i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2024 22:33:42 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa2"]

Elisabeth leaned back in her seat, hands steepled on her antique hardwood desk, and frowned as she stared up at the clock over her closed door. It gently went tick-tock to and fro, counting down the seconds until the grunt was due to arrive.[break][break]

"She better not be late," she said to no one in particular. Only the orchid blooming on her desk seemed to respond, its petals darkening slightly as she let out the smallest of sighs. "I detest incompetence."[break][break]

Though the irony, perhaps, was she'd been getting sloppier. The urging to take on assistant seemed to be out of some misplaced concern for her workload being overwhelming; this she took to mean she had failed to complete enough tedious, mundane paperwork to appear competent compared to her peers.[break][break]

Never mind that and lived and breathed for nothing but Rocket. How was anyone to compete with such idiotic, single-minded devotion for an organization that wouldn't hesitate to turn on them in seconds?[break][break]

"...I wonder how devoted she is to the cause," she murmured under her breath, and this time, a low purring answered as a Sprigatito nuzzled her heel. The more flexible the better, but the more blindly loyal, the less conditioning she needed.[break][break]

What a conundrum. How she detested variables.



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POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 0:07:00 GMT
cassidy Avatar
it was an honor, really, to be working under one of rocket's underbosses.

she had known of the previous rocket's fall, and how this new organization had functioned as more of an organized crime group than a gang. but she was still surprised to see that they had a few programs to settle their new recruits—a rotation program no less—to become familiar with the senior officers in the organization.

but she supposes that even bad people care about retention and treating their workforce well.

and so now she had been rotated in for elisabeth fiorelli, the underboss of rockets, only second to the true leader. she was admittedly nervous, and eager to please. and so she did what any intern was wont to do—there's a coffee in her hand, warm and freshly poured from a cafe nearby.

the clock strikes at the top of the hour when she arrives, marking her appearance as only a few seconds before late. she had hoped that this goodwill would curry some slight favor; she had asked around for elisabeth's coffee order after all, and she'd made sure that they had made the coffee to expectations.

cassidy knocks before entering, quietly approaching elisabeth's desk with doe-like caution. and so with the coffee cradled in two hands, she proffers it towards the underboss with a dip of her head in deference.

"miss fiorelli, thank you for giving me this opportunity. i will attempt to fulfill my duties and responsibilities to the best of my abilities—my will is yours."

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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 3:13:36 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa2"]

A tilt of her head regarded the younger woman, a Lycanroc's keenness in her gaze as she assessed the timid Deerling who had entered her lair. Elegance characterized her movements as the coffee settled, soft-spoken words of polite greeting matching a demurely downcast gaze.[break][break]

Altogether surprising, she had to admit. She had been partially expecting the likes of , not someone deferent and willing to be molded. It echoed at memories she'd rather not dwell on, but it left her more comfortable than wary as she nodded towards the open door behind her.[break][break]

"Close the door behind you, then. You'll find I value discretion."[break][break]

The Sprigatito leapt up onto Elisabeth's lap, a soft rumbling in its chest warming her with its unexpected closeness. Absentmindedly, a hand began to stroke its green fur, though alert eyes remained trained on the woman who'd entered her service.[break][break]

"I believe it's customary to introduce yourself to new company," she began, gesturing for the open seat across from her. "You already know of me. If I am to command your will, it would behoove me to know something of who you are, no?"[break][break]

A subtly mocking amusement rang in her words.



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february 5
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cassidy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cassidy
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 8:42:53 GMT
cassidy Avatar
she does as she's told, placing the coffee on the table before walking over to where she had entered, turning the handle and silently pushing the door shut. closed doors can mean many things; vulnerability and trust, secrets. but to cassidy, it usually meant that something terrible was going to happen. she knew from experience the model industry that preyed on its bright eyed talent, and the predators that roamed their offices. it was all too familiar.

and so she cannot help but wonder what this closed door meant; elisabeth was no kind person, that much is that truth. no underboss of a mafia organization got their title by being good. but as much as her instincts had told her to run and never look back, her legs instead carried her to the open chair across from elisabeth's desk, obedient.

her chest tightens and her stomach twists, and yet she finds that she prefers this familiarity, knowing what to expect. she takes notice of the underboss's mocking tone, reminiscent of times past. it's simply the rules of the game—and so she slides back into her role like a glove: hungry and compliant.

"of course, ma'am. i am cassidy, formerly a civilian, now a recruit. my colleagues say that at my current state, my skills are best suited for poaching. however i'm still exploring and eager to learn." she says, still doggedly earnest despite the way it reflects on her reputation. she did not like to lie, nor overstate her influence. at the end of the day, it was the only way she knew how to survive—truth. only truth.

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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 17:17:38 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa2"]

"Poaching?" the underboss echoed, opening a file and scanning its contents as her lips quirked into a smile. What an ultimately useless part of Rocket's overall affairs, she thought. Her mind was on bigger and better things than the acquisition of Pokemon. "That seems a bit of a waste, don't you think? A woman of your talents."[break][break]

The Sprigatito blinked large eyes at from its perch on its mistress's lap, its contented hum serving as a metronome as a few seconds passed.[break][break]

"Your file says you were an up-and-coming model, yes?" she continued, letting a hand sweep over the paper with a flourish. "Someone with that background blends in places where I can't send, oh I don't know... Let's say, Beast ."[break][break]

Whether or not Cassidy knew who that was remained irrelevant to Elisabeth. She'd already begun thinking of the grunt in front of her as a tool to be wielded, and not a person to inform or educate.[break][break]

Someone delightfully pliant and moldable.



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february 5
lilycove city
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cassidy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cassidy
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 2:06:06 GMT
cassidy Avatar
poaching was a job none too glorious; reserved for the lowest of grunts, and rather basic at that. it was simple: you steal pokemon. you extract them from their owners, or perhaps from their wildlands if they are valuable enough, and you sell them for money. it was profitable so long as you set your morals aside, and cassidy found it easier than it perhaps should have been.

she was keenly aware of elisabeth's questioning tone, eyes watching her flip through the file on her desk like an arbiter. waiting for judgement, cassidy's gaze idly wanders to the sprigatito on her lap, endeared to its large and curious eyes.

only a few seconds pass, but it feels like an eternity before elisabeth makes her conclusion: that her talents were wasted poaching.

she can't help the owlish look in her face, her eyes wide and blinking in disbelief. in her mind, she knew that these words are most likely lies, or at least a disguise to hide less pure intentions. but despite knowing all of that, she was still a famine for praise, and elisabeth had given her just enough to stay hungry.

"i...i suppose you're right, miss fiorelli. i was previously a model, but i had made a mistake, and i had to face the consequences." cassidy says. she does not want to make excuses, nor does she want to waste elisabeth's time.

instead, she looks forward at the underboss's suggestions, her musings implying a greater responsibility. espionage and the like was not something she had considered for herself, but cassidy thinks that she was more than capable of doing so if asked. and so she poses her next question, eager.

"what are some places you would have me?"

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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 6:17:36 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa2"]

The hungry glint in 's eyes didn't go unnoticed. So the girl had ambition, then? What a refreshing discovery.[break][break]

A cat-like smile crept on Elisabeth's lips, pleased.[break][break]

"Mistakes can be opportunities," she suggested, fondly petting the small Sprigatito on the head. "Failure can be a great teacher. And you learned from yours, didn't you?"[break][break]

She saw no reason to question that. If the truth were otherwise, she imagined the grunt wouldn't be standing before her at all.[break][break]

"Discretion is a valuable commodity. As is the ability to weave through certain social circles unnoticed. I suspect you've spent your share of time around the wealthy and influential, given your previous line of work."[break][break]

Powerful men liked to surround themselves with pretty baubles. Elisabeth had been married to a wealthy blue-blood long enough to know what they were like.[break][break]

"Am I correct?" she asked in a way that fully expected compliance.



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POSTED ON Jun 10, 2024 19:18:19 GMT
cassidy Avatar
"...yes, ma'am. i've learned much since then." she says, stuttering slightly. the lessons that she has learned were rather cruel; for a child like her to learn how the world works, with their favors and transactions. for the cost of succeeding, rendered by powerful men and the society they have engineered.

she had an idea of what elisabeth was going to tell her next. her heart pounds loud in her ears, the cold feeling of dread drifting across her limbs. but in it was also a sense of acceptance—no, excitement, even. for the doors that elisabeth has opened.

at the end of the day, it did not matter whether she was a model or a rocket; the nirvana of the elite and wealthy was never ending, and there was no one better to navigate it than her. fear and hunger were two sides of the same coin, and cassidy reflected that intention in her eyes, searching deeply into elisabeth's gaze.

"y-yes. i have such connections, and i am more than willing to use them, miss elisabeth."

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 3:57:27 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa2"]

With the grunt's acquiescence, the seeds of a plan insidiously took root in Elisabeth's mind.[break][break]

She'd seen 's background, and her skillset revealed her expertise as much as it revealed the gaps in her own knowledge. An assassin she was certainly not, though she could become one in time; Elisabeth herself had come from similar humble beginnings.[break][break]

At this stage in her development, however, certain outcomes could be anticipated. Planned for, even.[break][break]

"I'm so pleased to hear it."[break][break]

The walls seemed to oppressively press in on them, though neither moved from their seats. The idea that had entered her mind -- the goal she wished to attain -- was wholly selfish in its design.[break][break]

Dangerously and intoxicatingly so. But what Persian could resist playing with a Rattata that willingly surrendered into its grasp?[break][break]

"How familiar are you," she began, her voice honey-sweet and spiced with anticipation, "with the name Silph?"



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POSTED ON Jun 15, 2024 4:02:24 GMT
cassidy Avatar
she could not help the tiny smile that flits across her face at elisabeth's praise. she was surprised at how much it made her feel happy. for so long she had gone without approval and validation that she had forgotten what it felt like, even if given conditionally.

"thank you, miss elisabeth." she responds, not knowing what other words to say. out of all of the rotations she had done, she hadn't expected an underboss to give her a missive, much less the time of day.

the excitement in her stomach and lightness in his chest lingered; she wanted to surpass elisa's expectations no matter the cost. her mind knows better; her heart did not.

silph was a household name by now, a presence ubiquitous in the region. she vaguely recalls the nature of their heirs—hand chosen. they were the top of the already powerful elite. she swallows, clenching her hands as to not reveal that they shook, and that she was afraid. if this is the task that elisabeth wanted to entrust her with, then she would commit wholly to it, body and soul.

"familiar enough, miss."

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October 13
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POSTED ON Jun 15, 2024 6:30:40 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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