the hotel despoina [s]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Remiel Calcifet
the hotel despoina [s]
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2020 6:42:30 GMT
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Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


penthouse suite


Devil's Trill Sonata - Giuseppe Tartini
Despite the rest of the hotel donning a strictly Mediterranean bearing, the penthouse suite at the Hotel Despoina was furnished in a fashion most would consider sleek and modern. It was an entire two full floors of living space. The first floor featured a living room, dining room area, full kitchen with island, a half bath, master bedroom with king bed, full bathroom and walk-in closet. Whereas the second one, which Remiel preferred, offered a bedroom with queen bed, full bathroom, lounge with wet bar and wine fridge, and the rooftop garden and terrace.

As the night was still, at least to him, young and crisp, Remiel had decided to guide Isra towards the sitting area on the rooftop garden once they had arrived with the funnel cake they would share in hand. It was brisk outside, but the view was absolutely mystifying. Once they reached the wooden patio set outside, however, the high-tech torch lamp that accompanied it would serve in keeping the cold away as much or as little as they wanted. Remiel had placed a record on the player shortly after they'd entered. Its sonata echoed throughout the penthouse softly, but not soft enough as to not be heard if one listened enough.

And now they sat, together around the table and under the stars, the lights of the festival afar disappearing one-by-one as they took to the funnel cake with their respective forks. A criss-cross of strawberry and chocolate sauce covered the confection over a thin layer of sugar powder. His leg folded across one knee and his left hand in his lap, Remiel carved out a little piece from the funnel cake's edge with his fork before piercing it and placing it in his mouth. He chewed and savored the treat quietly, gazing out past the festival and towards the dark sea on the horizon.

Then, he spoke.

"Are you close with your family, Isra?"

Meanwhile, if she was wondering about this supposed 'book' he'd mentioned, he would hope she knew it was currently safely tucked away from the danger of it being accidentally stained by their midnight delight. And, if she didn't, he was prepared to let her know if asked.

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
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POSTED ON Feb 10, 2020 21:37:12 GMT
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It was a charming scene.

The kind of scene that Isra finds easy to get lost in. Her eyes move across the skyline, such views were not unfamiliar to her but she found them thoroughly breath taking every time. There's a fleeting moment where she thinks of the blinking out lights in the distance like dying stars on the land and it seems so fitting an idea. How every night the world dies a little more but when it wakes and rebuilds itself it is not into something better, they always stray further away. The smile is soft, barely there. The stars move into the black waters beyond them in her mind, snuffed out in its depths, devoured in its darkness. Wipe it clean. If only.

"Hm?" he pulls her from her sprawling thoughts, the quiet between them had been so comfortable she'd almost forgotten where she was. The feather light sound of the sonata he's chosen in the background only serves to make her more so and she finds his presence does her little favor. Her eyes move to him and the rest of her attention after, he blends into the view, another part of the scene and for a moment she's lost to him too. She can't decide where he fits and looks back to the treat they're to share instead, finding that easier to focus on.

Isra blinks, looking to break the spell and return to his question. "Depends on what you mean by 'close'." she buys herself time to settle back into herself by reaching out to carve off a piece of the cake for herself and as she picks it up with her fork her other hand moves under it, just in case. She speaks again before moving it to her mouth. "You could say I am close with my siblings but I hesitate to call my relationship with the rest anything like that."

Because how do you call yourself close to people that do not see you, only what you are meant to be, could be, would be because they say so? Isra is not so lost in their words to not see that they care little for her and she seeks to care little for them in return.

She takes her bite of the treat, delicate as always and there's a moment where she seems to perk up in delight at the taste of it. The woman glances back down at it for a moment before looking back to chosen company for the night. Though she thinks it, she does not ask why he asks. She suspects it has to do with what he mentioned back at the festival and doubts she will need inquire to find out more.

Besides, they have plenty of time and Isra is keen on enjoying it.

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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 7:34:09 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


family sucks


Devil's Trill Sonata - Giuseppe Tartini
His blue-grey eyes are cast on the stars and the lights of the city that imitate them, like clouds mirrored on the surface of calm waters. But his ears are devoted to her answer. Not simply the content of said answer either, but the tone with which it is given and the subtle cues that lead his perception to knowing there is more— much more.

But his voice belies his curiosity.

"I see..." Remiel softly says as his silver fork finds the funnel cake once more. The bond that linked him to his own siblings only went as far as the blood they shared. They had spited and disliked him since as long as they could understand his predestined role to reign over them. He'd never been anything more than an enemy, a pawn, or a sacrifice to the Calcifet's that still walked the halls of the palace today. All except his very insistent mother.

A part of him wondered whether what Isra said was true and, if so, in what context. Perhaps, he thought, that is where the similarities had begun to blossom, tugging at the tendrils of his intuition. Regardless, he began to carve out another piece of cake to eat as he continued.

"Is there a dissonance between your own goals and that which your family has prescribed you? Or are the members of the Nightingale clan simply not your type?" He inquired, spooning the cake into his mouth afterwards. It must be a version of one or the other.

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 7:53:40 GMT
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Isra watches the movement of his hand, letting the questions roll around in her head. Picking apart the words as if they could tell a tale of their own and in a way they do. They will. When someone speaks so evenly you must seek other things. His questions are specific and Isra contemplates what his train of thought must be.

"Both of those are complicated answers." answers that stretch into things that she is not so keen on speaking about freely. Things that are better kept close to home. Most of the world can't begin to understand how her family dynamic works, the way they are both wrapped around her words and critical of every action she takes. The double edged sword of her position, the consequence of the only trait of herself that survives the weight on her shoulders.


She reaches to cut off another piece of the funnel cake, but something in her demeanor shifts ever so slightly. "And before you try and get me t elaborate Remiel." she scoops the piece up, hand stretching out bellow it. "I'm not very fond of conversations where I am the only one answering questions." She makes a point to look at him.

"So tell me, are you close with your family?" Perhaps he'll catch the implication, he can either answer his own questions, an offering of information for information. Or he can seek to answer something else entirely. She leaves which he prefers up to him.

Isra is dainty with her bite as always.

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Remiel Calcifet
the hotel despoina [s]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 8:58:21 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


mommy dearest


Devil's Trill Sonata - Giuseppe Tartini
Complicated answers. His favorite.

Just as Remiel believes he's at the cusp of hearing them, however, the raven-haired young maiden snatches the idea away with an accurate predetermination. Vaguely displeased, he lowers his fork from his mouth and sets it down upon one of the small white napkins provided. When she looks at him, she finds that he's already looking back.

There's something carnal about his need to know the unknown, and the effort he takes to obtain whatever knowledge he can. Whenever he's interrupted from his pursuit of information, he feels like a lion suddenly cut-off mid-feast, so caught up in the act that the surprise outweighs the anger or the insult. The royal heir was adept at boomeranging the inquiry backward in a conversation and resuming this proverbial feast... but with Isra, he knew better. And, quite frankly, he liked it.

"Neither in an intimate sense or a physical one, no." The lad answered frankly, drumming his fingers on the table as he watched her daintily bite away at her treat. "If family are the roots that we grow upon, then my own were gnawed away by spite and avarice some time ago." He takes a moment to muse on his past as he looks at the dimming festival afar. "My mother still keeps in touch with me from time-to-time... but you'd be mistaken for believing her calls were anything more than cleverly disguised ploys."
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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 9:28:27 GMT
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Isra keeps herself from smiling, decidedly returning to her usual neutral expression as she watches him. She sees what she expects at least to a degree. Someone that is comfortable taking the lead (but she knew that already) recoiling, even if only a little, from having that snatched out from under them. The woman finds a certain delight in the upset, something that always entertains at least for a little while.

"Hmm..." she pauses, as if she were skeptical. It would be easy to spin a tale to satisfy her of course, and he wouldn't be the first to make such an attempt to lie to her. Isra keeps her hand on her fork as she watches him, eyes flitting from his hand to his face again before she decides to accept his answer.

"My mother's not any better." she states plainly. "My father is barely worth mentioning and his side of the family is rarely worth wasting time on." truly, the Ruhan family she belonged to on paper was a rotten bunch bellow their well crafted surface. Most accepted the prideful and generous outward image they portrayed but any that knew to look closer would realize they kept more than their fair share of secrets.

She looks back over the skyline, the dimming lights in the distance catching her eyes again. "The Nightingales are something else entirely." a conversation she gingerly avoids.

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Remiel Calcifet
the hotel despoina [s]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 10:01:10 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.




Devil's Trill Sonata - Giuseppe Tartini
As Isra looked away, witnessing the lights of the festival afar die just as he had been, the black-haired royal discreetly shifted his hues of blue-grey back onto her. His eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of her family again. More explicitly, however, the context she put them in.

Yes, they most certainly are.

Suddenly, without forewarning or a plea to be excused, Remiel suddenly got up from his chair and turned to saunter back into the penthouse. He continued speaking as he moved, and would gesture for Isra to remain seated if she made a move to follow him. He was only grabbing them something to drink, after all. "I must say, I don't see the Nightingale surname often in Hoenn."

After reaching the wine fridge, Remiel opened its door and endured the wave of cold that washed over him before running a finger through each selection provided. "In fact, you're the only one I've met so far." He pulled out a Kalosian sparkling wine, inspecting its label before deeming it worthy and shutting the fridge. "I don't suppose there's a clandestine isle here in the region that only the Nightingale's avail themselves of, is there?" He swiped two wine glasses from the rack beside the fridge, then ferried the contents over to Isra.

The bottom of the wine bottle tapped against the wooden table with a dull thud. The wine glasses, on the other hand, offered a light 'clink' that was most pleasant to the ears. The bottle came with a preset metal binding that made it easy to pop the cork off without the need for an external tool. "Or perhaps you've all come from afar."


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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 10:44:11 GMT
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Movement garners attention, half instinct half curiosity as her eyes return to him, or rather the sudden lack of him.

Isra turns to watch him and the momentary search for whether he wishes for her to follow or not is quickly answered regardless and she remains in her seat. She thinks it a little better than following anyway, watching him with quiet delight. She quite enjoys how well he carries himself, his words lend him a certain confidence in her eyes though she doesn't let it show. She doesn't let much show at all, not until he returns to her.

Her eyes never quite settle on the wine bottle, fixing in on his when he sets it down instead. The gentle clink of the wine glasses almost earns him a half smile before she speaks.

"No there is not." she wonders where he's heard such things, little pieces of nonsense in the wind perhaps. "Not anymore at least, lost somewhere in between here and there."

"Nowadays we hail from Sinnoh most strongly, though I doubt it is the only place our bloodline can be found, Remiel Calcifet." There is an emphasis on his name, a warning beneath the word. Quite certain he seeks to get something out of her but Isra is equally willing to make him work for it, at least a little bit.

Isra watches him closely now, it's one thing to dance around the topic of her family, but to linger on it is a different story all together.

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Remiel Calcifet
the hotel despoina [s]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 21:45:10 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


a calcifet always pays his debts


Devil's Trill Sonata - Giuseppe Tartini
The blood red wine fizzes as it is gently poured into one of the glasses. Though his attention is fixed on not spilling a drop, his gaze spares a moment to flit in Isra's direction when she emphasizes his surname. He understands, but he doesn't care to acknowledge the fact as he continues, passing Isra her glass as if she's won some reward.

"Funnel cake and Kalosian wine," The black-haired royal remarks, eyeing the two delights before pouring himself a glass and shaking his head. "I could lose my Galarian citizenship over something like this."

He was joking, of course. Although his deadpan voice didn't exactly lend itself towards making that easily understandable. Regardless, he put the cork back in the bottle when he was done and picked up his glass. Rather than sit back down, however, he sauntered through the rooftop terrace before reaching the balcony's fence.

The city of Lilycove lay sprawled out before him, a sleeping giant he had grown increasingly familiar with over the past couple of nights. Leaning forwards against the fence, he briefly reminisced on everything that happened so far. The assignments, the negotiations between his family and the Cavendish, the destruction of the New Year's festival at Slateport, and everything in between. He'd catapulted himself through the ranks of Rocket quickly since his arrival in Hoenn. But now he was at a crossroads.

Before he could come to any decision about which direction to tread, however, there was something he needed to know beyond a doubt— despite being almost certain.

"That was you, wasn't it," He suddenly spoke, looking over his shoulder at her. "At the New Year's festival. You came to my aid with an illusion." Raising his glass to take a drink, the young man pauses for a moment:

"If you're wondering exactly why I brought you here, it's because I always pay my debts."

Never mind the fact that, quite simply, he enjoyed the pleasure of her company. Remiel takes a sip, savoring the fruity yet dark taste on his lips before turning back to vista before him. They lived in the blink of a cosmic eye. Their civilization was so fragile it was almost a joke. Yet people, including himself, continued to play their games.

Perhaps getting to the crux of things would better serve them both.

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 22:55:33 GMT
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She watches the wine until he speaks, eyes flitting back up to his when he hands her the glass and she takes it delicately. Letting go of her fork and whatever notion that she might take another bite that she'd had. "No one else needs to know." she retorts, eyeing the wine while he pours his own. It would seem he spares no expense and it does not surprise her.

Isra does not stand to follow him, her eyes dropping to her glass when he leaves the table again. Instead she listens to sound of his footsteps against the roof top, the gentle rustle in the greenery from the slight breeze the waters bring to the city. She seeks them out amongst the notes of the music in the background and only sips from her glass when she's certain he has stopped. The woman approves of his choice, but keeps that to herself.

The fact he seems so keen on speaking about family perplexes her, if only mildly. If they were in Sinnoh, or at least he from there she could understand. They were not so unknown across the waters but Hoenn had always resisted their presence to a degree. In many ways it was part of why she stayed, a place where she could be without the looming reputation of a Nightingale constantly interfering. Here she was a ghost, something that blended into the background more than not.

He speaks and Isra sets down her glass and disarms herself, though it's a subtle gesture. The bag that hides beneath her shawl contains her pokemon and she shrugs it off, hanging it off the back of her chair. When she stands she decides she has tired of her heels and slips out of them without hesitation, tucking them under her chair. Though she loses the inches the way she carries herself never changes, height matters little to a queen.

"Is that all this is about?" she retrieves her glass and moves to join him, silent as she walks across the terrace. The woman moves like a ghost without her heels, perhaps something expected by someone that knows her family name. "That was hardly anything, if that was you then you did the part that actually mattered." because without it her part meant nothing at all. "It would be one thing if it had been planned that way but coincidence and convenience means little towards notions like debts."

She settles in next to him, eyes out over the view but it doesn't hold her attention now, not like it did earlier. Remiel has managed to give her reason enough to not get lost in her own thoughts, but she does not feel compelled to talk incessantly around him either. Something most chalked up as her being odd and extroverted when really it was how she kept herself grounded to conversation. It seemed she didn't need that here.

"But if that's the only reason you want me here you're welcome to keep thinking it."

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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Feb 13, 2020 1:47:46 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


u rite


Devil's Trill Sonata - Giuseppe Tartini
Remiel isn't the type to be bashful. So, when she approaches and tells him exactly how it is, he makes no word of disapproval. He may not have done his part as well as he would have preferred at the time, but he'd done more— and sacrificed more— than any of the others. If staying in the favor of the Rocket boss right now wasn't in his best interests, he would currently be researching the seized Ultra Beast on his own and gearing it towards use for his own goals. There was a lot that could be done with such an asset in their corner. But alas...

Whether he liked to admit it or not, the truth was that he'd underestimated Hoenn's guardians. And, though he didn't feel bashfulness in any measure, he was certainly capable of shame. Self-loathing. And vicious contempt.

While most saw being caught off guard as nothing more than a dash of misfortune, Remiel saw it as a severe infraction to his personal tenets. He hated being rescued. And, though he certainly felt like he owed Isra and the admin for the support he had asked for, the black-haired royal mostly felt as though he owed it to himself to never repeat the same mistakes again. In that sense, Isra was right. That excuse to bring her here was flimsy at best.

There was a pause as her words settled in. Then, straightening in posture and gently setting his wine glass down upon the balcony's edge, he turned to the mysterious female before, surprisingly, reaching out to softly grasp her free hand. The touch was tender, light— barely there. At least until his fingers applied a gentle pressure: a reassuring squeeze as his thumb slowly caressed the surface of her hand. The action appeared far more arbitrary than deliberate, though he kept his blue-grey eyes on their conjoined hands for a moment. Until they rose to meet her own once more: filled with thought.

"And if I was to tell you it wasn't?" He calmly asked, reading every movement her eye made in the moonlight. "What other reason do you fancy I'd have?"

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
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Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
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POSTED ON Feb 13, 2020 2:29:54 GMT
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He doesn't challenge her view and it only wins him approval. Too many fall into the trap of thinking that because things happened to fall into place so neatly it was a good thing. Isra abhorred the idea, though finding a victory in chaos was a pleasant victory of its own some things should never be chaos to begin with. Even with the task completed it was something that should have never been left to chance in the manner it was, it should have been executed in a manner befitting the victory. Remiel had played his part well enough, but too much of the rest was nothing but luck of the draw. It was as easily shattered as a simple yes or no decision, had she not had her Zoroark that night things could have panned out very differently.

The mere thought almost set her blood to boiling. The fact she'd received recognition for it served only to anger her and make her question the standards being placed on them. Contextually she wasn't surprised, the action made sense, but to be recognized for something so sloppy felt unbecoming of someone with her background.

But Remiel does not dwell on the matter so neither does she. He's taken the course of conversation she half expected to see go ignored, but perhaps the part she wanted to see his reaction to the most. He's far too gentle, in his touch but she doesn't pull her hand away from him. She lets him keep it, and rewards him a gentle smile. The touch of his thumb across her hand is more than she expects and she's not sure how to feel, upbringing and nagging voices in her head insist to pull away so she takes a half step closer to him instead. "If I dare to suggest that it's because you wanted to, will I get an honest answer?"

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Feb 13, 2020 8:22:25 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


pulling on a thread


Gnossiennes 1-6 - Erik Satie
The black-haired royal leans forward only a bit, and they're practically inches away from each other now. There's an attraction there; it vibrates in the thin invisible line between them. It's magnetic. And, if they hadn't experienced it before at the start of the festival, he might not have recognized it for what it was this second time.

Even so, the small part of him that recoils from the unknown, and the prospect of going into something mostly blind, attempts to dissuade him from surrendering to this pull. Remiel wears vulnerability like an old wool sweater— uncomfortably and with no intention of allowing himself to be seen with it on. As perfectly composed as he'd like to be, that's exactly what this is: vulnerability. The feeling that those amethyst eyes staring back at him read everything he thought, felt, and imagined like a book.

The heir aligns his face with her own, partly as a means to tear their eyes away from each other under that slightly paranoid idea that she was reading his thoughts. When he speaks, it is a whisper against her ear as the side of their faces softly touch. "You'll get an honest response."

Of course, she'd need dare suggest it first to prompt whatever response he meant.

As he slowly pulls back with a subtle tilt of his head, however, it appears as though the esteemed prince is all too eager to prepare that response. Uncertainty is thrown out the window. His motions say what his mouth isn't. But he takes his time because that's how it's done right. There's intent, but there's also a lingering tension— like the split-second between diving into a pool and hitting the water. The gravity of her lips has seized control.

Then the clinking of a teacup cuts through the moment like lightning, and it's over before it ever truly starts.

His face pulls away further, and the absence of that thin invisible line between them is immediately noticeable. "Earl Grey... you're back." Remiel says, a faint smile in his eyes before he turns to the Sinistea that had emerged from the shadows and landed upon the table. "I trust it all went well then." He continues, releasing Isra's hand, reaching for his wine glass, and returning to the table.

Upon reaching it, he extends his palm and watches as the Sinistea floats over and lands upon it. Using its tiny ectoplasm-based hand, it reaches into the confines of its teacup and procures a small scroll that he takes. He acknowledges the seal upon it before tucking it into his front pocket, then turns over his shoulder to look at Isra.

In the moment before he speaks, he realizes that sometime within the span of their moment the music had changed. "Right then. I suppose it's time for me to bring out that book I promised. Will you wait here?"
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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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POSTED ON Feb 13, 2020 9:24:41 GMT
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He catches her by surprise because he responds so strongly to her question that she's entirely unprepared for it. To be flirtatious and playful is a part of her persona she has found almost necessary. They are traits she wears like one might wear a necklace or a brooch. It is something for people to find charming and endearing, mystery and oddity makes her a creature of allure and she finds herself unable to shake the image. Nowadays she doesn't even try, allowing those that she charms to be moths to a flame in her presence. Even Remiel should be much the same but there is something different in the brush of his cheek against hers and the whisper in her ear.

There is a moment when the touch of another makes her feel more alive than almost anything else will and it is something she knows well, something she seeks with a ruthless determination. She is ruthless because it is fleeting but what he leaves her with at the sound of clinking china is lingering. She has always devoured tension without hesitation, feasting on the energy of it like a dragon made ravenous but she doesn't get the chance and it leaves a weight behind that she is not eager to feel.

Isra cannot shake the feeling that what he seeks is not what she is used to giving. There is too much care in his response for that, he does not act like this is a passing thing, he lacks the careless eagerness for that to be the case but it's not simply the behavior of a gentleman either. Or perhaps that is simply her pessimism talking, the worst case scenario is always the first she thinks about.

For a woman who normally hates liars, there's a part of her that hopes he's a damn good one, a small plea for the best case scenario.

She is staring at her wine glass in her hand when he looks back over his shoulder at her, looking up at him with a decidedly empty expression- save for something unsettled bellow the surface. "Yes, of course."

Besides, she needs the moment to think, before she pours her glass of wine out over the balcony in childish defiance at him for this feeling in the pit of her stomach.

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Feb 13, 2020 15:37:15 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


feel free to fill in the blanks; it's your ancestry, after all! DM me on Discord if you got questions! <3


Gnossiennes 1-6 - Erik Satie
There's enough reflective surface area on the teacup for him to see Isra's silhouette as she dumps her wine over the balcony's edge. After he prompts the Sinistea to float off his palm and follow him, there's a slight tug at the corner of his lips before he takes a sip of his own wine and sets it down. Within moments, he disappears into the penthouse to retrieve his precious treasure.

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Naturally, the black-haired royal doesn't keep Isra waiting too long. When he returns, he's shed his jacket in favor of his long-sleeved black shirt. He's changed out of his Levi's and into a comfortable pair of black, flannel-pattern pajama pants. His shoes have been taken off as well, left at the gateway to the terrace. Most notable, however, is the ancient tome he holds gently beneath one arm.

The large book is plainly at least several centuries old. Between the dry and cracked leather of its front and back cover, and the frayed edges of its thick and yellowed pages, one might wonder how it hasn't fallen apart completely yet. But it's stood the test of time so far. And Remy knows, after quite a few tests, that it's capable of continuing to do the same sans carelessness. 

The gentleman stops at the opened doors connecting the penthouse to its rooftop. Earl Grey is nowhere in sight as he eyes the patio table and the contents upon it. Those same calculative blue-grey eyes shift towards the sight of her empty wine glass, then towards Isra herself. 

"I'm glad you liked the wine," He starts, intentionally letting the moment linger for a second before tossing his head back towards the penthouse. "Come with me."

Walking back into the stylishly furnished lounge, Remiel clears the wide coffee table at its center of the ornamental dragon statue placed upon it. After setting the effigy down upon a nearby cabinet instead, he meticulously sets the tome in his hands down upon the vacant table. He's bookmarked the page concerning the subject of the night with a long red tassle connected to the tome's spine. So, when he slowly and gently opens the ancient volume, filling the room with the creak of its leather, there is no time wasted on flipping through its ancient pages.

"This is the Grimchiridion."

The timeworn book is sprawled open in one carefully executed motion, and left that way to reveal the contents upon two of its large pages. Handwritten in an archaic 'olde english' script and peppered with original illustrations as well, one can only imagine the amount of time and labor that went into constructing such a literary treasure. Remiel's typically nonchalant eyes certainly appear to appreciate it for a moment, before he gestures for Isra to come closer and stand by his side. Leaning down, he's careful to point at the header on the first page— not touch. Though he'd normally do this sort of thing with gloves.

"And this... it's part of the reason I've found myself so inquisitive about you."

If Isra were to follow the direction of his pointed finger, she would find something that may alarm her:

It is followed by a detailed report of names, titles, history, and even a family crest. Mostly, however, it lauds the achievements of a man named Crowley Nightingale.
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP