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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
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TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
processed shop
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2024 11:58:22 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar


be sure to visit the pretty petal flower shop near rustboro!

2X grepa berry
claiming 20 PD on
2X tamato berry
claiming 4 pokéballs on


do come again!

0 PD
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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
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TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
o'er land and sea [SKIRMISH]
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2024 1:52:56 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar


Seeing as she must be on the front lines today, Amaretta is glad that it's as a scout: She is spared from actual battles while still contributing. Although it isn't the fighting that she fears, but rather her identity being discovered; to such an extent that she's donning a mask along with all the usual trappings of this disguise. Some might even call her paranoid.


Yet, if this is paranoia, she's more than justified in being paranoid. It took a great deal of effort to become famous while being sabotaged at every turn, and her career is more precious to her than almost anything else. Now if only she could safely leave Rocket... Alas, in so doing she would almost certainly have her identity exposed, which is the very thing she's trying to avoid. With a small sigh, Amaretta leans back in the saddle as her Lapras ferries her around the river bend —


— only to sit up straight again immediately: There is a Ranger upon the shore, almost close enough to touch. Cazzo, she thinks, her grip on the reins tightening until her knuckles are bone-white. Go scouting, they said. It'll be easy, they said. Most of the League forces may be occupied in the wider confrontation a few miles away, but Lady Luck is clearly not on her side.


"I do not suppose," she begins conversationally, "there's any chance you'll let me pass through peacefully?"



— 1/5+ posts required
10 MP per completed post[break]
50 MP have your character reflect on their loyalties[break]
60 MP earned in total


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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
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TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2024 2:31:03 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar
Placeholder for G. Corsola or Frillish (probably the latter)
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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
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TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
processed shop
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2024 2:53:41 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X gachapon ticket from passerby analytics #8 (0 PD)


do come again!

0 PD
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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
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TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2024 2:31:59 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

Passerby Analytics HQ #8

Answered ICly, online

The survey is answered during Allegra's break in-between concerts to idle away the time, a luxury she rarely indulges in. Although, she can't deny that it is nice to be anonymous for once, and to be answering questions on her own terms rather than any journalist's.


"What is your favorite Hoenn spot?"

Slateport's beach, the Seafloor Cavern, Pacifidlog Town and the Water Routes... Anywhere with plentiful water, and no, I can't choose just one.


"What is your favorite Bug-type Pokemon?"

I'm not the most partial to Bug types, but if I must... Beautifly.


"Do you have any allergies? If so, what are they?"

None that are likely to place me at risk, thankfully.


"If you could get a single word descriptor as a title, what would it be?

I have no need of such a title.


"What is your favorite instrument?"

The violin, all the more so when it's accompanied by the piano, which myself and my wife play respectively.


"When was the last time you had fun?"

This morning. My beautiful wife and I had a wonderful time by simply being at home together. I cannot wait to see her again.


"If everything in the world were to suddenly change, what is the one and only thing you'd want to stay constant?"

My marriage.


"How is your decorating sense? Do you have an eye for design?"

My aesthetic sense in general is well-developed and refined, as I am a coordinator. I take pride in it, too.


"What would you name your kids? Or what are your favorite names?"

I don't plan to have children, but I like the names Nerissa and Marino.


"If you were to be able to put down everything you were doing, no strings attached, all loose ends tied cleanly, what'd be a nice retirement plan? Any holiday destinations or a bucket list?"

I actually don't want to retire. I am also fortunate enough to live in my dream home, a white house by the sea, with the love of my life. As for traveling, I have been all over the world already, but I would like to visit the beaches around the world with plenty of time to enjoy them.


"What physical part of you do you find the most attractive?"

My hands. My fingers are long and slender, yes, but beyond physical attractiveness they are essential both to playing my violin and to holding my wife, two of my favorite things in the world.


"How do you get your caffeine?"

I've had to cut back on caffeine, as I built up a tolerance to it over the years and having five shots often would be a health hazard. I can live with that, though. I still have my espresso after lunch every day, as the taste of it is what matters most.


"Do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield?"

I think love can bloom anywhere, anytime, so yes.


"What question do you yearn to find an answer to?"

I've already found most answers I yearned for, and the questions that remain aren't worth dwelling on.


What do you think of a god's relationship with their people? Can a god do wrong?

I think that the relationship between a god and their people is strictly between them. Also, none of us cannot pass judgment on beings so far beyond human notions of right and wrongdoing. To whoever posed these questions: If you ever meet a god, I suggest you ask them.


"Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below."

What is your favorite musical genre? Do you have any daily rituals? If so, what are they?

Claiming 1x Gachapon Ticket, 1x Devolution Stone and 1x Blue Shard

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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
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TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2024 11:53:36 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","silpc-top-3"]STORAGE OVERVIEW
[attr="class","silpc-top-2"]STORAGE DETAILS

[attr="class","silpc-url-1"][attr="class","lnr lnr-redo"]





[attr="class","silpcc-ability"]SHELL ARMOR

8'02'' / 2.5 M
485 LBS / 220 KG

[attr="class","silpcc-title"]LAPRAS' POKÉDEX ENTRY


Its high intelligence enables it to comprehend human speech. When it's in a good mood, it sings in its beautiful voice.

[attr="class","silpcc-title"]CAPRICCIO'S MOVEPOOL








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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
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TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2024 11:53:17 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","silpc-top-3"]STORAGE OVERVIEW
[attr="class","silpc-top-2"]STORAGE DETAILS

[attr="class","silpc-url-1"][attr="class","lnr lnr-redo"]





[attr="class","silpcc-ability"]SWIFT SWIM

2'00'' / 60 CM
19.2 LBS / 8.7 KG

[attr="class","silpcc-title"]LUVDISC'S POKÉDEX ENTRY


Its heart-shaped body makes it popular. In some places, you would give a Luvdisc to someone you love.

[attr="class","silpcc-title"]SERENATA'S MOVEPOOL








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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
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TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2024 2:11:19 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","allegraburns allegra"]

[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


the call of the running tide

is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied



Oh. Oh dear. If ███████, musician that she was, would know more than this man... Then they were in dire straits indeed, and further discussion would only be a waste of time. He said as much before she could, though he came to a conclusion she didn't necessarily agree with. Oh, she noticed what he left unsaid too, of course, but once more didn't react outwardly. Perhaps if circumstances had been different, she might have subtly pressed the matter. There was no reason for her to manipulate this stranger, true enough, but having that option was always reassuring.


In any case, their present circumstances were the farthest thing from suitable to such an endeavor. ███████ set the thought aside as her companion finished speaking, her answer already prepared and certain. At least now he was posing questions she could answer with confidence.


"I say we wait," she replied decisively, then drained the last of her champagne in one go. "Attempting to physically escape will be as much a waste of time as poring over these —" she gestured to the notebooks, then walked over to the doorway and lifted a brow in the direction of some terrified passersby "— and most other fellows are incoherent with fear by now."


The loud crash from earlier was proof enough of that. Briefly, she wondered as to what had been broken. Hopefully nothing made of alabaster, she thought almost on reflex. But then, why should she care? None of the expensive decor in this mansion belonged to her family, and thank the gods for that. ███████'s brow furrowed at that thought, but she couldn't place why.


Ah. She didn't recall the name of her family, or have any idea why the simple reminder of them caused her gut to twist in revulsion. As a matter of fact, she didn't recall even her own name. Panic bubbled forth again, but was promptly suppressed. Whatever her surname might be, she remembered instinctively that hysteria was not befitting. Leave such embarrassment to the poor sods down the hallway.


Although, truthfully, ███████ was clinging to that belief like a drowning woman to a raft. She turned to face her companion once more, clinging to the simple fact of another's presence amidst all the chaos just as much. When she spoke again, her voice was even.


"Of course, you're welcome to do as you wish, but do keep in mind that I didn't say we should wait idly. Perhaps we might return to the bar... Oh, wait, how about the ballroom? Our spectral hosts will be there as well, I'm sure, and with any luck it will be quieter."


The familiarity of polite conversation had a soothing effect, and so she added with a smile: "No matter what comes our way, I would very much like to dance at least once. Wouldn't you?"


NOTES [break]
[attr="class","ctag"] #

Mask, hair and dress [break]
— Allegra "I'm too much of a lady to panic" Burns, everyone. People really should shut up, they're ruining the vibe [break]
— Answer to the riddle: Alabaster



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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
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TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
every fish needs a pair
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2024 22:43:52 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar
Accepting, thank you Sunny!
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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
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TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
luvdisc for the luvly allegra
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2024 22:36:35 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar
Thank you so much!
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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
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TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
your silver garden
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2024 0:49:20 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","allegraburns allegra"]

[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


the call of the running tide

is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied



Allegra has never been one to dirty her hands if she can help it, whether figuratively or literally. Today the turn of phrase is very much literally meant, and so she pulls gloves on over both her wedding band and her Mega Ring before kneeling beside the soil. Truthfully, she isn't sure about this whole gardening venture. She has always been drawn to the water over the soil, more of an artist than a nurturer. Still… Water plays a pivotal role in gardens, as it does in all things, and there is a special sort of care in tending to one's instrument. She has nurtured Pokémon as well, of course, their talents flourishing under her guidance. More practically, her hands are skilled, though plucking strings differs from —


A sudden alarmed cry from her Lapras rips the violinist out of her thoughts and she sees a Rapidash beside one of the bushes she planted, about to eat the still green berries. Allegra's first instinct is to be swift and decisive in dealing with this invasion, but if Sonata used Sheer Cold it could damage the plants. Besides, the Fire Horse Pokémon is a fine specimen; feisty and spirited, judging by how it seems poised to charge at her Lapras, and elegantly built too.


"Now, now," the coordinator speaks, approaching the beast slowly, "there is no need for a fight. I have better fare than these unripe Berries to offer you." The Rapidash's flattened ears perk up, just slightly, and she smiles before placing a Poké Puff on her open palm. It was meant for Sonata, but ah well. "Here you are. Take your time."


Distrustful at first, then won over by hunger, the Rapidash comes to eat from her hand. Allegra chuckles, watching its reaction to the movement of her free hand and — seeing that it continues to eat unperturbed — stroking its neck, well away from the wild Pokémon's fiery mane.


"I may be a Water-type specialist," she begins, her manner growing more relaxed as the Rapidash's does, "but even I can see that you are magnificent. Spirited, elegant, strong. I have an eye for talent, you understand." Allegra pauses and her Lapras thrills softly in agreement, the call halfway to song. "You see? My team are all performers, whereas you strike me as a fighter… But, as it happens, I have contacts."


The Poké Puff is long gone, and though the Rapidash does lick the crumbs from her palm it doesn't badger her for more nor draw away from her caresses. She takes things slow all the same, not yet fetching a spare PokéBall but saying, "I could find you a Trainer who would make the most of your talents — and who would feed you treats, of course. What do you say to that?"


NOTES [break]
— Using x1 PokéBall to catch Rapidash



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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2024 1:48:59 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","silpc-top-3"]STORAGE OVERVIEW
[attr="class","silpc-top-2"]STORAGE DETAILS

[attr="class","silpc-url-1"][attr="class","lnr lnr-redo"]




[attr="class","silpcc-name"][attr="class","icon-trade"] LACRIMOSA

[attr="class","silpcc-ability"]WATER ABSORB

3'03'' / 1 M
63.9 LBS / 29 KG

[attr="class","silpcc-title"]VAPOREON'S PROFILE


Its cells are composed of units much like water molecules. It lives close to water and is often mistaken for a mermaid. Relaxed nature. Met in the Sinnoh region. A little quick tempered. Likes sour food.

[attr="class","silpcc-title"]LACRIMOSA'S MOVEPOOL








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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
temple of the seas [DW]
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2024 0:26:51 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","allegraburns allegra"]

[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


the call of the running tide

is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied

duo wild


She'd apologized for the delay only for it to turn out that Shalin was perfectly happy to begin the exploration proper on her own. Now if only she were happy to undertake it by herself as well... Alas, with her dear Cadenza being somewhere in these ruins the violinist could not take this chance to abscond — although, even if the Primarina were present, it would have been terribly rude to do such a thing. She might be a criminal, but she had never let that turn her into an uncouth savage; and she certainly wasn't about to start now, over such a trifling matter no less.


For it was a trifle, she told herself, it was sure to be if a Ranger Captain thought so. Certainly, this Shalin Nariya was... unconventional, but one had to be capable in her position. She'd sat upon the saddle quite properly just before departing, too. Allegra exchanged a look with her Milotic, then reached to pinch the bridge of her nose.


Afterwards she let go of the Dive Ball in her hand with an elegant flourish, releasing the Corsola again. Ah, and here was this expedition's leader. At her question, Allegra couldn't help but chuckle.


"I am a coordinator, remember? Adagio could have jumped over those stairs in his days as a Feebas. As for this little one..." Picking the Corsola up, she climbed onto the saddle effortlessly. "Lead the way, please."


NOTES [break]
[attr="class","ctag"] #

     — Skipping Dewgong and Garganacl



[newclass=".allegra"]--accent: #008080!important;--toggle: block!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".allegraburns"]--accent: #008080; --bg: #2b2b2b; --toggle: block;[/newclass]
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[newclass="nullelem"]} .allegra .mini-profile { height: 562px !important; } .allegra .pkmn-hoenn-party { visibility: visible !important; }[/newclass]
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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2024 23:54:32 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","allegraburns allegra"]

[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


the call of the running tide

is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied



Standing at the room's entrance, it suddenly occurs to Allegra that she mustn't lose her composure in such a manner. For one thing this isn't befitting, and for another the mansion doesn't lack amenities. They should all be fine until this is solved; because it will be solved. That being said... She isn't sure of how it'll be solved. These research notes might have been a place to start, if only she knew what to make out of them. Her grip on the glass tightening, she remembers to go back for the man she was talking to —


— only to hear his voice right behind her. She doesn't startle, merely half-turning and smiling at him beneath the mask. To think that her invitation was accepted even though she wasn't there to hear it… How terribly rude of her. Yet he moves past her lack of manners graciously, so Allegra merely inclines her head in silent thanks before doing the same.


"Correct," is all she says, with a sip of her champagne — thank goodness she ordered alcohol — and a small laugh. "Although I will admit to having phrased the question with far less class. Incidentally, I speak a minority language from Sinnoh."


While the man inspects a notebook, she tucks her sweet Lacrimosa's Dive Ball back into the inner folds of her gown, the flowing material artfully concealing her team's PokéBalls; a team which she can't call upon, if the Vaporeon is anything to go off of. Her manicured nails come to rest on the cover of another notebook, though it doesn't tell her much.


"I am afraid not, sir," Allegra replies, content to both be and leave him nameless. The fact that they are of like mind about the masquerade's mystery is a small comfort in the face of these new, far more unsettling mysteries. "I pursued the arts, so all this means little to me, unfortunately. Given your question, I presume you aren't familiar either?"


She pauses, humming briefly.


"Although... I do hail from Sinnoh, so I can at least hazard a guess as to why Hoenn was selected. Perhaps this field research involves the abundant water routes, or even the Seafloor Cavern."


For all the good that does them.

NOTES [break]
[attr="class","ctag"] #

Mask, hair and dress [break]
— Investigates the research with Grigori, with "investigates" here meaning "stands there looking pretty". She's like "I'm an art major, sir"; and then there's Chekhov's Sinnoh mention



[newclass=".allegra"]--accent: #008080!important;--toggle: block!important;[/newclass]

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played by


amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
43 posts
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TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2024 20:57:29 GMT
Allegra Burns Avatar

[attr="class","allegraburns allegra"]

[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


the call of the running tide

is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied



The violinist doesn't comment on how fast the stranger drinks his water, though she does think to herself that he seems about as desperate as a man lost in the desert. When her own glass of champagne arrives she takes a small sip, thinking of what a shame it is that she can't toast him.


"Would you be so kind as to refill my friend's cup?" Allegra asks of the Mismagius who brought her drink before it leaves, as though she were served by Ghost-type Pokémon every day. It grants her request with ease in turn, as though it were used to acting the part of a waiter. But then, perhaps it is. "Thank you, dear."


While Lacrimosa — sitting just beside her, its tail curled up — watches the Mismagius leave, Allegra turns back to her fellow human.


"I see," she says with a brief nod. "Work does tend to be that way, no matter how glamorous it seems on the outside."


She doesn't elaborate either, instead sipping her drink again and letting the silence linger a moment — though it is soon shattered by a chilling scream. She lifts a brow, half-tempted to investigate the noise, but in these heels... No, thank you. Surely someone else will rush to take care of it. The world is far from lacking in heroically inclined people, though she herself is not counted among them. Neither, it appears, is her conversation partner. How fortunate.


"It must have been a ghost," she replies, with a half-smile. "Back to the matter at hand, I am also here to enjoy the festivities. I meant to —"


Yet what she meant to do, Allegra can't say, as she is rather suddenly — and rudely — compelled to bring her Dive Ball out. Although she attempts to resist, the surprise obvious on her face, Lacrimosa soon dissolves into light particles and the Ball seals itself.


"Well, this isn't nothing," she says, trying for a light tone, then notices the words "you are not alone" on the wall. She indicates them with a nod, muttering to herself: "Oh, per l'amor dei Pokémon mitologici, stavo scherzando sui fantasmi!"


It was a poorer joke than she realized, judging by the whispers of other attendees; according to which they are trapped here. Oh, that's just lovely. Nonetheless, she recomposes herself and says: "So much for enjoying the festivities. Shall we investigate together? Two heads are better than one, as the saying goes."


Despite her invitation Allegra is already leaving the bar, with her three-inch high heels and her glass of champagne and all, in the direction that Mismagius floated off to. She finds a door ajar and walks in without hesitation, only to see —


What's left of someone's field research.


"Ma che cazzo?"


NOTES [break]
[attr="class","ctag"] #

Mask, hair and dress [break]
— Makes small talk with Grigori until she's suddenly forced to recall her Vaporeon. Realizes shit is getting real and hurries to investigate [break]
— Answer to the riddle: Field



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