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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
38 posts
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TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
Picture Perfect [M]
POSTED ON May 22, 2024 4:28:32 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #9e552e;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightlyrics"]height: 40px; padding: 15px 0; text-align: center; background: #423649; font-family: 'Dosis'; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px; font-weight: 300; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttopslant"]float: left; width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 3px solid transparent; border-left: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: -18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightbottomslant"]width: 0; height: 0; float: right; border-bottom: 3px solid transparent; border-right: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: 15px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightsecondarylyrics"]height: 30px; line-height: 30px; background: #423649; text-align: center; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px; font-family: 'Niramit';[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelighttags"]display: inline-block; float: left; margin-left: -200px; margin-top: 145px; width: 120px; height: 30px; background: #333333; transition: 0.5s; text-align: right; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 11px; color: #989EB3; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 30px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".punkisavelighttext b"]color: #cc6300; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 13px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttext i"]color: #ff7b00; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 13px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit"]width: 490px; text-align: right; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #6e6e6e; font-family: 'Niramit'; margin: auto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a:hover"]color: #989EB3;[/newclass]


| mission

I'm not here to fit in this world,
[break]I just want to make a difference,


"I mean, sure they're a little fuzzy and a bit blurry... my usual pictures are a lot better than this too but, they've got charm, Ursula, a little hidden gem, ya know?" she'd smiled, oblivious to what the young girl had been thinking of her, and clearly not realising something was fundamentally wrong with the photos the two had taken today.[break][break]

"I wonder if our client'll be happy with 'em though, I can keep going, honestly," Bella had said, a tad worried that perhaps the photos did seem a little pedestrian and unprofessional.[break][break]

She'd shot up off the sandy beach, just about ready to dust herself off before everything went black.[break][break]

From Ursula's perspective, the young girl would have seen Bella stand right up then immediately slam face first into the sand and stop moving. It seemed the sudden movement had caused some rushed bloodflow, and with her fatigue, she'd knocked herself out. Bella had admittedly been going through this day having slept only about 3 hours within the last couple days, seeming to run herself ragged into the ground taking on this job out of pure folly and unfound confidence.[break][break]

After a moment of awkward silence, an Absol had popped out from somewhere on the snoozing girl's person, looking a little awkward and apologetic for just how... slightly unhinged she had been, seeming to mentally agree with the girl and her Luxray's beliefs that Bella in fact, is a dumbass. Unfortunately for the Absol, her trainer was in fact her dumbass to deal with.[break][break]

It seemed that was definitely all the photos Bella was taking for today.



We're just quirky notes in the symphony.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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played by


October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
38 posts
part of
TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
Happenstance [DW]
POSTED ON May 22, 2024 4:27:15 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #9e552e;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightlyrics"]height: 40px; padding: 15px 0; text-align: center; background: #423649; font-family: 'Dosis'; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px; font-weight: 300; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttopslant"]float: left; width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 3px solid transparent; border-left: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: -18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightbottomslant"]width: 0; height: 0; float: right; border-bottom: 3px solid transparent; border-right: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: 15px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightsecondarylyrics"]height: 30px; line-height: 30px; background: #423649; text-align: center; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px; font-family: 'Niramit';[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelighttags"]display: inline-block; float: left; margin-left: -200px; margin-top: 145px; width: 120px; height: 30px; background: #333333; transition: 0.5s; text-align: right; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 11px; color: #989EB3; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 30px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".punkisavelightseparator"]margin: 25px 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; height: 1px; background: linear-gradient(to right,transparent,#CFD4E6,transparent); text-align: center; line-height: 1px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".punkisavelighttext b"]color: #cc6300; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 13px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttext i"]color: #ff7b00; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 13px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit"]width: 490px; text-align: right; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #6e6e6e; font-family: 'Niramit'; margin: auto;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a"]font-weight: bold; color: #7D87A6; transition: 0.3s; font-family: inherit;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a:hover"]color: #989EB3;[/newclass]



I'm not here to fit in this world,
[break]I just want to make a difference,


She'd breathed a sigh of relief as the man seemed to accept her apology only for a blast of wind to nearly cause her to stumble as a blur had sped past her. In truth, Bella hadn't even noticed the large dragon pokémon at the man's back, she'd found the owner himself far too distractingly terrifying. Yet that sudden burst of speed alongside how quickly the Dragonite had taken care of the wild pokémon that had slipped under her radar had renewed her I don't wanna mess with this guy vibes and sobered her up plenty from her typical torpor.[break][break]

"Yup! Yes sir, right away!" she'd practically saluted in a cold sweat, she never was one for respecting authority in such a manner, which spoke volumes to just how many assumptions she'd made of the man she'd thrown a ball at in terms of what possible ways he could kill her and probably hide her body.[break][break]

She'd hurriedly fumbled through her bag for her poké ball, tossing it quickly and releasing a Mimikyu with a faux flower sewn into its disguise, "Cheiri, let's Play Rough, and please make it quick!" she'd called out, adding on that extra bit to her battle request as her Mimikyu had honed in grabbing the wooden make-believe tail like a comical bat and rough-housing the poor Vullaby that had approached—probably only out of curiosity too—before she'd fastballed a poké ball at it.



We're just quirky notes in the symphony.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki

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played by


October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
38 posts
part of
TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
Picture Perfect [M]
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 13:57:10 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #9e552e;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightlyrics"]height: 40px; padding: 15px 0; text-align: center; background: #423649; font-family: 'Dosis'; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px; font-weight: 300; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttopslant"]float: left; width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 3px solid transparent; border-left: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: -18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightbottomslant"]width: 0; height: 0; float: right; border-bottom: 3px solid transparent; border-right: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: 15px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightsecondarylyrics"]height: 30px; line-height: 30px; background: #423649; text-align: center; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px; font-family: 'Niramit';[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelighttags"]display: inline-block; float: left; margin-left: -200px; margin-top: 145px; width: 120px; height: 30px; background: #333333; transition: 0.5s; text-align: right; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 11px; color: #989EB3; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 30px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".punkisavelighttext"]padding: 25px; padding-top: 10px; font-size: 13px; line-height: 16px; font-family: verdana; color: #9da1af; text-align: justify;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttext b"]color: #cc6300; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 13px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttext i"]color: #ff7b00; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 13px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit"]width: 490px; text-align: right; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #6e6e6e; font-family: 'Niramit'; margin: auto;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a"]font-weight: bold; color: #7D87A6; transition: 0.3s; font-family: inherit;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a:hover"]color: #989EB3;[/newclass]


| mission

I'm not here to fit in this world,
[break]I just want to make a difference,


Despite the comment likely being something that may offend most, to Bella, being told she had a talent for ghost pictures... had made her ecstatic, a far too giddy blushing smile as she'd awkwardly scratched the back of her neck, "aw, really? You think so?" getting all bashful.[break][break]

It had taken Bella a bit to realise that in all her pride and bluster, nostalgic rumination, and finally her elation from being complimented in such a manner about her talents, that she hadn't seen the photo she herself had taken of the Psyduck earlier, casually grabbing her Rotom Phone and spinning it around her way with excitement... followed by a rather confused frown, "... huh, that's not what the Psyduck looked like, is this that whole 'shiny pokémon' deal?" she'd asked, not quite understanding how strange Ursula seemed to find the pictures she'd taken so far.[break][break]

Yet as the young girl had taken her own photo, Bella couldn't help but peek over her shoulder to see just what she'd managed to take a shot of, "Aw that's kind of cute, actually," she'd commented, though her adoration over the enigmatic cryptid that had been caught on camera had been cut short as the girl had claimed that the route they were on was haunted, "huh? Haven't really heard much 'bout any haunted islands 'round these parts..." she'd thought aloud, "though I guess there's always first time sightings, didja see a ghost in your picture or something?!" she'd added her expertise onto this, followed by a renewed burst of excitement and life in her eyes at the idea of snapping a shot of a ghost.



We're just quirky notes in the symphony.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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played by


October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
38 posts
part of
TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
Picture Perfect [M]
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 14:04:04 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #9e552e;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightlyrics"]height: 40px; padding: 15px 0; text-align: center; background: #423649; font-family: 'Dosis'; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px; font-weight: 300; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttopslant"]float: left; width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 3px solid transparent; border-left: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: -18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightbottomslant"]width: 0; height: 0; float: right; border-bottom: 3px solid transparent; border-right: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: 15px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightsecondarylyrics"]height: 30px; line-height: 30px; background: #423649; text-align: center; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px; font-family: 'Niramit';[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelighttags"]display: inline-block; float: left; margin-left: -200px; margin-top: 145px; width: 120px; height: 30px; background: #333333; transition: 0.5s; text-align: right; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 11px; color: #989EB3; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 30px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".punkisavelighttags div"]width: 80px; height: 30px; float: right; background: linear-gradient(to right,#333333,transparent); margin-right: -80px; margin-left: -50px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelight:hover .punkisavelighttags"]margin-left: 0px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightseparator"]margin: 25px 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; height: 1px; background: linear-gradient(to right,transparent,#CFD4E6,transparent); text-align: center; line-height: 1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightseparator div"]display: inline-block; padding: 0 10px; background: #333333; line-height: 10px; height: 10px; font-size: 10px; font-family: calibri; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #989EB3; text-transform: uppercase; position: relative; top: -5px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelighttext"]padding: 25px; padding-top: 10px; font-size: 13px; line-height: 16px; font-family: verdana; color: #9da1af; text-align: justify;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttext b"]color: #cc6300; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 13px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttext i"]color: #ff7b00; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 13px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit"]width: 490px; text-align: right; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #6e6e6e; font-family: 'Niramit'; margin: auto;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a"]font-weight: bold; color: #7D87A6; transition: 0.3s; font-family: inherit;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a:hover"]color: #989EB3;[/newclass]


| mission

I'm not here to fit in this world,
[break]I just want to make a difference,


Bella had quietly cracked open another can, seeming to be of some sort of cheap double dosed cold expresso, her hands a little jittery from exhaustion, she'd practically slammed the whole drink in one go, taking a rather jock-like swing back as she did, bending over backwards enough to impress a Jojo character. It seemed she was at least somewhat cognizant of her evergrowing torpor, given that she'd eyed the opening of the can before trying to shake out whatever remaining dregs of caffeine were left in it.[break][break]

Though her attention had shifted back as Ursula had responded with her own sense of enjoyment towards photography, with a grin that seemed a little less tired—though the bags under her eyes still ever present—she'd affirmed herself, "Polaroids are pretty neat," she'd somehow stopped herself from saying 'poggers', seeming to have just enough shame to not use such lingo in front of a kid, "I used to have one as a kid, it's nice having the physical thing somewhere you know it'll always be right?" she'd added further, "though personally I just like having that sense of safety knowing I've got an online backup of it,"[break][break]

She'd blinked a couple times, seeming more like an innocent child than the girl half a decade younger than herself, "yeah? You know, for the Wii?" she'd tried to explain, seeming to not understand what Ursula had found strange about her prior statement, "Oh, I guess those are pretty old now, huh?" she'd smiled as she crouched down to sit herself down on the warm sandy beach, slowly swirling the can around despite it being empty.[break][break]

"Did you wanna take a picture yourself, Ursula?"



We're just quirky notes in the symphony.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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played by


October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
38 posts
part of
TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
Terrifying Trap Hole Nightmare
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 8:52:36 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #9e552e;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightlyrics"]height: 40px; padding: 15px 0; text-align: center; background: #423649; font-family: 'Dosis'; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px; font-weight: 300; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttopslant"]float: left; width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 3px solid transparent; border-left: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: -18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightbottomslant"]width: 0; height: 0; float: right; border-bottom: 3px solid transparent; border-right: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: 15px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightsecondarylyrics"]height: 30px; line-height: 30px; background: #423649; text-align: center; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px; font-family: 'Niramit';[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelighttags"]display: inline-block; float: left; margin-left: -200px; margin-top: 145px; width: 120px; height: 30px; background: #333333; transition: 0.5s; text-align: right; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 11px; color: #989EB3; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 30px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttags a"]font-size: inherit !important; font-family: inherit !important; transition: 0.3s;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttags a:hover"]color: #8D92A6 !important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttags div"]width: 80px; height: 30px; float: right; background: linear-gradient(to right,#333333,transparent); margin-right: -80px; margin-left: -50px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelight:hover .punkisavelighttags"]margin-left: 0px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightseparator"]margin: 25px 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; height: 1px; background: linear-gradient(to right,transparent,#CFD4E6,transparent); text-align: center; line-height: 1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightseparator div"]display: inline-block; padding: 0 10px; background: #333333; line-height: 10px; height: 10px; font-size: 10px; font-family: calibri; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #989EB3; text-transform: uppercase; position: relative; top: -5px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelighttext"]padding: 25px; padding-top: 10px; font-size: 13px; line-height: 16px; font-family: verdana; color: #9da1af; text-align: justify;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttext b"]color: #cc6300; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 13px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttext i"]color: #ff7b00; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 13px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit"]width: 490px; text-align: right; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #6e6e6e; font-family: 'Niramit'; margin: auto;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a"]font-weight: bold; color: #7D87A6; transition: 0.3s; font-family: inherit;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a:hover"]color: #989EB3;[/newclass]



I'm not here to fit in this world,
[break]I just want to make a difference,


One would think that it's a smart idea to never enter an abandoned dilapidated place. Especially not one that's been rumoured to be haunted, supposed murders and such with the victims souls tied to such a place. Yet, Bella had nonetheless entered. At the very least, it had been dusk, far earlier than the more concerning hours she'd usually peruse through such places for the sake of her. Part of it had been the strange fact that she'd had no reception the moment she entered the abandoned building, meaning there was no way for her to stream it. She'd at least wanted to catch the whole thing on camera in hopes of finding a ghost or ghoul for real this time around.[break][break]

Bella herself had been rather haggard and ratty, yawning as she rather nonchalantly stepped into the empty building. Each step she took causing the floor and walls to groan and echo, as if she'd entered within an entity that was displeased with her presence, creaks and cracks as if she were stepping on ice, each sound a further cacophony against the backdrop of pure silence. Such a thing had made even Bella chuckle nervously, the haggard young woman not normally one to really feel her fear—much more used to being bombastic and loud, knowing she didn't have much of an audience at this time perhaps had helped wear down her typical bravado.[break][break]

She'd pushed further on nonetheless, not one to chicken out, yet... one single misstep, alongside her getting used to the sounds slowly. The groan of the floorboards had ended up being filtered out by her mind, such that she hadn't been minding her step particularly much before a loud CRASH was the last thing she heard before darkness was all she could see.[break][break]

Covered in dust, cobwebs and splinters, Bella had coughed and sputtered, waving her hand in front of her face to rid herself of the unsettled dust, a slight stinging sensation slowly building through her from her ankle as adrenaline had dulled. A soft, sharp intake of air as she'd patted her ankle, it seemed she'd sprained it, and from the looks of the little room around her... it hadn't seemed like it was a room at all, no apparent doors or any other openings in sight.



We're just quirky notes in the symphony.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki

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October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
38 posts
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TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 7:31:57 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #9e552e;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a:hover"]color: #989EB3;[/newclass]



I'm not here to fit in this world,
[break]I just want to make a difference,


Unlike most who'd seemed to question the sudden appearance of these sentient sandcastles in an otherwise forested grasslands, Bella had found herself more invested in just how many of these spectral fellas there had been, with a grin like a kid at a candy store, she'd had a slightly menacing grin on her face. She'd had her own theory on the number of Palossand in the area, she was sort of aware of the many entries regarding these sandy little guys, and how they and their prevolution'd either supposedly possess people into fortifying them or trap them and steal their vitality. While most might shy away from such a thing, Bella had found the very idea fascinating, a look in her eye filled with curiosity... her own Absol staring at the curiously clueless girl with a look of disbelief and disappointment—the Disaster Pokémon didn't exactly need its acute danger sense to foretell the coming disaster, after all.[break][break]

Of course, before her Absol could even have the chance to stop her, Bella had tested out the supposed theory, sticking her hand into the maw of a nearby Sandygast—she didn't exactly want to get trapped in a Palossand after all, that'd be dangerous—yet rather unsurprisingly she'd seemed to lose her sense of will, seeming to quietly begin working on building said Sandygast to a greater size, gathering nearby sand in her endeavour.[break][break]

Fortunately for Bella, her Absol was far more careful about the matter, staring rather disheartedly at the individual she'd considered her trainer, before working to free Bella from her curse, a quick Night Slash thrown to scare off the Sandygast by its own free will, taking the opportunity to scare off more of the living mounds of sand while Bella had slowly regained her wit. Of course, unfortunately for Bella, she'd have no memory of the actual sensation of being cursed by the pokémon, much to her disappointment.




We're just quirky notes in the symphony.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki

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October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
38 posts
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TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
Bella's Tracker
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 4:35:22 GMT
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Isabella Lavigne


Spooky Footage - Social -

Terrifying Trap Hole Nightmare - Social -

Seafaring Adventure?! - Failing Successfully (Mission) -

• TBD (stream collab!) -

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October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
38 posts
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TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
Happenstance [DW]
POSTED ON May 15, 2024 6:03:38 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #9e552e;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightlyrics"]height: 40px; padding: 15px 0; text-align: center; background: #423649; font-family: 'Dosis'; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px; font-weight: 300; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttopslant"]float: left; width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 3px solid transparent; border-left: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: -18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightbottomslant"]width: 0; height: 0; float: right; border-bottom: 3px solid transparent; border-right: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: 15px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightsecondarylyrics"]height: 30px; line-height: 30px; background: #423649; text-align: center; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px; font-family: 'Niramit';[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelighttags"]display: inline-block; float: left; margin-left: -200px; margin-top: 145px; width: 120px; height: 30px; background: #333333; transition: 0.5s; text-align: right; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 11px; color: #989EB3; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 30px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a:hover"]color: #989EB3;[/newclass]



I'm not here to fit in this world,
[break]I just want to make a difference,


"Oh jeez, oh shoot!" she'd exclaimed—she'd almost immediately realised her mistake as soon as the ball had left her hand, balling up a little as she'd pulled her hands down a litle over her mouth, knees together as she'd had a look of surprise on her face. Though she couldn't help but barely manage to choke down an almost-chuckle—it did kind of look hilarious seeing the stranger's face just straight up hold the poké ball for just a second—managing to hold her expression so as not to offend the stranger as much as she probably already had with the attempted capture.[break][break]

"Sorry about that! I didn't really think I'd run into another person out here, so I figured, 'element of surprise!' and all that, trying to catch the first thing I saw, you know?" she'd hurriedly tried to apologise—accepting the poké ball back in the middle of it—frantically waving her hands about as she'd tried to fix her screw up, "So err... hi, I'm Bella?" she'd awkwardly injected an introduction as she'd bowed rather politely, holding her hand out in some sort of formal greeting—she wasn't really good at this sort of thing honestly, and bro kinda looked like he'd snap her in half with his pinky finger or something, so she had to make a better first impression than she already had.[break][break]

Yet, it seemed in her frantic fear for her life out here in the mountains, she'd been just loud enough to attract the attention of a couple locals... something she hadn't quite noticed yet—she'd had a look of fear and worry on her face, not that the stranger could see given she'd been bowing her head down at a near perfect 90° angle.



We're just quirky notes in the symphony.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki

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October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
38 posts
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TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
Picture Perfect [M]
POSTED ON May 15, 2024 5:52:14 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #9e552e;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightlyrics"]height: 40px; padding: 15px 0; text-align: center; background: #423649; font-family: 'Dosis'; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px; font-weight: 300; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".punkisavelightbottomslant"]width: 0; height: 0; float: right; border-bottom: 3px solid transparent; border-right: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: 15px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a:hover"]color: #989EB3;[/newclass]


| mission

I'm not here to fit in this world,
[break]I just want to make a difference,


Bella had cocked her head at the odd remark that Ursula had made when seeing her photo, pursing her lips and looking like a rather confused Meowth or something of the sort as she'd simply asked, "was it blurry or somethin'?" before turning her Rotom Phone around to check it out for herself.[break][break]

"Huh. Since when did Doduos have arms?" she'd asked rather puzzledly, turning back around to the ever-shrinking silhouette of the bird pokémon in question as she'd put a hand up to shield her eyes as she squinted out there, even going so far as leaning forward as she'd frowned, doing everything she could to see... and to the surprise of nobody, as far as she could tell it was a regular Doduo, no arms or anything. Yet she'd looked back to the photo she'd taken, "musta been something behind it right?" she'd chuckled further, though she figured that she'd ought to take more photos at least, and it just so happened, she was lucky enough to spot a Psyduck, staring blankly at the two off in the distance.[break][break]


"see, I kinda just love this sort of stuff, Ursula," she'd gone on a tangent, letting her Rotom phone free from her hands as she turned around to smile at the girl, "making these sorta physical memories in photos and videos and stuff, it's super fun," despite her tired visage, she seemed to be wholeheartedly trying to make conversation, "but yeah, this ol' Rotom phone of mine is as much of a partner to me as my pokémon are, we have a connection!" she'd grinned, "like a wiimote to a nunchuk kinda connection," she'd pulled the Rotom phone to show Ursula the photo she'd taken—of course, without checking and finding out how she'd managed to somehow mess up the photo this time around, "I'm the nunchuk and my phone's my wiimote, I'm useless without it! Like actually though, kinda need it to do my job," she'd chuckled jokingly, completely unaware of the fact that she was painting a picture of herself as an absolute weirdo and failure with what she'd said alongside the strange... lighting she'd managed to take the picture of the Psyduck in.



We're just quirky notes in the symphony.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
38 posts
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TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
Picture Perfect [M]
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 15:21:39 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #9e552e;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightlyrics"]height: 40px; padding: 15px 0; text-align: center; background: #423649; font-family: 'Dosis'; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px; font-weight: 300; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttopslant"]float: left; width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 3px solid transparent; border-left: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: -18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelightbottomslant"]width: 0; height: 0; float: right; border-bottom: 3px solid transparent; border-right: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: 15px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightsecondarylyrics"]height: 30px; line-height: 30px; background: #423649; text-align: center; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px; font-family: 'Niramit';[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelighttags"]display: inline-block; float: left; margin-left: -200px; margin-top: 145px; width: 120px; height: 30px; background: #333333; transition: 0.5s; text-align: right; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 11px; color: #989EB3; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 30px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".punkisavelighttext b"]color: #cc6300; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 13px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttext i"]color: #ff7b00; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 13px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit"]width: 490px; text-align: right; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #6e6e6e; font-family: 'Niramit'; margin: auto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a:hover"]color: #989EB3;[/newclass]


| mission

I'm not here to fit in this world,
[break]I just want to make a difference,


Bella had been none the wiser that the name she was given had been a fake—she'd had no reason to suspect it after all—and with a bit more chipper grin, she'd chimed back, "Ursula's a cute name~" while she'd been genuine about the compliment, she couldn't quite help but immediately associate the name with that one sea witch from that fairy tale who stole voices and gave legs, though she'd never voice such a thing to someone she just met.[break][break]

Lost in thought, Bella hadn't actually realised a candid shot had been taken of her until she'd seen a littler version of herself on Ursula's phone, lost deep in thought, chin in hand as if doing such a thing would make her look cool as she contemplated, a contrived habit from her cringier dark times called her 'teenage years', yet with how ratty and tired Bella looked, she was more comparable to a crazy cat lady than any sort of amazing hero in a good mystery novel. She couldn't help but laugh as she'd seen how scraggily and messy she looked, "my bad, I probably look pretty worse for wear, huh?" she'd added, dusting herself a bit and combing her hair a bit, even going so far as to redo the scrunchy keeping her side tail up, which, at the very least made her more presentable, though hadn't done much for how physically exhausted she actually was.[break][break]

"But man, you're gonna put me outta my job and hobby with that kind of shot," she'd chuckled, looking around for something she might want to snap a shot of, she'd had half a mind to snap a shot of Ursula and her Luxray, but that felt like far too easy a choice, and as if fate had decreed it, she'd heard something over the sound of the ocean surrounding them, footsteps, rapid ones at that. She'd turned a full 180, with some sort of near-alien pose fit for an overexcited foreign tourist as she'd snapped a photo of a Doduo running by. With a proud smile brimming with confidence of her own, she'd turned her phone around to show the girl, not aware of what bizarre photo she managed to capture.[break][break]


"I'm pretty good at this, huh?"



We're just quirky notes in the symphony.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
38 posts
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TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 13:20:21 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar
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October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
38 posts
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TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
Happenstance [DW]
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 13:16:30 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #9e552e;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightlyrics"]height: 40px; padding: 15px 0; text-align: center; background: #423649; font-family: 'Dosis'; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px; font-weight: 300; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttopslant"]float: left; width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 3px solid transparent; border-left: 450px solid #423649; margin-top: -18px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".punkisavelightsecondarylyrics"]height: 30px; line-height: 30px; background: #423649; text-align: center; color: #917b9d; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px; font-family: 'Niramit';[/newclass]

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I'm not here to fit in this world,
[break]I just want to make a difference,


Bella had been humming to herself, exploring caves in the area, less so for any sort of spooky rumours about the place, more for the sake of pushing herself forward as a pokémon trainer, delving into any interesting cave she thought might house any sort of little guy she might be interested in—though not too deeply, she'd heard far too many stories of caving accidents and had been binge watching real life horror stories about the topic on Pokétube far too much lately, and the lesson she'd learnt from that was don't fuck with caves, you'll actually die alone in the claustrophobic dark, and that's terrifying. Nonetheless, she'd sauntered around the place, looking a little suspicious skulking around while looking as raggedly, ratty and tired as she usually did, a creepy chuckle as she made weird finger wiggles while edging close to each corner of a cave mouth to eye any potential pokémon she might encounter, and her iconically haggard, tired expression alongside a smile that belonged on some cartoon supervillain surely hadn't helped her look like anything but a troublemaker.[break][break]

Yet here she was, in the middle of the day, looking like a complete and total weirdo, when she could swear she'd heard something just around the next bend in the rugged mountainside, readying a poké ball to throw right at it—completely unaware of who or what might just be around the next corner.



We're just quirky notes in the symphony.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki

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played by


October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
38 posts
part of
TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
Picture Perfect [M]
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 13:06:20 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar

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| mission

I'm not here to fit in this world,
[break]I just want to make a difference,


The moment the Luxray had interposed itself between the two girls, Bella had managed to realise her mistake, the brazen excitement in her body language dying down a little. "Ah." she'd figured out what was going on, a fist quietly slapped onto her open palm as her Cramorant-size brain cells managed to put two and two together.[break][break]

"Wait, riiiiight, we're both here to snap pictures, right?" Bella had asked with a bit more grace, offering her hand despite the very much cautious Luxray between herself and this lost(?) blue-haired child in front of her, "name's--..." she'd yawned a bit, massaging the back of her neck, a slight weird crook in it causing a bit of discomfort, "name's Bella~" she'd introduced herself a bit more properly with a casual wave and a slight chuckle. The scarred girl while a bit disheveled, was trying her best to be polite to make up for her... episode earlier.[break][break]

"So, errr, pictures! We're gonna take some right? Got much experience with this sorta stuff?" she'd asked a little awkwardly, a bit embarrassed by the fact that she went on a full on manic episode in front of this girl.



We're just quirky notes in the symphony.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki

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played by


October 30
Avignon Town, Kalos
5'8 height
5'8 height
So baby, now you feel like number one, shining bright for everyone.
38 posts
part of
TAG WITH @nightshade
Isabella Lavigne
Spooky Footage
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 12:39:52 GMT
Isabella Lavigne Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #9e552e;[/newclass]

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I'm not here to fit in this world,
[break]I just want to make a difference,


Bella's eyes lighted up with a slight bit of curiosity, a soft little "oho~?" escaping her as mischief twisted her smile, "trainin', huh? What sorta trainin' were ya up to?" she'd asked curiously, casually waving the spoon she had at the girl with a slight point. While she was curious about what this 'training' was, Bella's curiosity was more than piqued considering the bashful movements of the girl in front of her, this mischief in her eye and the low little laugh she had more appropriate for a creepy old man rather than a girl like Bella.[break][break]

"Exactly! What's fun 'bout life without a good scare, right?" she'd said with a bright smile on her face. Of course, Bella wasn't impervious to fear, brazen and foolish most certainly, but even she freaked out when a situation was sus enough, but that was part of the fun for her.[break][break]

"Haven't gotten ghosted quite yet, at least~" she'd said jokingly, "but, I gotta be responsible, ya know? Can't imagine the sorta trouble I'd get into if you end up getting spooked away instead," Bella had added with a goofy smile.



We're just quirky notes in the symphony.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki