like a prayer

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Montgomery James
like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 21:12:10 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]He had left her last message unanswered. In fact, Montgomery had been looking at it for hours, nearly ignoring all of his paperwork. That night was a horrible night for him.

The next day, he found himself standing in front of her building.

He only knew where it was due to her address from her gifts. Montgomery hesitated, staring up at it before walking into the lobby. He requested a meeting with .

"I'll page her and let her know she has a visitor. Please, have a seat. She may be occupied."

Montgomery had to restrain himself from just busting past her and going to Ameena's door. But, he waited, until he was called forward.

"Straight forward, to the right."

He followed the instructions, knocking on the door before he opened it.

[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.monty] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.monty b] color: #d4a53c; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.monty i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.monty u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 21:25:55 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Her hair was down, having blamed it for her headaches. Her Porygon was playing the radio frequency for Dewford's police department, endless chatter that filled the background and did nothing to distract her. She had an open book on her desk that she hadn't read a word of in hours. There was a stack of papers by her lounging couch when she thought she could be productive sitting somewhere other than her desk. Her whole office was a testament to how she couldn't keep focused. [break][break]

She hadn't slept, but her work couldn't keep her company. Burying her feelings with work had worked so many times in the past but it was unacceptable this time. [break][break]

Restlessness kept her from staying in one place. She rubbed at her bare face, then rose. Maybe she needed a walk. Or a spar. She couldn't get her act together anywhere in her office, so she needed a better environment. The radio played callouts that didn't involve her Deputy, so she left it behind as she approached the door of her office, too self-involved to register anything until she opened the door and saw him. [break][break]


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Montgomery James
like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2024 0:04:30 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]He did well to disguise his presence. She seemed surprised enough. Even Montgomery was shocked that he showed up.

He wasted no time though, clearing his throat and asking politely, "May I come in?"

In assumption Ameena would open the door for him, Montgomery walked forward. He avoided his normal work attire, opting to dress casually. His sleeves were rolled up, and his head was bare for once.

Montgomery gave her ample SPACE, in case she wished to keep their distance. "I came to talk."

- bingo: space
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.monty] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.monty b] color: #d4a53c; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.monty i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.monty u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2024 15:38:33 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She hadn't expected him at all. He had just asked for space. She thought she'd fucked up after asking for how much time he needed, that she had pressed too hard. That worry had gnawed at her. [break][break]

She lets him in, still reeling, and nearly pinches herself to ensure he's real. He came to talk? [break][break]

"Okay." Is this the 'I think we should never see each other again' kind of talk? Why else would he choose to discuss things in person? He struck her as the kind of guy to avoid hard conversations over text. She noted that he wasn't wearing anything she had gifted him. "Make yourself comfortable." She didn't have a script for this - no one had ever driven her as crazy as he had, and she had lost control over her feelings about him long ago. Mossdeep had only proven it.

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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2024 19:06:11 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]Ameena said to make himself comfortable. But, Montgomery was far from comfortable. In fact, their lack of CONTACT and touching felt foreign and alarming. No matter how badly he wanted to pull her close...

He needed to wait.

"I want to hear your side of the hospital incident. And I'll tell you mine."

He sat down, awkwardly, before speaking.

"And, I'm sorry."

[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.monty] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.monty b] color: #d4a53c; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.monty i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.monty u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2024 20:07:38 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

For all she'd expected from him, an apology was at the bottom of the list. Visibly, it stuns her. [break][break]

She couldn't bring herself to sit, so she stood in front of him, holding her arms. There's no script or training or research to help her navigate this conversation. She's never been so vulnerable, and yet, after his apology, she finds her answer stumbling out of her mouth before she can catch it. "I was scared."[break][break]

What the hell was she doing? [break][break]

"I thought I ruined it. My inability to fight that thing back had cost us everything. When you called the ambulance, I knew there was no way to avoid eyes on us. When you were there in the hospital, I thought that sealed our fate. The story was compromised." We were done, she didn't say. I thought this was buried. [break][break]

Of course, then she'd gone and self-sabotaged further by telling him off.

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[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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Montgomery James
like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2024 23:32:08 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]Montgomery found it hard to look at her right now, as she explained her line of thinking. Something about it made him itchy under his skin, an itch he couldn't scratch.

She wasn't going to CHANGE. Neither was he. What kind of relationship worked like that?

Well... she wasn't even his.

"I know what we talked about. But I couldn't just leave you there to die or to wake up in a sterile hospital room all alone. I've been there before. I know what it's like."

He recalled his stay in the hospital after the first wave.

"Maybe I was rash. Maybe I exposed us. But... you can't expect me to allow you to get hurt and then leave ya behind. Not when I..."

He swallowed. "It just ain't right."

- bingo: change
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.monty] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.monty b] color: #d4a53c; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.monty i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.monty u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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ameena abadi
like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2024 23:40:44 GMT
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His disapproval was clear to see. She understood it. "I can tolerate being alone in a hospital, Montgomery." She was military. She got paid to walk through hell and she did it whenever she was told to. Simple as that. But.[break][break]

But it was nice to see him there when she woke. It was nice to not have to be alone even though she could tolerate. She'd isolated herself from everyone so she wouldn't get distracted in her singular goal of entering an alternate reality through the dream realm. She'd made no meaningful connections, only that that she networked through Rocket. She had lived alone outside of the barracks her entire adult life. She could tolerate it. [break][break]

But she didn't have to. And having a bond worth keeping meant making sacrifices that she had always been unwilling to make. Now, it was easier. Now, it was complicated. "It was not right," she agreed. "I was unfair." Would she be able to resist if the shoe was on the other foot? No, she'd proven otherwise. "I stopped by your hospital room after Sootopolis. I... I am a hypocrite. I snapped at you because I was scared, and that was wrong."

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[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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Montgomery James
like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 0:37:44 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]Montgomery was about to snap back. He was going to say something irrational, as a wave of RUBY red anger flashed through his chest.

Until she calmed him. And then took him by surprise.

"You... what?" He didn't remember seeing her. He remembered 's visit, the nurses, the doctors, the annoying fucking pumps. But Ameena?

"You came?"

[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.monty] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.monty b] color: #d4a53c; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.monty i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.monty u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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ameena abadi
like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 17:46:11 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Her face warms at his question. She didn't want him to cling to that information, but she'd shared it and consequently, it was his to handle how he chose. She couldn't figure out why she kept handing him ammunition, kept revealing vulnerable spots in her psyche and personal security that were easily abusable. [break][break]

But he continued to never abuse it. To never take what she gave him and use it against her. [break][break]

"You were hurt badly," she explains, not looking him in the eye. "I had to know what the damage was. Gardevoir's distance on the heal pulse was... less than ideal." The equation was complicated, determining how much she could afford to risk in terms of public association with him for the payoff of his safety.

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[newclass=".ameena .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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Montgomery James
like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 20:26:39 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]Inside his mind, there was some sort of CELEBRATION around the fact that she had cared for him so much that she'd risked her safety to heal him. Not to mention that she had come to see him while he was in the hospital.

Montgomery's fingers clenched the arms of the chairs tightly, turning his knuckles white.

"Lock the door." It was a simple phrase, not a command. Rather, he was suggesting she do so.

"Lock the door," he repeated, his pulse racing in his neck as he stood up. Even with her being a tall woman herself, she was still short compared to him. He reached for her wrist, pulling her closer to him after she — presumably — locked the door.

And kissed her. In the damn office.

bingo: celebrate
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.monty] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.monty b] color: #d4a53c; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.monty i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.monty u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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ameena abadi
like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 20:54:06 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She blinked at the instruction. Perhaps it was the exhaustion or how off-rhythm she was with him around, but she did lock it at his insistence. [break][break]

"What is-" and she was pulled into his arms and kissed. Her worries melted away as she pressed against him, unwilling to let him go. That was the problem about him, that she wanted him so much that the second she had even a crumb of him, she needed everything. There was no way to do things by halves when it came to him. [break][break]

This hadn't been the longest break between seeing each other, not by a long shot, but this felt like long overdue relief, like rain after a dry spell. She trailed kisses down his jaw, working her way to his ear to say, "No one is watching." Stay.

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[newclass=".ameena .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 21:46:30 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]Maybe they needed to talk more about this. About them and all the situations they had gone through. There was still much to be said. Much to figure out.

But there he was, putting his hands all over the CEO. Not that she wasn't equally invested, either, by the way her lips began to roam.

And while they shared the same intentions, Montgomery couldn't help but tease her at her straightforward eagerness. "Really? In here?" he said in a low voice, though the feeling in his jeans would speak otherwise.

"Aren'tcha afraid someone will come by? Hear us? Hear you being made a mess by me? Who would've known the well put together CEO Ameena Abadi was so kinky."

The grip on her waist didn't budge. He began to lead her away from the door, toward her chair.

[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.monty] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.monty b] color: #d4a53c; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.monty i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.monty u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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ameena abadi
like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 22:40:02 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She huffed, indignant, but she knew he was only prodding her for a reaction. She followed his direction, stepping backwards as he herded her to her chair. "It is hardly exhibition without a viewer," she insisted, hands cupping his face for another kiss. The thrill of it was electric, not just the allegiances they both felt hanging above them but the more immediate danger of being found out. It was so juvenile, and Ameena had spent next to no time in her life experiencing adolescence as it was intended to be experienced. [break][break]

Hell if she wasn't making up for it now, though. [break][break]

For his teasing, she rewarded him with a bite before pulling away from him and letting herself be sat in her chair. "And give me more credit. I will still be well put together."

TAGS [break]

NOTES – [break][break]


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july 27
Driftveil City, Unova
when it's time to shoot, quit yappin'
253 posts
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TAG WITH @montgomery
Montgomery James
like a prayer
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 23:10:06 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]"That sounds like a challenge to me," Montgomery claimed, placing his hands on either side of the chair arms and leaning over her. The collar of his shirt hung lower, pulled by gravity and exposing the expanse of his body underneath.

Thank ARCEUS he'd worn something comfortable and not his forsaken police uniform.

He knelt down on his knees, as if he was praying to a goddess in her temple. She was a goddess, though she may not be in her temple. His hands ran up her legs, then down and reaching for her shoes.

"Let me worship you."

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