thoughts committing [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @dynamo1
silverio delfino
thoughts committing [m]
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 15:13:56 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

over time, a myriad of questions have begun to plague the mind of one paldea native, and with no clear answers in sight. among those, one self-made inquiry has been attacking silverio's psyche like a flesh-eating bacteria, chewing away at every fiber of his being until there would be nothing left of him. where does he stand amongst the brave heroes who fight tooth-and-nail to for the safety and well-being of hoenn, as well as the people and pokémon who inhabit it? but unlike any other question brewing in the cauldron, suppose that one answer which he may not seem to like for himself comes to mind...

judging from recent experiences, perhaps it stands to reason that silverio has no place amongst his peers after all. or did he ever? the paldean-born ranger may have cursed himself with doubts, which begs a question: what is the purpose of his meeting with the one who oversees all ranger activities here today? suppose it is suffice to say that, if there's one thing that silverio needs more than anything right about now, it's clearance. a subtle reminder to oneself that the path he was whisked away towards is serving to be a one-way street - towards success.

for the answers he seeks, silv is more than willing to travel an extra mile or two. thus, sets a course for hoenn's east side, except that deluxe apartments in the sky are but of figment of the paldean's imagination, and with no hope of moving on up anytime soon. an array of flowers that adorn the pavement stir up soothing reminders of home - particularly, the path to his homeland's victory road. perhaps that he would tread these lands with the same intentions as he once did as a growing boy.

but that is neither here nor there.

upon the arrival of one , azure eyes widen as silv's hands emerge from his pockets, a quiet but heavy breath passing through pale lips. "thank you for agreeing to meet with me today," he greets the head ranger, concerns growing evermore. for the man to take time out of what may undoubtedly be a painfully busy schedule - especially when war threatened to traumatize all of hoenn - to see him here? silv's gratefulness is clouded, with worry evident in his tone.

"i imagine that you must busy with arceus-knows-what, so i'll cut to the chase: i've come to seek your advice. lately, i've had some...chilling concerns that have been eating away at my conscience for awhile, and..."

they leave him wondering if he truly deserves to call himself a ranger.

"...i don't know who else to turn to..." not here, at any rate. sure, there was , a woman and fellow ranger whom he considers a friend. and perhaps his only one. of course, he's worked with many others, but none were as close to his heart as she. has he not made any effort to develop an ample level of camaraderie amongst his other peers? simply put, they've been comrades - allies - and nothing more.

maybe that was the problem?

has he not allowed himself to open up was widely to others as he once did...? not since...no...why bother dwelling on that now...?

mission: canon connections

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