It's not the Same [m] [tw:abuse]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
155 posts
Naia Kayode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @naia
Naia Kayode
It's not the Same [m] [tw:abuse]
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 21:06:27 GMT
Naia Kayode Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Naia"]









I shouldn't be here.[break]
I'm not ready enough.[break][break]

A haunting voice of self doubt that she grew up with was growing by the second, being fueled by the soreness of the bruises underneath her clothing and the frustrated bark of her mother. Uncomfortably Naia pulled up the collar of her shirt, hoping that it was long enough to hide the bruise her mother made when she had to hold Naia head under some ice water. While Naia wasn't new to abuse from her mother, it had mainly been psychological and physical onto in the sense of pulling her hair or taking food or her bed, but this past year brought upon a new beast.[break][break]

Naia fucked up. Her mother trusted her to fulfill her duties as a rocket quietly and then take over the company without any hiccups, but obviously she couldn't even do that right. Her mother found out what kind of jobs Naia was taking, what people she was interacting with and how poorly she was doing with their side project with Remiel. while her parents couldn't permanently pull her out of Rocket, they could however pull her out of the city to do some extra school for their idiotic daughter.[break][break]

They destroyed her phone, deleted any social account she even had to her name, and ripped her away from her life without giving her a chance to say goodbye to anyone. In fact, Naia shouldn't be back yet, her mother was especially furious that the war effort made it impossible for them to stay away from Hoenn any longer, and that fury went straight to Naia's face. Still there was a sliver of hope for Naia. At least back at Hoenn she had her friends; she had Ashley, Issac, Jayden, even Remi, Elise, and Mirabella. [break][break]

Well, at least before she came to learn of the situation in Hoenn.[break][break]

Ashley was gone, Issac defected, and with the war efforts in Hoenn her engagement with Remiel is treason to rocket on every front, and seeing how Elise and Mirabella knew of her attachments to Remi it probably would be best to completely cut ties with them anyways. In a year, everything Naia tried to build up was already gone, funnily enough, the only person who hadn't completely left this life was the very person she didn't put enough effort in seeing. Honestly a relationship she took for granted..[break][break]

Even with the guilt Naia found herself hesitating, it wasn't because she was worried Jayden would dislike her now, or that her feelings about him had changed. Instead she thought of her mother's words; there's no way she'd disapprove of Jayden, right? In the past she always seemed to like his family and seemed pretty amiable forwards him, still there was always a chance. It felt like a eternity as Naia struggled with her desires against her mothers, to finally build up that courage to go seek him out. [break][break]

It's never too late to try and fix things; this time she'll do better. For her, for him and for Rocket.


Set up to how Naia has been this past year[break]
(Mother has been more controlling and abusive)[break]
Then her thoughts on all the friends she lost[break]
Causing her to feel guilty about not keeping up with Jayden[break]
Her heading off to find Jayden[break]









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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
It's not the Same [m] [tw:abuse]
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 7:57:35 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

He is there to greet her.

[break][break] Of course he is.

[break][break] They're friends.

[break][break] Blood stained his fingers from the knives that he had driven into all their other friends — , , — but it didn't matter. Not anymore. Because they had deserved it.

[break][break] "Naia," he said blinking, as he strode across the foyer to meet her. "You're early. You weren't supposed to arrived for about an hour."

[break][break] Piles and piles of paperwork sat on his desk, ready to be documented and shipped off to for review. Even more boxes sat in his office in preparation for everything they were sending off to PETALBURG, despite 's evasion of his phone calls.

[break][break] But he would make time for his friends. His family. A silver ring gleamed off his finger.

[break][break] But it wasn't the ring that had really changed about him — it was everything else. His white hair, his pale, battle-scarred skin, his frost-bitten blue eyes.

[break][break] No, of all things, it's —

[break][break] The DARKRAI MARK that coalesced in a painful burn around his right arm, a searing burn that twisted like shadows along his right arm, the same arm now reaching, unmistakably, for one of her suitcases.


[attr="class,"cp cp-skull"]



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September 3
Slateport City
Business Heir
Destined to be
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
155 posts
Naia Kayode DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @naia
Naia Kayode
It's not the Same [m] [tw:abuse]
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 16:33:04 GMT
Naia Kayode Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Naia"]










She froze in place for just a second, the only people who have said her name for the past year were her parents but this wasn't their voice --that realization came afterwards and any tension in her shoulders would release with a short exhale. "Jayden..." She sounded at first in high spirits as she'd turn to towards his voice but soon would trail off into uncertainty. Whilst her expression didn't betray her confusion, her body did as a hand would sweep back to grip onto her sleeve. [break][break]

Her eyes would lock onto him, then around him, behind him before back onto him, her hand clutching even tighter as she came to realize that the stranger before her wasn't actually a stranger at all. It reminded her of that time Ashley came back after that raid a year ago, back then it felt like a different version of Ashley was hiding underneath his skin, where Jayden was the opposite -- or she hoped he was the opposite, just Jayden in new skin.[break][break]

What happened?[break]
Are you okay?[break]
Does it hurt.[break]
Ah, Congratulations[break]
I hope you're happy.[break][break]

A thousand questions and thoughts flooded her head before she even realized she hasn't even said anything to him at this point, idiotic Naia as her hand would finally release at that thought. "I got too excited, it seems." Admit your mistakes without saying sorry all the time and most of all don't be a burden. [break][break]

"Thank you, but I can carry this, you shouldn't have too." She wasn't trying to be forceful about it, but if she could intervene and grab it before him it would've been optimal. Everything she did was practiced and drilled into Naia, the light smile on her face, the words she choose even the fact she had two suitcases --in reality everything she was able to keep should only fit into one, but appearances mattered to her mother, more than anything.[break][break]

It was only when she spoke up next did she allow herself to step out of that line for the moment, to Naia Rocket has always been safer than back at home. "How have you been?" It was short, and much different than the other times she spoke it was softer and while it didn't ask everything she was curious about, at the very least she can ask what was more important to her. She just wants to make sure her only friend now is okay.[break][break]


thought jayden was a stranger[break]
smoke coming out of her head as she worried for him[break]
Then her thoughts on all the friends she lost[break]
practiced politeness and not wanting to burden him with her stuff[break]
eventually asked how has he been with full sincerity[break]









[googlefont=Rubik][googlefont=Ysabeau Infant]
[newclass=".Naia"] --accent:#59708B!important; [/newclass]
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
It's not the Same [m] [tw:abuse]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 7:20:47 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

"I don't," he affirmed, with a nod. "But I want to."

[break][break] After all, they were friends. They were more than friends. They had been through Kanto together. Their parents had known one another.

[break][break] They had both known , had loved and befriended him, only to be stabbed by him in the back.

[break][break] "I'm fine," he said, handing over her suitcases to his ghosts that suddenly materialized before them. Twin Haunters that grabbed her remaining suitcases and floated away, further down the hallway, presumably to where her quarters lay. "The war has left me busy and pre-occupied with much — but that isn't a surprise."

[break][break] "I don't know how much you've heard. Monroe has offered Kanto's recruits to Sootopolis and Petalburg, thankfully."


[attr="class,"cp cp-skull"]



[newclass=".dejavu"] --accent:#7c6678; --speech:#7c6678; [/newclass] [newclass=".dejavu"] width: 450px; margin: 0px auto; position:relative; [/newclass] [newclass=".dejavu .textbody b"] color:var(--speech); font:bold 13px/11px 'Poppins'; [/newclass] [newclass=".dejavu .textbody i"] color:var(--speech); [/newclass] [newclass=".dejavu .textbody u"] color:var(--speech); font-style:italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:1px; text-decoration:underline; [/newclass] [newclass=".dejavu .top"] border-radius:5px 5px 0px 0px; background-color:#2B2B2B; height:50px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; [/newclass] [newclass=".dejavu .textbody"] padding:40px 80px; text-align:justify; font:12px 'Roboto'; letter-spacing:0.2px; color:#ddd; background:#222; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border-bottom:15px solid var(--accent); [/newclass] [newclass=".dejavu .textbody .avatarimg"] height:85px; width:85px; float: left; margin: 1px 21px 11px 1px; border: solid 9px #272727; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: -1px -1px 0px #232323, 1px -1px 0px #232323, -1px 1px 0px #232323, 1px 1px 0px #232323, 3px 3px 0px #303030, -3px 3px 0px #303030, 3px -3px 0px #303030, -3px -3px 0px #303030; filter:grayscale(100%); [/newclass] [newclass=".dejavu .tag"] font:11px 'Poppins'; color:rgba(250,250,250,0.5); border-top:1px solid #333; text-align:right; margin-top:30px; padding-top:5px; [/newclass] [newclass=".dejavu .tag a"] font: 10px 'Poppins'!important;letter-spacing:5px; text-transform:uppercase; color:inherit!important; text-decoration:none; [/newclass] [newclass=".dejavu .symbol .cp"] font-size:15px; margin-top:39px; position:absolute; background:#2B2B2B; padding:10px; border:1px solid #333; color:var(--speech); [/newclass] [newclass=".dejavu .milkycred"] font:10px 'Poppins'!important; color:#eee; background:#222; padding:2px 10px; position:absolute; top:25px; right:-40px; transform:rotate(90deg); background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border-radius:5px; [/newclass] [newclass=".dejavu .postbody a"] font:bold 13px/10px 'Poppins'!important; [/newclass] [newclass=".dejavu .milkycred a"] font:10px 'Poppins'!important; color:#eee!important; text-decoration:none; [/newclass]

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September 3
Slateport City
Business Heir
Destined to be
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
155 posts
Naia Kayode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @naia
Naia Kayode
It's not the Same [m] [tw:abuse]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 1:09:59 GMT
Naia Kayode Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Naia"]









"But I want to."[break][break]

It made her happy, really happy, but just as she was about to smile it was instantly suffocated with fear, it felt wrong to feel happy at least not without a drink to accompany it. To soothe herself from the complex emotions inside, Naia would cautiously sweep a part of her bangs under her ear, her eyes for a second unfocusing behind Jayden.[break][break]

"Then I'll leave it to you." No, that's not what she wanted to say, whilst her suitcases were being taken Naia couldn't help her gaze drift down towards the ground. She knew for a fact that if it in the past and Ashley or Issac took this on she would have just thanked them, but Jayden it was always different. As much as Naia knew she loved him as much as her friends, even arguably more, he will always be a reminder of her past and worse case her home.[break][break]

Something while most people cherished, Naia wanted to change.[break][break]

"I haven't heard too much, you know how hyper focused my Mother can be on her own affairs, but she made sure to give me a earful on how impressed she is with your achievements." Naia refocus on Jayden's face, her expression softening slightly as she carefully picked her words. "I.. hope it doesn't end up working yourself to the bone.."[break][break]

Hypocritical of her to say seeing how poorly she treats herself in that matter, but she could careless if she broke down, Jayden's a different story. "If there's any way I can help, you know I'm just a text or call away. even if it's just a coffee run, if the cafes haven't changed much in the past year, I know a couple good places." [break][break]

An attempt at a light hearted joke, if one can even count it. still trying to use the momentum of that bit of courage, Naia's hand would once again swing back to grip onto her sleeve to prepare herself for her next words. "I--" Wait would that come off to hard? "--we have always be proud of you, I'm sure.. uh--" She was not good with encouragement, or compliments, and as such the more she struggled to find the words the more she begun to blank, "I was trying to say that.. I feel safe knowing that yes, Monroe's help is enormous, but especially with you around.. I don't think I never told you that..." Naia voice would become softer towards the end, almost ending in a murmur as her cheeks would slightly flush. [break][break]

It was awkward and uncomfortable, but worse of all embarrassing when you feel like you can't express yourself right. Well, if she was already embarrassing herself she might as well take it another step further. After getting closer to her quarters Naia would pause to pull out her phone, deftly pulling out her contacts as she spoke, "I was wondering if you had Ashley's number, he always seemed to talk about you when we hung out before.." she'd say with a light smile, "so I figured maybe you still had his contact info."[break][break]

and then from there she could get in contact with Issac too.










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jayden cross
It's not the Same [m] [tw:abuse]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 6:57:12 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

"Well," he said, head tilted towards her. "Then please send your mother my regards."

[break][break] If one didn't know Jayden any better, they might have said he shared a rare smile.

[break][break] Then again, all grunts knew that did not smile.

[break][break] He was a robot. Or as so fondly put it, a sword meant for Rocket's use.

[break][break] "Very well then. I'll be sure to keep your number on speed dial the next time I'm craving a beverage."

[break][break] Though, that likely wouldn't happen. While she was technically a grunt and he could use her for such a purpose, there were better avenues in which he planned to use 's skill — including the upcoming preparations for war that he had made with the likes of both and .

[break][break] Turning down a corner, further down the corridor that led to the Grunts quarters, Jayden regarded her out of the corner of his eye.

[break][break] Her compliment is well-received — that is to say, it is filled with comfortable silence. As he was taught as a youth, by the likes of other Kanto veterans. Silence meant no reprimand. That in of itself was a gift.

[break][break] But - then - Naia spoke again, and the warmth of that moment quickly faded.

[break][break] "I was wondering if you had Ashley's number, he always seemed to talk about you when we hung out before... so I figured maybe you still had his contact info."

[break][break] Abruptly, he stopped. The door to her quarters swung open, releasing a gust of cold air — yet even colder was the look he gave her.

[break][break] As baleful as winter's breath.

[break][break] "I do," he said. "Because I killed him."


[attr="class,"cp cp-skull"]



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Naia Kayode
It's not the Same [m] [tw:abuse]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 16:45:28 GMT
Naia Kayode Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Naia"]









Naia had relaxed considerably with a small smile on her face, a bit more pep in her step, she was reasonably happy in this moment, so it came more of a shock when the cold swept through. "Huh?" Her shock was not well hidden at all, her phone dropped out of her hands as if her brain for a second just turned off, like the cold air and look her gave her froze her in her place.[break][break]

Killed? Not dead, killed. This carried far more implications to Naia, to Naia Jayden wouldn't just kill anyone, especially if they were in Rocket. There always had to be a reason, did he defect? Why? He knows what happens --Wait, doesn't that mean Ashley's gone? [break][break]

Then it sunk in, the realization that one of her rocks was gone. Her eyes stung, her vision blurred, but she couldn't cry here, not right now. "I--" her voice cracked as Naia would crouch down to pick up her phone, hoping to hide her face from him for the moment. Why didn't he tell her? That's right he couldn't.. but then again, would he even do so if he could. If he cared he wouldn't have left in the first place.[break][break]

heavy thoughts swirled in Naia's head as she paused crouch down on the ground for a little longer than she needed, but any feeling of anger that could have bubbled up just instantly died. Issac surely left with him too, there is no way he stayed around if Ashley was disposed of. As the numbness begun to settle in Naia finally scooped up her phone, quickly using a sleeve to brush off any possible tears on her face.[break][break]

"I'm glad it was you then. I'm sure Ashley wouldn't have wanted anyone else.." Still maybe there was some form of hope, or perhaps it was just denial when Naia took in a deep breath, "Di-did Issac at least stayed?"










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jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
It's not the Same [m] [tw:abuse]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 16:58:15 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

He can still remember it clear as day.

[break][break] The feeling of his friends — were they friends? Or something more? — corpse beneath his finger tips. The sight of 's beautiful silver eyes fading into night, of his pale, frost-touched skin.

[break][break] It should have been thrilling. It should have made him feel alive.

[break][break] Yet that day, something had died with him. Something in Jayden had died along with 's rotting corpse.

[break][break] Regret.

[break][break] "Isaac is even worse," he growled, voice suddenly rising with unmistakable emotion. CHIEN PAO was nowhere to be found, yet it was as present as ever in the admin's frosty gaze, as winter-blue as the blizzards that swept through the snowy mountaintops of Sinnoh. "He stabbed me freeing a League prisoner, . He betrayed us."

[break][break] All had done was defect. Run away as he always. Coward through and through.

[break][break] But just as soon as the moment transpired, it was gone. He stepped into the dark room, stepping towards the windows and unraveling the blinds. Watery sunlight streamed through frost-bitten hair.

[break][break] "Unfortunately," he sighed, turning back towards her. "Ashley is alive. Isaac revived him."

[break][break] That damn Suicune.

[break][break] "But don't worry, Naia. Rocket will catch him. You have nothing to worry about."

[break][break] "We will kill them together."


[attr="class,"cp cp-skull"]



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September 3
Slateport City
Business Heir
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
155 posts
Naia Kayode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @naia
Naia Kayode
It's not the Same [m] [tw:abuse]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 18:56:27 GMT
Naia Kayode Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Naia"]









"Isaac is even worse," She knew, even while being friends with him she knew he was going to defect, a when instead of an if. Deep in her heart she knew Ashley would too, she just genuinely hoped that maybe he would have learned his lesson. It's why she even picked up missions she knew they hated, she could handle it they couldn't-- did it really help?[break][break]

"He stabbed me freeing a League prisoner, Caleb Harcourt. He betrayed us."[break][break]

"Why?" Emotions ran high, but the moment Naia raised her voice she'd instantly cower back. It wasn't that she was scared of Jayden, but there was something else that scared her, "Nevermind..", this time she asked quieter, her hands tightening into fists to try to hide any trembling. If defects really had any logic behind their choices they wouldn't have left in the first place.[break][break]

Her mother was right, the friends Naia picked herself were trash. By the time she entered the room was when Naia would notice the air wasn't as cold before, a bit less oppressing and so she'd finally let out a small exhale, some tension leaving with a piece of herself. She wanted to say something, but the words couldn't come to mind, instead Jayden filled the void with something more confusing.[break][break]

"Unfortunately, Ashley is alive. Isaac revived him."[break][break]

How cruel, he was right. Issac was way worse in his betrayal.[break][break]

"But don't worry, Naia. Rocket will catch him. You have nothing to worry about." Naia would sharply inhale, she was conflicted, she loved both of them and didn't want them to die but they both left fully knowing that was going to happen. They choose to leave their friends and family, the people they love..[break][break]

"We will kill them together."[break][break]

They'd rather death than to be with us. [break][break]

"Ya.." Fortunately she wasn't out in the hallway anymore because she couldn't hold back some of her tears this time, now doing her best to wipe them away the moment any new ones form. It felt violently sick, despite the life she lived she never fully understood the feeling of betrayed, she was fortune and this really sunk in. There's no way people who love each other do this to one another; maybe they actually hated us all along.[break][break]

"Thank you." For being here, and fighting as hard as you do.










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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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jayden cross
It's not the Same [m] [tw:abuse]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 19:08:09 GMT
jayden cross Avatar


[break][break] Why, indeed. Jayden wish he knew. He wished he'd been able to speak to or or before they defected. He wish they could've told him what plagued them, why they had decided to turn to the other side. He wished they had told him exactly what demon had soured their impression of Rocket, of the very thing that Jayden so fondly called family.

[break][break] But it was purposeless.

[break][break] Now. It didn't matter.

[break][break] "Of course," he said simply, walking past her. He paused, for a moment, at the doorway.

[break][break] "I'm not sure if you've met, but I'll send your way. She can show you around the ship and get you re-acquainted. Then, later this week, I'll prepare a meeting with Beast Neon () to assess your training."

[break][break] "Rest well, Naia."

[attr="class,"cp cp-skull"]



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September 3
Slateport City
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Destined to be
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22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
155 posts
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Naia Kayode
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POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 19:52:40 GMT
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[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Naia"]









Crying isn't what she's supposed to do, more like something she didn't want to allow herself to do, so while he was walking out of the room she'd do her best to calm down herself down.[break][break]

"I'm not sure if you've met, Naia would turn around to face him, silently wiping off the last tear from the corner of her eye as he mentioned a woman named Victoria Beckett. This was the first time hearing about her and weirdly that gave Naia a sense of comfort, her track record so far hasn't been that great. [break][break]

It was the second name that gave her pause, a beast? The last interaction she had with a beast was with Zev and all Naia did was disappoint him. At this point she couldn't tell if she should be worried about his expectations of her, or just grateful that he thinks highly of her. This time she'll work harder, she doesn't want Jayden to look badly.[break][break]

"Thank you for looking out for me, I feel way more assured this time around." She'd turn around to summon her two Indeedees, so they could get themselves situated with her new living space. Plus it would be nice to be around some of them for comfort for the time being, "You too."










[googlefont=Rubik][googlefont=Ysabeau Infant]
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October 13
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808 height
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It's not the Same [m] [tw:abuse]
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 1:51:42 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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