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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 12th
i saw the end, and it looks like the middle
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POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 2:49:02 GMT
nicholas steele Avatar

the coastal winds of route 104 whip at nick's orange puffer jacket as he walks, his eyes scanning the debris-strewn landscape that leads out of the razed petalburg. the destruction wrought by the conflict os nothing short of devastating - buildings reduced to rubble, trees uprooted, and a thick layer of silt and debris coating everything in sight. it is a grim reminder of the frailty of human civilization in the face of a war between gods and the men who believe they can control them.[break][break]

nick is on a mission - a search and rescue operation, combing through the wreckage for any sign of life. after five years with the rangers, he's no stranger to disaster zones, but the scale of this one is beyond anything he had ever seen. he knows that time was of the essence - for every hour that passes, the chances of finding survivors grows slimmer.[break][break]

as he walkS, nick keeps an eye out for any pokemon or human beings that might have been displaced by the disaster. many pokemon made their homes in and around petalburg city, and he hopes beyond hope that they had managed to escape the worst of the destruction. he spots a few fearow and murkrow scavenging among the ruins, their normally vibrant plumage dulled by the thick layer of mud and ash that now coats everything.[break][break]

as the sun begins to set, casting an eerie orange glow over the devastation, nick pauses to consult his map. he just needs to make sure he doesn't get too close to the city, lest rocket find him poking in their business.



- bingo: war



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
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POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 1:16:40 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The sheer brilliance of the newly-ascended Kovu and Nala, the heirs to the late King Aslan, was almost too much for the eyes to bear witness to. Joined by two hulking, muscular Pyroar named Nuka and Tazama, the newest, biggest, and most muscular members of the Mauville Pride, the four saddled lions looked ready to assist Josh and Nicholas. The RAINBOW FEATHER gleamed brightly in the light of the two Illumina Pyroar, the light they emitted making their surroundings bright as day.

At Josh's belt was one last Poké Ball containing a violent and powerful Pokémon in the event of a Rocket attack -- which felt a near certainty, what with Petalburg now firmly Rocket territory. "Nicholas?" the tenured Ranger asked from the saddle of the Illumina male. "Gym Leader Devlin or Champion Devlin, but please, you can call me Josh. What should be a simple search operation could get a bit complicated. If you see any Rocket agents, do not engage without my command. I don't want you become another victim."

With the warning out of the way, he introduced his four Pyroar. "These three are Nala, Nuka, and Tazama," he gestured toward the Illumina female, then the male, then the other female. "And I'm riding Kovu," he gently gave he Illumina male a pet. "If you need their help, they're here for you."

{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Nuka          Pyroar         Good
Tazama        Pyroar         Good
Suicune       Walking Wake   Good
Swift         Raikou         Good
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POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 22:55:00 GMT
nicholas steele Avatar

nick blinks, momentarily forgetting the apocalyptic landscape that surrounds him as the sight of the four lion-like pokemon and their rider washes over him. it's a surreal sight, to say the least - a miniature army of pure, radiant light, a beacon of hope in the midst of devastation. he feels a pang of envy as he looks at the bond between josh and his pokemon, a connection that nick himself once had, but one that was lost in the fog of regret and self-loathing.[break][break]

"ah, of course," nick says, snapping back to reality. "nicholas steele, but nick's fine. i'll do my best to keep my head down and avoid any unnecessary trouble. i've had my share of run-ins with rocket in the past, and i've no desire to repeat the experience."[break][break]

an understatement, really, though josh need not know that nick was a part of rocket in the past.[break][break]

nick unclasps a pokeball from his belt and, with a toss, releases solomon, his braviary, from his confines. the prideful bird stands tall alongside nick, his plumage puffed out and his wings closes to his sides, though he leans into nick's touch as the man caresses his head. "nice to meet your pride," nick says with a ghost of a smile on his lips. "this is solomon. want me to get a bird's eye view?"



- bingo: pride



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 16:48:47 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Great to meet you, Nick!" Josh finished his greeting, frowning at the mention of Rocket. "As Rangers, run-ins with them are unavoidable. There's a lot of overlap between what we do and what Law Enforcement does. Sometimes they employ me for highway chasedowns if I'm in the area." The day he got to use Swift for one would be glorious... but that would not be for a bit longer. His rehab sessions now were almost exclusively with his Arcanine, Zeraora, Raikou, and his very fastest flying Pokémon: the ones that put the most stress on his body. His left arm was sore after each one, but without pain, there was no gain, as the adage went. "And thanks -- my pride means a lot to me. There are seven more of them back at Mauville Racing Grounds."

The Braviary reminded Josh of Slider, his own that perished in the war. Nicholas might be able to tell the flying-type's presence dredged up some memory from how long it took him to respond. "Oh, yes - that would be helpful! I don't have a flying Pokémon of my own." With the cloudless sky above them, Swift was not flying any time soon. Furthermore, his arm was not ready to withstand the descent, even if there was a cloud to jump into.

{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Nuka          Pyroar         Good
Tazama        Pyroar         Good
Suicune       Walking Wake   Good
Swift         Raikou         Good

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i saw the end, and it looks like the middle
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POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 23:20:11 GMT
nicholas steele Avatar

nick nods, though the mention of rocket stirs a knot of unease in his stomach. the past is the past, but it's not something he likes to think about often, let alone discuss. he's made his choice, and he's living with the consequences, but it doesn't mean the memories don't sting. he pushes the thoughts aside and concentrates on the task at hand.[break][break]

nick smiles at his braviary, running his fingers through the bird's feathers, before giving him a gentle shove. "go on, then," he says, his voice soft and encouraging. "check up there - tell me what you see."[break][break]

solomon takes off, his powerful wings carrying him skyward in an instant, his form a dark speck against the evening sky. nick watches him go, his gaze distant as he leans on his walking stick. then, when the bird is high in the sky, nick returns to the situation at hand. "let's move out," nick says, striding forward with solomon circling above, his keen eyes scanning the ground below for any signs of life or danger.[break][break]

as they move forward, nick's keen eyes scan the landscape, taking in every detail. he's seen enough disaster zones to know what to look for - a flicker of movement, a glint of metal, anything out of place. and, of course, the ever-present danger of unexploded ordnance and unstable buildings. then, a loud screech draws nick's eyes upward, and he peers through his glasses to see solomon circling over a copse of trees in the distance, a clear sign that solomon's made contact. nick's heart lurches in his chest.[break][break]

"he found something," nick calls to josh, already starting into a run. "let's go!"[break][break]

not like nick will make it there before josh, but he can do his best!



- bingo: contact



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 18:55:01 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh kept his pride to a walk so that Nick could keep up easily, Tazama keeping her keen eyesight squarely on Solomon even as the Braviary became small from her perspective. While Rocket was busy with the reconstruction of Petalburg, they would be remiss not to have a few patrols about. Thankfully, Nick had the common sense to wait until night to take off. "Just make sure he stays out of any spotlights. We aren't equipped to engage with Rocket like this. If Solomon gets spotted, we abort. We don't want to add ourselves to the list of victims. They already have the city's Ranger Captain as leverage; they don't need more."

Once Nick had confirmed Solomon had found something, Tazama quickly caught up to him and purred powerfully to try to get his attention. Provided the cadet would stop, the large and muscular female would crouch and offer her back to him, her saddle perhaps beckoning Nick to accept the offer.

With how close the two were to Petalburg, an Illumina Pokémon would only attract undue attention. Reining Kovu to a stop, Josh withdrew both him and Nala, landing on the ground after falling through the space the lion king stood in. Waving for Nuka, the largest of his lions, the Gym Leader gave him a gentle pat, the giant crouching and letting Josh take to his back. Their size was breathtaking; they were about as big as Arcanine!

{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Nuka          Pyroar         Good
Tazama        Pyroar         Good
Suicune       Walking Wake   Good
Swift         Raikou         Good
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POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 0:50:31 GMT
nicholas steele Avatar

"he'll be careful," nick assures josh, though he can't help but feel a pang of concern as solomon disappears into the evening sky. he knows the bird is capable, but that doesn't make it any less worrying. still, they've got a job to do, and solomon is a vital part of that.[break][break]

when tazama purrs and offers her back, nick blinks, taken aback. he's ridden braviary before, but never something quite as large as josh's pyroar. he hesitates for a moment, his hand resting on the lion's flank, feeling the powerful muscles beneath her fur. then, with a nod, he takes her up on her offer, clambering onto her back with a grunt, his old bones creaking in protest. tazama seems unfazed by his weight, though, and sets off at a trot, quickly catching up to josh and nuka.[break][break]

as they draw nearer to the copse of emerald-hued trees, nick scans the area for any signs of rocket activity. the last thing they need is to be ambushed by a gang of thugs with nothing but a stick and a braviary. but, to his relief, the area seems clear. solomon is waiting for them at the edge of the trees, his head cocked to the side as if listening for something.[break][break]

"what is it, solomon?" nick murmurs, dismounting from tazama and striding forward, his walking stick in hand.[break][break]

that's when he hears it—a faint, strangled cry, barely audible over the rustling of the leaves. it's coming from deep within the trees, and it sounds like someone's in trouble. nick's heart pounds in his chest as he exchanges a glance with josh.

"we've got survivors," nick says, his voice grim. "how should we go about this?"



- bingo: emerald



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
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POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 22:31:06 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh breathed a sigh of relief when Solomon the Braviary came back, seemingly having located some survivors. "First off, did they find any Rockets on patrol? It would be very easy for them to use victims as bait to draw us out," a paranoid Josh cautioned. "I'm pretty high up on Rocket's wanted list, I imagine." If worst came to worst, he did have the RAINBOW FEATHER secured to his Ranger uniform. With clouds starting to roll in and cover the setting sun, Swift would have clouds to jump into and mask Josh and Nicholas if need be. Riding the Raikou was still stressful on his healing body, and he wanted to avoid that at all costs. Not to mention how much riding a living lightning bolt would no doubt spook Nick, in his mind.

Provided he could confirm the coast was indeed clear, Josh would propose a plan. "Tazama and my other Pyroar are good hunters. If anyone can track them down, they can. Once we get into the woods, set her reins down and let her try to pick up a human scent." He wished he had brought two of his other Pyroar instead of the Illumina ones; using them was out of the question at night... at least this close to enemy territory. An Illumina Pokémon would be visible from almost anywhere on the correct side of the occupied city...

{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Nuka          Pyroar         Good
Tazama        Pyroar         Good
Suicune       Walking Wake   Good
Swift         Raikou         Good
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i saw the end, and it looks like the middle
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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2024 23:38:53 GMT
nicholas steele Avatar

nick nods, his brow furrowing in concern as josh expresses his worries about rocket using the survivors as bait. it's not outside of the realm of possibility, and nick knows all too well how ruthless rocket operatives can be when they're trying to achieve a particular objective.[break][break]

so he turns to solomon, raking his eyes over the bird with a ruthlessly piercing gaze. his braviary is easy to read: prideful, boastful, and bossy, he's easy to provoke, and quick to catch onto danger. if solomon had picked up on any rocket grunts in the midst of the razed woods, whether separate from survivors or in tandem, it doesn't show, given that his feathers are unruffled and his demeanor still confident.[break][break]

"solomon would be more energized if he had," nick admits. "but you're probably right to be careful. we should approach cautiously, just to make sure."[break][break]

when josh proposes using tazama to track down the source of the cries, nick nods again. "let's head in, then."[break][break]

with that, they set off at a steady pace into the wilderness in search of the cries they had heard. solomon takes to the sky again, keeping close to the shattered canopy to keep an eye on nick and josh's blind spots. in the midst of travel, nick loosens his grip on tazama's reins, and allows her strong nose to guide them. so they move at a brisk trot, and nick hangs on, peering through the darkness in search of anything out of place.[break][break]

then, there. nick spots a flash of blonde hair in the underbrush, and nick bids tazama to slow alongside it. to his side, there is a young girl, probably only ten, her face dirty and her cheeks strewn with tears, as she sobs over the crumpled figure of a still-breathing but unconscious boy, maybe around six-years-old. his left leg is turned at an odd angle, and a thin stream of blood flows from a laceration around his hairline. nick's heart aches at the sight, and even further at how, when the girl sees them, she recoils, fear clear in her eyes. they've got to help them.[break][break]

a screech emanates from the sky, and nick's head lurches upward as he searches the canopy for solomon. a warning screech. something wicked this way comes.



- bingo: six



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 21:07:28 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"That's a relief," Josh sighed, looking relaxed for the first time all trip. It was just a regular mission now, with Team Rocket not as likely to be involved. Even so, he had to be ready for unexpected twists... for it was never clear when a Ranger ticket would throw a wildcard Josh's way.

Tazama slowing from a canter to a trot as she let her nose lead the way. Josh was impressed; riding a Pyroar was not easy, especially one Tazama's size and strength. He needed 's help to break both Nuka and Tazama to the bridle. They even bucked her off a few times, an impressive feat considering she was fearless on the wing of an insect.

The lions and their riders converged around the two children, Josh sliding down from his seat to get a closer look at the two children in distress. "Champion and Elite Ranger Josh Devlin. We're here to help. It looks like your friend here is badly hurt. What happened?"

{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Nuka          Pyroar         Good
Tazama        Pyroar         Good
Suicune       Walking Wake   Good
Swift         Raikou         Good
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POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 22:24:09 GMT
nicholas steele Avatar

clearly, the children have been through something traumatic - something that's left them both physically and emotionally hurt. the way the girl recoils from them suggests that she's been on edge for many days at this point. he exchanges a glance with josh, his eyes narrowed.[break][break]

"we're here to help," nick echoes, though his voice is soft and gentle, like he's speaking to a scared animal. "please, tell us what you can."[break][break]

the girl hesitates, her tear-stained face wary as she looks between nick and josh. "mom told us to get out of the city," she stammers, her voice barely a whisper. "but, my little brother got hurt, and..."[break][break]

she breaks off, a fresh wave of tears spilling down her cheeks as she strokes her brother's hair. the boy whimpers, his eyes fluttering open for a moment before closing again. nick's heart lurches at the thought of these poor children going through what they've gone through. he forces himself to focus on the present, though, and crouches down beside the children.[break][break]

"we can get both you and your brother out of here," he soothes. "are your parents nearby?"[break][break]

the girl breaks out into another burst of sobs so powerful they rock her entire body. she shakes her head, emotion rendering her incapable of answering vocally. nick's eyes darken with concern.[break][break]

"how long since you've seen them...?"[break][break]

the girl holds up three fingers.



- n/a



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
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POSTED ON Sept 14, 2024 22:03:46 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
That "three" was not a good sign. He needed more information to help determine whether they could even be realistically found. "Three hours? Three days? What do you mean?" Josh asked the child before turning toward Nicholas and whispering in his ear. "If it's been three days, rather than three hours, they've got to be behind enemy lines by now. It might be too dangerous to save them. Being a Champion, I'm a high profile target for Rocket, like I've said. They wouldn't turn down such a chance."

Turning back toward the children, Josh asked them, "Where was the last place you saw your parents?" Perhaps he wouldn't get an answer due to the emotional turmoil they were in. He wanted to save everyone. To get the children reunited with their parents and back to the safety of Oldale Town.

Seeing what kind of condition they were in, Josh knew he had to get them back to town to get medical attention. "Do you think you're well enough to ride on one of my Pyroar?" the Elite asked the boy. "We can get you to the safety of Oldale Town. They've got a regional hospital you can get checked at. You'll be feeling better before you know it." The biggest concern about using his Pyroar was their flexing backs making them difficult to remain balanced on. He had a solution to that, but Suicune was a terrifying solution. While the paradox Pokémon's gait was more calm, that didn't make the dragon-type any less terrifying.

{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Nuka          Pyroar         Good
Tazama        Pyroar         Good
Suicune       Walking Wake   Good
Swift         Raikou         Good
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december 12th
i saw the end, and it looks like the middle
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nicholas steele
to find a family | m
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 23:01:56 GMT
nicholas steele Avatar

nick's brows furrow, his heart sinking further with each passing second. the fact that the girl is unable to answer josh's question isn't a good sign, and nick fears the worst.[break][break]

"if it's three days..." nick mutters, trailing off. "you're right. we can't go looking for them. but we can save the children. we have to."[break][break]

he watches as josh approaches the children once more, asking them about the last place they'd seen their parents. he can see the hesitance in their eyes, the fear of revealing too much information. they've been through a lot, and they're understandably wary.[break][break]

"please, we just want to help," nick says, his tone gentle. "anything you can tell us might make all the difference."[break][break]

it takes a moment, but finally the girl speaks. "the pokecenter..." she whispers, sniffling. "they were helping the pokemon..."[break][break]

"thank you," nick says, giving the girl a grateful look. "that helps a lot."[break][break]

he then turns to josh, who's suggested taking the children back to oldale town. it's a good idea, but... "i don't think the boy will be able to ride a pyroar in his condition," nick notes, looking at the boy's twisted leg. "i'm worried it might cause further damage."[break][break]

nick takes a long, deep breath. "i am—" he pauses, biting his lip. "i was a doctor. i could take the time to stabilize him. but if you want to get them out of here as soon as possible, i could try to carry him while we ride."



- n/a



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON Sept 19, 2024 7:56:28 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The girl's non-response suggested that it was indeed the worst case scenario. The children likely had been separated from their parents because of the war. There was no escaping Petalburg. Sootopolis could be escaped by sea or by air. The relatively flat nature of Petalburg and its size meant that anyone who tried to escape could easily be shot down by a flying Pokémon. Given how far away the nearest Pokémon Center was from the part of town they were closest to, there really was no getting them back until Petalburg City could be liberated.

With Nicholas having past medical experience, Josh had to trust his judgment. "I am a little nervous about being out here, so close to the city, but you're right. We need to get him stable. I've also got a Pokémon that won't jostle him quite as much. He's a bit scary looking, but I assure you, Suicune is obedient." Clicking open a Cherish Ball, from it emerged an ancient form of the Beast of Water and Winds: Josh's Walking Wake. The raptor-like Pokémon sounded a majestic cry almost indistinguishable from a Suicune. "Other than my Pyroar, he's the best I have." He had one other Pokémon, but if the boy couldn't handle a Pyroar, he wasn't going to be able to handle the ashen tiger, either.

{PC: 7}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar         Good
Nuka          Pyroar         Good
Tazama        Pyroar         Good
Suicune       Walking Wake   Good
Swift         Raikou         Good
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december 12th
i saw the end, and it looks like the middle
37 posts
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TAG WITH @nicholas
nicholas steele
to find a family | m
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2024 1:48:27 GMT
nicholas steele Avatar

having josh's support in this situation is a relief. he's quick to act and seems to have a good head on his shoulders, not to mention his powerful and varied team of pokemon, even if one of them is intimidating as hell, and named after an incredible, legendary beast. nick feels a surge of gratitude towards the man, even as the enormity of their task looms before them.[break][break]

"thank you, josh," nick says, and he means it. "i'll work quickly. and don't worry—" he adds, seeing the girl's eyes widen at the sight of the imposing walking wake. "i'll take good care of your brother."[break][break]

with practiced hands, nick examines the boy's injuries, his brow furrowed in concentration. "it's a bad break," he says after a moment, "but it could be worse. i'll need to splint it to keep it stable while we ride, but with some rest and care, he should heal up just fine."[break][break]

using a flat piece of wood from a nearby crate and some strips of cloth ripped from a roll of bandages in his pack, nick carefully sets about stabilizing the boy's leg to ensure it doesn't become mangled enough to warrant eventual amputation. as he works, he keeps up a steady stream of calming, distracting chatter, trying to keep the children's minds off their pain and fear.[break][break]

"i once broke my arm in three places," he says, spinning a tale to the children as he works. "i was climbing a tree to get a better look at a pidgeotto's nest, and the branch snapped right out from under me. i fell at least ten feet, but you know what i did? i got right back up and climbed that tree again. couldn't let a little thing like a broken arm stop me from seeing those eggs."[break][break]

he finishes the splint and sits back, wiping sweat from his brow. "there," he says, looking to josh. "he's as ready as he'll ever be. mind helping me get him onto your, uh, 'suicune' with me?"



- n/a



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The Shula Region
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