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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
the rip tide [sw]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2024 12:26:08 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","allegraburns allegra"]

[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


the call of the running tide

is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied

solo wild


There was one thing she could have asked for: Her wife's company; but she had that, too, as her other half returned to her side with their drinks.


"Thanks, honey," Allegra murmured against the other's lips, indulging in a kiss before sipping at the cocktail. "Oh my, looks like Corale made a friend over there."


Leaning on her elbow as she was, it would have taken only a few movements to stand and reach the Mime Jr; but she just didn't feel like it.


NOTES [break]
     — Skipping Mime Jr



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[newclass="nullelem"]} .allegra .mini-profile { height: 562px !important; } .allegra .pkmn-hoenn-party { visibility: visible !important; }[/newclass]
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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2024 4:21:20 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","allegraburns allegra"]

[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


the call of the running tide

is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied



Good thing I came to this raid disguised, Allegra thinks when she spies among the participants. Frankly, being unable to trust anyone even in Rocket is exhausting, but it is also the safest decision. They are all criminals, at the end of the day, and many have no particular loyalty to the organization they are beholden to. Heavens know she doesn't.


Here she is all the same, less for personal glory and more to make herself useful. As much as she dislikes it, the escalating war demands that she be on the front lines every now and then. What a chore. Doubly so because the Snake Pit's owner heads towards the waterfall before she does, and it's best to keep her distance from one whom she's on such uncertain terms with — even at the cost of her Water types' advantage.


As uneasy as she feels about direct confrontation with Tapu Bulu, she convenes with Team Katana while her Lapras does what he can to hobble along and keep the swarm of Ultra Beasts away from them both. At least, there are no more nasty surprises when they reach their goal. Oh, Nature's Madness is nasty, but it's also expected.


Most of her teammates are honing in on Tapu Bulu itself, so she focuses on halting the flora's advance with .


"Sheer Cold," she orders and watches how the ice, too, blooms.




NOTES [break]
— Arrives at the altar with Team Katana and her Lapras, commanding him to freeze the flora with Sheer Cold.



[newclass=".allegra"]--accent: #008080!important;--toggle: block!important;[/newclass]

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[newclass="nullelem"]} .allegra .mini-profile { height: 562px !important; } .allegra .pkmn-hoenn-party { visibility: visible !important; }[/newclass]
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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
the rip tide [sw]
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2024 22:05:36 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","allegraburns allegra"]

[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


the call of the running tide

is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied

solo wild


The best thing about living practically next door to the beach was that Allegra could go there when it was empty no matter the season. Peace, quiet, and the sound of the waves. What more could she possibly have asked for?


The violinist sighed contentedly, gaze lingering on the Water types she had brought along and left to roam freely, then leaned back in her beach chair to soak in the sun.


NOTES [break]
     — Water / Fairy



[newclass=".allegra"]--accent: #008080!important;--toggle: block!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".allegraburns"]--accent: #008080; --bg: #2b2b2b; --toggle: block;[/newclass]
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[newclass="nullelem"]} .allegra .mini-profile { height: 562px !important; } .allegra .pkmn-hoenn-party { visibility: visible !important; }[/newclass]

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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
temple of the seas [DW]
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2024 21:38:04 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","allegraburns allegra"]

[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


the call of the running tide

is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied

duo wild


It was a greater relief than Allegra let on when the ranger simply agreed to take the long way. She wasn't sure how many more feats of daring acrobatics — and daring recklessness — she could take before her heart gave out. Well, that might be a tad over-dramatic, but her point remained. Yet again she didn't speak of it, though, contenting herself with following Shalin's lead for the moment. They were out of danger, so there was no reason to complain. Hopefully things would stay that way...


For all her misgivings, the violinist was nonetheless awed by the ancient ruins. Not just by their architecture this time either, but by the largest swarm of Lileep and Cradily that she had ever seen. Still, as impressive as the sight was (and as glad as she was that Shalin couldn't ride her Sharpedo for a while)... Storm Drain made it far more difficult for them to keep going. Without water to break their already risky falls... Allegra shuddered just to think about it.


Her Milotic seemed to be of like mind, as he slithered through the dry chamber all the way to the leading Cradily. Although his Trainer could not understand the calls they — and the small Corsola in her arms — exchanged, what her Pokémon were trying to accomplish was plain enough. Dismounting and setting the Coral Pokémon down to leave them to it, she desperately hoped that they'd be successful. Their odds in a battle were... Well, non-existent, outnumbered like this.


"You're welcome to the treasure," she told the other woman upon reaching her side, in an undertone. "All I really care about is finding my Cadenza, to be honest."


NOTES [break]
[attr="class","ctag"] #



[newclass=".allegra"]--accent: #008080!important;--toggle: block!important;[/newclass]

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[newclass="nullelem"]} .allegra .mini-profile { height: 562px !important; } .allegra .pkmn-hoenn-party { visibility: visible !important; }[/newclass]
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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
processed shop
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2024 15:28:53 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

3X micle berry (36 PD)


do come again!

36 PD
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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2024 0:31:32 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar



CHARACTER: [break]
PKMN TEAM (6 MAX): To be added[break]
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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
fish for rock
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2024 2:33:45 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar


trading my whiscash for pookaprince's minior!

FROM [break]


FROM [break]

MINIOR ○[break]
Shields Down[break][break]

Power Gem[break]
Shell Smash[break]
Stealth Rock[break]
Meteor Beam[break]

[newclass=.ranyatrade]font:12px Poppins;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".ranyatrade b"]color:var(--accent);font-size:14px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".ranyatrade a"]font:800 12px Poppins;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".ranyatrade h1"]color:var(--accent);font:24px Poppins;font-weight:800;letter-spacing:1px;line-height:25px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".ranyatrade .bg"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;[/newclass]
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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
Allegra's Gachapon
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2024 17:59:24 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar


I choose you! ♡

Going with Barboach
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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
[S] an old tune
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2024 3:47:38 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-seashell"]


At the shopkeeper's comment on the width of her selection Allegra let out a little chuckle, no less genuine for the hint of sheepishness in it. "You got me there," she answered, with a touch of playfulness and a wink. "I only just came up with it."


Even now that she'd left the Fisk household behind, it was rare for Allegra to loosen up like this in public; owing partly to her education and partly to the simple fact that, Fisk or Burns, she was famous either way. Oh, she wouldn't have traded her career in the arts for the world, but pressure was of course inherent to this industry. All of which to say that being allowed anonymity at a place so connected to her occupation was an experience she could truly bask in.


"Thank you," Allegra replied after he'd finished explaining and filed the information away for later. She could afford a personal record comfortably these days, but that was no reason to scoff at the shopkeeper's efforts. So she followed him through the store, halting behind him to retrieve her own headphones, and then said, "May I ask your name, sir?"


Plugging her headphones in, Allegra let her eyes slide shut as she listened to the music samples. The record contained, as it turned out, classical renditions of popular songs. There were no vocals, which was just as well; once an opera star, she only sang for her wife's ears nowadays.


"Quite a wide selection, you said," she began after opening her eyes and removing her headphones, with another laugh, "and yet you found a perfect fit on your first attempt. Commendable, really."


— Social[break]
— 3/3+ posts required[break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
Just Business (Social)
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2024 3:18:52 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-seashell"]


Allegra's tonic arrived along with her host's drink just before he replied, and she thanked the server with a nod and a murmur before turning her attention back to Westcliff. The man's grin sent a shiver down her spine, and his words — for all their subtlety — were no better.


Oh, Palkia, Dialga and Giratina. Never mind that he knew her identity, this Dorian Westcliff unnerved her by simply existing. At least he was not a complete brute despite the jobs he carried out; yet there was a part of her that would have almost preferred that scenario. As familiar as she was with subterfuge, deciphering this particular code made her feel a little queasy.


She really should have ordered a stronger drink than tonic, Allegra thought even as she drank it.


"I'm afraid that this rival is beyond the help of negotiation," she replied primly, sipping at her drink again. Her composure was as pristine as ever, but inwardly she could not wait to have this exchange done with. "A vacation shall do enough."


— Social[break]
— Post requirement met[break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
temple of the seas [DW]
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2024 2:14:49 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","allegraburns allegra"]

[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


the call of the running tide

is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied

duo wild


Allegra merely nodded along at the Ranger's words, seeing no need to make a response; in truth, Shalin's explanation was rather unnecessary, but she was too polite to say so. At least it served as an instruction of sorts for her Milotic, who needed no more than a light press of her ankles to his serpentine body in order to dive and pick up speed.


Not so much speed that he sent his Trainer and her charge flying, however. He would not have been much of a performer if he hadn't been able to make a measured, graceful leap. The coordinator hadn't expected anything less, but even so she wished she could have seen him breaking the surface and flying upwards. That would've been a sight to behold, no doubt, and one wasted on Shalin given her state; which Allegra had the decency not to comment on.


Petalburg's Captain, true to her rank, recovered quickly enough and the pair went onward as though nothing had happened. They passed a wild Dewgong and Garganacl before reaching a grand waterfall where several other Pokémon had gathered. Allegra surveyed them while her companion did the same with the map, then paused at Shalin's question. She was reasonably confident in the ability of her own Pokémon to make the leap, but not so much when it came to the other woman's.


In fact, she was more worried than anything after that disastrous display.


"As confident as I am in Adagio's skill," she said at last, delicately, "it's safer if we take the long way around. Besides, we may well encounter Cadenza before reaching the waterfall."


NOTES [break]
[attr="class","ctag"] #



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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
[S] ennui
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2024 22:49:08 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-seashell"]


The man seemed as relieved as Allegra herself felt, and she wondered briefly at the content of the clips; yet dismissed the thought a moment later, deciding she didn't care. It wasn't like she would understand them, let alone find humor in them.


As a matter of fact, the turn of phrase "terminally online" struck her as odd too, but she could at least guess at its meaning from context. She smiled and hummed in agreement before taking a sip of her iced coffee.


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Andrew," Allegra repeated herself, this time using his name. "What about you, are you visiting or a local?"


— Social[break]
— Post requirement met[break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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[newclass=".sinfonia .avatar img:hover"]filter:none;[/newclass]

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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
processed shop
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2024 14:51:43 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X type 1 evolution from skirmishes: petalburg (0 PD)
evolving barboach into whiscash


do come again!

0 PD
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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2024 6:39:25 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","allegraburns allegra"]

[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


the call of the running tide

is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied



███████ wasn't certain of what response to expect from her companion, as he might well think her a fool; but upon his answer, her smile transformed from a mere politeness to a display of true joy that lit her eyes up. Still smiling, she took his hand and let him lead the way. Not only was he willing to indulge her, but he was also a gentleman about doing so. How charming.


When they reached the ballroom, it became plain that she would have to take the lead moving forward; but that suited her just as well. She laughed, as softly as the murmur of a seashell, and guided ████████ to place one hand about her waist.


"There's a first time for everything," she answered, placing her own hand on his shoulder, "and I've danced enough for us both."


She didn't remember why she'd had so much practice. Yet the thought was gone as suddenly as it had appeared, so quickly that her smile never dimmed or even faltered.


"Don't worry about stepping on my feet, or about anything else," she went on, so smoothly that she might never have paused. "Just relax and let the music guide you. You'll have the steps down in no time if you can do that. One, two, three — One, two, three..."


One song turned into two, then into three, and before long she wasn't marking the beat for him anymore but simply enjoying herself. It was all too easy to enjoy herself, to let the night carry her into another world, to forget. She wouldn't have traded this time spent in the ballroom for all the mysteries in the world.


Drawing away from her dance partner, ███████ sketched a bow with a chuckle, then beckoned a Mimikyu over to bring them refreshments.


"That wasn't so hard, was it?" She asked, sipping at her drink. "I can keep going, but if you'd like to take a break —"


Allegra broke off, because the sudden change in atmosphere was almost palpable. Allegra; her name was Allegra. With more relief than she'd ever admit, the violinist set her glass down and pulled her mask off.


"Well then, that's our little conundrum solved. It was my pleasure to dance with you in the meantime. Shall we head out together?" She entwined her arm with her companion's without waiting for his answer. "I did take my mask off, but it's late for introductions... How about we leave some of the mysteries unsolved? They are harmless, after all."


NOTES [break]
[attr="class","ctag"] #

Mask, hair and dress [break]
— Dances with Grigori until everything is solved, never learns his name or offers her own [break]
— Thank you for the great event, Teal! Claiming Frillish



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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2024 4:52:13 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar



60 MP from O'er Land and Sea (Lutgarde vs Allegra)

10 MP for Red Shard
50 MP for Type 1 Evolution

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing