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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2024 0:16:43 GMT
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"yeah? i'm not much of a shiny hunter myself, but this? as luck would have it, huh...?" indeed, lady luck must have been smiling upon him from somewhere in the great beyond. and of course, even if it was of a species that the man himself hadn't been particularly found a need or a use for, there'd be no question in siezing the opportunity to add to one's collection.

"the border, huh?" a road less-traveled, perhaps? in any case, that little tidbit got his attention. "it's worth a look, when i'm not out on a job like this, that is." the mention of a particularly rare pokémon especially piqued his interest.

eyes widened, and focused as he considered the question, looking on as another metallic critter was brought down. this time, it was at the hands of the quagsire. was he truly more in tune with the wild than anything else? "you could say that. but at the same time, there could also be pokémon out in the wild that may need saving or may be in need of direction too, right?"

safety in numbers...

well, yeah! that's why he was here, after all. "speaking of wild..." ceruledge would now come to face to face with a creature that silv may otherwise would not have imagined seeing anywhere in the wild. a fated duel, or at least that was the vibe given off. a series of psycho cuts and blaze kicks would be exchanged between the dark knight and the bipedal avian combatant, a blaziken, bringing both to one knee. a stalemate, giving ample time for silv to launch a pokéball at the bird.

"and speaking of aggression..."

catching blaziken
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
EXTRACTION: Robin & Silverio
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2024 23:30:37 GMT
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the battle was won, but perhaps at the cost of the rangers' sanity. and soon enough, a hard pounding plagued the man's head. this must have been that apparent side effect that the girl had spoke of - stay in this strange place too long, and he may end up never leaving due to a collapse. with one set of fingers kneading an edges of his dome, silv would follow in procuring some of the precious materials that the spots were rumored to house. "short-lived...but with a long-lasting after-effect, it feels like..."

"dynamax, huh...?" suppose that was a concept to venture into at a later date. regardless, he was definitely going to need some downtime after all this.

"you've got some pretty solid fighters too, but yeah, i'm with you. let's just pick up what we need and go." as for what it was that he needed out of this ordeal, it was hard to say. perhaps after at least a few more trips, should he ever consider returning here that is, some things may present themselves a tad more clear. but for now, he was grateful to have seen another day, and on top of that, another unforgettable experience that was solemnly worth writing home about.

"thanks...for today..." that so-called hallucination might have done a number on his head already. time to break out!

lessen the load, then leave
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
EXTRACTION: Robin & Silverio
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2024 22:52:10 GMT
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"you'd really wanna watch that? well in any case, if the gym challenge here is anything like the one took i part in back home, then...yeah, i'd be up for it. maybe one day when the whole region isn't under some form of duress..."

he had to admit that hoenn's gym challenge was something that he had always considered participating in, mainly for the purpose of gaining some valuable learning experience. upon having cleared such a challenge in paldea, silverio felt that he had come out of as not only a stronger competitor, but a stronger person overall. he could only hope that the aforementioned opportunity, should it ever come to pass, would be much of the same in terms of the experience quality.

robin wasn't the only one who seemed to attract some of the more unusual pokémon, like that shiny stunfisk that silv ended up tripping over and ultimately capturing.

alas, the path through reminiscence would be cut short by the arrival of..."that's...?" were his eyes playing a trick on him? what was that about things being made real? before he'd have any time to assess the situation, robin and her fluttering partner dove into action. "give them a hand, will ya!?" he commanded his flaming primate.

infernape rushed forward to intercept the lucario with a fierce mach punch, only to be met in kind; a meteor mash from the lucario clashed with the monkey's fist, then the half-skeleton sought to engage in further close combat with the animal. a nifty form of acrobatics from infernape, however, was used to shake up those old bones. hopefully.

confronting a hallucination
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
EXTRACTION: Robin & Silverio
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2024 22:06:12 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

a fork in the road, right off the bat.

"left it is then." already, the pair of rangers were faced with a decision, one that would be quickly made by the girl on his behalf, and to which he would not object to. after all, learning the ways of this ongoing phenomenon? suppose that was to be added to the list of things he would have to try and understand. what fate awaits those who dared to challenge these depths every so often? whatever the case, one could only wish that they would live on to tell the tales. regardless of the context of these matters, silv mentally pushed him to keep his eyes forward.

but when faced with a daunting question, albeit a valid one, his mind snapped back into reality. or in this case, a realm akin to that of reality. "not necessarily." he began, with steps drawn in the intended direction. "long story short, i was a competitive pokémon trainer, once upon a time. infernape has helped me through countless battles back in those days..."

suppose that a brief trip down memory lane was needed to put silverio's mind and body at ease, if only for the moment. "when i decided to venture out here to hoenn from my home in paldea, ceruledge - who was at one point, a baby charcadet until recently - was a parting gift from my father. he's been with me ever since. their combined destructive power aside, they are some of my most trusted companions."

okay, so maybe the story wasn't short enough, as if that truly mattered any..."i answer your question, you could say that i've got a thing for strong fighting spirits; somehow i could sense that these two pokémon of mine have them. i could say the same about you and your quagsire too, actually."

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
EXTRACTION: Robin & Silverio
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2024 21:14:09 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

there was a fine line between a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and that of which can be considered one-of-a-kind. in the case of power spots right here in hoenn? suffice to say that they could be classifed as both. if they'd turn out to be anything similar to what he had experienced in his previous life as a trainer, that is to say in terms of phenomena among the seemingly supernatural, then one could assume that silverio may get a quicker feel for the nature of these spots than some others.

but it'd be unwise to jump to any form of conclusion straight out of the gates. upon arrival to the proposed meeting place with the girl who was bold enough to invite him here, he thought back on transpirings that led him here. his nerves and willpower were sure to be tested - among many other aspects of life. to say the least, journeying through this unparalleled structure in one piece was all that mattered. both he and robin, that is.

"i'm ready." answered the man, with goosebumps swarming his otherwise peerless skin. "here goes...something..." first time for everything, yes? but if were not to be cautious in his approach, this time may also be the last.

leap into the power spot
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2024 16:52:24 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

virtual reality...? rifts...?

this was all viable information to intake. after all, the primary purpose of traveling abroard for him was gaining an opportunity to learn as much about the world outside of his home as he humanly could - aside from current events, that is. setting the thoughts of impending doom aside for the moment, it would be wise to concentrate on the task at hand: continuing with this expedition, with many possible risks still lingering in the back of his mind. alas, no amount of morality could measure up to the cumulative resolve of a nationwide unit. or maybe...


discourse among rangers would surely prove to be detrimental not only to themselves, but also to the people and pokémon who needed them. best not to dwell on that right now. he'd rely on the info that'd just been given to him for the time being, etched into his consciousness with taps on his chin. "ghosts, huh? come to think of it...yeah, why not. i don't really mind them, despite all the nonsense about them being non-existent; it would be cool to see some for myself though..." he motioned, averting his eyes to his sword-armed companion in reference to it. the ceruledge itself was, in fact, partially a ghost.

expect the unexpected...?

if there was anything that silv had learned during his past life as a competitive pokémon battler, it was exactly this. of course, he hadn't expected to run into another person in this endeavor, and especially not some peculiar creature that he had just inadvertently trotted over. a oddly-colored stunfisk flailed about, only to be met with a swipe of the ceruledge's, uhh, edge!

"point taken..."

expect more of the unexpected, silv.

catching shiny stunfisk
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2024 5:38:55 GMT
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shipwrecks were an imminent sign of danger. alas, danger was the very entity that he'd be employed to combat against. thusly, it should not have come as any surprise to the former paldean champion that a report featuring a swarm of aquatic bug pokémon has been running rampant along the waters surrounding lilycove and needed to be put under control. needless, silverio was more than willing to take on what was sure to be terribly daunting task.

accompanied by his trusted amphibious partner, frogadier, the man set forth. only to be met one of those massive insects head-on. with its gargantuan claws, it sought to slash through its apparent opposition like a samurai in a fated duel at dusk. on his trainer's cue, the bubbly frog pokémon bounced way high to avoid the attack, then launched a direct hydro pump. it may not prove to be as effective as normal, but at the very least, it would serve as a distraction so that anyone nearby could steer away to safety.

