RKS: Eddie and Yuina

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Eduardo Hisakawa
RKS: Eddie and Yuina
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 12:44:48 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar

Not safe? Yuina? Eddie frowned, slightly more puzzled, but he listened patiently to his friend's explanation, [break][break]

“Lookin' for ya?” he reiterated in confirmation. [break][break]

Eddie's frown deepened a little more at that, [break][break]

“Then she's welcome ta look for my foot up her ass.” [break][break]

He fumed with some bellicose ire; the DRK Triad really were a bunch of fuckin' punks, weren't they? had told him that they hunted Avatars and had tried to kill people the both of them cared about. The fact that they also apparently had it out for a sweet kid like Yuina only further solidified their place on Eddie's shit list, [break][break]

“If they're comin' after you, they're gonna have to get through me,” Eddie resolved, as much to himself as he did to Yuina, “And sure, she's got some lackeys, but there ain't no way those punks can handle the both'a us.” [break][break]

Alongside whoever else Yuina had in her corner. Eddie was sure that he couldn't have been the only one willing go to bat for the young woman, and if that day ever did come, they wouldn't be confined to the limits of scenario offered by the RKS.



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