i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 5:58:00 GMT
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🎼 Heavy Rainfall – Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Original Soundtrack

ON A LARGE SANDBANK TO THE NORTHWEST, and other League troops have mobilized. They attempt to clear the area of Rockets, but some are able to escape by boat. As the heavy rains and storm from the approaching KYOGRE mar the battlefield, the League gives chase.[break][break]

However, as 's chase is halted by Rocket fortuneteller, . Their battle eventually takes them to the seas, on boat, as they rush toward a SOOTOPOLIS in danger of being destroyed.


ATTACHED BELOW is a map of Sootopolis City.[break][break]

(click and drag to a separate tab).

This map will be updated with new or adjusted writing partners.


BELOW IS A POOL OF PROMPTS you can touch upon. Some prompts are particularly important, connected to other prelude threads happening concurrently with yours.[break][break]


[attr="class","prompt0"]🌊 at least a portion of the narrative must be set on the seas (e.g. on the same ship/competing boats, etc.).

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌊 should do a brief tarot reading before or during the narrative, she will pull a The Tower card in reversed position.

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌊 's military upbringing is not to be trifled with. she will be able to command NPC League troops to assist her.

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌊 at least one Pokemon from and must faint.

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌊 at the end of the thread, everyone will witness kyogre attempting to ORIGIN PULSE right before reaching the SOOTOPOLIS CITY CRATER WALL and several explosions.





  • Keep track of your MERIT POINT GAIN in your post notes as best practice.
  • Please be diligent with your posting (48 hour turnaround is encouraged) in order to prevent rushing at the end.
  • Review general guidelines and PVP guidelines in the main thread: THE FIRST WAVE: PRELUDE SIGN-UPS.
  • If a thread begins to stagnate and show signs of stalling, please let know immediately.

Navigate to the First Wave MP Shop[break]by CLICKING HERE.




COMPLETING THE PRELUDE THREAD with five posts each will grant you the following reward:

[img src="" title="1X MEGA SHARD" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;float:none;"][break][break]

Please attempt to complete the Prelude Thread[break] by July 31st, 11:59PM PST.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.topocorner]background:url(''); width: 573px; height: 405px; position: relative; z-index: 0; margin-bottom: -405px; margin-left: -34px; margin-top: -35px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.omgen blockquote]background-image: url(; position: relative; z-index: 1;[/newclass]
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May 12
Goldenrod City
Victory Runs in My Veins
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TAG WITH @lydiamagnusson
Lydia Magnusson
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 13:09:44 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb lydspost"]

brave men rejoice in adversity, just as good soldiers triumph in war.




They were trapped between a rock and a mad god. Rain poured down relentlessly. It blinded them. The hoods of their outfits stood no chance against the torrential downpour. Minerva’s fur is a sodden mess. But the canid’s bright eyes are nearly blinding in their intensity.
An attack erupts from their 9’clock. It’s a Hyper Beam. With a CRASH, one of the League ships crashed into the rocks. Disemboweled by the impact, the ship’s crew spilled from the gouge. A variety of Pokemon fall into the water. Some catch their unfortunate trainers. Others are not so coordinated. Soldiers plunge into the warm waters with screams.

Enticed by the smell of blood and war, hungry Sharpedo circle—dirty vultures looking for an easy meal. A young serviceman vanishes with a scream. The foam colors pink. "May Arceus guide you." She feels the people around them hesitate.

“Get zem out of the water! Now!” Lydia shouts to be heard above the storm. A few deckhands rush to obey. In such chaos, titles were forgotten. Her fellow soldiers did not care that her stripes had been retired. They simply saw someone willing to take control.

A lifeboat drops into the water as her crew rushes to obey.

The ship suddenly jerks to a stop. Lydia clings to the rain, a split-second away from being thrown into the water. Their anchor's caught on something.

She glances back at her crew. They are nervous—many of them far from soldiers. They are rangers and people with good hearts. Many of them bordering on children. Someone needs to. “I have got it!” A knife is clenched between her teeth. “Watch his back!”

Her Kingdra disappears into the frothing waves. [break][break]

If they don’t get the boat moving, they’ll be sitting Ducklett.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
25 posts
Phoebe Myst DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @myst
Phoebe Myst
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2024 3:55:33 GMT
Phoebe Myst Avatar



War was the constant result of humanity. No one could see the big picture, everyone seeing the world from their point-of-view and everything else circling. They were the center of their own universe. How pointless, Phoebe would think as she stood on the ship that overlooked the scene before them. The chaos of battle was clear-- as now it was no longer a battle. A challenge.[break][break]
It was an outright massacre. [break][break] No one paused to heal, no one surrendered. No one gave up-- they just died. [break][break] Phoebe looked on, a black expression on her face as she stood in the rear guard. [break][break] In an attempt of comfort, she stood beside her Gothetille, Medea. The psychic pokemon kept a majority of the rain from falling upon Phoebe and those nearby her. [break][break] In an act to make some sense of the chaos-- Phoebe drew a Tarot Card from her stack of cards, hoping to divine the future. [break][break] She drew The Tower-- reversed, the falling gestures of pokemon in there as a dragon pokemon coiled around the crumbling tower. [break][break]
" Hey, woman! Hurry up! We need support! Get your butt in gear!" a Rocket grunt shouted at Phoebe, urging her to fight. [break][break] There was no grace, beauty or art to this kind of senseless bloodshed. [break][break] But it was what she had to do. She and Medea knew that. [break][break] "Medea, come," Phoebe said as she drew up her hood, and walked out to the ends of the boat. [break][break] They soon overlooked the upcoming battle-- where they saw a trainer leading the change, a woman with blonde hair commanding her crew. [break][break] Phoebe raised a hand, directing Medea's attention. "Psyshock," she spoke. [break][break] Medea brought her palms together and a spark of violet, psychic power took shape. [break][break] With the very crash of waves and the storm's lightning, a psychic bolts began to rain down on the boat-- attempting to disrupt their efforts. [break][break] Perhaps, it would draw the attention of their leader away, allowing for a direct, one-on-one challenge. [break][break] Phoebe would prefer that than this senseless bloodbath that Rocket was now committed to do. [break][break]



Enganging in battle on rival ship[break]

Draws the tarot card, Tower-- to show the disaster unfolding.[break]

Medea uses psyshock, aimed in Lydia's direction. .



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May 12
Goldenrod City
Victory Runs in My Veins
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TAG WITH @lydiamagnusson
Lydia Magnusson
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2024 2:28:47 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb lydspost"]

brave men rejoice in adversity, just as good soldiers triumph in war.




With her aquatic support gone, Lydia is left with a rather haphazard crew. Triton will deal with what is below. It is her job to keep the heat off of him.
Unfortunately, none of her current Pokemon are particularly well-equipped to deal with aquatic combat. Her lips purse as strange movements from an opposing boat catch her attention. Is now really the time for magic tricks? As their eyes lock, a blonde brow shoots up.
Fire rains down on them from all sides. They cannot evade.[break][break]
Psyshock sends her tumbling back onto the ship’s deck. With almost jack-rabbit-like speed, the soldier springs to her feet. Immediately, icy eyes lock onto the culprit. A hand slips to her gun in silent debate. But the area is too chaotic for a clear shot—even with her marksmanship. Instead, she grabs a Pokeball and brings an elder Pokemon into play.

The Lucario is a stately creature. “Heimdall—” There is no nonsense in Lydia’s tone. Her words demand obedience. The fact that this woman seems reluctant does not figure into it. She is a soldier, and she has a job to do. A terrorist is no different than a rabid beast. They are to be subdued not pitied. Her hand lifted to clutch her Lugia pendant. “Meteor Mash.” With a nod, the jackal calls hellish stones upon the Rocket’s ship.

Beneath them, Triton finds the source of their pause: a blood-red Dhelmise locked around their anchor.

  • Triton is working on getting the ship working again
  • Lydia scoffs at the tarot cards
  • Has Lucario use METEOR MASH on the boat and Phoebe


50 MP - have your character be injured by another's Pokemon directly or indirectly.
50 MP showcase your own character's strength(s) meaningfully.
50 MP include a motif or recurring symbol of some kind in your thread.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".lydspost"]--accent:#B0E1F9!important; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
25 posts
Phoebe Myst DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @myst
Phoebe Myst
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 13:52:39 GMT
Phoebe Myst Avatar
Phoebe Myst Avatar



The rain and water patterned on Phoebe's brow as she witnessed psychock but one person soon stood out among the chaos. A blonde woman, looking like a regal soldier. A commander perhaps. "Retreat and surrender. Do so and I'll work to see my ship allows yours to leave without further harm," Phoebe said-- it would be her only warning. She really didn't like the events of this war, but this was what it had come to. If she could prevent further deaths or injured-- she would have that. [break][break]
However, that wasn't the answer-- as soon the woman called out a Lucario-- and attempted a meteor mash-- aimed for her and Medea. Medea soon intercepted, getting between them. The starry metallic power hit the psychic type, propelling the psychic type back. The soothsayer pokemon, soon leered at Lucario, intending to fight back. The die was cast. [break][break] "Medea, Psychic." Phoebe declared, almost emotionless. There was no room for mercy now. [break][break] Medea's eyes glowed with an eerie power-- triggering psychic. Against a fighting type like Lucario, such a power wouldn't be resisted as Lucario would suddenly feel an alien force restrict his movements-- followed by a violent propelling back to the ship he had jumped from. [break][break] As the battle raged-- a shadow began to show upon the water-- but not from above. Something was stirred by the storm-- or perhaps it stirred the storm. A massive shadow that no one would notice till later on, but it would soon emerge as the battle raged-- disturbing its slumber...[break][break]



Phoebe warns the woman to retreat. Medea takes damage-- protecting Phoebe[break]

A shadow seems to stir under the waves.[break]

Medea uses Psychic on Lucario (Opening for KO).[break]

MP Total : 100 .



[newclass=.myst1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".myst1 b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

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May 12
Goldenrod City
Victory Runs in My Veins
310 posts
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TAG WITH @lydiamagnusson
Lydia Magnusson
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 14:52:51 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb lydspost"]

brave men rejoice in adversity, just as good soldiers triumph in war.




At the idea of surrendering, the woman scoffed. This was not a woman worth being scared of. She seemed to believe Uno cards controlled the gods and shuffling upended fates. Ridiculous.
“It iz not my policy to negotiate with terrorists.” Lydia shouted to be heard across the wind and the rain. “Zere is no reason to think you have honor.”
She snorted. “Besides, I do not think you have ze authority.”
The water below them frothed as her Kingdra unleashed a Twister on the enemy Dhelmise. The kelp creature made an angry metallic ring as it was tossed about its mooring. But its stubbornness demanded it held. Then, as a shadow fell over the outcropping, the anchor fled.
The Kingdra turned to face its source. A single, bloodshot, golden eye stared back. The water-type shuddered. And bowed to the god of the deep.
He did not feel it as a meteor bit deeply into a fin.
There was a sudden jerk forward as the boat was released from the trap. Lydia smirked. “Zank you, Triton!” Lydia’s boat drifted forward. This caused the dodging Lucario to stumble.
The Psychic grabbed him and tossed him backward. He fell into a pile of munitions and lay there dazed. She steps in front of him with her gun raised.
From her next Pokeball, an Iron Valiant emerges. “Endymion!” Her mouth is a snarl. “Zhow zese Rockets what Kalosians do to tyrants.” With a nod, the automaton leaped from the boat.
As it landed, the steel beast attacked both Medea and her trainer with a special-attack sapping Spirit Break. Perhaps he would be better named Saint Guillotine?

  • Kyogre scares off the Dhelmise and frees the boat
  • Lucario is knocked into a pile of munitions (KO)
  • Iron Valiant attacks Gothitelle with Spirit Break





[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
25 posts
Phoebe Myst DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @myst
Phoebe Myst
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2024 3:29:23 GMT
Phoebe Myst Avatar



The force of the eruption and damage was enough to sent Lucario out for the fight. All the while, the chaos of the war was raging. The woman outright rejected her offer-- and while her words cut into her, there was truth to it. She probably couldn't stop this war. She wanted to. She didn't desire this kind of violence-- but there it was. If she was not willing to surrender or leave-- then she would fight. [break][break] That was the only option now. [break][break] However, what was a surprise was the next pokemon to come. A paradox one! Iron Valiant emerged, and was not shy to run into the thick of battle! [break][break] "Medea, counter it with Psyshock!" she called-- causing violet lightning to shoot down. [break][break] But the metallic pokemon's moves were too fast and soon, it reached Medea. Spirit Break smashed into the Gothetellia, and sent her flying too into the ship's mast. [break][break] Medea soon went limp, taken down in one blow by the steel type pokemon. [break][break] Phoebe flinched, now annoyed as she recalled her knocked out Gothetellie. [break][break] "So be it," Phoebe snarled and drew out another Pokeball. [break][break] "LUPIN!" she called and tossed the ball out! With a burst of light, a figure flew into action. [break][break] "Mreeeow!" The call of a Floragato came as it flipped through the air, using "quick attack' to move fast! It landed before the Iron Valiant, claws drawn prepared to fight. Even in the storm, its furousity wasn't hindered. [break][break] "Slash, Lupin!" Phoebe commanded, causing the cat to charge to 'cross swords' with Iron Valiant-- or in this case claws. [break][break] It was a miserable battle... but it would end soon as the storm raged... and the sound like thunder bellowed. [break][break] But it wasn't the storm to make that sound. [break][break]



Phoebe's Gothetella is knocked out by iron valiant . 50 MP[break]

Phoebe brings out Florigato -aka Lupin.[break]


MP Total : 150 .



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May 12
Goldenrod City
Victory Runs in My Veins
310 posts
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TAG WITH @lydiamagnusson
Lydia Magnusson
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2024 14:38:15 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb lydspost"]

brave men rejoice in adversity, just as good soldiers triumph in war.




There was no more need for chatter. [break][break]The Paradox Pokemon is a blur of silver and LED. Though clipped by the Psyshock, the psychic type barely feels it. A warrior Hermes, it continues to fly forward intent on delivering a message of violence. As the Gothitelle flies back, his blade whistles through the air, Its edge is a hair’s breadth from opening the other Pokemon’s neck
As Kyoge passed, Triton found his muscles again. Taking a moment to shake it off, he rocketed toward the surface. But he wouldn’t make it. The titan had already turned its eyes to the city.
CRACK! His original target drops to the deck in a senseless heap. Emotionless, electric eyes shift toward Myst herself. Its blade levels itself at her chest. “!?” Any thoughts of murdering Myst ends as the Floragato makes its appearance. It meets the cat’s charge with a metallic clang. The grass cat’s claws draw scratches across Endymion’s armor.
Lydia’s gun goes off with a bucking motion. A bullet sinks a Weavile trying to join the Floragato.
With an irritated beep, the Iron Valiant’s panels began to glow a blinding pink. From its arms, a Moonblast erupted.
Suddenly, the world vanishes beneath a giant tidal wave. Icy, salty water washes over them as Kyogre bursts free of the water. “Arceus…” Lydia sighs in awe.


  • Kyogre bursts from the surf
  • Endymion uses Moon Blast on Floragato
  • Lydia kills a Weavile attempting to reinforce





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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
25 posts
Phoebe Myst DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @myst
Phoebe Myst
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 2:26:29 GMT
Phoebe Myst Avatar



The Iron Valiant was indeed a force to be recon with. Phoebe had no such paradox Pokemon for her own use-- but it didnt' matter to her. She treasured her pokemon for the care and training she put into them. Lupin among them just as much as she did Medea. In the cat's paws, she knew this fight was handled. The agile cat quickly moved across the ship's bow, dancing around the slashes of its blade and the incoming glow of Moonblast. [break][break] At the second attack incoming-- Florigato got clever and used its attached vine and flower to launch it upward! The vine latched onto the rafters of the ship's sail and swung upwards! Now airborne, Lupin had a view of both from above with a mischievous look. " Lupin, use Magical Leaf!" Phoebe commanded. [break][break] The cat meowed as it lashed down its fine and flower-- producing a flurry of glowing, multi-colored leaves that swarmed at both Iron Valiant and any other pokemon that attacked! [break][break] As the fight was starting to go her way to change things-- a sudden tremor rocked the ship, and not from the storm! [break][break] The fight paused as the huge wave came up and rocked into their ship, sending Phoebe falling to her knees and taking both attack and tremor to fall to the ground. Lupin meowed in concern as he rushed to get back to Phoebe. [break][break] The dark storm was soon alit -- by the appearance of the mighty Kyogre-- aglow in its Origin state. It let out a tremendous cry, echoing over every ship as it emerged. [break][break] Phoebe clung to the deck of the ship and soon saw the great beast appear. She was speechless-- not only afraid, but amazed by the beauty and raw might of this majestic creature. Though it clearly was angry, she couldn't help but be taken aback by its beauty and majesty. [break][break] "Incredible..." Phoebe breathed. [break][break] The waves began to rage, and threatened to wash over the deck. Phoebe almost felt herself get washed away, the water hitting her in the face and her grip loostened-- threatening her to go overboard! [break][break] "MREOW!" Lupin's vine soon reached down and snagged Phoebe around the waist! Phoebe soon felt herself stop falling as she looked up, seeing Lupin grabbing on to the mast, and holding her too via his vine. [break][break] All the while the Kyogre now started to pick up momentum in its destructive power. It was indeed angry... [break][break]



Lupin dodges using its vine for acrobatic swashbuckling on the ship.[break]

Counters back with Magical Leaf.[break]

KYogre emerges and Phoebe is almost swept away by waves....[break]

MP Total : 150 .



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[newclass=".myst1 b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

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May 12
Goldenrod City
Victory Runs in My Veins
310 posts
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TAG WITH @lydiamagnusson
Lydia Magnusson
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 2:14:00 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb lydspost"]

brave men rejoice in adversity, just as good soldiers triumph in war.




Both of them were unwitting players in a deadly waltz. Lightning reflected off Endymion’s blade as he tried to jab the weapon into the feline’s chest. BEEEEP! It made a temporary noise of confusion as the grass-type vanished from view. “!!!” Though a virtual supercomputer, it has a toddler’s weakness for peek-a-boo.

THe woman’s shout draws the Iron Valiant’s attention. By the time he finds the cat, bright leaves chip at his armor. The Iron Valiant staggers back. It twirls its weapon to deflect some of the attack. But any thoughts of striking back end as the ocean lifts the boat like a bathtub toe. If the Pokemon had a stomach, it would have been in its throat. With a mechanical whir, it jabbed its blade into the deck of the ship.

This kept the creature in place as Kyogre's presence grew. A foreigner from another time and perhaps dimension, there was no awe reflected in its lighted gaze. Instead, as the sea calmed, it lifted its dual-bladed weapon like a spear and threw it at the Kyogre. It sank into its flesh in a flash of pink.

Lydia stumbled against the rail as Kyogre thrashed. “Mmph!” Her gun was struck free of her hand by the impact. It vanished beneath the frothing surf. Almost comically, her Kingdra watched as it sank to the sea bud. Turning to face the attacker, the veteran watched in horror as Kyogre swept its maddened gaze over them.


It is the mythical whale of Ahab given form:: unstoppable, injured, and magnificent. “My lord Arceus in heaven…”


But it seemed he was not interested in answering. Balls of crackling energy formed around it as it prepared an Origin Pulse. But the attack seemed wrong. The frustration of the Sea God only swelled.

The temporary truce brought by Kyogre’s entrance ended in a gasp. The blonde returned her Pokemon with a curse. “It iz heading for the wall!!” Her voice echoed across nearby ships. “We must intercept! Hurry!” Forgetting petty squabbles, the veteran forces her helmsman straight into the beast’s wake.


  • Kyogre charges the wall
  • Endymion tries to spear Kyogre
  • Lydia leaves the battle to try and interrupt





[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".lydspost"]--accent:#B0E1F9!important; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
25 posts
Phoebe Myst DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @myst
Phoebe Myst
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2024 3:16:39 GMT
Phoebe Myst Avatar



Phoebe dangled as Lupin soon reeled her in like a fish on a line, pulling his trainer back to safety. Phoebe soon grabbed hold of the ship as she soon saw her opponent now attack the Kyogre. It was not very effective, as in the end the pokemon was a primordial beast. A thing of legend, with no real weakness. They were eternal forces of nature, that could never truly be beaten. [break][break] As she soon saw the Origin Pulse begin to charge-- Phoebe knew they had to act. [break][break] IN the interest to survive the leviathan's powerful attack, Lydia did her part-- and so would Phoebe, and more effectively too. They couldn't wound it, but they could blind it-- and what was stronger than water? [break][break] Nature/Grass[break][break] "Lupin-- again with Magical Leaf! Blind him!" [break][break] The cat gave an encouraged meow. With Phoebe safe, the roguishly handsome cat jumped and leapt to the top of the ship. Overlooking the Kyogre as it emerged and glowed with its powerful incoming attack-- the cat soon spun his vine and flower. [break][break] Glowing, barrage of multi-colored leaves glowed in the night storm as it rained down and assaulted Kyogre from above. The flurry of leaves and lights. The big beast would let out a cry of confusion, as its line of sight was obscured by the blizzard of pedals-- perhaps being enough to divert its aim from the clearly devastating attack that would wipe them all out. [break][break]



Lupin and Phyoebe work to stop Kyogre-- using Magical leaf to try and blind him before he can release Origin Pulse. [break]



MP Total : 200 .



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May 12
Goldenrod City
Victory Runs in My Veins
310 posts
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TAG WITH @lydiamagnusson
Lydia Magnusson
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 13:57:22 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb lydspost"]

brave men rejoice in adversity, just as good soldiers triumph in war.




Though they try to draw the beast’s ire, it remains intent on its target. The damage they inflict show up across the beast’s hide as effectively as papercuts. As its blood rolls into the water, the normally voracious Sharpedo remain frozen. Even instincts must bow beneath the ruler of the seas.
She is reminded of the power of Kyurem and its dark temptor Hoopa. She wonders if might have done better in his task. And, if so,which side he’d be doing it for. She does it to protect others. Even after the league said she wasn't good enough.

Unfortunately, there is nothing more to be done. “Slow down!” The veteran shouts at the driver. But even this isn’t enough to stop them from bearing the brunt of what comes next. The veteran forces her eyes to remain open as Kyogre smashes into the city’s outer walls. She feels grief for those around her and those inside.

The impact sends virtual tsunamis rolling backward, “Arceus—” Lydia manages before her and other nearby vessels are tossed under like toys. She does not even have time to shout as she’s taken under.

  • Kyogre hits target
  • Lydia reflects on Kyurem and Axel
  • Her ship is washed under as she grieves for the city


50 MP - TRASH TALK [break]
50 MP - Lydia injured by first attack [break]
50 MP - Casts doubt on Phoebe's allegiance [break]
50 MP - Lydia reflects on her loyalties [break]
50 MP - Sacrifices victory to pursue Kyogre [break]
50 MP - Great fear when Kyogre hits [break]
50 MP - Lydia reflects on the fight against Kyurem [break]
50 MP - Lydia's necklace is motif [break]
50 MP - Mention another character/be inspired by them [break]
25 MP - Knocks out Gothitelle [break]
50 MP - Lucario knocked out [break]
60 MP - Post Count [break]
100 MP - Prelude completed [break]
250 MP - Tying or neutral outcome [break]
------------------------------------ [break]
TOTAL: 1035 MP



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".lydspost"]--accent:#B0E1F9!important; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
25 posts
Phoebe Myst DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @myst
Phoebe Myst
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 15:20:59 GMT
Phoebe Myst Avatar



The chaos of Kyogre couldn't be quelled-- and soon reached its epic conclusion. The Origin Pulse went off, pushing ships aside, people overboard and inevitably struck its intended target. "RETREAT! RETREEEAAT!!" Both parties cried in the event of this natural disaster. [break][break] As Phoebe held on close to Lupin, they witnessed as the ships soon evacuated for lifeboats and other forms to get away from the Kyogre-- to other ships safe to retreat. [break][break] This phase of the war was over, as Phoebe glanced across the water to her opponent, Lydia-- a gaze of unresolved issues, but soon turned away in the interest of saving their own lives. [break][break] With that, they soon cast off-- intending to find some bit of safety among the violent waves-- and get to solid shore. [break][break]



Lupin and Phyoebe work to stop Kyogre-- using Magical leaf to try and blind him before he can release Origin Pulse. [break]

dialog exchange 50 mp[break]
showing characters's strengths 50 mp[break]
inspired character by kyogore 50 mp[break]
act of fear or awe before kyogre 50 mp[break]

MP Totals calculated based on actions occurred. Both from prompt and main page. [break]

MP Total : 700 MP .



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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2024 7:16:08 GMT
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