Ascending Sign

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
Ascending Sign
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 4:40:06 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

"will do," she promises, and she has every intent to, really, in the minutes she can spare to check on the professor with everything else that's going on. or she could text her, but texting is hard for her and oftentimes, she even forgets she has a phone in the first place.

much to her past assistant's chagrin, much to her current's newfound dismay.

there's no sense standing in a stuffy office when there are dragons to behold. and howard need not fear - they're quite well behaved, especially with their mistress so near. still, the bat that had busied herself with his hat before flutters back down when they resume their walk, bright yellow eyes fixated on the colorful pages. 

she sees the splash of color on the page in her periphery and says, "my adoptive mother was a painter. many of those pieces are from paintings. the ones i could get my hands on again anyway. the flapple's one of them."

her appletun lifts her head, ears perking. a couple of sniffs and then she settles back down. freya trails her fingers over transplanted bark. sweet syrup tickles her nose and a couple of the dragonling's trill in the trees.

she simpers. 

"looks like you have an admirer," she says and the applin in question tucks back inside when she glances towards it. its apple tips over, rolling from side to side. 
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
Ascending Sign
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2024 0:28:35 GMT
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"It must be my winning personality." Howard peered at it in confusion. "Or the lack of digits in my bank account."

This almost feels like a bad joke. Applin. Of all the Pokemon in the draciary to take notice of him, why did it have to be an Applin? Remiel adored Applin, and they often adorned the museum where the duo worked from time to time. To hide in plain sight and be noticed by a fellow professional in the field?

And there's the gesture of giving an Applin to another. Memories of grad school flash, a maelstrom of when he was set to be married to her.

That memory was quickly killed and stuffed back in its box.

"But I am very admirable, with loads of special talents. Observe!" Howard knelt down next to the Applin and coughed into his fist. "Hey, little one. How does that phrase go? Ir moxt?"

Instead of a guttural cry, it sounded like a Meowth's screeches after falling into a toilet.

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
Ascending Sign
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2024 20:48:08 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

they're curious little creatures and some of her favorites in the draciary. on the offhand chance she gets a moment of respite, she'll often squirrel away here and nap on the grass, surrounded by the sweet smells and sing-song calls of the apple dragons. 

when howard crouches, the wyrmling pokes its head out from its overturned apple, eyeing him bashfully. it's still just a hatchling, from one of pumkin and squib's clutches if she remembers correctly, but it's at least somewhat acquainted with human speech. 

it does, however, balk at the botched draconic. it squeals and burrows back into its apple. freya's lips quirk and she puts a hand down to stop the apple's shaking, coaxing it gently back with a soft hiss and a click from her cheek.

"sune, moxt ir," she soothes. the applin's head pokes out first and then the rest of it slithers out into freya's waiting hand, coiling around her knuckles and wrist. she gently places her hand on top of howard's and its tongue flicks out, tasting skin, and freya slowly extracts herself.

"almost," she teases, "but not the worst i've heard. hmm, this one hasn't earned its name yet. maybe you should take it with you. practice some more draconic with it."
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
Ascending Sign
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 0:09:47 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Damn. He was normally better at ancient languages than this. Yet the draconic script existed for dragon masters to parley with creatures that sat at the pinnacle of the food chain. It was a language used to converse with what many cultures had considered deities.

Yet as this region tended to prove, gods could die.

He knew from experience, because he would kill one. Humanity would know if Necrozma's blood was as black as its armor, and Eternatus would fall to siege engines designed to bring down the heavens.

"I'll have to practice. There weren't many times that I could attempt it, though I guess that's why Dreepy tend to attack me in tombs. It really kills my throat, though." He chewed his lips thoughtfully as he looked from the Applin to Freya. "You sure?"

As its tongue tasted the archaeologist's flesh, it shuddered at the familiar sensation of tasting a liar hiding in plain sight.

"Last time someone gave me an Applin, it wasn't even the real deal. It was an eraser. It's on my desk somewhere."

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
Ascending Sign
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 6:44:24 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

perhaps if they divulged their true selves, they would find they aren't so different. they would remark that they're not blind; they see the cogs and the gears and the pieces of their flesh that have inevitably become part of the machine. they would lament over the losses that are yet to come, the inescapable war between humanity, and they would nod and say that if it weren't rocket and league, it would be some other farcical division. 

they can't escape power. they can't escape chains. 

but gods, yes, gods can bleed. 

"it can be rough for sure, but some of the words can be spoken with hisses too. it's a bit more difficult to pronounce, but honestly, sometimes they listen better that way. especially the littler ones." she tickles the applin under its chin. 

"yes, i'm sure. dragons tend to choose us. not the other way around," she says softly. 
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
Ascending Sign
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 2:40:50 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Humanity can escape their limitations. They are an ugly species, lacking the harmony that Pokémon share when they are not dealing with their base most desires. They kill and plunder and murder, but they also built things. In that sense, humans were more virtuous than angels, because they had a choice to be evil and many still chose to be good.

Briefly, he considers telling her his dream of a world that never changes once it reaches arcadia. Then, he shakes his head. She would call him a fool.

Paradise is only thus because it must come to an end.

"I see. I'll practice, then. I already know a few dozen languages, what's a few more?" He chuckles as she tickles the Applin's chin. He decides that he likes Freya, even if he cannot appropriately deem her worth from two conversations. "Maybe we'll become friends."

He does not specify whom.

She speaks of dragons choosing people, and immediately thinks of the ancient machines he commands. Claydols and Golurks and giants. They have no choice. They simply see him as their master and obey.

They are not fallible, like he is.

"If you ever need anything regarding translations or new discoveries, let me know." He smiles slightly as he scoops up the Applin. "A debt is owed."

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
Ascending Sign
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2024 4:50:46 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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