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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
[wops] saskia & silverio
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2024 5:44:07 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

"water, sure. sit tight, we'll get you some." suppose that it was only natural for anyone in this situation to be famished or parched. silverio signals for his own froggy friend to fetch a canteen that was left behind on the boat, and his two pokémon were undoubtedly in such a hurry to come to her aid that they'd forgotten to bring some of the essential supplies with them. meanwhile, the man moves to examine the fellow ranger - she appeared to be well enough, no signs of injury, or at leat not anything conspicuous.

in a matter of minutes what felt like only seconds, the frogadier returns with a metallic container filled with iced-cold freshwater and proceeds to offer it to saskia. "forty minutes..." silv repeats, with questions whirlpooling around in his mind. no question that was far too long for a person to be stranded, especially when dire transpirings were afoot.

those thoughts are set aside at the sound of her inquiry, prompting him to look over his own equipment - still in one piece to say the least, with a near-full oxygen supply to boot. "what a coincidence; it just so happens that i was on my way with a few others to dive in and help some pokémon that were reported to be trapped underneath some rubble underwater. you're welcome to come and ride out with me, but we oughta be quick about getting off this island. i suspect that if a hide tide comes around, then we'll all sink."

silv then calls for his pokémon to do away with nearby debris to ensure a safe passage back to the boat. eyes dart in the woman's direction once more before initiating steps back towards whence he came. "i can hook you up with a fresh tank too, if you need one."

operation #3: wildlife protection
objective #3: address environment hazards
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
[wops] silverio & elise
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 20:30:18 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

the amount of damage done to the area, and the potential of even more, felt to impossible to measure by simple means. one thing was certain though, and it was that the people and pokémon affected by this debacle would likely remember this moment in time as a trigger for unwanted trauma for the rest of their days. suffice to say that opportunities for leisure would have to wait for silverio, or any of the rangers for that matter, quite possibly for an indefinite amount of time.

silv's eyes wander, examining the vicinity. debris scattered as far as the eye can see, with no end to the chaos in sight. as his mind drifts like the waves that unquestionably plagued humanity, his frogadier returns to him, arms waving to indicate that he had spotted someone, or some people. silv and the golisopod would follow suit to find an all too familiar woman. "it's...ah never mind; it's good to see you, captain elise." indeed, in one piece. the area around him now seemingly nestled with makeshift safehavens for the unfortunate ones who suffered an ill fate.

"give 'em a hand, will you?" he orders his bipedal, aquatic insectoid to assist in the efforts to build, then his eyes dart around his peripheral once more, clear concern washing over his features. "i can't even begin to imagine what might have happened here; i feel for these folks, truly." even in their newly-forged shelters, were these people genuinely safe here? perhaps not. with that in mind, silv announces his worries.

"but it pains me to say that we're not out of the deep waters just yet. if a high tide were to come about, then we might all be washed up...literally..."

operation #2: ranger rescue
objective #3: address environmental hazards
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 17:15:05 GMT
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"it's...ah never mind..."

if he had a pokédollar for every time he'd been called that, then he'd have enough funds to start up his own institution of some great deal of variety. it'd practically become a pet peeve of his, but alas, none of that was important at this very moment. what was important, rather, was the task at hand: dip oneself into the unforgiving waters in search of essential resources.

and to think that silverio would be tasked with leading a rookie - or so he had claimed to be - in this expedition? oh, how fun indeed. "first time for everything, or so they say." and if he wasn't cautious enough, then this may likely be rex's last. skin-tight wetsuit well-fitted, oxygen tanks secured, goggles locked on. a brief glance in the direction of fellow rangers near a door, and a swift thumbs-up offered to them. the mention of lunch was undoubtedly inspiring, although...

"you do realize i'm one of those people whose volunteering to pay for that lunch, right? you're welcome." a deep breath passed through parted lips as he prepped for a dive into rubble that lied beneath the surface. "anyway, the sooner we can get this done, the better."

standing by was silverio's patented bubbly frog pokémon, signaling downward into the depths was the frogadier's cue to dive in ahead of the human pair. a silent command given to scout the waters below, only to return just moments later showing no signs of potential dangers. yet...

operation #1: deep salvage
objective #4: direct a pokémon to scout ahead for reconnaissance
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
[wops] silverio & anna
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 16:23:28 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

"right, leave it to us."

accepting of his assistance, she was. good, because it may require a complete team effort in order for anyone, let alone themselves, to proceed and survive this debacle in one piece. although his movement would be hindered by the waters converged around his ankles, silverio steps cautiously towards the doorway to examine the broken structure, seeking an opening in the debris' buildup. a gloved hand graps one end of the structure, then a dice, no budging. locked in tight was the shattered remains.

it was determined that a great deal of muscle was require for this task, thus, he scoots back to clear himself from the impending falldown of the blockage that would be enforced by his bulky companion. he calls for the golisopod, signaling for it to take immediate action. unfazed by the waters, the insectoid samurai skips ahead of the pack to crash into the piled-on debris with a broad shoulder. a small budge. the bug leaps back, then rushes forward into the blockage a second time. cracks begin to form.

one more push...

and finally, down goes the rubble, wildly splashing over the insect as the wreckage sunk into the rising waters below. silverio then looks toward his trusted frogadier. "you go on ahead, pal - see if there's anything else that may get in the way, or if there's anyone or anything that may need help." swiftly, the bubbly frog pokémon zooms forth, down to the lower levels.

a couple of steps down..."looks like it's getting worse..."

operation #4: environmental cleanup
objective #4: direct a pokémon to scout ahead for reconnaissance
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
[wops] silverio & elise
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 15:48:04 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar


a luxury that evidently no one had, especially now with parts of the world under immeasurable duress. and even more so, an aquatic metropolis doomed to oblivion in these trying times. distress signals flared, calling for those bold enough to challenge the vast seas themselves. alas, with heroes came developing stories that may forever change their lives. such is the case with one particular paldea native, once a battler for sport, and now he'd be battling for the lives of those who couldn't fend for themselves.

edificial structures falling, water levels rising. perhaps the most daunting task that silverio may have faced yet, one that he - or no one else for that matter - could afford to fall short in. citizens' livelihoods were at a great risk, and native pokémon's habitats were endangered. the mission profile was clear - to mount a rescue of any and all that were found to be trapped in the suffocating vicegrip that was sea mauville's imminent collapse. thoughts of worse-case scenarios ran rampant in the silv's mind as the unforgiving waters converged around his feet and shins.

he directed his bubbly frog pokémon to run ahead and scout for any victims, as well as any potential threats to them or the environment. positioned at his side was a six-foot, hard-scaled insectoid to serve as muscle for eliminating debris that would otherwise be deemed impossible to take down, or carry out victims that may not be able to move on their own. "hello!? is anyone out here!?" silv called out, wet steps forward, gloved hands shoving away small portions of what remained from nearby buildings.

he could only hope that he wasn't too late...

operation #2: ranger rescue
objective #4: direct a pokemon to scout ahead for reconnaissance
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
[wops] silverio & anna
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 7:09:27 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

a land seemingly in ruin...

but even so, there must be some capable of answering distress calls from those who'd find themselves on the brink of imminent peril. and yet, that was the reason he'd been summoned here - to assist in various efforts to diffuse the said troubles before unimaginable threats were to reach exponentially catastrophic proportions. what was that old saying? 'all hands on deck?' at this rate, if the ongoing deterioration would persist beyond the rangers' control, then their hands would undoubtedly be hitting the deck by the time this madness would come to its conclusion.

here, with shallow waves grazing their feet...

in an attempt to join the relief efforts, silverio would summon the strength of two aquatic companions of his, instructing them to lend their in clearing hordes of scraps, litter, and other forms of debris that would surely threaten the livelihood of sea mauville's inhabitants. his husky golisopod in particular was tasked with carrying out loads that would otherwise be likely immovable by other means. frogadier was assigned to run about and collect any litter that may have come about as a result of impending chaos.

a means to open a path for ailing folk to seek refuge elsewhere...

of course, the paldean himself dove headfirst in the ever-growing mess. gloved hands swiftly moved to push fallen materials aside to lessen potential risks. all the while, his sapphire irises alternating between the task at hand and the captain he'd been designated to support in this operation, waves of concern flooding over his features. "do you need a hand with that, captain?" he would offer his hard-scaled insectoid for help with the heavy-lifting if needed.

operation #4: environmental cleanup
objective #32: clear debris or other obstacles to create safe pathways
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 6:27:18 GMT
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so far, so good!

he could possibly get the feel for this sort of technique more quickly than he had anticipated. feeling the momentum building, silverio continued to ride the waves, and up to their apex once more. this time, to try to pull off yet another stunt...

the landing...may not be as clean...?

magikarp splash!
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 5:05:49 GMT
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he could faintly see the sparkles emanating from beneath the surface, but on the first attempt, he had come up empty. suffice to say that was to be expected, but if there was anything he had learned during his tenure as a battler, one of them was that one must persevere in the face of a challenge.

and what a challenge this ought to be...downward once more, into the depths.

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
soothing [sw]
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 2:50:15 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

the krookodile would continue his excavations, and that would then attract the attention of another curious creature, this one being much larger in stature than that floating heap from a moment ago and perhaps far more docile. silverio's eyes focused on the mischievous gator until a critter in the form of a goat dared to nudge him from the side.

"oh? yet another living organism that seemed to be drawn to silv in one way or another. apparently, his knack for attracting the most unexpected beings stood strong. the gogoat stood firm as the ranger moved to examine it. a healthy-looking goat, he thought, and a strangely friendly one at that.

what form of aura was silv emanating that may have gotten its attention? whatever it was, suffice to say he lacked control over it, not that it was necessarily a bad thing...and oddly enough, he'd find himself offering a means of acknowledgement to the gogoat. seeing this, the krookodile ceased his digging, taking the grassy animal's appearance as a sign to quit while he was ahead.

"nice buddy, huh...?" and maybe one that'd pay dividends somewhere down the line, perhaps.

catching (using a pokeball)
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
[wops] saskia & silverio
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 2:02:32 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

of all the people and the pokémon that may be on the brink of endangerment resulting from seemingly inevitable destruction, silverio had not considered the possibility that a fellow ranger would be among them. were they truly alone? and if so, the man could only wonder how they were managing to get by. in any case, one thing was certain, and it was that something needed to be done.


excitement bleeding out from the comms now, ears wide open for the apparent lost one's coordinates, which from the sounds of them, could be just about anywhere out in the open sea. although, the mention of debris would prove to be a solid hint. trapped amongst the rubble, perhaps. and so it was decided, silverio sets an objective for himself: help this person. up ahead, in the water, his frogadier croaks, signaling that he may have spotted something.

or someone, rather...

with the help of...smoke? a tactic all too familiar to the aquatic critter. coordinates set. "yes, i see you! stay right where you are, i'm en route to you now!" the paldean declares, then calls his frog back. full speed ahead to the doomed island plagued with debris. "let's clean this up!" he commands his golisopod upon touching down from the boat, inciting the help of his razor-sharp claws to slice up masses of junk and corroded materials across the littered sands on the way to meet thge wayward ranger.

several minutes pass before finally arriving at the position given away by the cloud of smoke. "hey, you alright? how long you've been out here?" he addresses the woman, noting the two small pokémon with her. before proceeding, he'd look to tend to all three, ensuring their safety and health.

operation #3: wildlife protection
objective #32: clear debris or other obstacles to create safe pathways
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
[wops] saskia & silverio
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 23:48:05 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

of all the times he'd ever ridden on the surface of any body of water, not once before had he been exposed to an ongoing catastrophe such as this. needless that this was to be one of his greatest challenges yet, if not the absolute most impactful one of his young tenure as a ranger. he could not recall a time during his run as a competitive battler lives would be changed for the worst.

and yet, strangely enough, he finds himself out at sea once more, en route to a locale where impending doom was apparent...

no, hold that thought! silverio was prepping to dispatch himself from a boat along with his two aquatic companions, a bubbly frog pokémon and a six-foot-tall insectoid, to survey the waters ahead for potential oncoming dangers when a voice reached him from the comms. how anyone hadn't answered at that moment was anyone's guess, and so he opts to take the matter into his own hands.

"ranger volosenkova?" he responds, all the while signaling his frogadier to take to the waters, having it presume the role of a scout - because it was the smaller and faster of his two pokémon - paddling to and fro several meters in front of the boat. "this is ranger delfino speaking - can you tell me your location?"

operation #3: wildlife protection
objective #4: direct a pokemon to scout ahead for reconnaissance
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
[M][C/Silverio] Collision Course
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 22:30:13 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

perhaps the paldea native could be considered a natural in pokémon riding after all, but if he were to receive any form of praise for such a feat, it would have to wait until the mission profile has been completed. and that? judging from the looks of how things may have transpired here, it may be a while before either silv or that apparent riding expert could pinpoint the culprit - if any at all.

the other man's sudden whooping cough raised some concern that could be clearly read on silv's features, but alas, there was no time tend to oneself unfortunately. right now, there were people that needed help, and every second wasted in their search for those ailing folks was a second lost.

small, quiet, calculated steps onward, following suit of the other lion pokémon's trail. after a few minutes, a strange wailing prompted silv's attention. the mysterious scent grew stronger with each step, rendering the man with a hand shielding his nose. "fire...? from a person? a pokémon? or..." the worst case scenario, "...both?"

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 21:23:42 GMT
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 7:18:19 GMT
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an experience unlike any he had ever engaged in back home. catching waves on the back of a pokémon was always a thrilling ride, but to do so for the sake of appleaing to the masses? as if he hadn't gotten enough attention when news of a foreign champion had ventured out here to study abroad. and now eyes would now be especially drawn to the paldean for one reason or another.

the waves trickled inward, prompting silverio to sail off on a borrowed mantine. no hesitation, and there was to be no margin for error in an attempt to land the fabled primarina twist. as he rose above the water's surface, his whole life in hoenn flashed before his sapphire eyes. a front flip, and then another, and finally...

touchdown...? so much for sticking the landing...?

attempting the primarina twist
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 6:57:25 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

suppose that an ounce of fun under the sun wouldn't hurt anyone, or at least, it wouldn't do much to deter a certain ranger from catching some waves. or some hidden treasures under the sea for that matter. maybe now was a better time than any to test his frogadier's swimming ability, or maybe not. silverio ought to consider enlisting the help of a better-known deep-diver.

in any case, this was sure to be an experience that's worth writing home about.

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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