isn't it a lovely day [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Remiel Calcifet
isn't it a lovely day [m]
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2020 2:06:29 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.
TAG @bean6


i promised you tea


The morning after their ghostly encounter...

He'd been foolish to presume a teahouse would be open so late last night. Regardless, he was determined to try the best tea Fortree City had to offer and was resolute in the idea of having Chandler share in this experience as a thanks from him. Thankfully, she had rented a room in the same hotel he had been staying at, so meeting together the next morning and walking to said teahouse had been a fairly seamless affair. By 10AM, they were seated upon an outdoor wooden deck on the second floor and served.

The view past the balcony was certainly gorgeous. Fortree City had an interesting way of making it seem as though you'd never left the surrounding forest at all. Vines and greenery hung from branches far above, some of them teeming with flowers and even pokémon. Thick, wrinkled, and dark brown trees rose into the sky like magnificent spires beside spaced out buildings. The very chairs they sat on, including the table where their ornate tea set had been placed, were made from the same family of wood. Remiel wouldn't have been surprised if this green tea hadn't been plucked from the very same trees either.

Wearing a white buttoned-up shirt with a striped tie, black chinos, and polished black shoes, the black-haired royal lifted his teacup with all the class of an aristocrat and took a sip of the steaming concoction. When he'd finished tasting it, he set the teacup down and decided it needed more sugar. As he reached for the small sugar bowl and spoon, he eyed Chandler across from him and spoke.

"The tea here is fairly unique. I've never had anything like it in Galar. I'm quite surprised."
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isn't it a lovely day [m]
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2020 2:39:00 GMT
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Chandler gently stirs her spoon around in her second cup of tea, after adding the appropriate amount of milk - no sugar. She smiles softly as she takes her first couple of sips. The saucer balanced in her opposite hand to the teacup, underneath with lightly touching fingertips, as to not strain the fine china.

Remiel had been right about this place, it was quite lovely. She was glad she opted to wear a skirt and a nice blouse, rather than her regular league uniform. Her blouse was a nice cream colour, while her skirt was a bright, cherry red. She wore a small, thin bowtie, tied loosely around the collar of her blouse, hanging amount the pleated front. Her hair was down for once - mostly because she had lost her hair ties in the bed last night.

"It's actually quite nice, you're right..." Chandler glances down at the cup and smiles, before looking back up at Remiel. "So, how come you came to Hoenn?" She asks quietly, eyebrows raising.

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Remiel Calcifet
isn't it a lovely day [m]
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2020 14:30:38 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.
TAG @bean6


Gently, the black-haired royal scooped up the crystallized sugar with the small spoon and dumped it into his tea. When he was done, he set the utensil and its bowl back down before stirring his teacup with its own spoon. His blue-grey eyes shifted up to meet with Chandler's as he stirred. While one might have expected to hear the light tap of metal against porcelain, however, his stirring technique seemed to smoothly prevent that.

"I came here for work," He explained, pulling the spoon out of the gentle whirlpool of tea and lightly tapping it against its side to free itself of the last clinging droplets. "I'm an anthropologist with the Devon Corporation. I happened to find the career opportunities in Galar rather... lacking, so I jumped at the chance to come to this burgeoning region. They say one can get far here on sheer determination alone." Remiel then took a sip from his tea. This was the face for his reason coming to Hoenn, but it helped that it had some truth in it.

"And how about you?" He inquired.
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isn't it a lovely day [m]
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2020 4:05:15 GMT
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"Hm." Chandler watches his pristine tea-stirring, before raising an eyebrow. Right. Royalty. Not that she was letting on that she knew that. Besides, her tea had been stirred in the same way - it was rude to rattle your spoon on a cup. Everyone knew that. Or maybe just everyone from Galar.

"Ah, well. As a reporter..." She whirls her finger in a circle beside her cheek, as if she was motioning to her surroundings. "You follow where the stories are." Chandler breathes in through her nose and exhales, before sipping gently at the tea in her teacup. "Oh, how's your polteageist, by the way?" She smiles and sets the cup and saucer down delicately, reaching out to take one of the little finger sandwiches on the small tiered tea-tray.

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
isn't it a lovely day [m]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 6:33:00 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.
TAG @bean6


broken little sinistea
Remy raised a brow, but nodded in agreement. Hoenn certainly was a strange and exciting place. There were no doubt plenty of opportunities for journalism here. Though he'd been told by his colleagues that things had settled down since the former Team Rocket had been disbanded.

They each took a sip from their respective tea simultaneously, then Chandler inquired after the well-being of the possessed teacup that usually floated by his side. "Earl Grey is doing better," The black-haired royal said indifferently, watching her as she picked up a finger sandwich. "His pride sustained far more injury than anything else. He refuses to be seen without his teacup intact, so I've been tasked with finding another." Which, in Hoenn, had been rather difficult.

"I may have to send word to my mother for an import..." He continued, taking a sip of his tea afterwards as a couple of Treecko scampered up the tree nearby.
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isn't it a lovely day [m]
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2020 4:26:18 GMT
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Chandler blinks slowly, before nodding at his words. Right, she supposes the poor thing would feel quite vulnerable with a cracked cup. Then, quietly: "Well, I brought my tea set. And I rarely have company, so if you'd like to see the cups, I would be happy to give him a loaner until yours comes -" Chandler smiles softly and folds her hand over her knees.

After all, there was only so much that you could find here from Galar - and most of it was heavily taxed and duty fees were through the roof. "I've yet to find a good Bone Porcelain here in Hoenn." Her nose wrinkles. "It's all quite... Tacky looking."

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
isn't it a lovely day [m]
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2020 7:46:35 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.
TAG @bean6


sorry for the wait!
A surprising offer. At least, surprising to Remiel. He normally didn't go out of his way for one-time assignment partners, anyway. Though he supposed she could be feeling some degree of pity for Earl Grey. It was an emotion he hardly felt himself, but he was certainly conscious of it in others. "I, ehrm..." He pauses, fidgeting in his seat only slightly before he decides to take another sip from his tea. She takes the opportunity to continue and, when she finishes, he sets his tea down.

"Yes, the selection here is quite limited... though I have heard tell of the rare antique collectors in Slateport. I've been meaning to pay them a visit." He briefly looks down at his tea, and his reflection therein. The thoughts within his mind ponder on her ancestry once more— on research he's done prior to meeting her here.

He wants to be frank.

But the risks are too high.

"Miss Reed, what do you think about taking an afternoon stroll through Fortree after we've finished our tea?" He nonchalantly inquires, looking up to lock eyes with her once more. "Perhaps we'll find a story."
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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isn't it a lovely day [m]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2020 16:52:31 GMT
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"Hmmm, I haven't been." Chandler muses at the mention of the antiquity collector in Slateport. Maybe she should go. "Perhaps we can go together sometime. I'd like to see if they have anything from home." She nods, before adjusting in her chair.

She pauses when he mentions going on the stroll, and looks up at him, quirking an eyebrow. "That sounds nice." She agrees, before giggling a little laugh - covering her mouth to hide it. "This is usually the part where the blonde girl gets murdered in the woods -" Chandler adds, before laughing. "But don't worry, I'm scrappy. We might make it out alive." She holds up her fists as a joke, before moving to stand.

Reaching around, she tucks in her chair, before blinking, her cheeks flushing red. "Ah, I supposed I should have asked if you were done - I am. Apologies."

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
isn't it a lovely day [m]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2020 17:53:00 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.
TAG @bean6


a lovely stroll
Slightly bewildered by her laugh, Remiel tilts his head confusedly until she finishes explaining why. Unfortunately, he didn't quite understand the reference to horror movies. But he did understand that she was making light of the situation, so he decides to play along... as best he can.

"I... feel safer already." He remarks, standing up from his own chair before tucking it in. When she blushes and remarks that she should inquired whether he was done first, Remiel shakes his head. "I was quite done, actually. No need to worry yourself about an apology." He pulls out his wallet and, from it, enough money to pay for their tea three times over. After setting it on the table, he pockets his wallet once more and advances to take his side beside Chandler. At which point, he gestures for her to take the lead. "Shall we?"

Outside, the beautiful midday sun has turned Fortree City into a sparkling utopia of futuristic buildings and tall trees that reached as far as they did. The streets were cleanly paved and decorated with all manner of plants and flowers within rustic wooden tubs that lined the sidewalks. The particular boulevard they were currently taking a stroll upon was host to many quirky gift shops, florists, candy parlors, restaurants, daycares, and farmer's markets: the smaller, family-owned businesses among the towering business buildings run by eco-friendly companies.

As his calm blue-grey eyes scan the view ahead, Remiel hangs his hands in his pockets and speaks. "Kind of reminds you of Wyndon, doesn't it? Barring all the trees." He shifts his gaze towards her. "Have you ever been to Wyndon? It's a journalist's mecca, I hear."
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isn't it a lovely day [m]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2020 14:10:29 GMT
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Chandler follows diligently as they stroll to the door and let themselves out. She almost protests him paying — but she’s new here, and she has limited funds, so she’s not going to turn down a free meal — before tucking her hands into her pockets. Her ponytails bounce as she walks, the baubles in them taught enough to add a little extra lift at the crown. They make a soft swish noise against her sweater as she walks beside him, a little short in her steps. She speeds up to match his pace and smiles when he mentions Wyndon.

"Yes, it does." She looks up and around at everything, before letting her eyes settle on him for a moment. "Feels like I’m back home, since, you know." Chandler chuckles softly and lifts her hand to her mouth, as if she’s trying to hide the smile. "The accent and all." Her free hand gestures to him and she looks back towards the road, continuing down it. "So, what shall we do on this walk? Chat, talk about ourselves, get some sort of food from a random cart that always seems to be mysteriously placed right in the right spot at the right time?" She gestures to a vendor down the lane who seems to be selling hot cocoa and homemade pretzels.

"All three?" Chandler smirks, raising her eyebrows.

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the crown prince
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born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
isn't it a lovely day [m]
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2020 10:16:41 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.
TAG @bean6

Ah, yes. The accent. It was one of very few things that, albeit glaring to those speaking with him, slipped out every now and again without him being conscious of it. He'd adopted the 'normal' Unovan accent from a tutor of his a very long time ago, and it was the one he spoke with the most. But he found that being in the presence of other Galarian people, even with only the hint of a trace in their voice, usually ended up breaking that norm.

Chandler seemed pleased by it, however, and that certainly served to please Remiel as well. Moving forward with the conversation, he was a lot more lax about keeping the accent obscured beneath his formal training. Perhaps it was the sunlight, the rich fresh air, or even Chandler's infectious optimism, but he was feeling a lot more lax today in general. Albeit still stony-faced.

He looked up to regard the pretzel cart when the young woman had mentioned it, then turned to her with stormy blue-grey eyes when she suggested doing all three of the aforementioned activities. "Yes, let's. In fact, there's something I wanted to talk to you about. Perhaps over a pretzel as we sit on a bench in the shade?" He suggested, gesturing for her to advance towards said cart. He was certainly still a little famished himself.

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