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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
the bees' knees [m]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 21:07:25 GMT
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the combee seemed to be enjoying themselves whilst putting on a little for silv and his literally hot-headed primate. the group of bees pranced to and fro, up and down, their buzzes echoing in the pair's ears. the man himself wasn't bothered by them in the slightest, unless they would look to sting him, the infernape, or their friends airi and her delphox. the monkey on the other hand? well, you might say he was a tough customer, as he waved his massive hands across in attempts to shoo them away. but to no avail. "calm down, these guys are completely harmless - i think?" silverio instructed his fiery companion. had they embarked on this operation alone, just the two of them, the monkey's infernal rapture may prove costly.

but what was airi making of this scenario? ever the jokester, she was. stifling a laugh, silv turned to her. "i could say the same of you, airi. not that i'd have any problems with that, of course. in fact, i think this mission will be way easier by having you here with us." and that was no joke. he smiled back at her. everything seemed simpler with her around; suppose that knowing that he'd be getting ample support from her during their respective endeavors and vice versa had infused the man with a certain amount of confidence. a strange feeling, but one that would oftentimes prove to be mutually beneficial.

the swarm of combee would then suddenly direct their attention to the young woman and her (literally?) foxy friend. they proceeded to run circles around them along with silv and his monkey. "well would you look at that, it seems they've taken a liking to you too. if anything, they probably think that you're even sweeter than i..." then a pause, and finally reconvening in front of the group before slowly taking flight straight away and deeper into lush greens. "and there they go...let's follow 'em, but keep an eye out for any other potential hazards as well. with any luck, we might just find what we're looking for pretty soon..."

with slow, cautious steps, the scholar-slash-ranger would take point. weaving through the patches of greens and tall trees...he could practically smell the sweet scent of honey now...

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
[M][C/Silverio] Collision Course
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 19:33:57 GMT
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riding a pyroar was unlike any other experience of that nature of which silverio had before. they were fast, unpredictable, and in some cases...uncontrollabe! but strangely enough, control didn't seem to be an issue with this one. at the very least, the scholar was fortunate enough to have not thrown overboard with him falling flat on his behind. it was a rough ride, indeed. but one that he may consider partaking in again, albeit, under far better - calmer, more peaceful - circumstances. in hindsight, he longed for the day where he could live without the thought of impending risks. in his time here thus far, he'd come to learn that hoenn was chocked full of risks.

carefully, silv moved to dismount from the fiery lion and commenced a search for any other clues. if the loose bike chain had told at least a portion of the story here, it was that the damage done to the poor cyclists' wheels may have in fact been deliberate. but if that was to be deemed the case, then it would then be a matter of deduction - who the culprit(s) may be. gloved hands began quietly rummaging through the greens off the road in pursuit of another hint as to what may have transpired.

"could it be that the bikes have been completely dismantled somehow...? if that's the case, then the other parts have to got be around here somewhere...?"

a foul scent suddenly struck the scholar's nose, startling him for but a second. "hey, do you smell that...!?" some form of vapor? steam? gas? smoke? if there was smoke, then there had to be fire.

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
relax and reflect
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 17:19:49 GMT
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this feline, an intriguing creature indeed.

it seemed to know exactly what it was doing, or rather, what it appeared to be intent on doing. surely there must have been form of reasoning for it to seek out the young scholar and direct him away from what he'd been looking at just moments earlier. suppose that there was something else in this facility that would warrant his attention more? something bigger? or perhaps something more historically invaluable? whatever the case, this critter had garnered silverio's interest all the while. what it could be leading him to, that which remained to be seen.

he reached the pamphlet held out by the cat-like entity, taking note particularly of its undoubtedly razor-sharp claws - seemingly strong to slice anything and everything in two. "living history...? what was supposed to mean? what could it represent? suffice to say that he may learn about it all soon enough. a few strides behind the beast, he stepped forth, alternating eyes between what may have lied ahead and the pamphlet as he cautiously shifted between pages. like a journeyman on a daring quest to uncover treasures hidden in century-old ruins.

he'd soon find himself in an area vastly differing from that of which he stood a moment ago. eyes wandered, surveying every detail in this wildly contrast environment. materials and goods of that he'd never seen were on full display, all of which he could assume had been diligently cared for by those who are employed in this establisment. " this what you wanted me to see? i guess that old fossil will have to wait..." and wait, it shall.

the replicas of old pokéballs and breakdowns for some of today's pokémon along with those of days past had particularly caught silv's eyes. "these...?" a thought began to cook on the skillet in his mind, but was stopped by the sound of hard steps ringing in his ears. directed by the feline once more, he'd step away from the aforementioned sights for the moment, spotting a woman and a massive creature baring features akin to a deer. surprise clearly written on his visage. "is that...?" it certainly resembled a stantler, but...

"oh, hello," he then addressed the woman. "please, don't mind me. i was just checking out some fossils, and next thing i knew, i was lead here by...this one here." he stated, pointing out the feline. "quite the sharp one, i tell you."

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
Stories [M]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 16:30:08 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

this information was all brand-new to him, but alas, gaining any of it was for the sole purpose of learning. after all, that's why he was truly here in hoenn to begin with. an attempt to broaden his horizons around the mysteries of the world that remained unsolved to this day. politics were oftentimes a rather sensitive topic of discussion, but it was more than likely that not every region shared similar ideals. with that in mind, it was all the more reason why silverio would be invested in hearing about other regions' relations with hoenn.

his baby blues focused on the woman as she offered whatever form of information that she were openly willing to provide, nodding along as she went on, and the little rookidee trotting down to his shoulder which prompted him to stretch an arm out so that it could wander further downward, ultimately down to stand firm in his hand. it then returned its attention to the spectral mare, flapping its small wings wildly in excitement. " could say that paldea - where i'm from - is kind of similar in the sense of seeking to harbor good relations."

but that's not why he was here; he came to study the region in its entirety, suppose that life as ranger would help with that, and in exchange, he'd thought of it as a means to give back to pokémon - they had helped him some of the more challenging trials of life. "i never imagined myself getting acquainted with royalty though." eyes swiftly widened at a sudden realization...should he be bowing or kneeling to this woman right now!? "crap..." suppose that hoennian customs, as well as of those of other regions, were among the many subjects he'd sought to learn, and also to write home about.

silv's eyes then shifted between the woman and her peculiar companions, loose scratching the back of his head all the while. "sorry, almost forgot my manners there for a sec...i'm silverio delfino, and as aforementioned, i came here from paldea. i'm a scholar, and also a pokémon ranger that's being stationed here in rustboro. mucho gusto! nice to meet you."

and also intriguing to meet pokémon unlike that of any he'd ever seen before..."those are some interesting friends you have there."

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
city escape [dw]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 6:55:55 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

a sight to behold, indeed.

children and small pokémon flooded the streets like a tsunami, and yet somehow, silverio found the sight to be a rather therapeutic. after all, kids were oftentimes said to be the future of the world. how that future would shape up? it was damn near impossible to say anything about it for certain. but suppose that it was only natural for one to concern themselves more with now as opposed to later. and right now, his attention was particuarly drawn to something he hadn't come to expect - something that a person usually need to see for themselves in order to believe.

a baby...

a pokébaby!? a tug on his pant leg prompted the man's attention. how strangely adorable, but the child appeared to have been separated from its parent. "hey there..." he called out to the creature, dropping himself downward to meet the little critter at eye level. a sudden reminder of more peaceful times back in paldea, what with silv tending to small pokémon residing in his area along with his own family. the baby met the man with a disheartening expression. "you look worries, i got you."

for a few minutes, silv remained at the little one's side, wondering how could it have gotten here alone. that was until a hoarse cry jerked him back to reality, and when it did, a tall beast resembling a kangaroo marched forward to secure its young, eyeing the ranger with a curious visage. silence filled the air around them for a whole minute, then the mother kangaskhan ultimately decided that no ill intent was detected on the part of the paldean man.

it was then that...

someone recognized him, which to this point, shouldn't come as a surprise to silverio. the word around hoenn about him may have spread faster than he had anticipated. on the contrary, it was safe to say that he'd gotten no previous recollection of the woman who had just spoke out to him. with the pokémommy and child now back together although they remained closeby, interest in the raven-haired male emphatically piqued, silv's eyes focused on the pinkette. shaking his head, he'd reciprocate her greeting. "not the champ, per sé, but close enough i guess." he began, sapphire irises sparkling as they examined the woman and her pokémon, arms loosely crossed.

what a pair they must be...and yet the mention of...

"ah, so you're a leader of the gyms here? y'know...i've actually thought about partaking in the gym challenge here at some point. if it's anything like what i had experienced back home, then i'm sure that i'd be in for a grand ole time. maybe one day when the region isn't seemingly being plagued by...whatever's out there..."

what was out there, anyway? whatever it may be, perhaps it may be something he'd consider writing home about. so much for a warm hoenn welcome. he shook his head once more. "no red carpet for me, i'm afraid. although there really isn't anything special about me that would warrant one. i appreciate the sentiment though. name's silverio...or 'silvi' is fine if you're feeling lazy. it's a pleasure, miss...?"

catching kangaskhan
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
processed shop
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 5:32:55 GMT
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★ catch 5 ground-typed pokémon


★ catch a shiny pokemon or shiny swap a pokemon into its shiny form


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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
[DW][C/Silverino] War Wasp
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 6:08:35 GMT
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what form of technology was behind the making of such a contraption? suppose this was a mystery to be solved at a later date. regardless, the man couldn't but to wonder what sort of materials were invested into building it. or better yet, how much money was contributed into its production? a thought to be considered some other time. suffice to say that this seemingly otherworldly concoction was unlike anything he'd ever seen during his past adventures. in comparison to what he'd experienced during his past life as a pokémon trainer, that suit appeared to be far more advanced.

shaking his head as he observed the spectacle, silv contemplated as to what the process was for procuring one. his ceruledge, despite its stoic stance, may appear to be as equally puzzled by the strange equipment. "this is the first i've heard of it, let alone having seen one. seems like a lot of work was put into assembling it." silverio answered. was it really worth whatever form of expense it took to create it? or better yet, was it worth the energy seemingly sacrificed to use it?

"how does that work exactly...?"

as these thoughts lingered, other wild pokémon would direct their attention to the two rangers, with silv and his blade-armed partner narrowly avoiding the poison powder emitted by a lazily fluttering dustox.

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
city escape [dw]
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2024 17:52:52 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

to be one with nature usually meant having to be knowledgable with one's surroundings, especially in silverio's line of work. alas, there was much more to be learned about hoenn for the one-time paldean champion, even throughout his tenure in affiliation this region's league. there had been times where he'd take a step back and ask himself 'how did i manage to get myself into this?' and even now, somehow, he's failed to come up with a clear answer to his own question. with that in mind, it was safe to say that he would need more time to adjust to this ever-growing environment. on the bright side, seeing more of what hoenn had to more could mean more exciting things to write home about.

for the most part, at least...

given the current state of affairs, there was little time for leisurely outings such as today's. call him lucky in that sense, if you will. nothing in particularly was pre-emptively planned, so he'd take this day in strides, unless he were to suddenly receive some form of distress signal of course. alas, one could say that was wishful thinking, and so for the time being, silv would not allow himself to get his hopes up for some downtime. not a moment too soon, rather.


suppose that was on the agenda for today - the only thing, perhaps. the various attractions featured here in what is said to be one of hoenn's "hot spots" for entertainment, slateport. recreational features that were otherwise non-existent in silv's homeland for the most part. come to think of it, suppose that this was an ideal locale for a date. that is to say, if he were to have one. setting that daunting thought aside, silv slowly trotted along through the upper district, with his baby blues swiftly drawn to...

"what...?" must be something or someone so astronomically captivating to have caught his attention that quickly...

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2024 16:43:04 GMT
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she seemed to be content with his response, a relief.

knowing how to play the field and how to command one's unit on it were equally critical to one's success, or so he had come to believe in his own time invested as a trainer. the mention of gyms, however, especially hit home with the man. he could aptly recall his time spent traversing the lands of paldea in search of his 'treasure'. throughout the years, even while clearing the gym challenge there, he had come to realize that the prize he sought out was nothing purely physical. rather, it was the invaluable experience he had gained that had given it all any meaning.

"you don't say...i wonder what the gyms are like here...?"

but alas, suppose that was a story to be told some other time. for now, surely there must be a way to manuever around this massive, undomesticated swine, perhaps the one remaining obstacle standing between to the rangers and what silv could only hope to be an exit. maybe robin would be right in saying that it may not belong in this area. but in lieu of current events, who could possibly say for certain? not silverio, to say the least. one thing was for sure though, that being this obstacle needed clearance.

a menacing staredown ensued between the gargantuan hog and silv's dark knight pokémon, neither refusing to let up. the mamoswine abruptly look to thrash out at the dual-bladed soldier, but the ceruledge would meet the beast in kind with a punishing flare blitz.

a stalemate. the hog yielded, seemingly acknowledging its newfound adversary's power. "...well, that was unusual. but...i guess i shouldn't be surprised, given the current state of things..."


catching mamoswine
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
the bees' knees [m]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2024 20:01:17 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

suppose that there would be a lesson to be learned here, or a few at that. one of those lessons being that one must always be wary of their surroundings, especially in an environment that may yield potential hazards beyond anyone's imagination. the said hazards would likely include that of the aforementioned environment - natural disasters that were undoubtedly imminent in these trying times. another possible catastrophe one could think of? the chances of a wild pokémon running amok and wreaking havoc on fellow inhabitants of the outdoors, or on unsuspecting pedestrians for that matter. alas, matters such as these were precisely what a person such as silverio would be called upon to handle.

and of course, he was not alone in today's agenda.

a group of farmers had requested assistance in gathering an allegedly valuable resource. extracting combee honey straight from the sources? a tall order, indeed. not only, it was said applying some heat would emphatically help this process along more smoothly. for silv and his infernape, that may be easier said than done. but again, silv had not undertaken the task on his own. accompanying him was none other than dearest airi. funnily enough, the man would need at least as many hands as a bulky machamp to track the amount of time he'd been spending with her, whether it be to tackle an objective such as today's or to engage in more leisurely activity.

the paldea native and his flaming primate traversed the greens outside of fortree city in search of combee hives, all the while surveying the vicinity for other possible threats. after all, the last thing they would need right now was an unnecessary distraction. and as if they were waiting for a cue, a small swarm of the three-faced insects had come zooming in, playfully buzzing around silverio and the monkey, despite the latter's head crowned with flames. "cute..."

no hives in sight yet...better find one, quickly...

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
smoke out the bees
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2024 8:08:00 GMT
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to bee or not to bee, that is the question
for and i to answer
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2024 7:57:50 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar


quick before it perceives!

3X Level Tutor (150 RKS POINTS)
4X Pokéball (100 RKS POINTS)
Points are being tracked here
Affected Pokémon
Krookodile: Learned DIG and CRUNCH
Infernape: Forgot FURY SWIPES, Learned CLOSE COMBAT


come back if you dare!



save if you can!

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
cool under heat [dw]
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2024 7:44:11 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

"sidekick?? very funny." the man retorted in playfully sarcastic tone. alas, there were certain factors that were better off unknown - questions that were better off unaswered. in the case of silverio's background noise so to speak, his past life as a former paldea regional champion was a but a small tidbit that he didn't often share with anyone. in fact, since his arrival in hoenn some few years back, only a handful of folks outside of the league had ever gotten the pleasure or the privilege of learning that piece of information. alas, the decision to put competitively battling on the backburner in favor of learning was a choice made by silv, and only him.

the running jokes would continue, prompting a rare grin from the man. running away? perhaps from the proverbial skeletons in the closet. "on the run? well if i was to say that i was, would you try to catch me?" he feigned a sinister vibe, but remained stilled at heart. airi had been one of the rare few individuals that he felt comfortable with pausing that stone-cold exterior with. like, he could get away with being himself around her and not suspect any ill intent. who knows, suppose that the feeling would be mutual, it was how their partnership - and more importantly, their friendship - has retained its strength and value up to this point.

as the woman and her gardevoir went to work on another hopeless victim, a peculiar ghostly dragon could be seen floating idly by, silv and his ceruledge would pay it no mind. and yet, the dreepy seemed to be drawn to the pair of 'dark knights', lazily following suit behind them. hopefully, he and airi would soon break out of this and eventually make it to the springs before sundown...

catching dreepy

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2024 6:53:02 GMT
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with the bubbly frog pokémon taking point in their team's approach, a means of escape from the mother nature's infernal wrath seemed to draw near, until it hadn't. just as quickly as some of the flames had been quelled, others had begun to intensify. in the distance, cries and roars rung, signaling the young man that some troubled creatures may be afoot. on the ground, rhydon and krookodile continued to battle through the raging fire, and with their claws, they began to open up makeshift pathways for inhabitants to flee. alas, would their efforts be enough?

meanwhile, the frogadier kept up its efforts, spraying as much as of its water as it could muster. "you're doing great, keep it up!" silverio encouraged his amphibious friend, advancing into the chaos before a voice unbeknownst to him had just reached out, prompting him to swiftly turn in its direction. backup...ah! was this woman responsible for making that call for help? if so, then the man would offer his aid, as was his responbility. duty called, and silverio answered at this moment.

"i am, ready to assist, ma'am." he addressed the woman, shuffling his attire to shake off some of the dirt and char that may have built up on him. "silverio delfino, reporting. unfortunately, it's only myself, but i'll do whatever i can. just say the word."

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2024 3:34:13 GMT
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"it's hard to say..." what a loaded question.

but was there to be a right or wrong answer to it? in any case, silv would need to be cautious with his response, in which he would resort to silence as he considered while walking. perhaps the girl's view of him, aside from a first glance, may be impacted by his answer as well. so there was that to take into account as well. of course, he'd been out on the fields - as a trainer or otherwise - for long enough to possess some means of insight.

shaking his head, he decided that perhaps...

"i think that, as people in our position, to have a preference in that sense may be...less than ideal. from our point of view, to say we prefer to be doing one particular thing or to be in one certain area, we may see that as playing to our strengths. but from the perspective of those who need us to do other things or to be in other places, it may be seen as negligence. regardless of how many asses may get kicked, or how many lives can be saved..." or lost for that matter. "i think versatility in this field is just as crucial as diligence."

speaking of diligence, a lairon could be seen headbutting a wall in an attempt to break through it, but silverio would disregard it, allowing time for ceruledge to recuperate from its epic battle just moments ago.

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP