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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Ez, Zeke, Cal, Cale
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Paniola Town
Model/Basketball Pro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @calebe
Caleb Kahilii
Our Time Has Come (Gym)
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 22:58:14 GMT
Caleb Kahilii Avatar
"A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."
Soon as it went for did "starz use minimize" he said as it increased the pokemons ablility to evade attacks evading the incoming attack. "use confuse ray" he said ready for the next attack hoping it would get confused and attack itself.

Notes: Team

but they tore me apart like a hurricane.
[newclass=.mizocredit]font:bold 6pt calibri;color:#ffffff;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans][googlefont=Karla]

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Ez, Zeke, Cal, Cale
1/ 6
Paniola Town
Model/Basketball Pro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @calebe
Caleb Kahilii
Speedy search
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2023 0:35:24 GMT
Caleb Kahilii Avatar
"A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."

"Thanks" he said picking up the pokeball of his new skamory who he decided to name mora. He then looked at the fellow speedster "Im a basket ball player and a new model" he said not acting like it was a big deal. "Sadly i dont think the team that hired me is going to pan out but i love playing basketball" he said getting out a tiny one for Joel who bounced it on his head.

"But ya thats what i currently do for work" he said. He had been a pro for a while now. He then heard something as joel lost track of the ball. He fallowed joel who chased the ball playing with a wild pokemon. When he came to the sound it was a hitmontop hitting the ball back to joel and seemed to want to fallow the little eevee. Who was the one that rolled the pokeball to the wild pokemon.

occ: Catching hitmontop

Joel = Eevee (eventually jolteon not yet though)
Skidds = Skiddo
Hollow = Gastly
Fletcher = Fletchling
Starz = Staryu
but they tore me apart like a hurricane.
[newclass=.mizocredit]font:bold 6pt calibri;color:#ffffff;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans][googlefont=Karla]

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Ez, Zeke, Cal, Cale
1/ 6
Paniola Town
Model/Basketball Pro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @calebe
Caleb Kahilii
Our Time Has Come (Gym)
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2023 0:24:14 GMT
Caleb Kahilii Avatar
"A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."
"Yes" he said sending out starz the staryu first. He was excited about this "Go use brime" he said as the staryu launched a water move at the drilbur. He hoped this wouldnt take long. But he also had to be careful too.

Joel stood in the stands cheering for him as the eevee smiled proudly at his trainer.

Notes: Team

but they tore me apart like a hurricane.
[newclass=.mizocredit]font:bold 6pt calibri;color:#ffffff;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans][googlefont=Karla]
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Ez, Zeke, Cal, Cale
1/ 6
Paniola Town
Model/Basketball Pro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @calebe
Caleb Kahilii
Our Time Has Come (Gym)
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 18:32:25 GMT
Caleb Kahilii Avatar
"A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."
Caleb was excited this would be his first gym challenge in Hoenn as he stepped onto the field, he noticed all the people around as his wasn't private. He hoped this wouldn't make Skidds nervous. As he waited for the gym leader, he wondered what Pokémon the guy would use he looked in the crowd and did notice one that was there with him his other Pokémon were on the side Joel being the railing watching. Hallow next to her and his karrablast watching too. He was excited. Not nervous anymore.

Notes: Team
but they tore me apart like a hurricane.
[newclass=.mizocredit]font:bold 6pt calibri;color:#ffffff;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans][googlefont=Karla]

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played by


Ez, Zeke, Cal, Cale
1/ 6
Paniola Town
Model/Basketball Pro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @calebe
Caleb Kahilii
Drive it harder and harder
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 18:18:13 GMT
Caleb Kahilii Avatar
"A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."
Caleb was too focused to notice anyone opening the door as he kept going pushing himself more and more. Joel however noticed the person who was coming to join them his Pokémon had hope maybe someone could get Caleb to stop. As Joel sniffed the stranger's hand then said hi of course in Eevee speak. He did hear this and looked up slightly out of the corner of his eye as he dunked the ball. He then caught the ball looking over at Joel seeing the stranger. Soon hearing him speak up and say he seemed like he had been at this for a while. "My Pokémon probably think I should take a break. But I have only been doing these 10 hours" he said. When he said that he realized why they were worried.

He then noticed the water bottle being offered and he took it squirting it in his mouth making sure not to touch the tip and then handed it back. "Thanks" he said as Joel went bounding over to his trainer. "I know I'm sorry for worrying you Joel" he said to it as he smiled the got out a ball Pokémon sized then tossed it as Joel, Skidds and Hallow decided to go after it and play a three-on-three game. As he took a seat taking a break. "I'm Caleb" he said introducing himself.

notes here
but they tore me apart like a hurricane.
[newclass=.mizocredit]font:bold 6pt calibri;color:#ffffff;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans][googlefont=Karla]
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Ez, Zeke, Cal, Cale
1/ 6
Paniola Town
Model/Basketball Pro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @calebe
Caleb Kahilii
Working with the Newbie
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 18:06:55 GMT
Caleb Kahilii Avatar
"A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."
Caleb was excited to finally meet his long while pen pal. When he introduced himself and his Pokémon Jet. Caleb had extended his hand as a greeting when his friend had stepped off the Pokémon. "I see so you too are here with a new member" he smiled. As he then picked up his staryu who seemed confused still not used to a trainer actually treating it like it's a person. "So how long you been in hoenn?" he asked having only been here a few months for himself. He still didn't know may people in hoenn which was why he was so happy to finally meet one person he knew.

His thoughts drifted a bit as he held the staryu missing his best bud joel but he knew that he needed the time with Starz. Starz then sprayed his face with water as he blinked "Hey!?" he said laughing a bit that was how the Pokémon snapped him out of his daydreaming. Starz defiantly was more careful and more serious of a Pokémon. He wasn't sure which one he was more of. "So, what are your goals here mine is just to create a life for myself and hopefully do well for the sports team here" he said. Although he had yet to meet any other team members to the basketball team.

notes here
but they tore me apart like a hurricane.
[newclass=.mizocredit]font:bold 6pt calibri;color:#ffffff;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans][googlefont=Karla]

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Ez, Zeke, Cal, Cale
1/ 6
Paniola Town
Model/Basketball Pro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @calebe
Caleb Kahilii
Speedy search
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 17:42:46 GMT
Caleb Kahilii Avatar
"A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."

Joel puffed up his fur when he was complimented to look bigger which just made him look more cute than tough which made him laugh. Joel was happy and excited to meet the Jolteon. Caleb then noticed he had said that he was in the wrong place to find a Ninjask most likely. He felt a bit stupid, but it was to be expected too since he wasn't from Hoenn. He then focused on the small stuffel who he placed in a safe place where the Pokémon pointed to where it wanted to be put. He then smiled and said goodbye to it.

He then heard something else going on and he decided to check it out. A steel bird a skamory was caught in a net that was not easily cut. He wasn't sure how to help but he wanted to. He then went up with Skidds thinking maybe skids horns could do something. The Pokémon was flailing around. He was trying to calm it down, but it wasn't working so then he ended up wrestling with it eventually after what seemed like forever it calmed down. He had an idea that might work better as he used the pokeball watching it in his hands to see if it would catch as the net dropped.

occ: Catching Skamory and switching karrablast with skamory in the party.

Joel = Eevee (eventually jolteon not yet though)
Skidds = Skiddo
Hollow = Gastly
Fletcher = Fletchling
Starz = Staryu
but they tore me apart like a hurricane.
[newclass=.mizocredit]font:bold 6pt calibri;color:#ffffff;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans][googlefont=Karla]

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played by


Ez, Zeke, Cal, Cale
1/ 6
Paniola Town
Model/Basketball Pro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
22 posts
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TAG WITH @calebe
Caleb Kahilii
Speedy search
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2023 0:43:47 GMT
Caleb Kahilii Avatar
"A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."
Josh had finally stopped running around at high speed which honestly looked fun. "Nice to meet you Josh I'm Caleb Kahilii" he said as he picked up Joel setting him on the ground to so he could meet the Jolteon who he sniffed. "This Joel he wants to become a jolteon one day" he smiled at his little buddy. "We came out here to look for some friends that may want to join us and our love for speed" he smiled. As although he didn't have the fastest Pokémon as long as the Pokémon had a base speed of over 100, he would consider them although 120 and higher was always better.

"Have you seen any Ninjask around" he asked as that was one of the Pokémon he heard could be found around where they were. Of course, he also didn't know what another speedy Pokémon could be found around where they were. Skidds had meanwhile wondered away but soon this was brought by his attention as she ran to Caleb something was up, so he followed her. She led them to a bastiodon that was picking on a stuffel. Caleb quickly acted not planning on catching either Pokémon but did want to help the stuffel and ended up holding the wild Pokémon in his arms after dodging the bastiodons ramming head. He didn't know what happened, but he didn't like seeing the small Pokémon picked on.

occ: Passing on capture but is helping letting josh catch one of them.

Joel = Eevee (eventually jolteon not yet though)
Skidds = Skiddo
Hollow = Gastly
Fletcher = Fletchling
Starz = Staryu
but they tore me apart like a hurricane.
[newclass=.mizocredit]font:bold 6pt calibri;color:#ffffff;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans][googlefont=Karla]

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played by


Ez, Zeke, Cal, Cale
1/ 6
Paniola Town
Model/Basketball Pro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @calebe
Caleb Kahilii
Working with the Newbie
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2023 0:24:47 GMT
Caleb Kahilii Avatar
"A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."
He heard a voice call out as he turned his head to see a man with pink hair on a sharpedo. The man had asked him if he had been waiting long. He smiled "No I haven't been waiting too long. Yes, I just got starz and so i figured we would work on his surf attack while waiting, I mean why not I I have time I should work as much as I can with them right?" he smiled. He would often drive himself a bit too hard he didn't usually do it with his Pokémon but sometimes he would. But today he really hadn't been practicing long. But he did have habits of forgetting about his needs just to train himself.

"Nice to finally meet you let me officially introduce myself I'm Caleb Kahilii, oh and this is starz" he smiled as starz got out of the water spinning and landing next to his side. He didn't know what to do now although he was super happy to finally meet his pen pal. He partially thought the guy might not show up. He was happy to see he was wrong about that. Caleb took a seat on the edge of the dock where they were and rubbed starz's jewel which the Pokémon loved.

notes here
but they tore me apart like a hurricane.
[newclass=.mizocredit]font:bold 6pt calibri;color:#ffffff;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans][googlefont=Karla]
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played by


Ez, Zeke, Cal, Cale
1/ 6
Paniola Town
Model/Basketball Pro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
22 posts
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TAG WITH @calebe
Caleb Kahilii
Simple Times
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 3:32:35 GMT
Caleb Kahilii Avatar





02Insta Crash- Daft Punk



03First of the year - Skrillex



04Make It Bun Dem - Skrillex



05Devil I Know - Allie X



06Paper Love - Allie X



07Rattle - Bingo Players



08Firestone- Kygo



09Come Into My World - NERVO


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Ez, Zeke, Cal, Cale
1/ 6
Paniola Town
Model/Basketball Pro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
22 posts
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TAG WITH @calebe
Caleb Kahilii
Drive it harder and harder
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 2:55:47 GMT
Caleb Kahilii Avatar
"A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."
Today was one of the days where he felt he needed to practice he hadn't heard of many games being scheduled heck he didn't even know if there were other players on the team besides him. But this was only one of the two jobs he did although it was his favorite and what he had been doing longer.

Joel the eevee, Hollow the Gastley, and Skidds the Skiddo where the only ones with him today. They watched on the side of the court watching their trainer practice. Of course, today was one of the days he was driving and pushing himself too hard. He had already been practicing for 10 hours. He had been up before the sun was even out. He hadn't let himself take a break yet. But this was just a part of him although he was breathing hard and sweating badly there was no sign of him taking a break.

He was in his normal blue jersey from back home although it wasn't the hoenn teams' jersey it was the one he wore the most with the number 050 on it. This was something he had always wore although 50 was the number he had back home. Five being his grandma's favorite number and 0 being his grandpa's favorite number. So, it represented his grandparents for him.

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but they tore me apart like a hurricane.
[newclass=.mizocredit]font:bold 6pt calibri;color:#ffffff;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans][googlefont=Karla]

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played by


Ez, Zeke, Cal, Cale
1/ 6
Paniola Town
Model/Basketball Pro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
22 posts
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TAG WITH @calebe
Caleb Kahilii
Speedy search
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 2:41:23 GMT
Caleb Kahilii Avatar
"A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."
Caleb noticed what he recognized as one of the gym leaders of the hoenn region. Who seemed to love speed like him judging from the Pokémon Caleb was seeing. Although Caleb was a fan of going fast, he didn't really care if his Pokémon moved first. He just cared that they weren't slow like the slowpoke line. He hated slowpoke and its evolutions with a passion but not more so than shuckle his least favorite pokemon.

He was often on the court at least one of the fastest players on the team which is why he was somewhat known for being a speedster back home. "Pretty impressive your quite fast" he said not sure if anyone would hear him. As he picked up Joel so the eevee could get a better view. Putting him on his head. The eevee happily took its perch on his head. As hollow floated next to his trainer watching the other Pokémon it saw. He didn't know how many people would recognize him from sports and he didn't really care if people knew him for speed. He just liked speedy Pokémon. Although he had never tried his hand at racing it wasn't a thing back home. "See Joel eventually you can become pretty fast too" he said looking up at the eevee perched on his head.

Joel = Eevee (eventually jolteon not yet though)
Skidds = Skiddo
Hollow = Gastly
Fletcher = Fletchling
Starz = Staryu
but they tore me apart like a hurricane.
[newclass=.mizocredit]font:bold 6pt calibri;color:#ffffff;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans][googlefont=Karla]

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played by


Ez, Zeke, Cal, Cale
1/ 6
Paniola Town
Model/Basketball Pro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
22 posts
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TAG WITH @calebe
Caleb Kahilii
Kahilii's Storage
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2023 23:59:23 GMT
Caleb Kahilii Avatar







[attr="class","leaguecardname"]Caleb Eziekiel Kahilii


















[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]Caleb Ezekiel Kahilii




[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]Speedy Pokemon




Caleb loves speedy pokemon. He hates taking things slow. He also likes to keep things simple yet he tends to think deeply. He uses this training card as his basketball and trainer card. So feel free to use it as either. His favorite three pokemon you can always find with him are Joel the eevee, Hollow the gastley, and Skidds the Skiddo.



[attr="class","leaguecardbigname"]Caleb Ezekiel Kahilii