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
[M][C/Silverio] Collision Course
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2024 5:14:05 GMT
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"sure i have, just not one of this type..."

bold of him to assume that he's never done anything like this before. back in paldea, riding with a cyclizar on land was a common occurrence, and corviknight was ideal for air rides. but a pyroar on the other hand? one must have possessed something akin to a deathwish if they would even consider it as a means of transportation. most times, it'd be difficult enough to tame or capture one, let alone ride one. for that, suppose that silv ought to give credit where it was due. and there were three of them available at that!

impressive, indeed...

the smallest of the pride appeared to have taken a liking to the man, much to his surprise. and easily enough, silv was allowed to mount the feline without much of a struggle. saddling the cat was one thing, but striding atop of it was another thing entirely - as he would soon learn. with the wind in his face as he grappled the reins as if they were the last thing standing between him and imminent doom, silv and kion sprinted not far behind their party leader. they'd come to a halt just as josh did.

eyeing the indicated clue, the search commenced for any other signs of the victims. a clinking noise would ring at silverio's and kion's feet, prompting the man to lend another look downward. lo and behold..."here...looks like a bike chain; it must've turned loose somehow...something tells me that however this happened, it may not have been accidental..."

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
[DW][C/Silverino] War Wasp
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2024 0:20:50 GMT
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the naked eye was clearly unsuited for this sort of view. as quickly as the captain had geared up, she was buzzing through the air, very much like the oversized bee whose wing she saddled up on. silverio wasn't quite sure on what to make of this showing, whether he should be mesmerized by the sight of a blinding light zipping to and for, or distraught because his bare eyes simply could not keep a proper track on the woman and her pokémon. either way, having that sort of capability was more than impressive enough in itself.

he and his dark knight pokémon weren't the only ones enjoying the show, apparently. two other creatures emerged, their interest seemingly piqued. the swalot particular wiggled about, whereas the floragato praised the rider in the form of applause. if silv hadn't been practically blinded by the sight of that performance, then he'd be applauding as well. nonetheless, a person with the unique capability like hers was sure to held in such high regard.

the two loose pokémon appeared to pose no threat, and so the man would leave them both to their own devices. "that was quite something; never seen that sort of thing before..."

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
cool under heat [dw]
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 23:14:51 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar

a little known fact revealed.

naturally, anyone would be taken by surprised by the former paldean champion's tiny tidbit. surely at some point, the league must have had a way to run a background check on anyone that would be affiated with them, including the ranger corps. silverio had never mentioned the particular notion about himself to airi, among many others. because, one, he plainly assumed that it was common knowledge to his peers. and two? "well, i don't recall you ever asking about my past life as a trainer. or maybe you had once and i forgot. either way, i guess the delcatty's out of the bag now!" he teased the woman, a hearty laughter that could heard throughout the dark corridors soon following.

an unexpected touch upon him would render him red in the face for but a moment until it was swiftly retracted. it was at the moment where airi's own signature pokémon would come into play. "it's about time you decided to join the party!" he jested again. normally, he would joke about himself having to 'carry' airi, since she often preferred to remain on the back lines and assist with tending to the wounded, which was a fair and valid motion in its own right. after witnessing the gardevoir make quick work of both the small critter and the four-armed superpower, he feigned impression with a exasperated whistling. "i gotta say, you and your buddy there aren't bad yourselves, airi."

a roar in the immediate distance!

"and here comes another new challenger!" a dynamic punch from a crabominable would miss wildly. the ceruledge would use this leverage to its advantage, delivering a swift psycho cut to its back, downing it in one fell swoop, and leaving it wide open for a ball to secure it.

catching crabominable

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 18:54:10 GMT
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"seeing things out of order, you mean...?"

ideally, upholding order could also be seen as a method of contributing to a community and its peers. were the concepts of assistance and enforcement truly that much different? suppose that the duties of a ranger weren't all black-and-white, but all of the colors and saturations in between would often require a means of emphasis. on the flipside, how much of that coloring could be considered 'too much' or 'too little'? who knew for certain, really? "fair enough...i think i'm about as ready as i'll ever be." once an accomplished competitor, now a man that would soon to be involved in a fight for survival.

what a transition this was turning out to be thus far...

power spots? here in hoenn? if silverio's interest hadn't been piqued before, it surely was now. of course, there were stories told of their origins, but never before had he seen one at work - at least not with his own eyes. acknowledging the tidbit given as a form of invitation, he'd accept it with a faint hint of a smile. "yeah, i'd like that. it would be cool to-huh!?"

a crashing sound emanating behind him, and with it, a metallic beast downed. courtesy of the dark knight pokémon. "what doin' alright back there?" asked the ceruledge's trainer, in which the blade-armed soldier offered a salute, indicating that it was still in one piece. and what a specimen that was brought down. tossing a ball at the duraludon nonchalantly, silv determined that the alloy pokémon may prove to be beneficial to his success somewhere down the line. "good..."

his attention returning to robin, he'd ask "so...what other tricks does hoenn have up its sleeves?"

catching duraludon
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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
relax and reflect
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 6:41:36 GMT
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ancient history being told through the form of an small, rugged object. questions began to boil in the cauldron at the back of silverio's mind. among those questions, the most common being something along the lines of what the trinket used to be. there must have been a meaning to it, something phenominally unique. something extinct, perhaps. naturally, if it was made to represent a certain species, then it could be safe to assess that the creature in question may have ceased to exist at some point in history. suppose that was one of the many things that silverio had come to learn here today.

but it appeared that he was not alone here...

footsteps? those aside from his own? the man should've expected as much, for this was an establishment designed for all of the general public to indulge in after all. but then...a sound? no, was it a voice? whatever it was, it did indeed prompt the ranger's attention. he turned to get a look at the source of..."oh...?" now there stood a specimen unlike any that he had ever seen before. widened eyes examined the creature, his interest undoubtedly piqued. "what...are you?" anyone in his shoes right now could ask the same question, probably.

it motioned for him to follow suit...

to where, exactly? "ah? is there something else here that you want me to look at...?" such was the beauty of museums - there were mysteries waiting to be uncovered by their guests at every turn. this creature, to silverio at the very least, seemed to be a mystery in and of itself. it did, however, bare some form of resemblance to a particularly well-known pokémon. with his rapidly increasing curiosity getting the better of him, the man stepped forth in pursuit of the unfamiliar bipedal being.

suppose he could learn something from it...?

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 6:18:39 GMT
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trouble seemed terribly eager to find people in any way possible. in the case of a particular ranger that had been taking more time in traversing the vast region in the attempt to gather as many bearings as possible, trouble had more frequently found him as opposed to some other folks. but of course, he'd been employed to contend with said trouble every now and again - especially now with a seemingly inevitable war looming on the horizon. regardless of the context of a potential problem, his job was to help solve it. plain and simple.

silverio just happened to had been dispatched to petalburg when a distress call was received. something about a fire that could spread to catastrophic proportional if not dealt with immediately. obviously, the man hadn't anticipated an impending disaster striking other than...actually, no, let's not talk about right now. perhaps the paldea native's biggest challenge yet; the livelihood of both people and pokémon alike may undoubtedly be threatened by a seeminly uncontrollable inferno. alas, at this point in time, dangers such as this should not come as a shock to silv.

"i'll go."

without question or hesitation, he volunteered his service, and soon enough, the sounds of fires cracking and the scent of charred wood plagued the man. but he would battle to endure it en route to the source, a near-breathless dash out of the city and onward towards the woods. here, he could already see herds of pokémon that inhabited the area anxiously vying for any means of escape. no time to think, and perhapas only seconds allotted for the ranger to act.


drawing from each hand and out from the balls he held, a frogadier, krookodile, and rhydon emerged. the tasks that their trainer would assign to them were but simple instructions, yet critical, and of equal importance. frogadier for its water power, and the others for their natural resistance to intense heat. "frogadier, use your hydro pump to help keep those flames from getting out of hand! krookodile and rhydon, i want you two to get in there, and help get everyone out and into safety! quickly!"

by their trainer's command, the two ground-type pokémon rushed headfirst into the chaos. meanwhile, seismic bursts of pressurized water began to project from the mouth of the frogadier. if the frogadier couldn't completely extinguish the flames, at the very least, silv could only hope that he can contain it enough to ensure the safety of anyone or anything affected by them.

and with those, silverio himself resumed his dashing through the burning woods. one scary thought crossed over the back of his mind...would he be too late...?

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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silverio delfino
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 2:57:33 GMT
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[attr="class","fa fa-check-circle pos icon"]


[attr="class","fa fa-heart"]

thanks for the 'detour' the other day,
let's do it again sometime! (:

[newclass=".hoeapp b"] font:bold 12px/11px 'Poppins'; } .hoeapp i { letter-spacing:0.5px; color:#a9a9a9; border-bottom:1px dotted; [/newclass]
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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP