RKS Razz & El 1

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Raziel Beckett
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 4:45:10 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar




[attr="class","itemcolname"]pokemon event
[attr="class","itemcolname2"]RKS SIMULATION


[attr="class","itemcoltexttit"]PAST CYCLIZAR 1

[attr="class","itemcoltext"]You find yourself 10,000 years ago. You are unsure whether you are in Hoenn or some other region, but you do know you are on the back of a Cyclizar. A humid, lush jungle surrounds you. The heat is unbearable and the air is thick. Sweat clings to the skin like a Spidops' silk.[break][break]

Suddenly, a deafening explosion sounds behind you. A volcano has erupted. A lethal pyroclastic descends upon you and your Cyclizar, and you must race against the clock for your lives.[break][break]

There are two routes you can take:[break][break]

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetit"]• Into a cave.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetxt"]Receive 50 RKS POINTS.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetit"]• Deeper into the jungle.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetxt"]Receive 50 RKS POINTS.

[newclass=".itemcolbkg"]color:#EEEEEE;background: linear-gradient(to bottom left, #2c343b, #282828);[/newclass]
[newclass=".itemcolstr"]background: url("https://i.imgur.com/PFz8OLS.png");[/newclass]
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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Raziel Beckett
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 5:11:27 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] -----


Another day and another couple of rounds into the System, this time he was asked by the League to come in order to help look after some people as despite his hard times within the system itself nothing really bad has happened to him yet. Least that's what one of the scientist said and Razz wasn't sure what he felt about that. Though when he saw who he was being partner with he was less tense about it as it was another Ranger. [break][break]

"Sunderland right?" Razz question them to be sure he got them right has it has been awhile since they've seen the other. Though not long after he ask the simulation starts and the wind in his face catches him off guard at first as he takes a moment to gather what's going on around them. Riding a cyclizar, something chill at first, least until an explosion went off behind them and they were very much in danger.[break][break]

Well shit...[break][break]

"Keep riding!" he orders as he tries to encourage the bike pokemon to try and go faster.




[break]+ RKS

[googlefont=Hammersmith One]
[newclass=.leprosearlo i]font:11px Roboto;font-style:italic;color:#fff;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo b]font:10px Hammersmith One;color:#b13e53;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo a]color:#84c5d0;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo1]margin:-14px 0px -9px 0px;background-color:#b13e53;color:#2b2b2b;text-align:center;font:10px Oswald;padding:5px 0px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 3:04:58 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
This was El's first time in the simulations; a strange experience, to say the least, to be transported somewhere so different from the Hoenn they knew and loved. Ancient foliage grew tall and lush around them, and they almost wanted to stop to simply admire the scenery.

But, as Razz addresses them, El perks - glancing over to their partner. They remembered him from a prior Ranger patrol, and they'd smile and nod. "Right, sir." They responded - comfortable enough in the other's presence.

Any small-talk or mingling would have to wait, however. The pyroclastic explosion of the erupting volcano would spur their Cyclizar into action - and side by side, the two would end up having to make a run for it..!

El's gaze scanned their surroundings. They had to find cover, lest they be overrun; and the answer would soon make itself known to them. "There!" They called, pointing to a cave mouth off to the right. That should suffice, right?
Into a cave
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 3:48:28 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar




[attr="class","itemcolname"]pokemon event
[attr="class","itemcolname2"]RKS SIMULATION


[attr="class","itemcoltexttit"]PAST CYCLIZAR 1-A

[attr="class","itemcoltext"]You race into a cave just in time as smoke and volcanic debris surge past. As you catch your breath, you explore the cavern's surroundings on top of your Cyclizar. Should you dismount, they revert to their Basic Forms.[break][break]

However, your sense of security is short-lived. The cave feels odd; a powerful energy radiates from within. Further adventure reveals a Wishing Star embedded in the cave, a piece of Eternatus that has begun to metamorphose the stone around it.[break][break]

Slowly but surely, you feel the effects of the radiation causing paranoia...[break][break]

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetit"]• Steel your mind.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetxt"]Proceed to Stage Two.

[newclass=".itemcolbkg"]color:#EEEEEE;background: linear-gradient(to bottom left, #2c343b, #282828);[/newclass]
[newclass=".itemcolstr"]background: url("https://i.imgur.com/PFz8OLS.png");[/newclass]
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 3:53:46 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] -----


Due to his half blindness the cave is completely overlooked by him, he doesn't take note of it until the other is able to point it out and the Captain just gives a nod in confirmation before he follows the other into the cave, narrowly avoiding the dangers of the outside world. He sighs in some relief but he wonders if they would have to make it out of the cave itself for the simulation to end. [break][break]

Unless they found something else here, "You alright?" he questions to the other as he gives the cave a once over, the Wishing Star becoming very apparent as a first sight. Razz recalling coming to these types of caves back with when they first revealed themselves and just how it effect them then. "Shit," he curses as he tries to focus on his Meowstic to keep him sane here as he didn't have his Sygna Suit to cover him this time around. [break][break]




[break]+ RKS

[googlefont=Hammersmith One]
[newclass=.leprosearlo i]font:11px Roboto;font-style:italic;color:#fff;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo b]font:10px Hammersmith One;color:#b13e53;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo a]color:#84c5d0;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo1]margin:-14px 0px -9px 0px;background-color:#b13e53;color:#2b2b2b;text-align:center;font:10px Oswald;padding:5px 0px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 4:11:38 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
At first, the cave is a welcome relief - even if it is dark here, there doesn't seem to be any wild pokemon immediately jumping out at them, and it is sufficient cover from the ash and hellfire above.

El exhales softly as they carefully dismount from their Cyclizar - casting a somewhat relieved smile to Razz. "Y-yeah; I didn't expect the simulation to be so... Dangerous, from the get-go, even if it's only a simulation." It felt so different from the occasional VR games they've messed around with; partly due to the lack of some clunky headset.

But, deeper within the cave comes the glow - the glow of a Wishing Star. And from this fel blight, came an ever-growing sense of unease. El's heart suddenly felt like lead in their chest, cold and heavy and skipping beats - a sense of fight or flight welling up within them. It was not unlike the feeling they got whenever they tread within Ultra Deep Sea; yet all the stronger...

"Wh-what's that, Sir..?" They ask, their voice soft and uncertain - stuck between the urge to keep looking over their shoulder, and yet unable to tear their eyes away from the Wishing Star. This felt wrong. It was wrong. Why was it wrong? They couldn't wholly recall if they'd seen anything like this before, but the red glow making their mind wander in a spiral certainly didn't help...
50 RKS Points
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2024 0:35:00 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar




[attr="class","itemcolname"]historical event
[attr="class","itemcolname2"]RKS SIMULATION


[attr="class","itemcoltexttit"]SLATEPORT INVASION 1

[attr="class","itemcoltext"]Slateport is under siege. The LEAGUE HQ, the TRAIN STATION, the DOCKS and its POWER PLANT.[break][break]

You see a horde of Team Rocket rushing into the port city with their Pokemon. Resisting civilians and their Pokemon are captured or slain. Infrastructure is destroyed, buildings crumble as Pokemon Centers are seized and taken over.[break][break]

What will you do?[break][break]

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetit"]• Join the invasion.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetxt"]Receive 50 RKS POINTS.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetit"]• Fight or survive.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetxt"]Receive 1 CURIO.

[newclass=".itemcolbkg"]color:#EEEEEE;background: linear-gradient(to bottom left, #2c343b, #282828);[/newclass]
[newclass=".itemcolstr"]background: url("https://i.imgur.com/PFz8OLS.png");[/newclass]
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played by


May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2024 0:45:36 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] -----


"Simulation or not these can be dangerous, I've heard some people have died but it mostly just results in being kicked out of the scenario than anything really dangerous," he offers the other as he tries to take a breath to relax before the next one showed up. Not that the Wishing Star allowed it with it's odd radiation, "Its some sort of left over from eternatus I believe? Don't quote me on that but I believe its what causes some of the hallucinations should you try extracting materials here." He offers what he knows in some slight understanding of it before it finally breaks and a new scene comes to them. [break][break]

The cave leaves and now they're in the city and war is going on. The scene in front of them triggers dark memories of the past, and of Kanto and as much as he would love to fight back he isn't sure how well the other can handle themselves. Before the other Ranger could try joining he would attempt to grab their shoulder, "Remember this is a simulation, this has already happened," he reminds the other as well as himself as its clear he would love to fight but knows he probably shouldn't, "If we don't want to get hurt it might be best to play along, just pretend we're doing something when we're not maybe set off a couple accidents but it won't help anyone"




[break]+ RKS

[googlefont=Hammersmith One]
[newclass=.leprosearlo i]font:11px Roboto;font-style:italic;color:#fff;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo b]font:10px Hammersmith One;color:#b13e53;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo a]color:#84c5d0;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo1]margin:-14px 0px -9px 0px;background-color:#b13e53;color:#2b2b2b;text-align:center;font:10px Oswald;padding:5px 0px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2024 14:30:56 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
The chaos of Slateport was a horrifying one; a snapshot into something that could have been, especially if the rumblings of war did not go in their favor. Indeed, their initial instinct was to try and do something - to help - but Razz's hand on their shoulder stops them. And though there was reason to the captain's words, it's plain to see on El's face that they're reluctant.

This was a simulation, sure; no more real than their own roleplaying games. Yet even then, the games they played were based in fiction and fantasy - this was just... A little too close to reality for their comfort. They couldn't immerse themself into some other character here, when they, in a way, were the character here.

"I..." They pause for a second, to consider their words. "You- You said it yourself, this isn't real. Even if we get hurt, it... It won't stay with us." El's grip on their cane tightened a little. "I'd... I don't think I can bring myself to just let this happen, real or not, though." Physical injuries won't stick around, but regrets could.

They recognized that they wouldn't be able to stop this from happening. But they at least wanted to be able to say that they helped at least one person in this chaos. And though their voice may come across as uncertain, their gaze firms as their free hand feels along their pokeballs - the gears turning to figure out who'd help best in this moment.
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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Raziel Beckett
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 5:45:05 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] -----


Razz is quiet as the other seems to go through what he wants to do. Though he shares the sentiment about not wanting to see this happen again. More important, he doesn't want to be a part of it again. There has been too much trauma connected to it all and he didn't want to add to it so honestly he's thankful for the other's choice. [break][break]

"Alright then, you have me for back up," he tells the other as he calls out Pitch. The Marshadow seeing red with furry seeing the scene before them as it looks back to Razz, "Go wild," he allows as the shadow pokemon goes toward first to fight the Rocker that had had wronged it despite their few numbers.




[break]+ RKS

[googlefont=Hammersmith One]
[newclass=.leprosearlo i]font:11px Roboto;font-style:italic;color:#fff;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo b]font:10px Hammersmith One;color:#b13e53;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo a]color:#84c5d0;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo1]margin:-14px 0px -9px 0px;background-color:#b13e53;color:#2b2b2b;text-align:center;font:10px Oswald;padding:5px 0px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 5:45:16 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar




[attr="class","itemcolname"]historical event
[attr="class","itemcolname2"]RKS SIMULATION


[attr="class","itemcoltexttit"]SLATEPORT INVASION 1-B

[attr="class","itemcoltext"]You attempt to fight or flee. The incursion is far too swift, far too overwhelming to properly defend against. As announcements for evacuation sound all around you, Team Rocket overtakes your position every time you find a secure location.[break][break]

Suddenly, the power is cut. With the Power Plant compromised, the city is cut off from the grid—and the rest of Hoenn.[break][break]

Finally, Silas Blackwell, the old Rocket Boss corners you with his henchmen. His Luxray bares its fangs, ready for a CRUNCH on your neck. The Boss says, "don't bother trying."[break][break]

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetit"]• Surrender or fight till the end.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetxt"]Proceed to Stage Three.

[newclass=".itemcolbkg"]color:#EEEEEE;background: linear-gradient(to bottom left, #2c343b, #282828);[/newclass]
[newclass=".itemcolstr"]background: url("https://i.imgur.com/PFz8OLS.png");[/newclass]
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2024 4:56:11 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El did not come in expecting some heroic victory. There were too many grunts, too many combatants to have to contend with. But that being said, it wasn't as though they were unprepared.

Bibidi and Baron, the intelligent, telepathic, and mobile pokemon that they were, El could trust them both to handle their own. Bibidi was able to Teleport away innocents, whilst Baron's Future Sight allowed him to stay one step ahead of the pursuing forces.

Patrasche, meanwhile, stayed close at El's side as a loyal steed - one that Razz could hitch a ride on, if he so desired. The shiny Walking Wake's Sunny Day was like a beacon that left her energized, and foes drawn close are fended off with a Flamethrower or Hydro Steam.

To say that El was fearless would be a lie. Even if this was fantasy in the end, it was far too close to reality for them to treat it as anything like a game. This was a real possibility, a small part of them knew.

Yet despite the way their hands shook as they held tight to Patrasche's reins... Even as the city is bathed in darkness from the Power Plant going out, even as the boss himself is trying to corner the group... They readily spur the draconic raptor into a Aqua Jet, to try and break through the ranks! "H-hold on tight!"
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 1:15:50 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] -----


Despite the numbers Razz wasn't one to give up as he would fight long side his fellow Ranger, even going goin as far as to call on his Greninja and activate his Sygna Suit once the Mega Evolution had worn off. If nothing else this was good practice for when they would eventually have to fight for not only their own lives but for Hoenn. The Ranger even going as far with having Royal use a ZMOVE in order to take some of them out. [break][break]

Though despite this only being a simulation even now Razz still takes care not to take any lives. Like a well fit glove it was too easy to slip on, and he didn't want to fall back into old habits. He wasn't one of them anymore and reality or not he didn't want to go back to this. So he fights, fights for himself, fights for El, and even when they both end up surrounded, the Ranger out of breath as it felt like when he knocked one person out two took its place. [break][break]

"Can't stop us," Razz just mutters back at the Rocket leader before he grabs onto the Walking Wake as it attempts to take off even while surrounded. He would keep going until the simulation finally ended and everything went white. The Captain deciding now would be a good time to just fall to the floor and rest. [break][break]

"Hate these simulations," he growls exhausted.




[break]+ RKS

[googlefont=Hammersmith One]
[newclass=.leprosearlo i]font:11px Roboto;font-style:italic;color:#fff;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo b]font:10px Hammersmith One;color:#b13e53;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo a]color:#84c5d0;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo1]margin:-14px 0px -9px 0px;background-color:#b13e53;color:#2b2b2b;text-align:center;font:10px Oswald;padding:5px 0px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 1:16:07 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar




[attr="class","itemcolname"]legendary event
[attr="class","itemcolname2"]RKS SIMULATION


[attr="class","itemcoltexttit"]OGERPON 1

[attr="class","itemcoltext"]Welcome to the Festival of Masks! All around, festival-goers wear various masks to hide their identities. Some are sculpted after Pokemon, while others are fashioned after Pokeball designs. All manner of designs come together to create a kaleidoscope of colorful facades.[break][break]

However, you bump into a festival-goer wearing a curious mask. It seems to be based off of a Pokemon, but you do not recognize what the species is.[break][break]

What do you do?

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetit"]• Unmask them.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetxt"]Receive 100 RKS POINTS.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetit"]• Any other action.

[attr="class","lgdcolchoicetxt"]Receive 100 RKS POINTS.

[newclass=".itemcolbkg"]color:#EEEEEE;background: linear-gradient(to bottom left, #2c343b, #282828);[/newclass]
[newclass=".itemcolstr"]background: url("https://i.imgur.com/PFz8OLS.png");[/newclass]
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
RKS Razz & El 1
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 23:35:32 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
When Razz deflates, El can't help but concur - letting out a heavy exhale as they practically melt into Patrasche's saddle. "A-are... All of the simulations this dangerous?" They ask, a bit exhausted themself.

At the very least, the next simulation to come didn't seem dangerous - it was, in fact, a festival! A beautiful one, at that! El perks up as they take in all the sights and sounds - before smiling down to Razz. "Well, at least this one - uhm - seems like it'll be fun!" They chirp - openly welcoming this reprieve from the chaos.

Getting down from Patrasche's back, El recalls her - though lets Bibidi and Baron stick with them as they begin to explore. The young Ranger wastes no time in going to one of the mask stalls that line the streets - where they pick out a mask styled after a Grumpig. As Bibidi helps them fit the mask on - given they only had one free hand whilst using their cane - they cast a smile to Razz. "Isn't this one cute?"

Bibidi, meanwhile, decides to pick out a couple of masks for herself and Baron - though the Iron Valiant cocks his head somewhat quizzically as she offers him one. After a moment of quiet communication though, he decides to put it on - much to El's delight.

It is a curious sight however, when what looks to be a small child bumps into the group. El blinks down at the festival-goer, and the elegant mask they wear. "Oh - hello there!" El greets them, friendly as ever. They seemed a bit odd, but El wasn't one to judge. "You have a pretty mask! Where'd you get it?"
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