amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
[S] ennui
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2024 18:05:10 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","sinfonia"] [attr="class","leftbody"] | [attr="class","textbody"] [attr="class","cp cp-seashell"][attr="class","avatar"] Well, that... was certainly an unique way to go about a self-introduction. Even if this man was famous online — which she didn't have the slightest idea about —, the violinist would've expected him to at least mention his name along with that moniker. It didn't matter, though. His online nickname didn't ring any bells, but his voice did. She'd never spoken to him, whether as Amaretta or any other alias, but she'd overheard him speaking to other Team Rocket members before. [break][break] There was no way Allegra could say that, though, not while at an ordinary café under her real name; to say nothing of the lengths she'd gone to in order to keep her civilian identity hidden even from most other members of Rocket. She had a career to keep, and by the look of things so did he. [break][break] "Possibly," she began, then cut herself off as a waiter arrived with her slice of cake and iced coffee. "Ah, thank you," she told the server, who then asked if he should fetch another chair for the madam's company. This was becoming more awkward by the second — but Allegra was nothing if not graceful. "Please do," she said smoothly, smiling at the stranger as though they were friendly. "Have you decided on your order yet?"
[attr="class","ooc"] [attr="class","title"]notes [attr="class","notes"] — Social[break] — 2/3+ posts required[break] — Bingo prompt: Cake[break][break] Andrew Fisher |
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