a day in the life [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
a day in the life [c]
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2020 22:44:46 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


keeping a pawniard busy
Even Remiel could tell he'd struck some sort of nerve. She was holding back. The black-haired royal wasn't the best at consolation, nor wholly inclined to offer it in the first place. But he did feel as though this misstep, if left to fester, could become a bigger issue in their professional relationship later down the line. So he chose to rectify it as best as he could. "My apologies," He began, lowering his pen from his clipboard and bowing slightly. His eyes attempted (unsuccessfully) to show a degree of pity within them. "I did not mean to linger on such a personal and regretful topic. Shall we move on?"

Just then, he notices the light tap of something against the pen he just lowered. Looking down, he watches as the Pawniard slowly mimics a battle between the sharp end of his pen and one of its claws. Remiel hums with thought. ”Hm… do you have an outlet for this one? I’m sure you can’t afford a new teddy bear for it everyday.” Cautiously, as to not accidentally fall face-first into the Pawniard’s torso-pincers, the black-haired royal crouches down and actively participates in the ‘swordplay’. Though the pace of it doesn’t shift away from slow.

”Most caretakers shy away from pokémon with such… hazardous needs. As I’m sure you know, a Pawniard needs to keep its blades from going dull. Failure to do so could cause health issues. How do you approach this problem?” He plainly inquiries, not daring to take his eyes away from the 'swordplay' between himself and the pokémon. Not even for a second.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
a day in the life [c]
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2020 3:32:31 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Avery sucks in a breath when he apologizes, perhaps as if it were unexpected. His coldness had been hungrily absorbing her energy, and she's unsure how to respond as a result. [break][break]

"It's okay, really."[break][break]

However, this time her smile comes across more genuine. Even if his attempt at pity was forced or weak, it was an effort she wasn't expecting out of him. [break][break]

The woman nods, resuming the more positive energy she had been putting forth earlier. However, before she could continue her tour she is stopped by the awkward interaction between Remiel and the Pawniard. It seemed to have taken to him a bit, playfully batting its claw with the end of his pen. It makes her smile.[break][break]

"I am, admittedly, not inspired to pursue dangerous training - but I'm aware of the needs of Pokemon who require that sort of.. stimulation."[break][break]

She gestures to the field where the more aggressive and battle-hungry Pokemon wait. The area is set up with obstacle courses of various elements and included objects to sharpen claws on and the like.[break][break]

"I would never do anything to cause harm or neglect to the Pokemon that stay here - but I don't condone violence towards each other."


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