that burn [isra]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2020 22:27:48 GMT
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It was late afternoon, and here he was, out on Slateport beach.

While Alexei didn’t like the terrible weather too much, the urge to go swimming in the water was right—there. Except that the place was damned crowded and he had to actually secure a place for him to drop his towel and his beach-going stuff on.

Ugh, who knew that every single person in Hoenn had decided to do the same thing and go swimming on one of the hottest days of the year?

Sighing, he turned his gaze skyward, noticing that there were some cloud formations that looked… hilariously like Wooloo. He wondered if his companion for the day would appreciate the sentiment of cloud-watching.

Hey, at least he had found a shaded place where they could set up ‘camp’ for the day so they could relax…

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2020 22:38:30 GMT
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Isra couldn't decide if her anxiety about being out in the sun was getting better or worse. Normally she didn't dare leave her house during the summer months, doing her best to stay as far away as she could and yet-

Here she was again, with sun hot sand between her toes and the shadow of her banette keeping her save from the rays of the sun that would otherwise boil her blood for her.

With enough time and weaving through people and excuse me and oh sorry! the woman finds the friend she was seeking. Time with Alexei was a preciuos this despite his antics. Because of them even.

"Lexi!" she waves as she approaches, she hasn't yet noticed someone else weaving through the crowd on much the same path as her.

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
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Alexei Ivanov
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2020 23:02:21 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Alexei never thought he would see himself as one who would deliberately go out for a sun tan, but he knew that his paleness needed to be toned down somewhat!

So here he was, slathering on some sun block and getting ready for a late afternoon sun bathing session when he heard the familiar voice calling his attention.

“Hey! Over here!” he called out, waving the bottle of sun block lotion to act like a beacon so that she could find her way easily across the battle field of colorful towels and scattered swimming tubes.

Today was looking to be another lazy day it seemed, just the two of them enjoying some swimming—of course in Isra’s case this was going to be a little more complicated considering that he had only learned of her little love-hate affair with the sun pretty recently.

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2020 23:13:42 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar
Isra is quick to follow the bobbing sunscreen that has an Alexei attached to the other side of it. Her move surprisingly quick through the sand despite the knot in her stomache about trying to go swimming. She's only ever done it after dark, the only time she's ever thought it safe.

She's going to make it work, she's already decided that.

There's a bit of a bounce in her step when she reached the edge of his towel, plotting down on her rump and quickly curling her sundress around her so that it didn't try to run away. The shadow of her Banette curls up like a canopy to keep the sun away from her as she pushes up the brim of her sun hat.

"Why is there so many people?" she knows, technically, but like a starstruck child she asks anyway. To her it's never quite this busy on the beach.

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
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Alexei Ivanov
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2020 23:27:57 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Now that Isra had managed to find him, he continued to slap on some sun block on his exposed arms as well as on his nose—the single biggest target of painful sunburns if he wasn’t careful.

“Well… I don’t know what made the entire region decide to come out here all at the same time and go swimming…” he said nonchalantly, although in the back of his mind he was panicking as well because shit, he couldn’t swim. Alright, so Isra knew he couldn’t dance too well.

But the swimming thing was something else different altogether, and it was secretly driving him crazy! Looking at the bottle of sun block he had with him, he waved it in her direction.

“You want to put some sun block on?” he asked. “At least you’re not going to bake in the sun if ever. Keeps you cool too.”

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2020 23:35:06 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar
Isra doesn't really know what to say to that. Probably because she doesn't know either and the entire thing here is foreign to her anyway. She's just sort of lost under the sun, he offers her sun screen even and she just looks at the bottle for a moment.

"No thank you, it's not really going to do me any good." she glances up at the shadow of her pokemon, because it's the greatest help she could possibly have. "Did I ever tell you I'm alergic? To the sun I mean. Sun block isn't going to help me."

She's a lot more nonchalont about it than he expected to be. Usually it's such a hard thing to say, but she's been surprising herself like that a lot more lately.

Something catchs her eye and she looks over her shoulder at the crowd, scrunches her brows and returns her attention to Alexei.

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
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Alexei Ivanov
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2020 23:51:44 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“I always thought it strange you preferred meeting late at night. I know you work evenings, but—thanks for providing more context with regards to the unusual schedule,” he hummed before looking down and around until he had found the thing he was looking for.

“Okay, give me a moment,” he said as he reached for a long stick and unfurling a sunflower-patterned umbrella and opening it to full size.

“Is this big enough to hide us?” he asked as he pointed at the umbrella which he pitched into the sand, angling it so that Isra was mostly underneath its shade. Not until he had continued applying sun block did he notice that she was looking elsewhere, and that made him frown a few moments.

“What’s wrong?” he asked her once he was done slathering sun block on his face and rubbing it in so that he didn’t cook under the sun like a sweet potato.

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2020 23:58:27 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar
He doesn't even bat an eye. Just keeps going like it's the most normla alergic reaction to have in the world. There's a part of Isra that's grateful for it. It makes things a little easier. "You're welcome. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you sooner." she's still looking away, the comment a half murmur.

By the time she looks back at him there's an umbrella up over them and her Banette is receding, though he stays present and close by her side just in case. He knows best of all her pokeon how damning the sun is.

"Thank you, I don't think anything is wrong." she glances back at the crowd again. "I never really stopped being on edge after that stalker incident I think." she was already regularly on edge before that, it just made it worse. "Are you going to swim?"

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 6:35:05 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Thanks for giving me more context—at least I now know why you keep the weird hours, he muttered as he closed the cap on the bottle of sun block and hid it inside the beach bag he had brought along.

Now that most of his exposed self had sun block slathered all over, it was just a matter of time of staying out for a couple of hours…

“You look bothered, though,” he remarked a few moments later as he caught her sight, eyeing the crowd a little more suspiciously than normal. “I don’t even know why people stalk you in the first place. Is it because of your position, or is there something else you’re not telling me?

At the mention of ‘swimming’, he let out a nervous peal of laughter.

“Uh, yeah, about that—“ he trailed off, looking away all embarrassed again.

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played by


The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 6:51:23 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar
"You're welcome. It does make a little more sense I suppose." her eyes flicker back to him, watching as he puts the bottle away before looking up at the umbrella above her.

she drum her fingers against her shis for a moment before answering. "I think it's because I'm pretty sometimes too. The last one said something about my hair in one of his notes. I think this one has to do with something else though."

If Isra knew any better she might have been disturbed by how nonchalont the topic was at this point. But this wasn't the first time anyway, so might as well be as far as she was concerned.

"Don't tell me you can't swim either? Even I can swim!" and she considered that to be saying something.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 7:27:00 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The nervous laughter became slightly louder the moment she had struck the nail on the head before he turned to face her with his face scrunched up.

“Isra, Isra. Why do you think I prefer flying in the first place? he posed his question to her.

Now, if she truly knew, she would know. Otherwise, he would humor her with his answer. It was pretty reasonable after all. Alexei shuddered at the thought of being on a boat for extended periods of time. It really made him seasick, to say the least.

“Well… do you know pepper spray? I suggest carrying some of that around,” he covered up to skate over the potentially awkward silence that ensured after he had dropped his previous question.

This was so embarrassing to say the least.

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 7:39:46 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar
Isra just stares at him for a moment, blinky before fully registering what he's said and the almst ridiculousness of it. How in the world could he not know how to swim? "You do realize you could die around here for not knowing, right?" she can't fathom it.

The woman points to her ghost, still lingering close. "Pepper Spray." better than. He'd yeet a bitch if Isra needed it of him in a heartbeat and he chuckled his ghostly chuckle of agreement to a sentiment he understood well.

Isra looks at the crowd again, she's pretty sure the man has stopped but uncertain, she reaches for Alexei had. "We're swimming" she's already up and moving, her ghost expanding his shadow again to keep her safe as they move along the beach.

And it's insanely obvious now who had been following her, trying to keep himself from being too much so in the crowd makes him more so as they move towards the shore.

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
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Alexei Ivanov
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 7:48:39 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Why do you think I highly prefer flying as my favored mode of transport? If Hoenn and Unova weren’t so far apart I would’ve made the journey by air, to be honest,” he muttered as he resisted the urge to groan. Not the water!

He took a look at the Ghost-type that had been hovering beside her, and he recoiled for a few moments out of surprise, of course. Sure, he was starting to understand why Loki functioned the way he did, but—most other Ghost-types really put him on edge.

And then he broke the silence with the most ridiculous statement he’s ever said in his entire life.

“You—you named your companion… Pepper Spray?” he said, blinking as his eyes went wide.

He couldn’t help but wonder as he observed her scanning the crowd, before he got dragged along towards the water. “Hey!” he exclaimed. “I’m not going alone!”

With that he plucked a Dive Ball and summoned Cherre, his Wartortle, just in case things went south. “Cherre, come with me—“ he yelped before getting dragged off to the shoreline.

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 7:59:14 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar
"Of course not, his name is Imp." actually it wasn't, she knew his real name she just didn't use it because Imp is what she called him when she was little and he liked it better nowadays anyway.

Isra doesn't stop until they're right at the shoreline, she'd been sure to wear a swimsuit under her sundress just in case but the idea of actually taking it off made her nervious. So much exposure if something happened- and she didn't know how the light in the water might affect her skin.

And then there's the little friend she didn't actully want.

"Will you go away already!" she yells across the sands at him, jaw tensing in annoyance. The individual seems to freeze in his tracks, thinking he wouldn't get caught at all.

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
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Alexei Ivanov
that burn [isra]
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 8:35:31 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Alexei continued to make little protesting noises as he was continuously dragged towards the water, his Wartortle following along with a very confused and concerned look on her face.

Wondering what the hell was up with her human companion, the Water-type then turned at the sound of the female who had dragged Alexei—what was this one screaming at?

At the same time, he blinked and turned around—finally catching sight of who Isra had yelled at.

“Seriously?” he grumbled, before squinting into the distance and then catching the one who had reacted so openly after his companion’s brazen shouting.

“Yeah, you heard her, leave us alone and get out of our sight! he added a few moments later. The Wartortle, sensing something was coming, then scurried in front of Alexei, ready to tussle if need be.

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