i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
255 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2024 19:52:10 GMT


petalburg scenario

The firm grip against her shirt seems to have been enough at least snap Airi back into reality. Her deep azure eyes still slightly teary-eyed as she listened to the young trainer's words. His words sting a little bit, but there is the truth. She takes the sleeve of her uniform to wipe away the shiny tears dripping down her face, then nods her head at Aaron. "You're right!" She gives him a soft smile as she turns her attention towards back towards the battlefield. A slight frown creeping across her face as she watches the opaque tidal wave makes it way towards them. She uses grabs Aaron by his wrists as she uses her nimble movements to seek shelter behind her Venusaur. The resting plant-like amphibian's colossal body soaking up the water and protecting the humans behind him. Unfortunately, a few splatters of mud still managed to land on Airi's uniform and staining it.


After the tidal wave vanished away, Airi released her grip on the young boy before stepping out from behind the Venusaur and shifting her fiery-blue eyes towards the masked man. "Team Rocket has caused this city enough pain and suffering! Leave, please!" She yells out at him, molding her dainty hands into powerful fists. Unfortunately, their opponent does not seem to have any desire to respect to her request. Airi took a few steps away as the Team Rocket Grunt released a terrifying Paradox Pokémon. How was he able to obtain such a rare and Pokémon she has no idea, but she knows that she will have to work together with Aaron to take it down.


The glowing, levitating rocks being controlled by the Raging Bolt quickly shower down against Matcha's head, knocking him out for the rest of the battle. A low growl escapes from Airi's lips as she recalls her Venusaur. "I wish that this battle could end another way, but it does not seem like you are going to show any mercy on this city. Therefore, I am going to have to do whatever it takes to finish you off, then rescue the people in need," she adds, snatching another Poke Ball from around her waist, then releasing her sturdy Swarmpert out onto the field.


"Bean, use Earthquake!" She commands her Pokémon. The aquatic beast lets out a loud roar as he slams his well-built arms around the ground. The powerful blow to the ground causes the ground to shake violently as white shockwaves emerges from the ground to inflict damage on its opponent.




Takes Aaron and uses Venusaur to shield them from the Muddy Water.[break][break]
Venusaur fainted from the Muddy Water + Ancient Power.[break][break]
Airi replaces Venusaur with Swarmpert.[break][break]
Swarmpert used Earthquake. [break][break]
+10 MP per IC post in your prelude thread. [break][break]
+50 MP have an antagonistic exchange of dialogue between your character and another writer's character or NPC.[break][break]
+50 MP for getting your Pokemon knocked out in your prelude thread. [break][break]
+50 MP have your character become inspired or consoled by another writer's character ( ). [break][break]
+50 MP have your character experience great pride, joy, relief, or have confidence grow. [break][break]
Total MP: 480 [break][break]






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[newclass=".airipost .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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played by


July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2024 21:46:09 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
All Aaron heard was excuses. If he cared so much, he'd have returned it. The nurse heeded his words, and focused on the problem in front of them. "That just makes me respect you minimally. And still disregard Rocket as something that needs to be squashed." One decent person doesn't make the entire organization good. Who was that one scientist that was coerced into joining Rocket? And Eris? This guy had too much rose colored glasses. Before he knew it, the Bewear started to go towards the hospital. To get rid of survivors? "Bounce." The spikes retracted, and the floating hedgehog bounced once and flew up into the sky. With Magnetic Rise, he should be able to adjust his aim some to intercept the Bewear.

Right after the hedgehog disappeared up into the sky, he was pulled behind the Venusaur as water surged around them. Then rocks finished off the beast. A...Raging Bolt? Ah, one of those Paradox Pokemon. Just like Magias. The resemblence to Raikou was uncanny. Taking out a Pokeball, he unleashed Dragapult. "Phantom Force." The dragon disappeared into a portal while the nurse's Swampert used its own Earthquake. Smart move, considering that thing is likely part electric type. Thankfully, the Phantom Force allowed Dragapult to avoid getting quaked.

Gets pulled behind Venusaur as Togedemaru uses Bounce on Bewear.
Releases Dragapult, which uses Phantom Force on Raging Bolt.
Both attacks attempt to hit next round.

50 mp (trashtalk), 60 mp (posts), 50 mp (inspired a character), 50 mp (got a PK knocked out)

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June 3
In Silence There Is Beauty
187 posts
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TAG WITH @kazu
Kazuya Yoshida
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2024 23:55:44 GMT
Kazuya Yoshida Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb kazuyapost"]

respect is not kindness but is priceless




In the wake of the muddy water, corpses and weaponry now line the streets. They lay in wet grass like macabre landscaping.

The girl’s shouts draw a smile beneath Kazuya’s mask. Though the eyes above it remain just as grim. “I have a job to do.” The man acknowledges with a nod. In a different time, perhaps they would greet one another at the grocery store. “Just like you.” Though he did not agree with their methods, he owed Rocket everything. His life and his freedom came at a cost.

Her Swampert reminds him of and happier times. A simple tournament that didn't have to end in bloodshed.

When its attack lands, the Raging Bolt roars in triumph. Sparks of electricity jump between its deadly fangs, looking for all the world like braces. It does not noise as the Wooper—unaffected by its electric tantrum—toddles up to join it. “There is no wartime mercy without surrender.” His higher-ups had warned these people. They could have thrown down their arms or chosen to retreat. They didn’t.

It wasn’t like Rocket cared if some grandma died or not. At the talk of finishing him off, Kazuya laughs. “Someone’s counting their Torchics before they hatch.” The Raging Bolt was far from the only creature remaining. His Wooper was also prepared for war. This battlefield was nothing compared to what he faced in prison.

When the Swampert appears, it doesn’t take an ex-champion to know what’s coming next. “Body Press.” Surprisingly graceful considering its body plan, the Raging Bolt takes to the air. It aims to come down on top of the axolotl like a pile of bricks. Though Kazuya notices the Dragapult’s appearance, it is the rat that draws his attention.

The whistling of the approaching projectile draws the pink bear’s attention. With a confused expression, the beast moves to catch the little steel type in mitt-like paws. But Kazuya’s voice cracks out like thunder. Or, to be more accurate, like a radio with its dial turned all the way up. He drops his hand from the dial. “Keep going.”

With a look of confusion, the young Bewear obeys.[break][break]

His Wooper meanwhile stares between the Pokemon in front of it for a moment. But it knows its options against the Swampert are limited. They were basically siblings or something! So, instead, it waits for the Dragapult to reappear and throws out a Mud Shot at the back of its head.[break][break]

It's then that Kazuya makes a decision. There was no time for this.

He rushes Aaron.

- Raging Bolt uses Body Press on Swampert[break]- Bewear pauses for a moment before continuing to try and outrun the Togedemaru[break]- Wooper uses Mud Shot on Dragapult [break] - Kazuya makes a move to charge Aaron.



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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
255 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 2:02:41 GMT


petalburg scenario

Unfortunately for Airi, there does not seem to be a way to reason with the masked man at this point. She has never been one to believe that an individual is born evil. However, there are certain trajectory that can encourage a person to take the darker route. She wonders what life experiences that this masked man had to endure that may have influenced his decision to join Team Rocket. She then takes a moment to reflect on her own decision as he points out that she is doing her job, too. She chooses to become a Ranger and a Nurse because of her strong desire to heal and protect those around her at all costs. The role itself is a dangerous one, but she made an oath to serve those anyway. No matter what, she intends to keep it.


"You make it sound so easily, but would you give up something that you treasure, or would you keep fighting to the end?" She asks him, arching her eyebrow at him. So far, he has managed to answer her other questions. Therefore, it is possible that he will also provide her an answer to her previous question, too.


Airi chuckles at his words. No matter what he believes, she will remind hopeful that Aaron and she will be able to take him down. "Think what you want, we will keep fighting!" She tells him. "Protect!" Airi calls out to her Pokémon, taking notice of the Paradox Pokémon leaping in the air with hopes of crashing its body against the aquatic creature. The Swampert creates a bluish-green forceful around his body to shield him from the weight of the gigantic Pokémon above.


Airi's keen eyes soon watched the masked man rush towards the young trainer. There is no way that she will be able to interfere in time to protect Aaron. Therefore, there is only thing she can do. "Hey, watch out!" She calls out to him, hoping to warn him in enough time to defend himself against the masked man. "Do you really not have any self-respect for yourself? Scooping so low to attack an innocent adolescent?" she questions her opponent, an expression of disgust shown over her face.




Swampert used Protect to block Body Press. [break][break]
Airi warns Aaron.[break][break]
+50 MP have an antagonistic exchange of dialogue between your character and another writer's character or NPC. [break][break]
+50 MP have your character reflect on why they're fighting/reflect on their loyalties.[break][break]
+10 MP per IC post in your prelude thread. [break][break]
Total MP: 590 [break][break]






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[newclass=".airipost .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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played by


July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 15:44:36 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Well, that was one thing he agreed with the man. Never count your Torchics before they hatch. On the opposite end, he also agreed with the nurse. If you truly care about something or someone, you fight tooth and nail to protect it, even at the risk of your own life. The nurse's Swampert used Protect to defend against the Raging Bolt. As the Paradox Pokemon smacked against that shield, a portal opened up behind its head, and Dragapult zoomed out to attempt to slam into the creature's head. Hoping to knock its face into the wet pavement. On the other side, the Bewear looked like it was going to try to catch Togedemaru. Only to turn back and continue. Well, that left it kind of vulnerable to the super effective attack, but whatever. The steel and electric type ball attempted to slam into the fighting type with tremendous force.

As he was paying attention to the actual Pokemon fights at hand, Aaron didn't notice the man rushing at him. A kid that was five foot four, and barely 115 pounds. If it weren't for the nurse's warning, the blond's most worn pokeball wouldn't have forced itself open to show his ace, a Trevenant holding a wooden mallet that was glowing green. An attack from a Pokemon already hurt enough, but Trevenant's Wood Hammer was being wielded with lethal force. And if the man avoided it time, the shockwave was sure to send anyone flying. Even the Raging Bolt might stumble back from it. "One, I'm hardly innocent. Two, so much for honor, huh. Just like any other Rocket scumbag." He looked down on the man now. If he actually had honor, he wouldn't have actually tried that. Now Aaron's Trevenant hovered protectively over the boy, ready to pummel anything that dared get close.

Dragapult completes Phantom Force, aiming for the back of Raging Bolt's head.
Togedemaru completes Bounce, aiming for the back of Bewear's head.
Trevenant gets out due to threat to Aaron, uses Wood Hammer to attempt to cripple/kill Kazu. Shockwave sure to give indication that this Trevenant is not to be taken lightly.

50 mp (trashtalk), 70 mp (posts), 50 mp (inspired a character), 50 mp (got a PK knocked out)

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played by


June 3
In Silence There Is Beauty
187 posts
part of
TAG WITH @kazu
Kazuya Yoshida
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 14:21:22 GMT
Kazuya Yoshida Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb kazuyapost"]

respect is not kindness but is priceless




Kazuya sighed as his ruse was revealed. He had no intention of actually hurting Aaron. He just wanted to shake him up a bit. Use his size and musculature to get the spitfire out of here. Instead, he faced down an angry tree and a glowing mallet. “There is no honor in sending soldiers into a battle you’re unwilling to fight yourself.” He just wanted to end this before one of the idiots got hurt. “You kids have no idea what the heck you’re doing.”

Sure, the nurse wasn’t a kid, but she was younger. And, in his mind, getting tortured for half a decade took you out of the young adult category.

As the Togedamaru bore down on the Bewear, Kazuya felt his face wrinkle. “You strike at a retreating opponent and I’m the one without honor?” A sigh clouded the interior of his mask. “I warned you.” The hedgehog smashed into the Bewear’s back. But the power of the blow was halved by the fighting type’s thick fur. Its dopey face transformed into something rabid. Its mitt paws filled with a sickly purple light as it spun to grab the rodent by a stubby limb.

If they knew the Kindler, they'd know what came next. His strategy is one of reversal. Of tanking hits and throwing them right back at his opponent. The guy (and his Pokemon) knew how to take a hit. But these two didn't see a former champion. They just saw some nameless Rocket in a Shiftry mask.


If successful, the Bewear would repeat the gesture with the other side. His Payback pulsed with power as powerful muscles attempted to turn the rat to mush.

But he could not focus on that. [break][break]
The man was surprisingly nimble given his size. He managed to jump out of the way of the swing, though the shockwave sent him flying back. He slammed into a car with an angry hiss. Kazuya shook his head like a bull with a headache as he grabbed one last Pokeball. This time, a Zeraora dropped to the ground. It was almost lackadaisical as it stared down the tree.

A Snarl rocketed from its open maw.

Cracks appeared in the protect screen screen as the Raging Bolt scrambled for purchase on the shield. The Wooper’s Mud Bomb went wide as the thing bent its neck to secure its center of balance. Then, the dragon slammed into its back. With a snarl, it turned to unleash a stream of purple flames on it—a testament to its dragon typing.

Grumpy about missing, the Wooper stomped its feet on the ground. Its little Earthquake stopped as something much stronger sent the earth bucking around them. With a grunt, Kazuya grabbed a nearby light pole.

The earth erupted into angry spires around them. The two had the high ground now. A nearby building collapsed and he vanished beneath the rubble.

50 MP - Trash Talk ("Torchics...") [break]
25 MP - Knock out another Pokemon (Gengar)[break][break]
25 MP - Knock out another Pokemon (Matcha)[break][break]
50 MP - Displays his strength (launching the Pokemon/Kindler tactics)[break][break]
50 MP - Reflects on allegiances[break][break]
50 MP - Cast doubt on League loyalty[break][break]
50 MP - Injured by Trevenant[break][break]
50 MP - Show meaningful relationship between him and Pokemon (rescuing Emolga)[break][break]
50 MP - Feels great fear (when he grabbed his Emolga)[break][break]
50 MP - Mention a prior thread[break][break]
50 MP - Shiftry mask motif[break][break]
70 MP - Posts[break][break]
300 MP - Buried beneath rubble[break][break]
100 MP - Completed thread[break][break]
970 MP



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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
255 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 17:20:36 GMT


petalburg scenario

A deep sigh of relief soon escapes from Airi's lips as she watches one of the younger boy's Pokémon free itself in order to protect his trainer from the human rushing towards him. She could have easily engaged in a banter with Aaron about his "innocence", but he made a valid point. She does not know if he is innocent or not. What she does know is that he has enough moral not to attack another human being without being provoked and that alone has to be worth something, right?


A slight frown appears on Airi's face as she listened to the masked man words, attempting to make sense out of them. Is he is taking part in something that he genuinely does not wish to do? If so, then why is that the case? So many questions, but so little time to get answers to them all. "We are doing what we can to help those around us. It might seem pointless to you, but we are going to keep trying our best," she informs him.


The protective forcefield surrounding Bean's body start to crack before shattering into tiny particles of glowing dust before vanishing in thin air. Despite not having its protection anymore, Bean felt confident without. The protect itself had managed to do what it needed to do and that was to protect it from his opponent's overpowering weight. The fins on his body soon started to vibrate, alerting his trainer of a new threat. Within seconds, the ground underneath them start to shake violently before fissuring in various places. This was not an ordinary earthquake, this one is a lot stronger than any Airi has ever experienced in her life.


She quickly returned her Swampert, then released her Dragonite. The Dragonite lets out a loud roar before swooping down to pick up her trainer and position her on her back. "We have to get out of here! Don't worry, I will heal your Pokémon once we're safe," she tells, Aaron, extending her hand out to him, if he accepts her offer to ride on top of her Dragonite with him. As she waits for his response, her deep blue eyes notice the masked man's body disappearing underneath the rubble. She feels her heartstrings being pulled on, not waiting to see her opponent in such a predicament. She closes her eyes for a few seconds and makes to prayer for his protection and healing.




Airi withdraws her Swampert. [break][break]
Airi summons her Dragonite to flee the fissuring ground.[break][break]
Airi extends a hand out to offer Aaron a ride on her Dragonite. She will also heal his Togedemaru. [break][break]
+250 MP for "tying" or having a "neutral" outcome for your character and their prelude.[break][break]
+100 MP for completing your prelude. [break][break]
+10 MP for post. [break][break]
Grand Total MP: 950 [break][break]






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played by


July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 1:18:39 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
The guy quickly backed off. A ruse? Great...another one that was so quick to dismiss him. "Uh huh." Ace was just as dismissive of the man. He was not as ruthless as most others. Nor did he put the fear of anything into him. Just one more opponent that dismissed him as a joke. And another that needed to be broken, or shown just who was actually the worst. More garbage came from the man. "Or am I stopping it from going to slaughter whoever's left." Focus on one thing at a time. That's how you win in situations like this. While his Togedemaru did massive damage, it still survived. So it had that ability. Shame. The morphed face didn't impress him. Nor did that Payback. Sure, it damaged the hedgehog, making it bounce almost completely back to Aaron, but it was still ready to fight back.

The man dodged the swing when he tried again, but the shockwave was enough to slam him into a car. Then came the Zerowhatever the lightning cat thing was. A black ball of energy that was Snarl came zooming towards his tree. Only for his starter to slice it in half with a Horn Leech shaped like a sword. As if such a weak attack would ever touch him! On the Raging Bolt side, flames met a shield of Dragapult's own Protect. Even the little Wooper's own Earthquake didn't do anything to the dragon's shield. As Trevenant was about to strike at the little creature, a much larger quake soon followed. With the man getting buried in debris. Karma was a bitch!

Dragapult quickly joined Aaron as he returned Togedemaru, then the Dragapult. As Aaron reached out for the Dragonite, a large piece of debris smacked his arm, making him actually scream in pain. The arm was clearly broken. Trevenant quickly scoops up his trainer, and uses Phantom Force to get out of there. Hoping to find some place stable and safe for now. Luckily, the tree knew the place pretty well, it was just a guessing game on where would be safest...

50 mp (trashtalk), 80 mp (posts), 50 mp (inspired a character), 50 mp (got a PK knocked out), 100 for completion, 250 for "Draw."

Total: 580

Prompts not completed: Aaron did not suffer a major defeat, nor was he traumatized in any way. Only one of his Pokemon was knocked out (Gengar).

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,631 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2024 3:31:51 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]PRELUDE COMPLETE!



/ (one prompt not fulfilled)
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP