Two sides of the same coin (Battle)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 20:52:35 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
"If you can." Of course Adrian knew Alec was playing hard ball by throwing out a Dragonite. And he seemed unwilling to show anything but determination in the face of adversity, even as Dragonite's stamina was rapidly depleting, its vigorous fighting style proving very finite. Adrian could even detect it was showing signs of duress.

Veda charged forward, faster now than ever.

"Counter it," Adrian commanded. In a blur of speed Arcanine attempted to match its speed with its own grace, nimbly charging forward with an echoing howl as it carried itself forward with extreme speed, matching Dragonite's path.

What happened next...?

Their collision brought both pokemon together at a breakneck pace, either pokemon bashing against the other as they rapidly decelerated from the impact. Adrian could feel a gust of wind wash over him, throwing around the curls of his air from the crash. While he was confident in Howitzer, he had grown weary of Veda's tenacity. So he waited and watched as both pokemon staggered, dazed from the impact... Would either of them fall...?

The above roll will adhere to the same conditions set by Alec in the previous post; 1-10 shall be considered a miss, 11-75 would register as a hit, and 76-100 as a critical hit and in some cases, additional effects.

tl;dr Arcanine uses Howl!
Its Attack is boosted!

Arcanine uses Extreme Speed!
(It was a critical hit!)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 21:48:44 GMT
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Alec had seen Veda fall to the ground after trying to give it her all. She did try her best, however Adrian's Arcanine was the victor of this battle. However, despite Alec having his Dragonite defeated in battle he still had a grin on his face. Yeah, he was worried about Veda, but he knew very well that if she were to rest, she would feel better once again. 

"Take it easy Veda! You deserve a rest," Alec said, walking over to her, petting her as she sat there. It was then that Alec had grabbed another Poke ball from his belt. The battle was not over just yet! In fact, it had just begun! "Alright Chubs! You're up next!" Alec said, calling out his second Pokemon. A big robust Snorlax fell on it's feet from where the ball had been propelled in the air. It had a calmness about it, and even though it seemed oblivious to what was going on, it wasn't.

In fact, it was hard to tell, but Chubs was ready for the battle just as Veda was. However, Unlike Veda, Snorlax was more prone to make heavy hits. "Attack Howitzer with High Horsepower!" Alec said, starting the battle back up with a powerful ground type move, which would be perfect against Adrian's Arcanine. It's Thick Fat would also prevent it from taking serious damage against Fire and Ice type moves as well.

The Snorlax had lunged forward, aiming its feet at Adrian's Arcanine with its sheer weight behind it. The force of the attack had sent Howitzer flying in the opposite direction as Snorlax had gotten back up on its feet.

-tl;dr: Veda Fainted!
Alec brings out Chubs!

Chubs attacks Howitzer with High Horsepower!
High Horsepower hits; It was super effective!
No critical damage

Using the following below for rolls

1-10 = miss
11-75 = hit
76 - 100 critical hit-

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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2020 3:01:32 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Adrian was wearing a smug grin until—Oh shit!

"Howitzer!?" The attack had pummeled her into the background, tumbling backwards until she slammed against a nearby tree. All he could think about was whether she was okay. Adrian had been with her since she was a pup, but he'd never seen her take a hit quite like that. He began to consider forfeiting the match, just to make sure she got proper treatment as necessary. But she defied the odds, managing to find her footing, lumbering forward towards the Snorlax defiantly. ...

Adrian was conflicted, but he wouldn't deny her valor. Even though he knew it was risky, and definitely futile, he gave her one last command:

"Alright girl, if you've got it in you: Flamethrower!" Fire began to well up in her concealed maw, the flames licking at the edges of her lips, flashing out of her muzzle...

What happened next...?

In one last meager display, her flames flowed outward, encompassing the arena and the Snorlax with it. Her strength had not failed her yet, although as the last flicker of embers died out, she seemed to grow unsteady on her own feet.

The above roll will adhere to the same conditions set by Alec in the previous post; 1-10 shall be considered a miss, 11-75 would register as a hit, and 76-100 as a critical hit and in some cases, additional effects.

tl;dr Arcanine uses Flamethrower!
Its Attack is boosted by daylight!

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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2020 10:48:00 GMT
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Alec grinned as soon as Chubs' attack connected! However, the blow to Howitzer's face was pretty powerful to say the least. Maybe I should tell Chubs to ease up a bit next time, Alec thought. After all, this was just supposed to be a friendly battle. Nothing more; nothing less. "Hey Chubs, you did a great job and all buddy, but try just a lil more restraint, okay buddy?" Alec said, walking over to the Snorlax, rubbing his belly. Snorlax nodded to Alec's statement, seeming to understand him. Alec had then walked back to where he was originally standing and the battle had continued.

Surprisingly enough tho, Howitzer was still standing, however it was clear that she was at her limit. The Arcanine let out a flamethrower and it did hit the Snorlax, however with Chubs' Thick Fat had protected him from the intensity of the hot flames. It still hurt nonetheless, but he was still standing.

"Alright Chubs go in for Giga Impact!" Alec said, and with that, Snorlax charged at the Arcanine; a massive as well as powerful aura cloaking his body as he charged.

-tl;dr: Chubs is hit by flamethrower;
Thick Fat ability protects him from extra damage from Sunny Day;

Chubs uses Giga Impact;
Giga Impact hits!
Howitzer faints(?)

(I'll that fainting part up to you cuz that roll wasn't the greatest either :P)

Using the following below for rolls

1-10 = miss
11-75 = hit
76 - 100 critical hit-

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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2020 3:13:49 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Howitzer was wiped out by Alec's Snorlax, and he couldn't help but clench his fists in frustration when it happened. He could've played to her strengths like before with Dragonite, but it would've been an uphill battle either way. And he hated to see her bruised and battered like this, but she was a stubborn, fiercely playful thing. She wanted this.

"That's enough, girl," he called her back after she lie there struggling, straining herself to rise, whimpering and whining all the while. Overexertion would get her nowhere, but he admired her spirit.

The look he gave Chubs was filled with ire as his contempt for the heavyset pokemon began to rise. His fingers twitched towards a pokeball instinctively, but he stopped himself short, taking a moment to consider his choice and its consequences. After a moment, he decided.

"Furor, let's pay them back tenfold..."

A massive, irate sea serpent took over the bulk of the field, its head towering over such that it could see the water surrounding them. And although it was eager to delve these depths, its sudden bellowing sent tingles down Adrian's spine as it sized up the Snorlax with piercingly cold eyes...

"Furor, Rain Dance and dive into the depths."

Gyarados was preparing an ambush...!

"W A T E R F A L L !"

Come from the murky depths as a swelling shadow on the water's surface, its lumbering figure crashed out cloaked in the surging rapids, rushing headlong into the foe and crashing into it with its full might.

The above roll will adhere to the same conditions set by Alec in the previous post; 1-10 shall be considered a miss, 11-75 would register as a hit, and 76-100 as a critical hit and in some cases, additional effects.

tl;dr Arcanine has fainted!

Adrian withdrew Arcanine.

Adrian sent out Gyarados!

Gyarados uses Rain Dance!
(It began to rain along the route!)

Gyarados dove, preparing for an attack...!
(What will happen next?)

Gyarados uses Waterfall!
(It was a critical hit!)
(Target Snorlax flinched!)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2020 23:09:42 GMT
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Alec's grin did not fade away as Adrian's giant red Gyarados had appeared. It was then that Gyarados had performed a Rain Dance, summoning rainfall majestically. It was then that it had obeyed Adrian's command and had began to commence with its attack.

A massive amount of water had shot down on Chubs from above. The robust Snorlax had took quite a hit from the massive surge of water. It even swept Alec back a little bit too, now soaking wet from the water attack. However, it didn't bother him all that much. After all, what would you expect from a Gyarados anyways? 

"Its okay Chubs buddy! Shake it off!" Alec said, urging the big guy.

-tl;dr: Chubs Flinched from Waterfall; can't attack this turn!

Using the following below for rolls

1-10 = miss
11-75 = hit
76 - 100 critical hit-

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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2020 2:17:47 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
"Yeah, shake it off," he snidely mimics Alec, past the point of it being personal. His Gyarados was going to thrash this thing, and then he was going to trounce whatever Alec sent out next. It had become a sort of vendetta of his after Howitzer...

"Furor, Thunder Wave!" Keep him behind.

Ironically enough the wave of static surged forward only to miss its intended target, earning a fierce look of disdain. "Are ya kidding me right now?! What was THAT supposed to be, Furor?"

His Gyarados had failed, and was now susceptible to a counterattack. Dammit, not now...!

So much for the momentum he was gaining.

The above roll will adhere to the same conditions set by Alec in the previous post; 1-10 shall be considered a miss, 11-75 would register as a hit, and 76-100 as a critical hit and in some cases, additional effects.

tl;dr Gyarados uses Thunder Wave!
(It missed!)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2020 8:05:34 GMT
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Alec had heard Adrian's little snide comment, which kind of made Alec wonder what his deal was? Was he butt hurt because of what had happened to his Arcanine? This was supposed to be friendly battle, however this guy seemed to be taking it rather hard.

"Are you always this mean!?" Alec had asked Adrian with an expression of annoyance on his face. Alec had then witnessed Adrian's Thunder Wave, however, it had completely missed. Alec had then formed a smug grin on his face and said, "Ya know it would help if your Pokemon could aim better," Alec said, now giving him a snide remark as payback from his own a few moments ago.

"Why don't we teach them a lesson in manners Chubs! Use Giga Impact!" Alec said, now using Chub's most powerful attack. A powerful raging aura had appeared around Chubs as he began to charge towards Adrian's Gyarados. 

Chubs had made contact with the big Dragon, slamming hard into it. Sure, Chubs was at a disadvantage due to Gyarados being able to swim and use long ranged attacks, but not only could Chubs take a beating, but melee combat was a Snorlax's specialty. 

-tl;dr: Chubs dodges Thunder Wave!

Chubs Attack's with Giga Impact!
It Hits!

Using the following below for rolls

1-10 = miss
11-75 = hit
76 - 100 critical hit-

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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 29, 2020 21:46:05 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
"It's called a battle, dingus," he returned without hesitation. So what if they got a little heated? Battling could fill anyone with a righteous fervor, himself included, and it was the bulk of the thrill. But was he really mean? Maybe, so what?

"Don't worry about me, worry about you."

"Roll with the hit," He'd offered to Furor just as Snorlax collided with Gyarados, the great sea serpent being mashed in its girth, the lumbering creature attempting to roll with the momentum and being forced into the canal once more.

Adrian held up his wristband which shone brilliantly, even for a gem glinting in the sunlight. The waters themselves seemed to radiate an aura while the Gyarados remained below, reeling from the Giga Impact. But it still had its fight left in it.

"Drag it under with a Bite!" It was a sound plan and yet by some dumb luck it had went over terribly, the Gyarados lunging out of the water only for its jaws to sink into nothing, the creature receding back into the water in its new form...

This is starting to piss me off...

The above roll will adhere to the same conditions set by Alec in the previous post; 1-10 shall be considered a miss, 11-75 would register as a hit, and 76-100 as a critical hit and in some cases, additional effects.

tl;dr Gyarados Mega Evolved!

Gyarados uses Bite!
(It missed!)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 29, 2020 23:42:41 GMT
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Alec was not liking Adrian's attitude. "I thought you were an okay guy, but I guess I was wrong! Battling can get you heated up, yeah. But, just because you get heated up in a Pokemon Battle doesn't give you the right to be an asshole!" Alec said, calling him out on his own words. Shortly afterwards, a light appeared from Adrian's wrist. "That's! ... So, your Grayados can Mega Evolve huh? However, it seems to be taking a beating from Chubs, so lets see if your Mega Evolved Pokemon can last much longer in this battle! Chubs, Use Belly Drum!" Alec said confidently. Sure, Belly Drum was considered to be a last resort, however, Alec knew that this needed to end quickly before his Mega Evolved Pokemon began to actually hit Chubs.

Chubs had smacked it's robust belly ferociously three times in a row, which seemed to increase his strength by a lot. Once Gyarados had lunged in for a bite and missed once more, Alec smirked and wasted no time on commanding his Snorlax once more. "Now, Jump up and use Body Slam!" Alec said. Snorlax jumped up high, using his immense strength to jump high than what one could think it could do.

Alec smirked once he saw Chubs slam down on the back of the Mega Gyarados from above which caused a dust cloud to form once the two came crashing down to the ground together. "It would seem it's just not your day!" Alec said to Adrian.

-tl;dr: Chubs dodges Bite!

Chubs uses Belly Drum! It's current health is cut in half to maximize his attack power!

Chubs jumps up and uses Body Slam on Mega Gyarados!
It hits and is much powerful due to Belly Drum!

Using the following below for rolls

1-10 = miss
11-75 = hit
76 - 100 critical hit-

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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2020 5:31:05 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Adrian could only roll his eyes from the monologue he was getting on being a decent person; or rather, what did and didn't permit one to be an 'asshole' as Alec called it. Adrian didn't care for such formalities in a battle, not when he was losing.

All of that had gone out the window.

But that hardly mattered as Gyarados became the subject of Chubs' ire, the rotund beast plummeting from the sky like a star touching down, crashing through the water and meting its justice against Gyarados' figure. Beneath the ripples Adrian couldn't see what was happening, but neither could Alec. Bubbles, pockets of air began gushing upwards at what could only be understood as a struggle for dominance. "Bite to keep it down!"

One could only hope their connection, as strained and built on aggression and success as it were, would see them through this trying battle. And if not, what then should he expect to float up to the surface but the limp body of a Gyarados...?

Please, don't let me down now... Furor...!

But naught did float up to the surface but more bubbles and airs as the ensnared Snorlax was caught in Gyarados' grip, reeling at the teeth sunk unto its flesh, starved of air; slowly asphyxiating...

The above roll will adhere to the same conditions set by Alec in the previous post; 1-10 shall be considered a miss, 11-75 would register as a hit, and 76-100 as a critical hit and in some cases, additional effects.

tl;dr Mega Gyarados uses Bite!
(It was a critical hit!)
(The enemy Snorlax flinched!)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2020 22:33:49 GMT
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Alec couldn’t help but stand on the shore with Adrian as his Snorlax, and Adrian’s Gyarados had begun to fight over dominance within the water. Alec knew full well that Snorlax was now at a complete disadvantage. He wasn’t a water type, so breathing under water was out of the question. When Adrian had told his Gyarados to fight back with bite, Alec grimaced silently, knowing full well that it meant trouble for Chubs.

After a few minutes of what could possibly be Chubs trying to struggle, Chubs had appeared at the surface of the water, motionless. Alec had ran over to Chubs who had floated over to the shore, his trainer clearly seeing that he was indeed fainted. Alec pulled out his Poke ball,putting back his fainted Snorlax into the ball so that it could rest more easily. “Don’t think for a minute that you’ve won! I still have one last Pokemon that I can use! Now, spread your wings and fly, Inferno!” Alec said, tossing his poke ball into the air from where he stood. His Charizard materialized in the air, quickly maintaining it’s flight fairly quickly; letting out a mighty roar.

Alec had then wasted no time to tell his Last Pokemon to attack. “Now! Swoop down with Dragon Dance and attack with Dragon Claw!” Alec had shouted. Charizard snarled, swooping down from above, his speed increasing towards the Gyarados. As he got closer, Inferno’s claws began to glow a greenish color as he made, side swiping the Gyarados with his claws.

Alec had grinned once he had seen that his Charizard's claws ha connected; and the Mega Evolved Gyarados falling back into the water. 

-tl;dr: Chubs has fainted!

Alec brings out Inferno, the Charizard
Inferno is his last Pokemon for this Battle!

Inferno Uses Dragon Dance!
Speed + Attack Increased by 1!

Inferno attacks Gyarados with Dragon Claw!
It hits!

Lemme know if this seems wonky and needs edits! <3

Using the following below for rolls

1-10 = miss
11-75 = hit
76 - 100 critical hit-

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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2020 23:44:54 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
"Way to clutch up, Furor!" Adrian had eyes only for the prize, and Furor had done its part. Even with Alec's clear warning and the reality that Gyarados was hardly suited to continue battling, he could only be proud of his pokemon and their performances thus far. "Furor, try and counter-"

But it wouldn't do any good as Alec's Charizard rushed in close, armed with zeal and supernatural force, gashing Furor along its exposed scales. Its lumbering form began to slink back into the water, but Adrian pulled out his pokeball and withdrew it before it could disappear beneath the surface.

You've earned your rest. We'll take it from here, he silently vowed to his pokemon. "Go, Icon!"

Short for Iconoclast, a title befitting the beast present before them; a gnarled creature whose entire body seemed to be riveted and barbed, posing a challenge to any physical contact. Whose presence was so overbearing as to conjure a sandstorm from the vents in its very figure, clotting the sky with debris that altered clime.

"Icon, steel yourself for its attacks," he commanded as its body seemed to glint with a certain luster, boosting its defenses. Although Charizard was making use of its aerial combat style, he was not entirely without his options.

"Next, execute a Rock Slide!" Icon obeyed.

Its tail curled backwards, entrenching itself into the earth as its body contorted, whipping its tail around to face the Charizard, unleashing a flurry of rocks at it that would prove immensely dangerous.

That was if Charizard didn't circumvent them...

The above roll will adhere to the same conditions set by Alec in the previous post; 1-10 shall be considered a miss, 11-75 would register as a hit, and 76-100 as a critical hit and in some cases, additional effects.

tl;dr Mega Gyarados has fainted!

Adrian withdrew Gyarados;
Adrian sent out Tyranitar!

A sandstorm began to kick up...
(Applicable target(s) are buffeted by the sandstorm!)

Tyranitar used Iron Defense!
(Its Defense was raised x2!)

Tyranitar used Rock Slide!
(It will hit unless...!)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2020 2:46:13 GMT
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one would more than likely be shocked at the sight of a Tyranitar due to it's rather intimidating nature, however Alec didn't seem to be rather intimidated at all. In fact, the boy had wide grin on his face, as if he had liked the fact that he was facing one. Alec grinned when Adrian had commanded his Pokemon to attack Charizard with Rock Slide, already knowing what to do. "Inferno! Protect!" Alec had shouted, and soon after, his Charizard complied with a snarl, and a barrier had quickly formed, protecting itself from the created Rock Slide.

"Your Tyranitar is strong no doubt about that, but you're gonna have to try a lot harder if ya get a hit on him! Inferno! Dragon Rush now!" Alec had called out, and with that, Inferno rushed towards the Tyranitar from above, having overwhelming menace in not just it's glare, but it's movement as well.

Alec had smirked lightly when Charizard had made a connection with his attack on the big Ground type Pokemon. Inferno now was on the ground, glaring down the Tyranitar whom he had just struck. 

-tl;dr: Inferno uses Protect! He protected himself from Tyranitar's Rock Slide!

Roll = Inferno attacks Tyranitar with Dragon Rush!
Attack hits! Does Moderate Damage! 

Lemme know if this seems wonky and needs edits! <3

Using the following below for rolls

1-10 = miss
11-75 = hit
76 - 100 critical hit-

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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2020 1:12:49 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
"Brace yourself," he shouted to Icon. The Tyranitar lowered itself in a hunch, its tail anchored to the ground as the Charizard rushed it. Although the attack was significant, Tyranitar was beyond capable of withstanding the assault, remaining steadfast and even forcing the Charizard back.

"RUOOOAAAAARGH!" Icon bellowed in a dominance display, left largely unscathed. Forcing the Charizard back with its sandstream, the lizard would begin to experience difficulties navigating through the sandstorm. Silica and debris would kick into the air, irritating the enemy and creating a dust bowl that disrupted their attempts at aviation.

"Don't get cocky now," Adrian barked back as Alec took for granted his defense. We're not going to bow out so easily... "Icon, keep shoring your defenses," he managed to direct it as its posture straightened out. Once more its exterior began to shimmer with a gritty luster, the sound of its form grinding as its anatomy began to reach its peak.

"Again; Get him while he's vulnerable," Adrian exclaimed at his Tyranitar, which began to leverage its tail through the ground, gouging large portions of the earth as it swiped its tail forward, hoping to catch the Charizard unawares. Adrian became transfixed; they needed this breakthrough...

As luck would have it, the attack was received by the grounded Charizard, punishing it for its proximity. But even so Adrian grit his teeth.

This battle was too tense for his health.

The above roll will adhere to the same conditions set by Alec in the previous post; 1-10 shall be considered a miss, 11-75 would register as a hit, and 76-100 as a critical hit and in some cases, additional effects.

tl;dr Tyranitar used Iron Defense!
(Its Defense was raised x2!)
(Its total Defense is now x4!)

Tyranitar used Rock Slide!
(It was super-effective!)

The sandstorm rages on...
(Charizard was buffeted by the sandstorm!)
(Sandstorm Counter: 2)

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