking their necks on the trail now far behind them, she hazards an excited wave at the camera suddenly pointed her way.
Looking up at the sound of Sevastian's voice, Charlotte gives a little laugh as she answers, "I'm just glad you came to find me." Her hand extends to take his, and she chirps out a bright, "See you around."
With that, she then beams at her Mudkip and laughs out, "We need a bath, huh? Let's go!"



Mission: Sandstorm Spirit



[newclass=".lottie1"]--accent:#FFC0CB;font:12px Roboto;[/newclass]
[newclass=".lottie1 .body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".lottie1 b"]color:var(--accent);font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".lottie1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".lottie1 .credit a"]font-size:14px;[/newclass]
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October 13
808 height
808 height
39,523 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 6:50:53 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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