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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel
into the hisui [sz]
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2022 2:58:27 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
With an aggressive flap of wings, a green, doe-eyed Rowlet takes off from the boughs of a tree overhead, just as Remi rises from the Cyndaquil's pokeball. She pockets it and squints, watching where the Rowlet disappears.

"C'mon, kids. Let's get ourselves a little bird."

Her Sneasel chime in unison before taking off after the bird. Fortunately, a feather is left behind and the Pokemon is quite noisy, enough to follow it without much issue. But when they find the Rowlet, they quickly realize they're in for a struggle. Several LEAF BLADES are followed up immediately with a SHADOW SNEAK. Somehow, both of the Sneasel are nearly no match for one Rowlet. It is fast, determined, a fighter.

It's perfect.

One Sneasel has fainted when the Rowlet finally gives in. Remi returns her Pokemon to her hip alongside a capture attempt. She kneels next to her remaining Sneasel, one hand on his little shoulder. The Pokemon breathes heavily and she pulls the Sneasel into her arms and up onto her shoulder.

"Nice job. Bit sloppy, but it happens."

She winks.

capture attempt on rowlet
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she / her
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lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
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kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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dizzy [gym]
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2022 2:40:31 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
The battle comes to a screeching halt, smoke rising from the ground where the hyper beam had laid siege. Admittedly, Qi'ra is uncomfortable and in pain. She lays sprawled out once the Pokemon attached to her fall off. She lifts her head though, to look at Remi.

"Battling isn't really what we do, bit out of our comfort zone for us."

And she has never trained dragons, not like this. Up until weeks ago she hadn't even looked at Qi'ra. But now she was bigger, stronger, far more confident. Her fears were being overcome with every step she took. Character development.

"Uhmm.. yeah? Of course I do, yes."

Her eyes widen and she watches the button turn over in her hand. She reaches for it and turns it over now in her own hand. The woman is smiling as she lifts it up to show her Dragonair. Qi'ra approaches, albeit slowly, to coil herself around the woman's body and rest her head in the curve of her neck.

"You aren't so bad yourself, pinky."

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
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169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel
into the hisui [sz]
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2022 2:16:01 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
They follow the sound of squeaking and snuffling. What they find are a small gathering of adorable little Cyndaquil rooting around in the grass. One in particular inhales too much of the pollen or something, enough that elicits a sneeze. It's back lights up with flame and prompts a satisfied smirk from Remi.

"That's the one. You know what to do."

This time, naturally, the Sneasel have to work a bit harder to take down this target. The type difference between them are grave and have a window for injury. But they are practiced and properly trained, and they work seamlessly in tandem. They weave in and out and draw out the sneezy Cyndaquil, freezing out its flame just enough to weaken it. Giving the Pokemon a chill certainly did the trick.

Probably because these were babies, not fully-grown Pokemon. Regardless, they are successful and Remi steps in to finalize it.

capture attempt on cyndaquil
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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
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169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel
dizzy [gym]
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2022 2:06:58 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
Qi'ra recovers quickly from her DRAGON TAIL, pulling herself back into a tight coil before relaxing. Unfortunately, in spite of knocking them both aside, Melody's Pokemon recover quickly, too. From either side, the two Pokemon attempt to WRAP and hold her down.

But in doing so, they leave themselves open, too.

"Now, do something!"

Remi's second Dragonair, having been left to her own devices to charge up her strength, has every intention on attacking now. She opens her mouth, a HYPER BEAM in the back of her throat. Qi'ra continues to struggle, but lies limp just as the attack strikes out. The chances of it hitting her, too, are great. But that was why the second Dragonair had opted for an attack not as crippling as it could have been had it been a dragon-type one.

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
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169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel
into the hisui [sz]
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2022 4:09:11 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
Remi chuckles, a low-in-the-throat cackle matched with her hands rubbing together in anticipation. This right here, the cute little blue bellied, paddle-tailed sea creature was exactly what she was looking for. A little birdie had mentioned they might be in high demand.

Why? Well, that wasn't really an issue, or her problem. She was probably going to get paid heavy for bringing them in. Or they'd stick around and become worthwhile partners for her own gain.

Regardless, the woman sends her two Sneasel off to separate one from the rest. No amount of slashing shells and squeals of outrage are a match for her Pokemon's speed and efficiency. Remi unlatches one of the safari-given balls, tossing it at the fainted critter.

capture attempt on oshawott
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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel
into the hisui [sz]
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2022 1:20:19 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
Remi's brow twitches in irritation.

"What is that noise?"

Her shoulder jumps, head tilts sharply so that her ear meets her shoulder. It is soon followed by a shaking of her head and a finger jammed in her ear. Only then does she realize that the incessant ringing noise isn't tinnitus or a result of her hangover. Instead, it is a couple of Chingling passing by.

Fortunately, their annoying presence is fleeting and Remi is left behind to her own thoughts. Somehow, it brings her relief.

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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Remi Cassel
dizzy [gym]
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2022 16:18:29 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
Qi'ra, naturally, turns out to be the main target. She chocks it up to bad luck, mostly. Or maybe that Dragonair, specifically, is the prettiest. She does turn pink in season two, after all. Oops, spoilers!

The Dragonair cries out in pain as she is thrashed not just by the PSYBEAM but also the DOUBLE-EDGE. She recoils, shaking off the dizzying pain, before lashing out with a DRAGON TAIL to hopefully put distance between herself and the two attackers. The second dragon performs a DRAGON DANCE in the meantime.

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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Remi Cassel
dizzy [gym]
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2022 15:41:48 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
For a long time, neither side of the field does... anything. Nothing happens. No one gets confused, no one falls asleep, and the safeguard walls stand tall. Remi blinks, baffled if only for a moment. She blushes at Melody's 'we don't talk about this' and then the battle moves on.

"Sucker punch, thrash!"

Bear on the left tackles the Chimecho, planning to usurp and intercept the EXTRASENSORY with a wallop of its own. Meanwhile, the Spinda on the right THRASHES against its counterpart, limbs entangling. In the end, neither little teddy bear on Remi's side would be left standing.

She returns them in favour of two beautiful spindly Dragonair.

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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Remi Cassel
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2022 14:46:54 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
By now she is soaked through to the skin. She shivers, desperately clinging to the flimsy newspaper she's using as an umbrella. It hadn't worked then and it certainly doesn't work now that it's a wet mop. Frankly, she doesn't even know why she's here. She doesn't like dragons, not anymore.

But the curiosity and her brother's annoyingly excited tone whispers at the back of her mind. He would have loved this-- and he would have come prepared for the rain.

For the better part of twenty minutes, Remi has been following a trail of slime. The gooey mess sticks to the bottom of her boots, leaving perfect slimy boot treads behind. Her other hand is buried in her pocket both to keep it warm and to grip the empty pokeball. She tightens her grip, rounding the corner just in time to find the swarm.

They seem oblivious to the people crowding around, more than happy to bask in the downpour. Their gelatinous jelly bodies wiggle in tandem, their laughter almos contagious. Too bad Remi's a sour-puss.

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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Remi Cassel
into the hisui [sz]
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2022 20:49:55 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
Blood, sweat and tears had gone into the purchase of this ticket. Finally, months after arriving in Hoenn and fighting tooth and nail to get her paperwork in order, she finally had access to the safari zone properly. Smuggling in this shithole region was far more difficult than she'd given it credit for. Rocket had a chokehold, but not as tight as the League did.

In other words, Hoenn didn't give out warden's tickets to just any old nutjob off the street. She needed to prove her citizenship here, prove she had a job and an income and that these Pokemon wouldn't just be going into the system once she'd caught them. The whole nine yards. Granted, it all made sense and was reasonable, but she had to wonder what kind of cheapshot smugglers worked here to enforce these sort of laws.

Ruined it for the good ones.

Remi presses a wet kiss against her shining ticket, waving it over her head with blatant excitement as she steps into the restricted section of the safari zone.

"Alright babies.. come to mama."
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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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Remi Cassel
processed shop
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2022 20:44:35 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X warden's ticket(150 PD)


do come again!

150 PD
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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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Remi Cassel
icebreaker [m]
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2022 6:14:36 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
"Ouch!" she gasps, fingers pulling her leg away quickly to avoid the continued abuse. She frowns, unsure what to make of the creature that had just left a goose-egg sized bruise against her knee. Roach interjects, chastising and doing his best to correct behaviour. What she witnesses, however, only adds to her amusement.

It was the way he lifted his chin and stared him down, begging him to try something else and warning him against trying it, too. It made her snort, but she nods sincerely as she can when the Cubone apologizes. Her straight face is only held briefly, however, broken by his line of questioning.

"Help me? Help me what? What-- no! I don't get drunk, I just have fun."

mission: break the ice
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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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Remi Cassel
throw me a bone [s]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2022 21:18:39 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
It probably wouldn't be any different. They were two very different people from where they'd started. Remi's path was one of revenge and guilt, with little thought given to redeeming herself or choosing to do better. She purposely dragged herself through the mud to prove to herself she deserved nothing.

He deserved better. He had always been better.


The words feel hollow. They carry the potential to be the truth, but for now it is merely her letting go of control. Stepping into the faint light of hope and letting herself feel its warmth.

"Show me around?"
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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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Remi Cassel
melting ice [ww/m]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2022 21:13:27 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
"Sure, that's why we'll show 'em they're frozen solid."

She inclines her head in the back where her Beartic is currently rearranging the back to set up their makeshift scene. With the Pokemon asleep, it makes it easy to separate the two that would be 'dead'.

"Beartic will freeze them and we'll take 'em home with us to dispose of. Works like a charm."

Practiced, polished, perfected. She was a smuggler for a living, and this wasn't her first 'oops they froze to death!' lie. All she had to do was remove the Beartic from the picture and present the bodies.

mission: cold caravan
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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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Remi Cassel
this is for you [gym]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2022 20:58:29 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
The 'president' begins to giggle loudly and profusely. Her laughter comes from the belly as she is swung backward and forward with the rhythm of her elder's swing of their arms. It feels like she is flying, or on a fast-moving, on-the-go swing.

Naturally, because they have a fight incoming once more, the two bears set the Teddiursa down and usher the child forward. They keep moving, but prepare for the worst. Their little dead sprint seems to have quelled the fears and the tears fromt he Teddiursa, and she continues to bat and play with the pretty new flower shield on her arm.

But Remi notices something that perhaps her own Pokemon don't. The LIGHT SCREEN that erects feels too obvious. It feels like it should be the right direction, the next target, but--

"Bane, don't fall for the light screen. I think this might be like that battle in the art gallery-- a distraction. Remember when the Ninetales purposely missed you with that solar beam and then hit you with the flamethrower instead? I think it's that. We ignore it, there's something else coming."

And, sure enough..


They're forced to pick up the pace again, and quickly. The LIGHT SCREEN abandoned as a semi-obvious distraction, the bears hover overtop of the racing Teddiursa. The little bear gasps and pants, little feet pounding against the ground as she weaves in and out of falling branches. Her small size lends to her speed and agility, while the two older bears HAMMER ARM and THRASH their way through to keep the trees from crushing their president.

"I see the other side! Just a bit further, and the falling trees won't be able to reach us."
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
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