amaretta irwin
march 15
hearthome city, sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
free diver
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
TAG WITH @allegra
Allegra Burns
RKS: Allegra & Vespa
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2024 15:13:20 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","allegraburns allegra"] [attr="class","banner"] [attr="class","mlyric"] the call of the running tide [attr="class","mlyric2"] is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied [attr="class","tagline"] event [attr="class","textbox"]
Her sister definitely doesn't speak like that, a small reassurance that's bolstered when the girl's name resounds. Vespa, the coordinator echoes in her mind like a prayer. Ugh, her head is pounding — pulsating to the tempo of that cursed stone, though this too might be her imagination — she's drenched in sweat again, but cold this time, and there's a presence just as icy she can't see — Allegra looks away from the stone, the girl as well, her gaze settles instead on a common stalagmite, on her own pale and wide-eyed face, distorted on the rock's surface but still shameful.
Suddenly it's her mother she sees there instead, and it doesn't even seem like an hallucination. She's the spitting image of that woman, and besides she's told herself the very words Noemi now speaks countless times: You are a Fisk. Act like it. She isn't, not anymore, but her flight itself only ever happened because she is her mother's daughter: self-assured and self-serving, ruthlessly calculating, never one to be controlled but to control. She has all of her mother's beauty and all of her nature, even if tempered by compassion.
"I'm fine, thank you," she replies evenly, the glazed look in her eyes giving way to cool self-possession as she takes her kerchief out again and wipes at her sweat. What a disgrace. "I had a... momentary lapse of judgment, you could say. I apologize."
With a smile the coordinator adds, "My name is Allegra. It's nice to..."
She trails off as the scenario collapses and builds itself anew before her eyes. There's just enough time to make sense of the frantic villager's words before the specter itself appears, rendering her weak once more. Allegra clenches her hand around the kerchief, looking at the ghostly mare with a storm in her eyes.
Without hesitation she steps in front of Vespa to shield her bodily, though she has nothing with which to drive the mare off, nothing to hand but a drenched square of linen. Yet she has her pride, intangible but inextinguishable. Though Allegra has always strove to distance herself from her mother's legacy — she was always, unknowingly, embracing it. Now she does so fully and consciously, a perfect mirror of Noemi Fisk at her harshest and most unyielding.
"Stay back," she all but commands the girl, letting her kerchief fall to the ground as she closes the distance between herself and the beast. Its aura drains her more up close, yet this only serves to steel her resolve.
"I've enough phantoms of my own," she addresses the horse directly now, halting at just the right angle to mount it, "and I haven't bent to them. I won't bend to you, either." She vaults herself onto the Spectrier in one single, graceful motion. "It's you who will bend to me, ghost."
[attr="class","nbox"] NOTES [break] — Tame it: Receive 50 RKS points [break] — Bingo prompt: Pride [attr="class","line2"] [attr="class","banner"] [newclass=".allegra"]--accent: #008080!important;--toggle: block!important;[/newclass]
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