i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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elijah gardner
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2024 4:31:00 GMT
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though the TANGROWTH is immune to the BEAUTIFLY'S STUN SPORES, it is enough to distract it from the MEGA EVOLVED METAGROSS. the steel goliath slams into the TANGROWTH, knocking it unconscious.[break][break]

elijah scoffs. a vein bulges in his forehead, and his VICTREEBEL shrieks aggressively as the TANGROWTH is recalled.[break][break]

"you're not helping. you're just getting in my way!" he barks at .[break][break]

a SWEET SCENT diffuses from the VICTREEBEL'S maw, as he directs it toward the METAGROSS and its trainer.[break][break]

"you can put a stop to it. if you give me what i want." his victreebel shrieks again and attempts to wrap its vines toward nabi. as he glares at the detective, he casts a wary glance at the beautifly hovering nearby. "you can put a stop to it, unless you want her blood on your hands."


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Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2024 22:51:22 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

The First Wave Prelude

Mossdeep City B7

Stun spore was a move that often paralyzed whatever Pokemon had been in its path. This was common knowledge. But, what if some of those spores landed on a person? It was a rare occurance, but Elaine found out first hand exactly what had happened. The rain had diluted the spores, but they landed on both her and Ginga.

"Dammit!" She wiped out the smile as those spores permeated her breath. Paralysis was a neurological defect, so she had, in a sense done the equivalent of inhaling a neurotoxin or a chemical weapon. Her face twitched. Her arm twitched. Her legs twitched. She was neither frowning nor scowling. Instead she grit her teeth, bearing with the intense bursts of pain that came as her muscles twitched.

Moreover, as a gentle aroma wafted around her and Ginga, her vision faded for just a moment.

In her focus on adjusting to the pain of the periodic spastic paralysis and the Victreebel's attack, her judgement lapsed. Metagross had turned around, but she had found herself falling off to the side. Bringing her arms around herself, she rolled once until she got back up on her knees and saw what was going on.

What was going on here?

In the moment where everything had lapsed, she had heard Elijah's outcry at Nabi, but in the next moment, she heard his declaration to her and his response to her words.

The vine was reaching for Nabi, a threat that would potentially kill her. She had been acting in belief of his consideration for her, but he was clearly willing to use her as a hostage.

But something didn't sit right with her. She couldn't say she was the best judge of character. Many times, she never truly saw a person's character till she stripped it bare with the weight of evidence. But, she had believed in his concern for Nabi. That was there.

But had her initial assumption been wrong? Despite her initial belief that Nabi was a civilian caught in the middle, had she been wrong about that from the very beginning? The average Rocket didn't run around wearing a giant R on their clothes, after all. Many of them hid in plain sight.


Had Elaine been tricked from the start by a pair of really good actors? Stun Spore was an attack that didn't affect Grass types. Had that attack been a failed attempt to bring Elaine low? Were the two of them conspiring from the start? The two of them had made themselves known to Elaine at roughly the same time.

The more she thought about it, the more her mind spiraled around the worst case scenario. The possibility that the two of them were merely a pair of fangs waiting to chomp down on her neck would eat away at her mind.

Was that it? Was she about to get crushed by the cogs of fate here? Was that the end of the curse that she had accepted?

To die as a victim to her own ideals?


Elaine Highland was a detective. For her, there were few things more paramount than evidence. But the world would not always provide the right evidence. In that case, what was left for her? What could she hold steadfast to?

There was only one simple answer. The hypocrite would hold steadfast to her ideals.

After all, if she acted on the assumption that Nabi was Elijah's co-conspirator, she would take an action she would ultimately regret. If she was wrong, that would cost the civilian's life.

Even if this was an act she would regret, she would not command Metagross to attack. While on her knee, she raised her (twitchy) hands up.

"You'll truly let her leave safely if I hand it over? Is there any way I can believe that? What even is that information that it's that important to you people?"

Though she acted like she was submitting, there was still a fire in her eyes as she glared at Elijah.

TL;DR/MP Count:
  • MP Total: 310 (Prior) + 10 (IC Post x1)+ 25 (KO'd Victreebel) + 50 (Casting doubt on Nabi, the conveniently placed)+ 50 (Injured by Stun Spore) + 50 (feeling intense fear) =495 MP
  • Elaine does not order an attack and initiates standing down

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 22:38:57 GMT
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Nabi returned Elijah's remark with a snarky tongue, but when vines moved her way, she flinched. She stepped back, expecting to feel the vines against her body. Instead, an agile sneasel jetted from the sidelines and shielded Nabi.[break][break]

Jiji squirmed against the victreebel's strong grasp.[break][break]

"You d***head!" she growled to the green-haired man, more upset with the constraining than with him threatening her life.[break][break]

The sneasel's head jerked back and forth, but with his prized claws trapped in place, his attempts to escape became wasted energy. A final cry sounded from Jiji's mouth before he fell limp, unconscious.[break][break]

Nabi called her sneasel back. Prince remained by her side now, in case the victreebel made a second attempt for capture.[break][break]

If Elijah cared for her, he wouldn't have attacked her.[break][break]

Nabi felt her chest tighten. Maybe she had been right before. No one in Team Rocket could be good. They were filled with selfish villains.[break][break]

Her eyes remained on Elijah as she slowly walked back towards the weakened Elaine. There still seemed to be a way out of all of this, without anyone having to die. Nabi still wanted that outcome.[break][break]

Once she was close enough to Elaine, she looked to her and said, "Whatever it is, it can't be more important than your life, right?" She offered a hand—not to help the girl, but for her to hand over the microSD. "Give it to me. I don't want you to get hurt more."


❃ mp 250 / 10 (ic) + 50 (doubting elijah) + 50 (pokemon faints)[break]
❃ notes jiji has fainted!

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elijah gardner
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 19:39:14 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

when asks, elijah tells. tells the truth with a firm nod. luckily for the detective, elijah is not well-versed in matters of technology. hdmi, displayports... gigaflops or terabits. he does not even know what the 'sd' in sd card stands for.[break][break]

but he knows what "dickhead" means.[break][break]

he had been called worse. as nabi's sneasel faints, elijah wonders if the clawing at his chest is remorse or his cold rotting heart dropping against his ribs.[break][break]

his victreebel motions toward nabi, but elijah stops it. instead, he watches intently. waits to see what will do.[break][break]

"hurry up."


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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 23:15:15 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

The First Wave Prelude

Mossdeep City B7

Elaine picked herself back up. Whatever dissonance there was between Elijah and Nabi here didn't matter at the end of the day. No matter what, the end goal was the same. Elaine had to find a path to her and Nabi escaping safely.

Maybe there was some discord between the two of them that they could talk out. But now was not the time. Elijah was dangerous to her as long as the city was stuck as a battlefield. As such, she could not draw this out.

Her knees knocked as she attempted to straighted them out. The Metagross merely followed behind, floating in air, as she moved forward, one slow intentional, but shaky step at a time.

"Thanks for sticking through with this, Ginga."

Whatever rage and hatred she had been directing towards Elijah had simply vanished as she felt nothing sort of gratitude for the reliable partner who was staying by her side to catch her if she fell.

Whatever resolve she had, she would not completely be able to avoid the paralyzing effects of the spore.

Her body could lock at any moment and she was handing over what the enemy wanted, but she felt strangely at peace with all of this. After all Ginga was at her side and even smiling despite the danger. They had been through too much together to let this drag the both of them down.

She reached into a pocket inside her jacket with her right hand and grabbed something. As she took it out, she revealed the thin, fragile object within it. It was something Nabi would be able to recognize as the object she had displayed earlier. She would not only be able to confirm it was the same device but also the same pocket that Elaine had placed it in.

After displaying the object in her fingers, she showed the remainder of her right hand, palm and back before dropping it from between in her fingers on top of her palm. The situation was tenuous. So, she had to make sure she made something absolutely evident here for Nabi's safety. There was neither hint of deception or sleight of hand going on here.

The turn of phrase in certain Unovan movies was that they didn't "negotiate with terrorists." But there were ways to do so. At the very least, she was sure of that in her own experience. That was why she needed to lay her intent bare.

Holding out her palm between Nabi and Elijah, she kept her other hand up.

As she stopped, the Metagross's transformation ceased as it returned to its regular form and stood back upon the ground.

"This is it. You promise you won't hurt her and let her go safe?"

But Elaine was well aware. Even if he kept that promise, it did not extend to her. He had no obligation to keep her safe. That was why, no matter what, she did not let her guard down. The moment she lost her leverage was the moment the onslaught would resume.

TL;DR/MP Count:
  • MP Total: 495 (Prior) + 10 (IC Post x1)+ 50 (Moment with her Pokemon)=555 MP
  • Mega Metagross's transformation finishes
  • Nabi would be able to recognize that the SD card she is showing is the same one and from the same pocket.

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mahogany town
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nabi park
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2024 22:34:34 GMT
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Nabi looked for Elijah's response—he seemed pleased with the arrangement. She brought her gaze back to Elaine as the red-haired girl produced the microSD card in her hand. After a few moments of waiting, ensuring Elaine also had nothing up her sleeves, Nabi reached for the card and held it in her own.[break][break]

She had no idea what information was hidden away on it or how it could benefit either side. She wondered if the people fighting for it even knew, or if they were simply carrying out their job.[break][break]

"Can you move?" she whispered to Elaine. "Can your pokemon carry you out of here?" She eyed the metagross.[break][break]

Elijah would be waiting for her on the other side, waiting for her to hand the information over. She held the card close to her chest.[break][break]

"Run on my signal."[break][break]

She took a step toward Elijah and his victreebel.[break][break]

"You want this that bad?" She displayed the card between a finger and a thumb for him to see. "Prince, use FLASH!"[break][break]

At her request, the beautifly's wings burned a bright flash of white. In that moment, Nabi threw the microSD card, hurling it what she hoped to be over Elijah's head. If her plan worked, it would be enough of a distraction to escape.[break][break]

But her worries were no longer on the girl that tried to help her. She dipped to the side, running into the cliffsides to start for the harbor where ships and boats waited to evacuate civilians.[break][break]

She felt tense and unsatisfied, but her unsettling feelings would have to be digested in solitude and calm. And she already knew where she could find Elijah after this.


❃ mp 260 / 10 (ic)[break]
❃ notes nabi is peacin' outta there yo ✌️

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elijah gardner
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 18:14:42 GMT
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like a drill finally breaching his brain, a question pangs: when did i become so soft? was it leo? perhaps wren, ? or that flamboyant farceur ?[break][break]

during the distraction, his VICTREEBEL STOCKPILES AND STOCKPILES, belly becoming bulbous and more bulbous.[break][break]

"i promise." elijah says to elaine.[break][break]

he then peers at nabi, which slowly turns into a gaze. through the embers and ribbons of smoke billowing past the city, if one should look close enough, they may sense a forlorn feeling sliding beneath his brow.[break][break]

but vulnerability comes at a cost. the butterfly's FLASH blinds him and as the SD card clatters on the ground somewhere behind him, elijah roars. he reaches behind him for the card while the aura of light still scraping against his retinas.[break][break]

"but i didn't promise you'd leave unscathed. [break][break]

elijah's VICTREEBEL fires its stored globules of energy toward 's METAGROSS, the potent projectile launched from deep within the pokemon's stomach. he finds the card. hastily stuffs it into his pocket after marveling at how stupid small it is.[break][break]

while the apothecary begins to flee, a large bang sounds in the distance...


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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
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Violet Fairbanks
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 1:27:55 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

The First Wave Prelude

Mossdeep City B7

Elaine was truly grateful. Enemy though he was, he held some decency and had not reneged on his word in the slightest. As the Beautifly's flash seared into everything around them, Elaine had closed her eyes before starting to take heed of Nabi's advice.

She had thrown the microSD as far away as she could, but Elaine made no attempt to run towards that direction. Crossing past him would be more dangerous and made her more liable to get killed. However, that didn't matter. Nabi had gotten herself out safely, so now was her turn.

But, that had also been ground to a halt. The pitcher plant Pokemon lauched its final hurrah of an attack at Elaine as she and Ginga had begun to make their run for it. She was fully aware that the terms of the deal had not included her safety and she had long since made her peace with that aspect of the negotiation. That was why she had begun to run away.

But the remnants of the stun spore had taken ahold of her once again. Her leg spasmed as she tried to run, and her body locked up in tow. She was stuck as the attack came barreling towards Metagross and while she couldn't see, she knew she would not be able to take the aftereffects of the attack.

And yet, nothing hit her. Her trusty partner used all of its strength as it stood as a wall between the attack and her. Even if the attack was meant for it, there was no way it would let even a bit of it take her partner's life.


The attack slammed into the Metagross.

And all faded to black.

"Thanks, Ginga."

She had not been out that long. It had only been mere moments. But, she still found herself laying next to Ginga, getting pelted by the unrelenting rain. After lifting herself to her feet, she patted off some the dirt on her clothes before gauging the surroundings. She had not been knocked far off from where the fighting had been.

But there was nobody left. Everyone involved had vacated.

"Get some rest. I'll take it over from here." She recalled the Metagross back to its ball before giving it a soft smile. That trusty partner had been with her for so long. For that she was so grateful. But for now, she could not rely on it.

She had been told by to protect that microSD and make sure not to let it get into the enemy's hands. Though she had seemingly failed to uphold that task, that was something far from the truth.

She took out her phone and turned it around to look at its back for just a moment before sighing.

Slight of hand was something that was best active before one even meets the person they are trying to decieve. From the very start, she had taken a few microSDs and made some encrypted dummy messages before hiding the real one somewhere else--inside her phone.

It wasn't lodged into some slot, but hidden inside its back case, a place most wouldn't think to look.

She had drawn everyone's attention to one of the fakes she had hidden upon her person in case she had ended up being physically searched, but thankfully, that had yet to be necessary. Even having be aware of the position of the fake she showed had not been been fully necessary.

There were decoys upon decoys creating a long chain of deception before she ever locked eyes with another human being.

It was a near total victory for her. By the time figured out he had a fake, it would already be too late.

For someone like her who had seen through deception after deception, the fabrication of such was a piece of cake. The fact that she could consider it so was enough to be a source of great pride for her, a happiness that flowed out from a grand wellspring.

And yet, despite the victory she earned for herself, pangs of regret had clawed into her heart.

Despite his allegiances, the man had bared his heart out for a short moment. He had trusted that she would not pull any strange moves despite the fact that she had been manipulating his perception since the start.

She claimed to believe that there was some better way to all of this than fighting. She had even acted to let those two take a chance to talk things out among the chaos.

But she had decieved them from the start.



Words like those cycled through her brain as she waded through the overgrowth and finally made it to what looked like a nearby residential district--or at least the rubble that remained. The attack had been dreadful. Many people had to be evacuated, but many civilians never made it. The blood she could see through the shattered windows and the severed chunks of flesh in her periphery were proof enough of that.

For those two, Elaine had regretted the act of deceit she had done to them.

But the world refused to be simple enough to let her ideals be the end all, be all. The carnage left behind from the attack was proof of that.

So, regret as she may, she could not falter here. She would mire herself in muck. She would traipse through the world. At the end of it all, she would reach for the happiest possible ending.

That thought was the wish and the curse that drove her forward.

Even as the world fell apart. Even as a thundrous bang reverberated from a certain island city off in the distance.

No matter how much anyone would call her a sophist, she would not stop here.

TL;DR/MP Count:
  • MP Total: 555 (Prior) + 10 (IC Post x1)+ 50 (Ginga faints)+50 (Showcasing character's strengths meaningfully)+ 50 (great pride) + 50 (a regrettable action)+ 200 ("winning" outcome)+100 (completion)= 1065 MP
  • Elaine confirm's Nabi's escape before attempting herself
  • Ginga is knocked out
  • Elaine had the real microSD hidden away in her phone, her act was sleight of hand from the start
  • Elaine mulls over the consequences of her actions
  • The sophist walks forward

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RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP