Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
in the waning light | c
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2024 0:29:21 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","yuina"] [attr="class","yuinamain"]
Sent ahead of various expedition teams that were getting ready to delve into the rifts beyond, Yuina knew what her job was. And it was easy enough, work she'd done dozens of times, mapping, coordinates, topological surveys, environmental reports, energy readings. The ecologist in her was what made this a no brainer, the would be league affiliate was the difficult part.[break][break] "From the last reports... the environment doesn't seem to have changed much... rain levels appear consistent, joules in lightning set in the same variations...," Yuina spoke, really only to herself, looking over the equipment that she had with her for the work she was set out to do.[break][break] "This sector reads stable saturation levels of dimensional energy... Still fairly toxic with prolonged, unprotected exposure...," she muttered, looking over the boundary lines that she would have to check over, noting her location relevant to one of the first check points. She was studious, flipping through readings on the screen she held when she felt Daikenki's shift in his demeanor well before he alerted her to anything. He bristled, and a bark broke to Yuina's attention. They were being attacked.[break][break] "Shadow," Yuina leered. Daikenki swiftly sank into the darkness of the ground below, shrouding within a Shadow Sneak to disappear, to watch, and wait. Yuina was left to face the bright energy rushing towards her, and as the energy of her sygna suit shone across her body, she raised her hand and swept a Whrilpool around her, surging torrents of water to catch the attack, and redirect it, marring its trajectory.[break][break] It was dim, rain came down from the sky... She stood firm squaring herself to the direction that the attack had come from, but she chose to wait... She needed to know if she was facing an ultra beast, or something else...
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