Soteria; Deliverance
July 17
Celadon City, Kanto
Grunt (Assassin)
It was beauty killed the beast
When Things Were Good [M]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2024 17:44:56 GMT
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Mei emerged, grinning, knowing full well that she looked radiant in the dress, but the expression on Mila's face stopped her in her tracks. Her cheeks reddened at the...profoundly smitten way the other woman was gazing at her. A sultry smile followed by light fingertips teasing Mei's arm, and all of a sudden, the seductress was the one compromised by an unexpected intimacy.[break][break] No, we're just friends, Mei reminded herself. Mila liked to say that about Gunner, but Mei knew the truth of it. It was Mei who was the friend, and Gunner the crush. She didn't resent Gunner for it, nor did she blame Mila. In fact, Mei thought both of them fools for playing their stupid game of denial. They'd both be happier if they just leaned in to accepting one another's affections.[break][break] Easier said than done, for the human heart.[break][break] "Let's both buy dresses," Mei murmured, recovering from her momentary stunned state. "It's like they were made just for us."[break][break] She pushed past Mila, gentle so as not to make it seem as if the closeness between them was unwanted, and re-entered the changing room. It felt good to spend time with someone else like this: not as someone's paid-for escort, but as a genuine companion. Ever since coming to Hoenn, she'd been presented with more and more opportunities to live life for...well, herself.[break][break] She hoped it would last.
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